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/fa/ - Fashion

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15727572 No.15727572 [Reply] [Original]

>24 years old
> 1mil net worth and rising
How should I dress anons?

I dont have a traditional job, so I cant do that finance aesthetic. I trade commodities from my laptop.

>> No.15727584

dress like a typical poor man but not homeless.

>> No.15727587

thats... how i dress now anon...

casual clothes is just hoodies, sneaks and joggers...

>> No.15727591

Wear what you like, it's that simple.

>> No.15727594

Fashion is marketing, how do you want people to think of you?

>> No.15727597

Rich but not up my own ass ygm?

Kinda like a chill millionaire because thats how i am

>> No.15727598

Literally who cares. You're well on your way to having fuck you money, dress how you want.

>> No.15727600

How ever you want, why do u want to dress better than your currently do, what’s your goal, how are you built, what things do u like. What kind of outfit do you think look good on other people. Nobody can just give you a personal style especially when they know nothing about you

>> No.15727603
File: 923 KB, 1635x2025, Louis_XIV,_King_of_France,_after_Lefebvre_-_Les_collections_du_château_de_Versailles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back based Sun King core.

>> No.15727604

Lol, 1 mil net worth is not rich. If you want to say you're rich try making 1 mil a year. A decent house in any major city is almost one mil.

>> No.15727612

>1 million

Wow, faggot, good one.
Try buying a house in a medium sized city, then come back.

>> No.15727648

OP is in the top 1% of the world’s population in terms of wealth. U nigger really saying he isnt rich because he’s a millionaire?

>> No.15727650

Post bank balance, larper

>> No.15727659

Most of my wealth is in commodities friend. Do you know how financial assets work?

Actually if i combine ALL of my assets, financial,fiscal and physical im about 2.5$ mil rich + waiting for dad to die so i get the mansion.

>> No.15727672

Most people are poor. 1 mil net worth is basically middle class in the first world.

>> No.15727685

>dad to die
ok rich boy I wonder where the small loan of 1 million came from to start trading commodities?

>> No.15727688

>most people are poor
>therefore if you have more than 99% of the whole world youre still poor
If i had a million in cash id be set for life because
Im not an overspending nigger

Meanwhile nearly everyone in a first world nation will wage to the bone until their 50s and they MIGHT be a millionaire in rare occurrences. Let alone OP being 24

>> No.15727691

Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps and be born moderately wealthy bucko.

>> No.15727693

Larping larper can't prove shit, simply a poorfag living in a world of his own delusions, sad!

>> No.15727697

I started with 2k and made it to 200k in about a year. Then when the oil futures malarkey happened earlier this year i capitulated and won out for a cool 1.4 mil

>> No.15727702

Nope. Am a legit millionaire due to covid.

>> No.15727708

cringe and notbasedinrealitypilled. Go LARP somewhere else

>> No.15727709

good work anon, dont let the others hold you down. I make quite a bit now from real estate. passive income is the closest thing to freedom that i can think of. you will make it.

>> No.15727715
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 05993046-E19E-4A7A-B1CD-4F7936934A59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Not larping. Legit millionaire.

Does that give you negative emotion?

>> No.15727721

It makes me cum

>> No.15727733

Trust me guys I'm a millionaire

No I won't show my bank balance

You gotta believe me

>> No.15727743

Why would he give a shit about proving this?

>> No.15727745
File: 41 KB, 472x583, 4A79EE76-2AE8-4EDE-A6E1-28C2C45CEA2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger really doesn’t understand what net worth means does he

>> No.15727771

Net worth of a millon dollars nis very very very low.

I'm probably worth that.....I'm fact most people in california are worth that.

650k for a 3 bedroom, your car, all your assets, savings, investments, guitars amps bitcoin. Etc.

Basically it means that if you sold everything you had right now and zeroed everything out standing naked in the street would you have a million dollars in cash?

Most people will say yes to that...

>> No.15727787

This was a nice LARP thread

I had fun pretending I was a big boy

Mommy says I should get some sleep so I'm not grumpy tomorrow

Night night guys

>> No.15727798


>> No.15727806

>1 million
>top 1%
not even close my dude

>> No.15727825

> According to the OECD in 2012 the top 0.6% of world population (consisting of adults with more than US$1 million in assets)

Retarded nigger

I legit think /fa/ is the brainlet board. Buncha fucking retards in here

>> No.15727827
File: 594 KB, 2048x2048, EaqKeGYXYAAUvYf.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not larping. Legit millionaire.
Sure thing, anonymous frogposter on 4chan

>> No.15727833

Actually that is true. Do you realize how poor nearly everyone in the world is? The vast vast majority of people in the world will never reach earth 80k net worth.

>> No.15727986

Dress like a punk or skinhead. That'd be funny.

>> No.15728080

powerful retard energy from stabros

>> No.15728092

>I started with 2k and made it to 200k in about a year.
This pretty much proves youre full of shit, OP, no one makes 100x their investment in a year unless youre some inside trader. Get lost.

>> No.15728098

retarded spoiled children

>> No.15728506

gee almost like there was something that happened this year that made options and futures incredibly volatile.

Stay poor you low IQ nigger. If you cant seize the opportunity when you see it you will always be bottom of the barrell subhuman

>> No.15728511

This is absolute bullshit. If this were true california wouldn't have home owners, lexus wouldn't be a car company. And nobody would have a savings account.

>> No.15728520
File: 1.96 MB, 1668x2224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your daddy is very generous to give you a small loan starting out in life!

>> No.15728525

Are you doing rich people shit? Then dress like the people around you.
If you're just living life as you always have then dress like you already are.

>> No.15728546

Any cool indies or algos you recommend?

Btw most of /fa/ are larpers. Maybe spezzatura general has some ok advice. I'd say try to get into the cyberpunk fashion. You'll look modern and can make your appearance unique af.

>> No.15728561

dress however you like mate

>> No.15728565

What the fuck are u talking about u?

>> No.15728570
File: 31 KB, 600x568, CDBAFC86-BE5C-439C-BF77-009FBE89586B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy just pretending? Or is he legit this low IQ?

>> No.15728576

have you thought about buying clothes and wearing them
maybe you should get a wife beater and some of those boxing shorts and cheap sandals

>> No.15728579

that way if youre feeling fancy you could put on your
>nice shirt
over the wife beater and nobody would know if you smoked crack or not

>> No.15728708
File: 56 KB, 621x702, vO7lRZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you are legit subhuman

>> No.15728721

what the fuck

>> No.15728806

Upvoted :)

>> No.15728809

Go to some profesional personal stylist. Or buy custom made tailored clothes from expensive natural material(cashmere, silk, linen...)

>> No.15728816

That assumes you have no loans or anything which is very unlikely at the age of 24 in your scenario

>> No.15728826

>have no loans or anything which is very unlikely at the age of 24

I have no loans lol. I went to public school and got a scholarship.

>> No.15728873

And do you live in a 650 000 house in CA?

>> No.15728883

you're not even really rich and you already sound like a rich fake humble faggot

>> No.15728887


>> No.15728897

I had zero student loans coming out of undergrad, grad I had loan of 25k half of what I needed paid off in two years ..I have less income than most Americans. No debts, buy used cars.

I think the 0.6% of americans having a net worth of 1millon

Incorrectly assumes that net worth means access to capital.

I couldn't come up with a million dollars tomorrow....i think only 0.6% of americans could....but the summation of everything I own everything in retirement, my vehicles, savings, crypto, tooling (I have welders, bridgeport, 3d printer farm), equity in home, and every little random knick knack is around there.

I'm in my mid-30's. And I'm probably below average for my age range. I'd say most people I went to high school with have nicer shit like lifted f250 trucks, boats, rvs, motorcycles and shit. Some of those trucks being six figures vehicles...

>> No.15728912

solid tees, jeans/chinos
extravagant coats/jackets, shoes/boots

>> No.15728917

No think about the stuff in your house, solar panels, $15,000 is what mine cost toshibas. $22,000 on an central air conditioning install.

You play magic the gathering? That modern deck...the cheapest one is $1000 in retail. While collection is probably worth at least $4k not counting the signed alters, signed limited playmates and shit.

How many ar-15s do you own? I can build 6 right now. Minimum armslist price on a basic ar-15 right now is $1500. $2000 for a gucci one

Like go around see how much everyday shit is worth

>> No.15728922

And a prusa mark3s.... everyone owns one of these right....$1000 printer....

>> No.15728925

So you paid your 650k CA house upfront? No loans or anything? I mean I'm glad that you've succeeded in that but to think that people generally live without loans is just patently wrong.

>> No.15728929

i didnt think sieg could be that bad until i saw this thread

>> No.15728938

A mil networth would maybe be impressive 40 years ago but now its pretty much chump change especially at 24 years old. Don't @ me till you at least quadruple that

>> No.15728953

What loans does the average person have? You don't run a business...so no business loans... A mortgage....a car payment if the apr is lower than inflation/the yield on your portfolio.....what other debts do you have? Why do you have them? Impulse buys? Bad decisions....I don't believe most people are in debt other than mortgage and maybe some 21-25 year olds have a tiny amount of student loan debt

>> No.15728981

Why dont you count mortgages as loans you ape. Its the biggest loans most people have.

>> No.15728999

>I had zero student loans coming out of undergrad, grad I had loan of 25k half of what I needed paid off in two years

You realize student loans have so many different programs to either freeze or reduce interest payments that paying it off as slowly as possible is beneficial. Reinvesting 12.5k per year instead of paying it all to loans while doing minimum payments would be far more beneficial

Also why wouldnt mortgages count as loans you've literally not said one single true thing

>> No.15729067


sieg you are actually retarded. I mean that. Like you are a fucking moron and I doubt you will ever amount to anything in real life.

>> No.15729199

>still no positions

>> No.15729471

Here you go. Lots of high quality basics. If they fit you well they will last you a long time.

>> No.15729481

>world population
fucking retard

>> No.15729496



>> No.15729506

it's only gotten worse since then, dumbass

>> No.15729519

I have no idea which is funnier: the guy pretending to have a million dollars or the people pretending that having a million dollars makes you poor
God this entire website is so fucking gay and stupid and sadly this is the best board

>> No.15729535

>this is the best board

>> No.15729734

>this is the best board
No. And no I'm not telling you which are better.

>> No.15729749

how to get started in commodity trading? Where did you learn and whats your workflow?

>> No.15729750

Corpse husband is that you?

>> No.15729758

why the fuck would somebody continue to live and work in burgermuttland with $1 million? Just go to a third world country, retire, and live like a king. Shit you could prob do this in countries like spain, portugal, italy and greece

>> No.15729760
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 1601587459823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God this entire website is so fucking gay and stupid and sadly this is the best board

Cheers m8

>> No.15729787

So you inherited an average sized house in a major city?
Hardly anything to brag about desu.

>> No.15731802

Ask me how I know you live in the Am*rica/the 3rd world

>> No.15731879

Money is cool and helps a lot but it seems you failed to develop your character and style in the last decade. What happened OP?

>> No.15733094

You don’t pay a million dollars for a million dollar house

>> No.15733694

>Lol, 1 mil net worth is not rich.


>> No.15733716

> Reinvesting 12.5k per year instead of paying it all to loans while doing minimum payments would be far more beneficial

No it wouldn't, it would have accrued interest at a. Much faster pace than any investment.

> Freeze interest payments.
Income based /need based only.

The make minimum payment thing is true for cars with 0.0% interest. Which I do take advantage of. But that's only for two years a time with most cars so I had to pay off my Toyota.

They obviously don't give 5-6+ year loans at 0.0% otherwise I'd drive a camry for 10 years throw the savings into a high yield dividend share and do minimum payments only.
But idiots like you think that paying interest is fine as long as it raises credit score so you're financing phones, cars, thinking you're coming out ahead with 10%-11% apr on financed shit

And you only talk about investments beating that financed rate for the 2-3 months that's true then you shut the fuck up about yielding less return than interest because you kinda know you're living above your means and that's your cope.


> Hurr you can't have a positive net worth if you owe on anything.

Fucking stupid.

If I borrow $10 from a buddy but my savings account has $55k in it. In your mom my net worth would be -$10

>> No.15733751

If you have a million dollar net worth chances are you probably have somewhere between $15,000-50,000 in savings and checking accounts.

The rest of it would be tied up in various assets.

Nobody with a million dollar net worth has it in a trash bag walking around.

The only people that can do that are billionaires.

Like Jeff bezos doesn't have a bank account that just says 30 billon dollars bro!

>> No.15733783

no one is believing your bullshit

>> No.15733812

Fucking retard. This board is dumb as fuck and underage. I hate most of you faggot retards.

>> No.15734037

full celine

>> No.15734044 [DELETED] 

Found the guy with "entrepreneur" on his social media profiles.

>> No.15734054


Found the guys with "entrepreneur" on their social media profiles.

>> No.15734059

Do you have zero personality?
Like, are you seriously asking people to tell you how to dress? I've hired image consultants and not even they will tell you what to wear. You're the one who decides your style. Then it's up to them to help you pull it off, but you're asking what style of clothes you should wear?
It seems to me either you have no personality or you just don't care about clothes at all.
>Rich but not up my own ass ygm?
Preppy. Vineyard vines, that kind of stuff. Don't wear black, don't wear synthetic fabrics, don't overdress.