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File: 2.24 MB, 1000x1652, chinkeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15723413 No.15723413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And that the chink eyes meme is just idiots being racist

There's nothing more attractive than narrow eyes with positive canthal tilt, not even the deepest blue

>> No.15723415


>> No.15723416

God i wish I were that

>> No.15723426

cope harder you small dicked gook

>> No.15723430

Not korean (still full blooded asian)
1 SD above average length and 95th percentile girth
Try again

>> No.15723431

your slanty eyes arent gonna add an extra inch to your baby dick

>> No.15723432
File: 867 KB, 2500x1563, fxcvvvvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I watch aston villa play I cant help but admire Mings eyes. got warrior eyes

>> No.15723434

I have a similar eye area and am still only a 6 or so. You also need good bone structure, hairline etc for it to work.

>> No.15723439

Asian people dont count. For instance the guy on the bottom right, you can very clearly see his eye sockets. If you punched him around the eye area his brow ridge wont protect his eyes as well as the western guys. It just gives off the illusion of that because of lack of eyelids. He doesnt have hunter eyes. The purpose of 'hunter eyes' is because theyre deep set in the eyes with cheekbones and eyebrow ridge to protect them. look at the distance between his eyes and brow ridge, Terrible protection. Not warrior/hunter eyes

>> No.15723442

>(still full blooded asian)

Never even began

>> No.15723445

Continued. but to be fair with those huge cheekbones and big brow ridge (despite it being further away than the western guys) itd probably be hard to fuck up his vision with a punch. but I feel like if you landed a strange blow to his face you could easily get him in the eyes

Whereas Mings, no chance >>15723432

>> No.15723455

Where you based anon, let me take you out to drinks if you're near me and we'll see how many bitches each of us can pull
Anyone with the training to be able to throw a decent punch has the knowledge to aim at the jaw, not the cranium, literally the strongest of joints in the skeleton while the knockout button is 4 inches lower
Still, nice excuses

>> No.15723458
File: 178 KB, 936x1404, haymaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on smooth brain, try to keep up. Why do you think cheekbones exist? WHY do you think prominent high cheekbones are seen as more attractive? why do you think deep set eyes are seen as more attractive? Why do you think big brow ridges are seen as more attractive?

Its because it makes you a better, more protected fighter. Having bug eyes is like being completely exposed whereas deepset eyes protected by a literal bone shield brow ridge to protect from 'straight on' blows and the cheekbones protect from blows coming from the sides.

Girls dont find cheekbones and brow ridges attractive for no reason. Its a biological indicator that you are a better fighter. It has nothing to do with 'le boxing game theory optimal jaw punch'. back in the day before boxing for sport if you had bug eyes you were HUGELY disadvantaged to hunter/warrior eyes.

If you have high brow ridge and high prominent cheekbones you have a bone shield around your eyes. even if someone punches you straight on its likely to stop at your eyebrow and no permanent damage to your eyes. Ben linus on the other hand. a haymaker to his face would blind him

>> No.15723470

Asians still have high cheekbones son, although the brow ridge is admittedly a fault

>> No.15723472

yes, see here>>15723445

>> No.15723474

1 SD above average girth in asia which is about 3 inches well done bro

>> No.15723566

my whole life ive been mocked for my chinese-tier eyes (I'm white). you're telling me I am considered attractive now?

>> No.15723582
File: 138 KB, 1024x1200, 936534d0b82b77cf0ffbac92010ee38ea3-06-al-pacino.2x.h600.w512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be a model sure but I have heard other types of eyes called attractive before. Young Paul McCartney and Al Pacino come to mind even though they don't have that hooded, hunter eye look.

>> No.15723600


The tl:dr version of the article is that you can see a man's natural fighting prowess in his facial width. Base testosterone highly correlates with facial width. Nowhere does it talk about cheek bones and hunter eyes.

If your thesis were true then world class boxers, wrestlers or mma fighters would have model looks and the models in OP would have the potential to be world class fighters.

>> No.15723607

kek why the fuck do you have your dick stats on hand

>> No.15723617
File: 610 KB, 790x561, best ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boxing isnt the same as fighting in tribes pre-agriculture with minimal training. Also they have gloves on. use your brain

Look at the best ever, mike tyson. That brow ridge and cheekbones

>> No.15723620
File: 102 KB, 616x476, best ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Continued. honestly lad if you cant put 2 and 2 together I worry for your IQ.

>> No.15723622
File: 102 KB, 616x476, best ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the underlining

>> No.15723633
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, Valuev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nikolai Valuev, a man who had 53 professional boxing bouts and never hit the canvas once. Look at that head, nothing is going to knock him out. Thats an exaggerated example of how deep set eyes, brow ridge and cheekbones protects the face

>> No.15723635


The closest he ever came to falling over for anyone curious.

>> No.15723637

>That brow ridge and cheekbones
does that make him a model?

>> No.15723642
File: 8 KB, 284x177, good looking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was good looking

If you dont understand that women find features attractive that make them a better leader, fighter etc then.. i dont know man, go read lol

Same with women. Womens features are all about baby making and fertility. Fat distribution, tits, hips, hair, facial symmetry, skin

>> No.15723649
File: 27 KB, 640x638, 1470340594478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was good looking

>> No.15723652

Look man stop trying to deviate from my original point.

My point is that cheekbones, jawlines, brow ridges, deep set eyes are seen as attractive because it makes for better fighters and better leaders.

To be a model you need that plus facial harmony.

>> No.15723659
File: 8 KB, 250x209, 1480519452854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not him. I just like to mess with lookism fags.

>> No.15723664

I dont use lookism and i dont have body dysmorphia. Its just fakts. I like to understand how the world works and the root cause for things rather than just whims and magic or whatever average joe thinks

>> No.15723739

Tyson was/is a stud

>> No.15723789

only chico and bottom left looks good here. left middle looks especially ugly, like he's wearing the face of someone else

>> No.15723897

Cope kike boot licking whitoid small dicked cuck

>> No.15723936

god this board is cancer

>> No.15723954

I'm confused. Isn't hunter eyes a lot more common in whites/blacks and not asians? Sure we asians have narrow eyes, but we also have a relatively flat face and our eye sockets are not sunken in. I thought these hunter eyes only really make sense on those with sunken eye sockets, because that prominent bridge over the eyes is also seen as more masculine and attractive on men. Most asians don't have a high nose bridge either.

>> No.15723955

there's 5 billion chinks.
that's why their using chink looking models.
to reach that huge market.

>> No.15723970

what the fuck is lookism

>> No.15723986

Because he's Asian hahahah. He has that in his holster like a shuriken

>> No.15724003

No surprise the guy who made this thread is a chink. There is a clear difference between the 4 men in the image who do have hunter eyes and the asians on the bottom. He just made this thread to make himself feel better about his chinkoid eyes. Cope harder chang.

>> No.15724010

seethe harder frog looking cucked eyes. Hunter eyes will always be effay

>> No.15724022

he was. most boxers are at least above average in terms of looks imo. good ones at least