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File: 2.57 MB, 640x800, latina gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15693408 No.15693408 [Reply] [Original]

how should I dress in order to acquire a latina gf?

>> No.15693408,1 [INTERNAL] 

Depends what kind of latina.

It's more about personality than how you dress.

>> No.15693421
File: 76 KB, 800x1300, 2293ABE9-D87E-4F35-90FA-C40B44039BCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also smell like tequila

>> No.15693433

Also blast this 24/7 wherever you go

>> No.15693445

just be white

>> No.15693448

Where the fuck are the latinas that look like this, the ones that live near me look nothing like that.

>> No.15693449
File: 90 KB, 850x637, 66d247d3c5c461d8e8c4870a7970fb38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. also 75% of Latinas go bad but some can actually keep their figure.

you know what Mrs Bush isn't doing so bad for being an abuela

>> No.15693683

Beaner here, can confirm
>Be white
>Be tall
>Be white
>Go to shithole

>> No.15693809


>> No.15693885
File: 263 KB, 806x608, Alpha-M-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody mention spicy senoritas?

>> No.15693890

She's perfect.
She kinda looks more french than latina are you sure about her race op?

>> No.15693939

that girls not latina

>> No.15693952


>> No.15694104

She is stunning, fuck me sideways.

>> No.15694128

Why is a girl who makes silly videos of herself to post online for attention not an instant turn off for zoomers?

Is it because you grew up with this vapid shit?

You're the type to date a girl like this while she keeps doing this and you think it's "sexist" to say no and not accept it. You're pretty much cucks.

I get it, it's safe in your room and you can't be rejected. But I assure you, there are plenty of pretty girls outside and ones that don't upload videos prostituting themselves for strangers likes. They need constant reassurance because of their poor body image and lack of self esteem and dating you just will not be enough. They will always need this because they are mentally flawed.

Once of you have seen one of these videos you have seen them all.

Seek manhood, you pathetic cunts.

>> No.15694156


I'm just an horny beast, i see a girl with a nice ass and hips/body i just want to fuck, think you are just putting too much thought into it. wouldn't actually be in a relationship with her, also not a zoomer.

>> No.15694160

Less is more though. Like a girl in skirt that lifts up a little as she walks up some stairs is much more of a turn on than some thot in underwear dancing. One you were not supposed to see while the other is a vapid attention seeker and that's not hot.

Let's be honest too, almost all guys who follow these type of girls are single lonely and often virgins. There are no chads who get laid at the club every week simping over this shit.

>> No.15694167

>Like a girl in skirt that lifts up a little as she walks up some stairs is much more of a turn on than some thot in underwear dancing.
I agree with this

>> No.15694396

thats a latina, i dated some pale latinas and they are a mix of this

>> No.15694423

women have this aura when they know they are attractive and are flaunting it that i find really repulsive
the thought of someone displaying their goods like some merchant is so artificial. you know people practice these moves in front of mirrors? facial expression, hip tilt, knee flex its all a marketing ploy its sickening
dudes too that puckered lip/ elbows forward/ hands halfway in front pocket pantomime shit oh my god i will brick you

>> No.15694424

I live in socal so I fucked more black and latina girls than I care to admit.

Mexican girls aren't good fucks really shit culture, shit people. Nasty nipples, nasty looking pussies.

Soft skin but it's in a disgusting shade. I fucked one punk anime girl pale latina teen once but she still had the afdormentned nasty nipples and pussy

>> No.15694429

Hitler had the best taste in women. We figured this out in the 1940's if she doesn't look like hitler's ideal then she's a sport fuck and not relationship material

>> No.15694472

Based Cecil. Always speaking like it is. Thanks for having one of the soundest minds on /fa/.

>> No.15694613

go back to /fa/ and stay there you fucking neanderthals

>> No.15694679

I think you might be lost

>> No.15694694

What the fuck does nasty nipples/pussy even mean?

>> No.15694713

There was another thread up on /mu/ with the same webm, I had both tabs open and thought I was on /mu/ without having double-checked, you win this round.

>> No.15694982 [DELETED] 

>you know people practice these moves in front of mirrors? facial expression, hip tilt, knee flex its all a marketing ploy its sickening

Yep. These girls take their videos 100 times and their photos 1000 times. It's really sad when you think about it. Instead of enjoying life they spend all day doing that so strangers on the internet give them a like so they feel good. What a women, eh...

Would rather some meet some normal dressed girl at a museum. When you take her to bed, you're seeing something not every man has. Now that's hot. That's real.

Thank you friend, I appreciate your kind words.

>go back to fa

Anon, I...

>> No.15694987

>you know people practice these moves in front of mirrors? facial expression, hip tilt, knee flex its all a marketing ploy its sickening

Yep. These girls take their videos 100 times and their photos 1000 times. It's really sad when you think about it. Instead of enjoying life they spend all day doing that so strangers on the internet give them a like so they feel good. What a woman, eh...

I would rather some meet some normal dressed girl at a museum. When you take her to bed, you're seeing something not every man has. Now that's hot. That's real.

Thank you friend, I appreciate your kind words.

>go back to fa

Anon, I...

>> No.15694991

It's really strange how people obsessed with social media are. It's like reality is not real unless it's seen through lens, or talked about online.
I felt pretty bad when I had my first date with a girl some years ago and she took out her phone to supposedly text her mother. I'm glad she disliked me because that made me lose all interest in her. Zoomies really are the worst. That's one of the reasons I advocate wearing watches, because instead of taking your phone out when you have nothing to do you can just check the time.

>> No.15694996

Actually, using your phone when you're talking to someone in general is just a major sign of disrespect. Fucking hate how 90% of the time I can't have a normal conversation without zoomies taking out their phones to check some irrelevant thing.

>> No.15695174

ahahah retard

>> No.15695182

Lmao, these smiles are extremely fake, toothpaste advertisement tier.

>> No.15695193

As a zoomer I agree, for me it's a turnoff. Although is harder to find girls that don't do (or sympathize with) this shit, it's worth it. I can talk from experience since I dated one of these types of cunts for a while, thinking 'hey maybe it won't be that bad'. Obviously I was wrong. Also you're a fag Cecil

>> No.15695669

i actually lolled out loud

>> No.15695707
File: 430 KB, 1500x1074, e64131f049cbe0c12610721de3bbeb54[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this. We're no longer in the 90s, there's no need to date some pasty ass whiteboy for that greencard.

>> No.15695799

>Did somebody mention 35 year old Indian males?

>> No.15695873

also it helps if you always carry a pinata or two

>> No.15696036

Damn beautiful Castizas are the absolute best, especially when they have that super voluminous wavy hair. It's a shame they aren't the majority of hispanics.

>> No.15697312

you made this exact thread with the same webm 6 months ago

>> No.15697318

Depends, as a white person who lived in a 92% hispanic/mexican area I can tell you that some are suckers for whiteboys and htey call themselves "white mans whores" because it's some popular zoomer phrase, but most of the others really don't care if you're white, if you're tall than that helps but some ghetto ones like black dudes and most stick to hispanics.

>> No.15697350

Ear plugs or the ability to zone out at will either that or you need to have a genetic resilience to histrionic behaviour

>> No.15697358

be white and hate trump

>> No.15697363

I smell curry!

Ahah cheers from india

>> No.15697368

How was that fat Russian landwhale in the sack? Yw the one in the pic that gets memes on a lot. Bet her pussy stank

>> No.15697378
File: 315 KB, 819x1024, Mike_Deans_apprentice_Gieves_and_Hawkes_Savile_Row_by_Torsten_Grunwald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same way you should dress in order to attract any woman: suit, tie, and polished shoes. In other words, dress like a man, not a boy.

>> No.15697385

*tips fedora*

>> No.15697409


>> No.15697419

actually true. I want dandy fashion to come back

>> No.15697583

Learn to dance cumbia, salsa, bachata, rancheros

>> No.15697599
File: 80 KB, 700x1000, 1f1733ca91e34cc6659870ec526e1347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, latinas are thirsty for white cock, they don´t care much for pablo's and jose's

>> No.15697606

Lol it depends, as a latino i'm surprised by the great amount of times i've been told by girls that they don't like whites, if anything they feel actually disgust towards whites.

>> No.15697608

the M, stands for manlet right.?

>> No.15697610

Smell good , I did some research with many of my girl friends and most of them said aroma, either just clean and fresh or good perfume.

>> No.15697630

Dude aren't you literally gay?

>> No.15697644
File: 118 KB, 1200x800, IMG_9170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 100% latinas who cook traditional meals, dance, family ties, speaks fluent Spanish
Gotta be Latino too and manly. Blue collar job is almost a must

> Cultral Latinas who are born here, speak fluent or some spanish but prefer English, can cook not well but variety, has hobbies, family focused.
They are a coin flip between white dudes with a catholic additude and Latinos with good futures/careers and mentally stable.

> Americanized Latinas, basically basic white girls with brown skin.
Arguably the worst kindve Latina, the prefer white dudes but in a twilight zone kindve way it's balanced out by those basic blondes who date Americanized Latinos because they don't want to go too far by dating a black dude

>> No.15697654

Dating light skinned latina for awhile. Be white and in shape. Can't be a shy beta desu the loud obnoxious Chad memes have some truth to them

>> No.15697676
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, how-to-sell-drugs-online-fast-1560184757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like this mf

>> No.15697688

I want a Latina gf because I heard they have lower standards for white men. And I'm short 5'6".....apparently they have higher standards than I thought.

>> No.15697708

>bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm shoooooort
God I hate this defeatist attitude that short men have. Just stop. It's not as important as 4chan wants you to believe.

>> No.15697734

Honestly you don't deserve this advice because I've been on this site for over a decade and still you faggots cry about this. REAL WOMEN DONT CARE ABOUT HEIGHT. The ones who do are the ugly/average girls in high school with daddy issues that got hot in their 20s and now spend their time on tinder, bars, social media, etc and expect those washed up dudes who peaked in high school to bang them so they both can attempt to build self esteem. True women care about funny, caring, interesting and deep guys which if you're are not by the age of 30 that's on you and if you're under the age of 30 you should be working in these things LIKE YOURE SUPPOSED TO. For reference in 5'7, my ex gf of 3 years is 5'9. My cousin is fucking 5'3 he got to experience high school love twice with a 5'0 qt and a 5'5 work gf. My friend who's 5'8 has been dating his 5'5 or 5'6 girlfriend for 4 years and all these girls would praise their men's personalities, interests, quirks, passions, work ethic etc

>> No.15697740


LOL get a load of this goy.

He's using feminist tactics like "real men don't care their woman has fucked 100 dudes"

>For reference in 5'7

Hahha and there it is, folks. It's always the manlets in denial.

>> No.15697743
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x2160, 1601175862345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15697751

5'8" isn't short. 5'7" is close. I'm 5'6". And theres several studies that back up women hate short men.

I wish it wasn't true but it is. And no amount of coping will change that.

>> No.15697757

It’s amazing how much you talk for someone with nothing to say

>> No.15697761


Hurrr durr women don't care about height because my cousin joe who is 5'3" once dated a 5'4" girl for 2 months durr hurr!!

Hurr durr anecdotal evidence is such a great method durr!! Me low iq?? dur rhurr noo!


>> No.15697764

Also for context. I've tried Tinder numerous times. The few times I do get matches, they all ghost me after I tell them my height.

I even "lowered my standards" for a fat girl. Everything was going good until I told her my height and she ghosted me.

>But why are you using tinder? tinder is not real life

Lol but it is. And girls in real life don't wanna talk to me either.

>> No.15697791
File: 412 KB, 553x562, 1587950628571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, women in general *do* care about height, just not as much as the general basement dweller thinks. In my experience the more spiritualized and intellectual women don't tend to value height, but the more vapid and superficial ones do.
>And theres several studies that back up women hate short men.
>And girls in real life don't wanna talk to me either.
That's because you must be a boring or just very ugly, which has nothing to do with height. I'm 5'7" myself and I have no trouble approaching women.

I don't know what kind of girls you've been aiming for but you're clearly talking to the wrong people, or you're just very dysfunctional adults.

>> No.15697805

How old are you? Women see height in tiers
> 6’4+
Fetish/preference tall (like how we see big tits)

Attractive/perfect tall, like the same way he have standards of a slim waist, perky breasts, no roast, no acne etc.

Height is overlooked because at this point where most women just want a man taller than them or the same height.

Girls will just care about if you’re taller/equal your personality will have to do some work here

> 5’4 and under
Same thing applies above but you gotta settle for petite Latina, Italian, and south Asian girls.

Also get the fuck off tinder, it’s literally for whores to get their body count up before they decide it’s time to find a guy like you. It gives girls who are 5/10 the power to pick and choose to bang hundreds of dudes who are 9/10 when they please. Work on yourself

>> No.15697809

>Women see height in tiers
Slutty women, you mean. Well adjusted people don't classify others in "tiers".

>> No.15697815

this. but idk if most people on 4chan understand that, they'd rather go super-autismo about every little detail unrelated to their personality

>> No.15697821 [DELETED] 

It really baffles me how some people here think are so fatalistic. It's like they don't talk to other people at all (or don't pay attention to their surrondings) and think that Instagram/Tinder thots represent all women.

>> No.15697825

It really baffles me how some people here are so fatalistic. It's like they don't talk to other people at all (or don't pay attention to their surrondings) and think that Instagram/Tinder thots represent all women.

>> No.15697826

>men who won't date obese women are not REAL MEN
>men who care about how a woman looks are not REAL MEN
>men who won't date a single mother with 5 kids are not REAL MEN

That's all you're doing. Of course height matters. You're simply employing a tactic to shame people so they agree with your cope.

If you're short, you use your other strengths and qualities. You don't just deny things as a coping method. It's akin to a massive obese woman saying she is curvy and healthy or whatever. It's all denial of reality because they can't face the truth.

Like yeah bro, "well adjusted women" or whatever don't care if you're 4 foot fucking tall, sure thing, bub. Can we get back down to earth now and reality?

>> No.15697830

i'm literally hispanic

>> No.15697831

>all this unrelated greentext
You're delusional. I never said that height doesn't matter, and it's not "cope". If you think >>15697805 is right I guess you're just spending too much time on 4chan, mate.