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15673775 No.15673775 [Reply] [Original]

Teach me how to smoke in a cool way dudes

>> No.15673784


>> No.15673800 [DELETED] 

Smoking isn't healthy.

>> No.15673829

It's disgusting.
Have you ever kissed someone who smokes? It's like licking an ashtray.

>> No.15673831

get lung cancer

>> No.15673852

Thats why you date another smoker duh

>> No.15673860

this, and you get to smoke a cigarette with her after sex

>> No.15673878

Never exhale.

>> No.15674012



>> No.15674039

Learn how to do the one where you take a puff and just as it's about to escape your mouth you inhale it all.

>> No.15674045 [DELETED] 

Good thing I quit since my state is in lockdown. The only good thing from this pandemic

>> No.15674057

>Smoke it backwards
Light the filter and suck really hard
This way you get all the tobacco flavour and the government doesn't get to interfere with the smooth rush of the nicotine.
Trust me, my uncle works at Phillip Morris and they do it all the time there.

>> No.15674155

go ham or go home

>> No.15674157
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>> No.15674162
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>> No.15674279

cig in pic related isn't even lit. dumb whore poser

>> No.15674283

Are you blind?

>> No.15674345

>no smoke
>ash is white

>> No.15674889

Isn't she a model?

>> No.15674901

the funniest shit ive seen all week

>> No.15674921

I remember they would give us stickers and crap like that in grade school lol do they even think about the psychological damage that could possibly cause trying to turn children away from their parents just cause they smoke

>> No.15674980

meanwhile in bakersfield california.

i wonder how he felt right after that?

>> No.15675263

That wasn't 1 drag tho.

>> No.15675264
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>smoke in a cool way

>> No.15675266

and you both die to cancer 15 years apart from each other.

>> No.15675295

Why? You will look 70-80 by your 40s. I know somebody in their 30s who genuinely looks like an elderly woman because they smoke like 2 packs a day.

>> No.15675299

if she is, she isnt doing a good job. like at all

>> No.15675310

Smoking should only be used to pick up stupid art hoes in college. Said that, the tip I would give you is to not keep looking at your cigarette, fixing it, etc, as it just shows that you're a fucking poser that thinks that lung cancer is worth it. Act like the cigarette is a part of you that you can barely notice. Also, smoking while on your phone is cringe. Use the smoke break to look around and to ponder on your new shortened life.

>> No.15675311

ironically you have to have strong lungs to smoke this hard

>> No.15675355
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be this fucking guy

>> No.15675388

same method you use to blow smoke rings and puff on stogies. you just don't inhale into the lungs.
drag ins't necessarily a single puff, one inhale and exhale. a drag is more the \action of bringing the cigarette to your mouth and taking the hit, then going back to the resting position.
>t. hasn't been to college

these are usually bait threads to bring out the boomers raised on Mrs. Nixon's teachings and the zoomers raised on Obooga's change.

>> No.15675393
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hitler dubs check em, now...
>Try a few brands to see what you like most.
Like beer, full flavor or go home, you're not allowed to smoke lights unless they're Parliaments, Vagina Slimes, or you've been to the hospital already on smoking related health problems.
>Newports and Marlboro Smooths only for minty bitches.
>Cigarettes after a nice meal, an orgasm, a break at work, getting off work, before work, on a long drive, on a long walk, while interrogating someone, or to get out of the room/house for any reason at all.
>NEVER smoke to relieve stress or urges. Don't smoke unless you're absolutely sure you can quit whenever you want.
>Have a smoke on the toilet holding cig between your thumb and index with palm facing upwards for maximum baguettes.
>Alternate between scissor holding and pinch holding.
>Every experienced smoker has lit the wrong way at least once. We all have at least one shirt and/or pants that have a hole, this applies to seating as well.
>If you don't want to worry about lighting the wrong way then buy some Lucky Strikes, but if you can't pack it in or learn how to smoke without spongebobbing then learn to roll and smoke a joint first.
>If you've never rolled your own btw, then stop reading here.
>Never blow your smoke in someone's direction, don't drag when someone is walking by, never litter, don't roll out the filter cherry if a car is behind you.
>Learn how to light the cig in very high winds.
>No one can just let the cigarette rest in their mouth as it slow burns, unless you're Chuck Norris.
>Spitting is a bad habit when you smoke so stay hydrated. Preferably beer or coffee. Energy drinks for the uni kid.
>ALWAYS offer a smoke to some who does smoke, Leeches can fuck off though.
>jet lighters and zippos don't come with lighter fluid in them btw.
>Always have ventilation.
>Get into rolling your own, look for banana leaves and tobacco leaves, some all spice, etc. Get creative.
>Know you terminology.

>> No.15675448

this triggered me

>> No.15675498

get a pipe and smoke like a man. If you insist on lighting up a chihuahua dick at least roll your own or buy some cigarillos

>> No.15675503
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>> No.15675537

dangerously based

>> No.15676760

don't talk to people about cigarettes or try to make it part of your personality, just enjoy them

>> No.15677038

>Reagan, not Nixon
my bad... early morning all nighter posts

>> No.15677712

Just do it, faggot.
Also, wash your clothes frequently, the smell of stale ciggarette smoke is revolting. And a smoker will be almost insensitive to it.

ps. Don't start if you haven't already, it's a lifelong ordeal once you're addicted.
t. smoker

>> No.15677731

found my role model

>> No.15677738

idk about this one being lit, but I used to set up modeling shoots and some models who didn't smoke, but wanted cigarette shots we'd have a person take a drag before handing it to the model for the shot.

>> No.15677950

Im a smoker and this is fucking disgusting
guys nose must be roasted jesus christ

>> No.15677966

Facts. Avoid smoking in closed places unless you want to smell like shit. Wash your hair regularly. No, perfume/cologne will not mask the smell, and you’ll probably end up smelling like a French whore.

Also a reminder that smoking won’t make you more attractive—not at all.

>> No.15678323

imagine the buzz

>> No.15678332 [DELETED] 

that looks gross

>> No.15678357


“People” that smoke should be all rounded up and shot systematically. Literal cancer causing piece of shit.

>> No.15679200
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>> No.15679481

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.15679483

smoking ruins your face
t. work in a smoke shop and sell thousands worth of cigarettes a day

>> No.15680501

You have to smoke for a long time to look cool while doing it. There's a lot of edgy posers who smoke just to try to look cool but they always look cringe and don't inhale right, they try to use thr cig as a prop.

The cool smokers don't even think about it they take deep breathes because they are after their nicotine fix and not trying to look edgy

>> No.15680995

is there really any proof that smoking causes people to look older?

>> No.15681706

Not really
I smoke since I was 17, I’m 26 and people card me all the time, and tell me I look 16-19
Some people even look at me weird when I smoke in the street
Aaaand my best friend, also a guy, is 34 but people think he's around 24-27, he smokes since he was 16
I think its all genes honestly

>> No.15681712

unfo prob this, and im on the shittier side of it, where i looked younger before and it happens to coincide with my smoking where ive come out a few years after beginning to get wrinkles and shit. all my friends smoke though, and i'm the only one. it's very ymmv, but might as well be on the safe side, rite

>> No.15682293

yea sure bro like you would for real be together with the same person till you die

>> No.15682413

Probably does that if you're smoking 40/day for years
I started when I was 14, 24 now and some people still mistake me for 19

>> No.15682445

>24 now and some people still mistake me for 19
Brutal, might as well quit smoking in that case, it's obviously not working

>> No.15682471
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smoke on this, fag.

>> No.15682506

i will get a gf that gets me to start smoking and drinking all the time. we will kill ourselves together.....slowly...

>> No.15682510

you don't. it's smoking.

>> No.15682606
File: 702 KB, 1064x2126, 6F7FCEB3-BBA1-4E62-A207-E93E24F21FA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you retard it's caustic to just about every part of your physiology
if you really have that much to lose don't pick up smoking and keep your pretty face into your 30s

>> No.15682627

havent smoked since june after 12 years!

still dream of them

>> No.15682912

Reading that all it says is ‘there’s maybe a difference but is too small to be noticeable’

>> No.15682930

explain all the models that smoke cigs like chimneys

>> No.15682934

>is there a cool way to stick something in my mouth and suck on it???