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/fa/ - Fashion

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15673069 No.15673069 [Reply] [Original]

Ive never bothered with fashion and generally just wear a black hoodie, jeans and boots everyday regardless of weather. Please post fashion advice and mens fashion ITT

>> No.15673087

>why yes I want to look like an insufferable faggot, how could you tell

>> No.15673116
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I used to care a lot about dressing nicely, with button down shirts and chinos and such, but as I get older I just dont give a shit anymore. Maybe its depression. I think something casual like what Pharell is wearing here is my goal anymore. Simple shorts, simple sweater and t shirt, and a hat. Basic as all fuck, but it works. Who am I trying to impress? I just want to be comfortable

>> No.15673124

Those guys are usually pretty chill because they don't have years of incel rage built up inside them unlike you

>> No.15673247

Interesting, I'm going the opposite direction (sort of). was into fashion for a while in college, but then just stopped caring. Never cared about dressing nicely through my 20s, but as I've gotten older (30 now), I hit a tipping point and have been focusing on my wardrobe lately.
I wonder if it a swing phase; part of fashion is consumerism, so its a flashy dopamine rush, but eventually that wears off; then you enter fashion from the perspective of "it makes me look nice and therefore I feel nice" and way less about consumerist tendencies of whats trendy/hot.
No idea, that's how my life has related to fashion so far.

Fashion advice: Don't fall into the crazy consumerist rabbit hole right away, you don't need $80 tshirts and $200 watches.
The most important advice you will ever get is this: What makes you look good in clothes is how well it *fits*. No matter how expensive or flashy it is, if it doesn't fit, it will look like you bought it at wal-mart.
Second, dressing well doesn't mean dressing more formal, it means dressing properly for the occasion.
Those are the only two hard rules of fashion.
General advice:
being unfit will hamstring your fashion ceiling. Being fit will solve 99% of your "I look frumpy" problems. Get working out.
Similarly, a good haircut/proper hair maintanence (including eyebrows/beard/shaving) and a good skincare routine. Simple as hell: face wash (I use olay) and moisturizer with sunscreen (I use cerave). Don't get lost in skincare consumerist hell.
-plain color t-shirts instead of graphic tees
-shoes other than tennis shoes. This is actually a big fashion booster. You can dress down shoes easy.
-button downs (untucked and tucked varieties)
-non-cargo shorts
-jeans, dark and casual
Most importantly, *get these fitted*. Do it yourself or go to a tailor (one near me changes $17 per shirt). This will turn your okay wardrobe into a nice one.
Everything else pales in comparison to fitted clothes.

>> No.15673486

Amazing and based Chad SEXcore

>> No.15673651

>as I get older I just dont give a shit anymore
I think this is normal, kind of wish I had 60yrs to wear shorts and crocs everywhere, anyway people like Pharrel can wear the fuck they want because they are already rich and shit, no need to pretend something unlike you and me, guys in OP sure have good outfits but I'm afraid I'd look terrible in these clothes since I'm not tall nor handsome, such is life.

>> No.15673659

Anti-depression paste here: https://pastebin.com/XnAyESNt

>> No.15673664

Ugly fat twink gay faggot cope

>> No.15673665

awesome and based chad style. its all about the SEX