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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.07 MB, 609x782, 1593135241701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15672842 No.15672842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no

>> No.15672932

Post em boys

>> No.15672940

Ok I don’t even care about the duckface I’m seriously upset about those brows

Also sage pls

>> No.15672978

I will breed you

>> No.15672982

You didn’t sage and therefore you cannot

And pls don’t reply to this if you want a second chance

>> No.15672983
File: 157 KB, 452x508, B7D91CD6-4F29-4DA9-8C07-FE08FAAC0FDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15672988
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>> No.15672990
File: 1.14 MB, 1125x1556, A7505A19-BFEA-443C-84E1-EA13C338795E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673117
File: 1.04 MB, 1752x524, fuck_my_shit_up_senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15673122 [DELETED] 

Leftmost one looks good.

>> No.15673127

Leftmost one looks good. Best one out of those on the pic.

>> No.15673129

He preys on underage kids

>> No.15673235

I love this image and I'll tell you why.

Every single time I say nature knows best and that it's fine to find a 16 year old attractive, I get the usual HURR DURR PEDO!! By people clearly brainwashed they they must only find women attractive over an arbitrary age set by their government.

But when said people are left to follow their own feelings and don't know the age of the person, they think exactly as I do.

This is probably the most popular and liked image of her, but how old is she here? The pics this is from suggests it is maybe 2001(?) so she is probably around 15 years of age here.

So what can we get from this? Most of you are fucking liars and cowards and think no different to I but you put on some "moral face" because you believe it makes you look virtuous. It's proof you do not follow your natural instincts of a man but some random age your governments tells you to.

Pathetic. Just fucking pathetic excuses of human garbage posing as men.

>> No.15673239

>so she is probably around 15 years of age here.
lol more like 22 someting

>> No.15673280

Bro, that would be just over 10 years ago...

In the pics it is from, her and her friends have a discman. Popular around 2000. I think she was in America then so we can't say she was from a country in Eastern Europe 20 years behind the West.

She really is 15 or so there proving my point all along.

>> No.15673426

Jesus this shit is still going on
You really are sad subhumans

>> No.15673436
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 1587187196820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a request Indre, it's an inevitability.

>> No.15673512

isnt this guy a predator

>> No.15673517

that man is a pedo, I can tell

>> No.15673520

Lose weight, fat burgerfag. Why are there so many fatties on /fa/.
Cecil, you keep starting this thread. Or some zoomer
Damn son

>> No.15673589

This creep manipulates suicidal mentally ill girls to come visit so he can get them pregnant

>> No.15673592

that sounds based

>> No.15673596

She has XXY chromosomes the child would be retarded

>> No.15673626
File: 100 KB, 720x720, 118961878_599558717392267_3923872102324622721_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673629

you will never pass

>> No.15673657

The only picture where I find indre attractive

>> No.15673661

Greasy Romanian core?

>> No.15673667

She's 33 right now soon to be 34 in January.

This was in the summer of 2003.

>> No.15673671

Sounds cringe. he'll impregnate you too even if you are a man. he is creepy to both genders.

>> No.15673674

Who is this semen demon

>> No.15673675

Sleepy, the creep and the groomer

>> No.15673676

t. fat faggot
she looks wack as fuck. go hit up better girls, mate

>> No.15673680

>America then so we can't say she was from a country in Eastern Europe 20 years behind the West
Ii actually see new tech earlier in some eastern european shitholenthan in america.

>> No.15673700

Hmm yeah, America can be like little countries with some states being years behind. Just the discman would have been dying out by 2002 and the mp3 player becoming the one of choice and sites such as napster etc. helping that.

>> No.15673705

Get this hooker in eastern europe while drunk and not realize it has a dick

>> No.15673706

That's one ugly broad.
And look at those frown lines. Makes her look even older than she already is. People like her shouldn't be using a trip or be giving advice of any kind, this is why this board is in the state it is now. Due to ugly old trips like her who refuse to grow up and fuck off

>> No.15673709
File: 17 KB, 380x480, 2018-06-08_000429246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is honestly why you don't do drugs

>> No.15673716

They look 1000% different. The change is incredible. This chick didn't just hit the wall, she went right through it.

>> No.15673721

my guys side profile looks like a handsome roman coin

>> No.15673727

Creepy af dude
You know more about me than I do

Sounds like you want to fuck like an actual dog
Hope you can find a lady that can teach you best of both worlds

Please people just SAGE this shit it’s not hard - clearly it’s not a “faces” thread just make it go away
Put sage in the little box above your post

>> No.15673730

So fucking mad aren’t you
Can’t handle rejection can you?

Pls sage everyone pls

>> No.15673739

you're the milf that's going to make me into a man

>> No.15673740

great value brand slainbaby

>> No.15673745

Omg I seriously hate how you people make me defensive.
But fuck it I don’t care anymore.
I know it’s either Cecil or jumbo James starting this shit...which is not good enough to garner my attention..
Also -
Go look at mugshots 1 out of 100 look half decent.
Ugh I hate all of you.

Pls saaaage pls Sage

>> No.15673757

I don't post anything without my trip.

>Go look at mugshots 1 out of 100 look half decent.

Yes because they show what the person really looks like. Mugshots are pretty sobering to see how people really look, plenty of celebs have them too in which you see the real them.

I post about it because you try and rip my selfies apart which are specifically designed to look like fucked up mugshots. That's the whole point. The whole point you attack that and then defend yourself or other mugshots. It's just so hypocritical. CECIL UR AN AWFUL PERSON BCUZ OF AN AWFUL MUGSHOT BUT I'M NOT BECAUSE MINE IS AWFUL BECAUSE BLAH BLAH BLAH..

You're applying shit to me and standards you refuse to on yourself. That's why I have only judged you on how you are and your personality and hoped you would do the same, after all, you post about personality coming first...

I'd much rather have the girl in the mugshot who was a cool person rather than someone 100 times more attractive but with an awfully shitty personality such as yours.

>> No.15673766

Want me to tell your mom about how you're being a bit h online ?

>> No.15673772

You’ve been caught on more that one occasion so your whole “I don’t post without trip” is ridiculous

>> No.15673780

You want to involve my mom whose way better with technology and basically a detective - go ahead bc she can help me put an end to your stupid social life

Also whatever you tell her won’t even phase her bc she’s been through an intense process with her daughter as it is

>> No.15673792

No I haven't. You could try saying you're wrong and it would be cool. Instead you believe I make threads about you, as though I am obsessed with you when it's anything but. You still continue with the whole you're beautiful and amazing so therefore I must be crazy for you.

You in no way compare, looks or personality to the girl I moved here for. The only feelings I have are sorrow towards your family for the shit you have put them through.

>> No.15674069

Sad old man

>> No.15674092

Yeah no doubt her daughter is one fucked up druggie that I would be ashamed of to have in my family

>> No.15674102


>> No.15674140


Why don't these two get a room already? Am I right!? LOL! AAYYYFAM!

>> No.15674158

Even siege has standards, he wouldn't fuck that ugly hag even if you offered him money

>> No.15674324

hey babe

>> No.15674332

Put your trip back on

>> No.15674337

Why is this fucking thread still up?

>> No.15674339

Thanks for bumping the thread

>> No.15674341

Hey bb pls halp me get rid of the fat Mexican James Michael Tacotos

Fuck I keep forgetting to sage everyone please sage

>> No.15674352

how did they found your pictures?

>> No.15674370

I was dumb enough to post some in the past and one recently
Also I was dumb enough to get catfished by Sieg who managed to get enough personal info to find my name

I know I know you don’t have to point it out - I’m a fucking idiot

Pls sage

>> No.15674392

Sieg is insanely talented at fucking with people

>> No.15674396

Do it on your own babe

>> No.15674397

Do you want to hang out this weekend? Few hours Saturday afternoon? Good for you?

>> No.15674411
File: 255 KB, 588x595, 63731935-BE81-4D37-8679-45B31F3B2817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15674474

Bby do us all a favor and kill yourself no one will miss you <3

>> No.15674477

I'll give u a baby

>> No.15674487

That's a guy isn't it?

>> No.15674488
File: 27 KB, 250x399, 250px-NotanerArt_Roose_Bolton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15674489 [DELETED] 

Females. Manipulators from childhood to adulthood.

>6 years of age
>aww daddy.. puh-lease can I have it
>36 years of age
>hey baby, hey hun, can you please do this for me

That's why they have red pill shit because it evens the field. Men have never been childhood emotional manipulators so they are no match for a lot of women and easily get played. Red pill/PUA changes that which is why they hate it and have to smear it as incel hate material.

It's like the athletic kid racing the fat kid. No!! you can't get in shape too or else I will lose my advantage over you!! Working out is for LOSERS!!

They are so good at it though they even convince the majority of males to fight and attack other males on their behalf regarding this. Sad.

>> No.15674491

That's a dude on HRT isn't it?

>> No.15674492

Females. Manipulators from childhood to adulthood.

>6 years of age
>aww daddy.. puh-lease can I have it
>36 years of age
>hey baby, hey hun, can you please do this for me

That's why they hate red pill material because it evens the field. Men have never been childhood emotional manipulators so they are no match for a lot of women and easily get played. Red pill/PUA changes that which is why they hate it and have to smear it as incel hate material.

It's like the athletic kid racing the fat kid. No!! you can't get in shape too or else I will lose my advantage over you!! Working out is for LOSERS!!

They are so good at it though they even convince the majority of males to fight and attack other males on their behalf regarding this. Sad.

>> No.15674494

Whose mom is this?

>> No.15674505
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>> No.15674685
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I'd kill to have your hairline

>> No.15674693

you have a better hairline than him?

>> No.15674703
File: 2.68 MB, 1453x1937, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, mine is rounded, I have a ton of hair on the forehead
Here's another pic (it's earlier than the first one), some time after I buzzed it

>> No.15674709

qt do you have bf

>> No.15674716
File: 1.09 MB, 3024x2000, hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I shave it, but it grows back way too fast

>> No.15674746

and here I thought /cgl/ had it bad with tripfags. /fa/ is 100x worst lmao

>> No.15674762

Pls do something different with your hair. A fringe might do you well.
26y/o core. Why are you angry?

>> No.15674765
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>> No.15674769
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>> No.15674770
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Forgot to post picc

>> No.15674771

god what the fuck

>> No.15674776


>> No.15674791


>> No.15674798

No, I'm from the third world

>> No.15674845 [DELETED] 
File: 431 KB, 500x793, what_core_is_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15674849
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I The skin has been pierced I

>> No.15674853
File: 93 KB, 680x680, 808980a652626c94a289e2d425d080fd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your dream hairline

>> No.15674890

sleepy, the sexual predator and pedophile/hebephile

>> No.15674891


>> No.15674895

I saged.

>> No.15674907
File: 32 KB, 128x123, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ drama

>> No.15674946

i do not, currently single
>26y/o core. Why are you angry?
25, just posing for the camera
i had just shaved, have a little shaving cream in my sideburn still

>> No.15674966

when I first came here I thought /fa/ were like fashion students or models but I realized after lurking that most of you can’t dress for shit / uggos. like do you guys want me to give you some advice??

>> No.15675027


>> No.15675074
File: 6 KB, 175x288, FBEAE374-6D10-4056-B3AE-DEABB496AF68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously bitter over the fact she wouldn’t sleep with you that you post her personal info online?
Does that make you feel like you have power over her?
Aren’t you married and have a daughter (I forgot her name but something about finger painting at home and having some problems with her online tutor)?
I’ve seen you around on other boards and it’s not different from here.
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Online must be the the only place you feel like you can lash out and have power over anyone, least of all yourself and your own life.
This is /fa/ and not bitchboi drama shit.
Go cheat on your spouse with someone else.

>> No.15675080

Dianna. That’s your daughter’s name. How’s your father’s law firm?

>> No.15675231
File: 343 KB, 828x1792, A1DED39C-C8C6-4CD1-851A-AF76963478CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675238

Dianna is his mother's name.

>> No.15675279
File: 1.27 MB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread.

>> No.15675370

How to prevent dark circles under eyes

>> No.15675506

This fat nigga has a kid and he’s still shitposting on here? Sad shit man.

>> No.15675510

hookers are repulsed by you fatass

>> No.15675615


>> No.15675719

Pathetic fat fuck

>> No.15675764

lol sieg is a fat bitter incel mad because me won’t fuck him

>> No.15675767 [DELETED] 

Damn you guys are fucking stupid.
You think I don't know when you're low iq ass is posting and white knighting for your low iq ass felon gf?

Gelzinis is a felon. This is publicly available information. I can post sources from henrico virginia court system when Indre was processed

>> No.15675782

who gives a shit? You’re still a fat fuck who’s mad that you can’t fuck a felon lmaoo

>> No.15675793
File: 121 KB, 449x449, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indre Gelzinis
Shouldn't it be Gelzinene or Gelziniute or something

>> No.15675796

Pls post her feet pics

>> No.15675797

that's the only pic I could find form her old myspace.
-nis is Masculine family name.

>> No.15675807

Feminine form is
gelzinyte right? She abandoned that last name after a few felony's too

>> No.15675812


and youre judging me??!!


sieg you literally emailed me about your birthday a couple days ago...probably bc i wasnt responding to you and you have no other friends so it was a last ditch effort for someone to know and care
and i was even nice to you


>> No.15675815
File: 385 KB, 768x1155, Landsbergis,_Vytautas-0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gelzinis could be a lithuanianized Gelzin or Helzin.

>> No.15675819

now youre forcing me to stoop to your level

but go ahead and have your 4chan friends ban me or shut this thread down bc youre a bitch

>> No.15675820

You have 10+ years of information to work with, 2 public doxxings on two separate boards and this is what you gathered?

You don't have a single bit of information correct

>> No.15675829


>> No.15675833

Sieg used to or still does hangout with former tripfags in person. I know he's met up with Jackal and Blah in the past. And dated a former trip named "twee" at one point, blonde blue eyed short girl in the Los Angeles area.

>> No.15675836

You look good but try to steer clear of creepy jew territory, maybe put on some muscle and facial hair or something.

Put on some muscle, hair and face look great though.

Maybe get the teeth straightened

>> No.15675838

sieg i dont give a fuck
id rather go watch a trisha paytas video than spend my time looking for your fatass

youre despicable and youre mad bc i dont want to send you nudes or have intimate relations

you know its one thing to call someone fat
its a whole nother thing what youre doing
and the fact that you dont see a line between those - is just sad and you probably ARE deranged and have ZERO emotional intelligence

>> No.15675845

for the record sieg nobody cares about me OR you
so just fuck off and stop

>> No.15675848

You're fucking derranged you drunken bitch. I haven't done shit other than contribute to the static conversation.

You're the one working on your third dui charge, they're are pictures of you all over social media

>> No.15675865

you have no boundaries
you literally lied to me about who you are - then when i caught on - i reined it in - you got mad...tale old as time except its usually the female that pulls out the crazy card


>> No.15675868
File: 443 KB, 1600x2088, 4chan for newfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anything to hide and I have severe trust issues as it is lol
I would rathr get burned but be a trusting person