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15660464 No.15660464 [Reply] [Original]

Am I a zoomer or already considered a boomer?

>> No.15660465

You're retarded is what you are.

>> No.15660469
File: 51 KB, 457x467, I don't copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 years of age
>still posting wojaks

>> No.15660477

1995-1998 are elderly zoomers
97 here
honestly everybody younger than me are subhumans. Next year that will include 23 year olds, and so on. Whenever I realize I'm talking to somebody younger I feel disgusted

>> No.15660480

>not even old enough to drink when trump was elected
America must he nuked

>> No.15660492

24 is one of the worst ages to be

You’re not young enough to be a wild kid anymore, but you’re still not old enough to be ready to adopt the responsibilities of a man

It’s a garbage year just hang in there until it’s over

>> No.15660551

>what is a millennial

you are neither

>> No.15660554

youre neither really your in between. just like people born in the early 80s are not really gen x or millenial, because its start of one gen and the end of the other. your both yet neither

>> No.15660555

You’re a millennial

>> No.15660557

if you can't distinctly remember life before the internet, you are a zoomer
otherwise, ur just millenial

>> No.15660569

You're probably just a coomer.

>> No.15660699

>what is a millennium

>> No.15660700


>> No.15660708
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 55ba87b8dd0895c81c8b4581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember pay phones and VHS tapes?
Remember magazine subscriptions?
Remember calling your friend's house, asking for him, and telling him you will see him later outside the local mall at 7:15pm?
Remember the sound of the 56k modem and and how nobody could use the phone while you are online?

>> No.15660747

24 years old means he's born in 96 so he's a zoomer bc millenials are born between 80 and 95

>> No.15660819
File: 45 KB, 500x534, d094c06eb47a4545501089b52c8291ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does boomer just mean "anyone over 20" now?
or are you seriously asking whether or not you belong to the baby boomer generation?

sorry, i'm old and out of touch. gonna watch vhs tapes of beavis and butt-head and tell my grandkids about nirvana now.

>> No.15661333

30 year old boomer here, you are still a young man

>> No.15661337

Zoomers don't understand generations.

If you're a zoomer you'll always be a zoomer until you die

>> No.15661340

>ber calling your friend's house, asking for him, and telling him you will see him later outside the local mall at 7:15pm?
>Remember the sound of the 56k modem and and how nobody could use the phone while you are online?

Yeah, i fucking miss it

>> No.15661342

16 year old girl family member

> Is it really called the smashing pumpkins? What a stupid name

> Alice in chains? Is that a sex thing?

>> No.15661502
File: 141 KB, 960x640, 96CAC46E-2C9B-4FBB-8CAA-80AFE92BBF3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember vhs tapes and cassette players. I remember having toy story and I’d watch it

Magazine subscriptions too. I picked up mine once a week from a newsagents
Never did the previous things though. Only remember using windows 98 and XP

>> No.15661559

i can hear it now

>> No.15661564

Worst possible mindset to have

>> No.15662017

you'll get it when you're older youngling

>> No.15662026


24 was one of my shittiest years

>> No.15662107

How old are you that you think its appropriate to post that dated-ass meme?

>> No.15662114

Twenty-one is the age at which life is over, so yes, you're a boomer.

>> No.15662118

>tfw turned 25 in september
>tfw spent most of my 24th year sitting at home doing fuck all
I knew it was gonna be bad but man, the lockdown just made it so much worse.

>> No.15662127

This is why nobody likes you, anon.

>> No.15662141
File: 43 KB, 560x582, 1601527974872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 years old
>still look 16
feels good man
I love acting like a dumb teen and lying about my age, I especially love acting like a dumb teen around people my own age and older just for shit and giggles.

>> No.15662157

if you're a male and you still look 16 you are extremely low test and probably are narrow shouldered, short, skinny, and have big bubbly cheeks. Not something to be proud of

>> No.15662172

>you are extremely low test
don't care
>narrow shouldered
don't care
5'9" but don't care
don't care
>and have big bubbly cheeks
don't care
My 16 year old gf likes me and that's all that matters.

>> No.15662197
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This, that's just looking like a fucking kid. I'm 34 and when I'm properly groomed I can pass as a 25yo or less, once my hair and my beard grows my grey hairs say hello, a girl was extremely surprised when I told her my age, she was ranting about having two childs and that she wasn't really young anymore and stuff like that and said that young people like me had less problems and told her that I wasn't that young, just three years younger than her, then she stayed silent for a few seconds realizing she hit the wall pretty hard.That period on that work nobody thought I was older, I only have some wrinks around my eyes because I squint like Clint every time is sunny and when I laugh always close my eyes and I laugh a lot.

>> No.15662353
File: 105 KB, 200x288, 1602537573585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 year old girl dating a 23 year old man

>> No.15662363

u jelly roastie?

>> No.15662380

Nah, I enjoy sitting in a nice bar drinking cocktails with my girlfriend, instead of driving her to her grade 10 science excursions

>> No.15662388

96, this is what I've assumed for a while

>> No.15662484

>driving her to her grade 10 science excursions
as opposed to taking her to some generic bar? knowledge is power, alcohol will ruin you, get your priorities in check.

>> No.15662490


>> No.15662493

pedo hebephile groomer faggot

>> No.15662500

yup, he's jealous.

>> No.15662528

in ten years you're going to look like a wrinkly, balding, low test child and the girl you're dating will grow up, realize what happened, and then ruin your life

>> No.15662551

Everything in moderation, except for being a fucking desperate creep like yourself.

Really want to start this, my dude?

You can try dating younger, immature, idiotic 16 year olds as much as you want, in your attempt to finally experience the dating memories you never had at school because the girls thought you were weird and ugly. Just know that those days are gone, and you will never experience the real deal, as hard as you try to chase after them.

Glad you've found a girl who won't complain about you not knowing what the clit is - she doesn't know either because her sex ed class at school isn't until next term. Just wait until she realises penises can be bigger than 4 inches.

How does it feel knowing you weren't able to snag a woman from your age bracket because you're either too fucked in the head, too ugly, or too immature?

How does it feel that your only drawcards for a girl are the fact that you have a licence and that you can be used as a prop to get back at her dad for abusing her as a kid?

Hope you wriggle with discomfort like the little worm you are when you come face-to-face with her dad, and you see the look of hatred in his eyes when he realises this little man violated his daughter at 16.

Hope you enjoyed celebrating with her when she found her first pube, and I hope she enjoys celebrating with you when you discover your first facial hair next year, you low-test sack of shit.

Hope you enjoy waking up every morning with the constant, crippling fear that maybe today your gf will realise what a creepy degenerate she's dating, and dump you. Look forward to awkwardly avoiding any questions with your unlucky future partner when they bring up the previous dating partners question, in case they discover how fucked you are - if you even get another partner after this child escapes your grooming clutches.

Fuck you, disgusting worthless grub of a man-child.

>> No.15662580

holy goddamn moly you are absolutely seething in pure jealous rage, keep crying faggot, I'm enjoying your salty tears.

>> No.15662590
File: 19 KB, 500x486, images - 2020-10-23T131652.418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.15662595

I just hate pedos :^)

>> No.15662596

uhh projecting much?

>> No.15662598

there's no history of balding on either side of my family and I maintain a pretty healthy diet. I have a job, a car, money, oh and I almost forgot to include this little tidbit of information that I wasn't going to include, but, 16 is legal in my state :).

>> No.15662601

>he thinks because its legal everything will be ok
yup you definitely still are as retarded as a 16 year old. Good thing you found somebody on equal brain development level

>> No.15662605

If that's the legal age requirement for the state in which you live in then yes? are you retarded or something?

>> No.15662615

yea bud everybody in the last 5 years who have been "canceled" from celebrities to Joe smith on facebook is because they did something illegal. Nothing bad ever happens as long as its legal. Holy shit you really do have a 16 year old brain.
And besides that, girls can still charge you for statutory rape in age 16 legal states if the age difference is more than a couple years and they feel like you manipulated them. You're an idiot
And good luck getting an job that isn't shit teir, any position of power, successful business, successful career reputation, a non mentally ill social circle, and future romantic relationships

>> No.15662626

>girls can still charge you for statutory rape in age 16 legal states if the age difference is more than a couple years and they feel like you manipulated them
oh you mean the same way a 21 year old women can accuse you of rape if she feels you manipulated them as well? except one is the special statutory rape and the other one is just regular rape? So essentially it dosen't necessarily matter how old the girl is, either way, you're taking a huge gamble with whatever age the girl is?

>> No.15662641

nope these are completely different circumstances. No matter the memes you hear woman in 18+ states still have to provide some form of proof that they were forcibly raped or drugged or whatever. This can range from you kept going after she said no and beating her on a street corner. Or she was drunk and you put a roofy in her drink.
In 16+ states if you're more than a couple years older she can literally just say since she was 16 and you were 23 she didn't understand what was happening, and that's that. There's no need for any proof because there is no evidence for brain development outside of ages. The ages itself is evidence. Why the fuck do you think in 16+ states non retarded men still wait until the are 18-20 before trying something? Its not just because of hollywood cultural reinforcement. You are legally a child at 16. And the rape accusation is that of child rape. Stupid idiot

>> No.15662651

Well it's a good thing I promised her I wouldn't try anything until she turned 18, in any case, and I've already met her family and both her parents are cool with it since I actually have my life together, and just for the record, I had multiple relationships throughout my high school days, this has nothing to do with chasing some lost youth or whatever, we both simply liked each other and decided to go for it, you just sound incredibly bitter and angry.

>> No.15662653
File: 394 KB, 640x610, tenor-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about having a 16 year old gf
>didn't even have sex
>literally only in the relationship because he wants to talk to a 16 year old

>> No.15662659
File: 49 KB, 720x783, degen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662661


>> No.15662662

I never bragged about having a 16 year old gf, it's you idiots who immediately flipped out over the thought of a guy in his early 20s dating a teenager.

>> No.15662664

only parents this shitty could produce a daughter this stupid

>> No.15662667

stay mad and cry more, there is literally nothing wrong with our relationship.

>> No.15662668

unless you plan on marrying her i don't understand the point of this type of relationship. Wasting your prime 21-27 years dating a retarded teenager you can't even fuck

>> No.15662670

post gf

>> No.15662671

or fake

>> No.15662672

no, you are a boom-zoomer. once you turn 30 you will become a boomer

>> No.15662673

>post pic of gf so we can fix her and then ruin your life
hehe no

>> No.15662675


>> No.15662680
File: 47 KB, 640x853, d9fffd9a-63bf-4e57-8e00-7fb5ad9bee64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dating a 16 year old
>seeking the validation of a 16 year old
cripes almighty

>> No.15662684

how are you gonna dox someone with a picture retard

>> No.15662691

you know nothing about love retard
based retard

>> No.15662699
File: 65 KB, 600x516, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romantically loving a child

>> No.15662705

considering arabics date actual children, I don't think using this reaction image was a really wise choice.

>> No.15662709
File: 129 KB, 1200x720, 1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662717

A. arabic is a language retard, there is no such thing as "arabics" B. most muslims are not arabs C. most muslim countries have consent laws of 16-18 or no sex at all unless married and D. yes 16 is a child, go try that argument in court

>> No.15662719

hehehe easy pickings
I'll never need to use that's argument, you seem really familiar with aoc laws anon, anything you wanna share now would be the time.

>> No.15662741
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>> No.15662746
File: 52 KB, 349x642, 6kGliTj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662773

>being this mad over the fact that I can pull 16 year old girls and they can't

>> No.15662778
File: 1.99 MB, 350x300, Defoe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about pulling 16 year olds as a 23 year old

Why the fuck would anyone other than a pedo want to pull a 16 year old girl?

>> No.15662787

ummm...no sweetie

>> No.15662811

That's not how being a zoomer works. Everyone.

>> No.15662834

What are you still doing posting on /fa/ grandpa, you’re too old to be here

>> No.15662837
File: 7 KB, 247x266, 1599588512717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons itt seething over some chad dating a 16 year old?
Old hag chasing and jealousy does things to a mf

>> No.15662841

>living in middle america
Never gonna make it.

>> No.15662850

>talking to and hanging out with a teenager you don't even have sex with

>> No.15662853

actually I lied, I am having sex with her but I just didn't want to give you guys the satisfaction of knowing that and then use that against me. I've fucked her multiple times. Not my fault girls like older men.

>> No.15662900

Well I suppose that's one way to derail a thread