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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 647 KB, 2000x3001, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15659414 No.15659414 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of keyholes in dresses, is it there for femoids to simultaneously both try to attract attention of Chads but also shun and accuse any non-Chad male of 'ogling' when it naturally draws their attention? It is both degenerate and outrageous IMHO. How did this thing become popular?

>> No.15659434

cant cope with the fact that we have more options in fashion?
just take into account that you can walk around topless and go around farting and burping and scratching your balls.

>> No.15659459

sorry, but you in particular don't have many options

>> No.15660029

That's more of a cutout than a keyhole.

>> No.15660468

You're just a fucking retard. There is nothing wrong with sexualizing people, you're just socially inept who probably thinks it gives him permission to act like a fucking mongoloid around anyone showing a little too much flesh. You can go jerk off to them in your own time. Staring at people like a rabid dog is gonna make anyone uncomfortable, regardless of what they are wearing.

Not touching, raping or expecting them to fuck you based on how they dress should just go without saying, but im sure there are enough incels on here who believe this shit.

>> No.15660473


>> No.15660476

No. Your actions have consequences. It's ridiculous for women to dress with their tits hanging out and expect men to not stare. Don't like it? Dress more modestly.
>Are you saying men can't control themselves?
Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. Pay heed or you can find out the consequences, and then you'll wish it'd just be staring.

>> No.15660481

>chad stares at her like a rabid dog
>"omg he totally wants me ahhhhh im so horny"
>(You) stare at her like a rabid dog
>"ewww what a digusting creep SOMEONE CALL 911 HELP!!"

>> No.15660488

Because women are horribly insecure and obsessed with/draw most of their self worth from how sexually attractive they are and it shows in what they choose to wear

>> No.15660490

>actions have consequences
Are you a fucking animal? Do you have zero self control when you see more skin than your dumb fuck conservative sensibilities allow for? Do you go around raping women on the beach? What about men with their shirts off?
>expect men not to stare
You can look, just don't be fucking weird about it. It's not that complicated.
>if you don't like me having a problem with you, then dress in a way that is suitable to me
Who the fuck are you? You're literally imposing on other peoples freedoms because it offends you. The only one with a problem is you. Don't like it? Shut the fuck up or don't leave the house. If you can't control your urges, maybe sign yourself into an animal shelter and get put down.

>pay heed or find out consequences
Sounds like you're actively putting members of society who don't meet your standard in danger. Maybe you should be put in prison or maybe women should just pre-emptively murder all creeps on sight. Sounds good to me desu famalam. Fewer retards like you would make this world a better place.

>> No.15660493

This incel cope is omega cringe. Please leave the house and talk to a human being. Your reality has been warped by self hatred, movies and retards on this website.

>> No.15660494

Dress like a whore you’ll get treated like a whore it’s simple as that

>> No.15660502

Good God, you clearly don't understand the first thing about men at all. Yes, we are animals and yes, impulse control can very easily go out of the window if you combine a scanitly clad woman, a lot of alcohol, and a dimly lit, densely packed club. I.e. a typical Thursday night. I am telling you what consequences you can expect from your actions.

>> No.15660508
File: 202 KB, 1600x791, b881583722z1_20180918143021_000gn518f9pm2-0-ct2lck6tnmk9fa22zq2_ct1880x930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you know how I know you've never been to the beach, anon?

>> No.15660512

I spend the entire time looking at women's tits through my sunglasses, yes

>> No.15660515
File: 479 KB, 840x1192, aug2012_malea4poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I am telling you what consequences you can expect from your actions.


>> No.15660517

Look you retard. Every man knows rape is illegal and that they'll be punished if they're found out. THEY DO IT ANYWAY BECAUSE OF IMPULSIVITY INHERIT IN THEM THAT CANNOT BE "WILLED" AWAY.

>> No.15660519
File: 280 KB, 1917x2880, 70F83681-BA60-4862-A793-CE96B656BCA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates female fashion
>sees no one else wear this shit besides a kardashian

>> No.15660523
File: 192 KB, 499x705, 20191111_op_hectare_e-fit_poster_499x705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this you, anon? :)

>> No.15660524

Honestly the biggest difference between sexual harassment and flirting is how you look

>> No.15660525

>Men are impulsive and women should be cautious with how they dress around them
>>Oh yeah? If that's true, how do you explain this Muslim rapist?

Nice one

>1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that New Year's night

>> No.15660843


Third world minds don't belong in first world societies. You should move to Ghana, anon. I think you'd like it there.

>> No.15662263

Roasties will NEVER admit this
Seethe harder

>> No.15662309

>women choose their outfits to attract (or shun) men
women choose their outfits, more than anything, for the opinions of other women. She could be wearing a binbag and a man would still hit on her, what she wears is irrelevant.

>> No.15662323

this. OP doesn't hate women's fashion he just hates this extreme mental image he imposes onto women

>> No.15662341

Why do neets end up with this bizarre online confidence?

There's a clear trend of losers who couldn't harm an insect spouting off about how they'll totally rape all of those horrible femoids and teach them a lesson, but time has proven again and again that the people who are truly capable of violent aggression and rape are socially apt and generally unassuming. Those people fit into society.

What's the psychology behind this? The anthropology?

>> No.15662345

>someone points out to a woman that her actions have consequences
>woman lashes out then melts down
like clockwork

>> No.15662348

>I'll rape you right in the middle of this club because I have no self control!

Found the guy who has never been inside a nightclub.

>> No.15662358

Found the incel lol

>> No.15662360

Also not being autistic helps.

>> No.15662431

t. low test
I bet you don't spank random women in clubs and think that's a good thing lel

>> No.15662614
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 1593276329207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662633


>> No.15662654

There needs to be a report option for "hideous embarassing incel resentment shit," seriously.

I promise you assholes, you're talking yourself deeper into a pit when you indulge with this shit. No one wants to sleep with someone who not only hates them but does so impersonally because it's all really about how much he hates himself.

Also like – undignified talk about yourself or men as "animals" ignores that you can teach yourself self-control, fucking animals have self-control what do you think was up with Pavlov's dogs, you can not drink or just handle your liquor... rape and other gendered violence is all too prevalent but plenty of people make it through life without doing it!

Only thing I can think of is its the only part of masculinity they feel they're able to front, and the people who are actually successful at it are usually smart enough to keep their mouth shut except around other men they think are like them.

>> No.15662707

I think >>>/s/ might more your speed, faggot

>> No.15662966

lmao you got them spot on
incels get out until you can behave yourselves
quit acting like toddlers

>> No.15663818

fucking degenerate kys

>> No.15665507

dress like a whore, get treated like a whore

>> No.15665557

This is exactly the problem

>> No.15665585

This is the case for literally anything with women. Went on a date with a girl, called her retarded and other rude shit cause she was making really dumb arguments in the stuff we were talking about, and she topped me off as I drove her home. If I looked as shitty as my attitude I would have gotten a slap in the face

>> No.15665637

their inability to speak their mind irl is the exact reason why they seek the protection of the veil of anonymity to speak things that aren’t just “their mind” but their basest desires as a reactionary measure to their own meekness

>> No.15665655

But whores engage in specific transactional sex acts with consent. Sexually assaulting a woman in a club because you're inebriated isn't treating a woman like a whore, it's treating her like she's not human. All you're saying is 'turn me on, don't expect me to respect your boundaries'.

>> No.15665738

talk like a brock turner, get treated like a brock turner

i'm sorry you lost the culture war on this one, anon :(

>> No.15665887

For now.
This war is not over

>> No.15666200

Also hate female fashion, but basically as a corollary of hating wojmen

>> No.15666207

Hate to acknowledge it, but it's honestly brilliant natural selection. All attractive women should dress like this and get masculine, attractive, muscular men to beat inferior men to death when they show their hand by seeking that which they have no right to.