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File: 672 KB, 739x458, dweeb vs chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15658236 No.15658236 [Reply] [Original]

The shaven and groomed hair turbo dweeb vs the natural haired bearded chad. The exact same person here.

There really is no contest.

I used to look like the left, a pretty boy, pretty boys appeal to little girls. The man with the beard makes ALL women wet.

If you want to be truly fa, there is no excuse to not have a beard unless you're a little sissy girly man. No not hipsters, onion "lumberjack" fruits but natural hair chads.

>> No.15658240

I'm 23. I had a nice beard for the past couple of years but I realized I'll should enjoy looking young while I'm still young and shave. Once I hit my late twenties ill do the whole beard, manly man thing but for now I like looking like a pretty boy. I have my entire life to look older

>> No.15658242

A pretty boy with a beard becomes a manly pretty body. He gains a few extra points. He appeals sexually to 16 year old girls to 76 year old women.

A clean shaven and "look I just came out the barbers" haircut appeals to girls aged 16 to 19. Women will just laugh at you and men won't respect you.

>> No.15658254

I just wasn't given any options. Facial hair started growing like mad when I was 17. Every time I've tried to shave - it just returned in bigger volumes on the next day. It all itches and hurts. Im a hostage of my beard

>> No.15658255

Embrace. Even go a little down the onions route if you must as in oils to soften and make it itch less.

>> No.15658256

brother you have a really delusional perspective of reality

>> No.15658257

I just gave up shaving. Trimming it with scissors every other week. Looks decent since I have nordic features and look like a barbarian

>> No.15658277

>tfw 28
>have to go for cleanshaven look otherwise its a peach fuzz for me

oh well at least you cant go wrong with the clean shaven look

>> No.15658306

>perspective of reality

It's based on reality. Formerly being well groomed and clean shaven, received plenty of interest from younger women, now since I beard and messed up hair embraced, I receive offers for casual sex from women over 50. I also get more respect.

Based. No woman alive can resist barbarian-core.

You know you have to take the minoxidil path.

>> No.15658311
File: 896 KB, 855x676, man vs sissy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy. You decide which looks best...

>> No.15658312
File: 338 KB, 684x830, augustus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need. I have accepted quite some time ago that I will never have a beard

>> No.15658321

Never accept. To accept is to give in and be defeated.

We are not saying do not accept you will never fly for this is not possible but those without beards or poor beard growth can go to full beards.

If you just want to give in, put in no effort, accept, then you're exactly the person your non-beard face projects you to be. A sissy weak man with no drive.

>> No.15658329
File: 44 KB, 600x600, sleaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beard with the right hair style can also turn you into the ultimate sleaze core God. Forget those 80's Miami movie fits for sleaze. This is true sleaze.

>> No.15658455
File: 180 KB, 291x520, Screenshot 2020-10-21 143214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw agree

Beards are manly and women love that sh*t

Ofcourse I had to pull out my phone to take a selfer real quick for you guys haha.

Brofists to you.

>> No.15658474
File: 39 KB, 612x406, look what i'm doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak sissy detected.

>> No.15658479
File: 426 KB, 2048x2048, clean shaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw agree we need to be clean shaven like a gent *tibs bedora*

>> No.15658484


>> No.15658489

why the fuck would you not want interest from younger women?
Seems pretty gay desu

>> No.15658493

right looks like an average dude
left looks like a guy who wear assless chaps at
gay clubs
jeez anon, i wonder which is better

>> No.15658514

Can you fucking read sissy? I said beard gets you attention from ALL age groups.

Nobody wants to be an "average dude" you mediocre sissy boy.

>> No.15659356

>thinking this is the same person

>> No.15659371

Nothing wrong with stubble. Beard trimmer at the lowest setting, ten seconds of shaving, and I'm done. If you cannot into beards, this option is superior.
Being clean-shaven is unnecessary in today's fashion, and going full hipster with the straight-razor boar-bristle brush whatever the fuck "shaving is a hobby" nonsense is outright laughable.

>> No.15660634
File: 45 KB, 500x699, 66870f2201ddb4505f6aad47c98bd838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not grooming both your facial hair and hair
ok loser

>> No.15660838

Mustaches are highest tier if you can pull them off

>> No.15660849

It is the same person, it's Gwilym Pugh. Look it up if you don't believe it.

>> No.15660856
File: 2.69 MB, 1274x1272, beards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15660860

>patchy facial hair wig wearer


>> No.15660891

most of them look like fags either way

>> No.15662230
File: 884 KB, 825x462, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15662288

>appeals to girls aged 16 to 19.
why would I want to appeal to old hags? also have sex

>> No.15662456

>Northern Sleaze

>> No.15662618

I’m 19 anon I can’t grow a beard yet my genetics don’t point me that way. I have a boyish but growing face and any facial hair I do grow just looks retarded. Not everyone should grow “a beard” the second they can. Your face has to mature into it or else you look like a freshmen boy proud he can grow some pubes on his face.

>> No.15662794

walmart jared leto, sunglasses guy and chang look better without

>> No.15663888
File: 110 KB, 960x600, 1590869134446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I style a beard like this?

>> No.15664401

i am asian. i cannot grow a beard

>> No.15664567

Young guys with a beard still look more mature. Bonus young girls still want you to fuck them and older women have a sniff too.

Just shape it better. Make the growth below the lip more pronounced to create an overall more pronounced jaw shape.

Well shit, Asian girls look 10 and Asian guys look 11 so I guess you're OK. Minoxidil still works on Asians.

>> No.15664621

lol hot guy either way

>> No.15664652

Don't listen to him anon
I completely agree with you because I'm literally going through the same thing

>> No.15664898

That is not bad nut it smells l8ke shit

>> No.15664910

I could grow a full beard at 13, but my parents wouldn't let me. I decided to grow one when I turned 18, bc I didn't have a 5 o'clock shadow I had a noon shadow. Haven't shaved since, just trimmed, went from completely ugly to average, probably won't go back

>> No.15664939

Beared doesn't represent your size of guts or manliness.

>> No.15664951


I get called a basedboy with any kind of facial hair so I’ll pass

>> No.15664980


>> No.15664981

>waltmart jared leto
my sides

>> No.15665006

>blanket statements
actual retard. some of us with manly jawlines dont need a beard to be a chad. picture any rock star sex symbol ever, theyre all bare face good jaw. get good genes.

>> No.15665548
File: 194 KB, 1005x960, 38BA91B1-E4C9-44CE-90E7-BA99EF2C411A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re ugly without facial hair, wearing a beard is peak cope

>> No.15665673

It's not the lack of beard that makes him look like a dweeb, it's the business haircut and boring clothing. If he was clean-shaven/stubbled and had the slightly wild hair and sleeveless shirt, he'd be most attractive to women.

>> No.15665701

is this baked alaska?

>> No.15665717

oy vey my son is gay

>> No.15665720

pretty /fa/ ngl

>> No.15665997
File: 5 KB, 259x194, E7B9182A-6262-4135-A883-06B34BDB6D57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My jawline is good though. I have no reason for a beard, and anything I can grow just looks like I’m trying to Karl as older than I am. Besides beards look gay to me. I know young guys who have “beards” and they look mentally ill. Pic related is off the internet and that’s what most guys my age can grow. If you tell me that looks good, you lost all credibility.

>> No.15666102

if u look decent without a beard keep it that way
its dirty/needs grooming/ you need to wipe food of it/ toothpaste sticks on it/ with masks these days its a fucking hassle
if u look like a school shooter without one, proly keep it

>> No.15666223

what if i told you

that the man on the right has product in his hair and makeup on his face because he is an actor in a hollywood movie

>> No.15666264

It's not about covering up a weak jawline. A beard makes women wet. Period.

>If you tell me that looks good

Why would I say that? Your pic is not a beard. That's a fucking sissy man.


Take a shower you smelly sissy.

Yeah no shit, I am not advocating you wake up and leave your hair, of course add product and style it.

>> No.15666389

>Take a shower
and then you have to oil and brush cause they'll dry up and look like pubes
yeah, no

im not spending the same amount of time in the bathroom as a woman

>> No.15667593

>A pretty boy with a beard becomes a sóyboy.

>> No.15667637

>appeals to girls aged 16 to 19.
Literally women in their prime. Holy based I’ll go and shave

>> No.15668320

This, extremely painful and thicc, also I have shit jawline so I am destined to have a beard my entire life
(5’11, godlike nose and blue hooded eyes)