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File: 152 KB, 1280x1572, gjxt4BN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15657550 No.15657550 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15657554


>> No.15657555

>most attractive men
wherever I am
>most attractive women
whoever I fuck

>> No.15657581

how to achieve this level of confidence?>>15657555

>> No.15657600
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>> No.15657623


>> No.15657643


>> No.15657647

is that due to the tax laws or fashion industry or weather or technology or what?

>> No.15657753

I would probably say Russia
Seen them in Chicago go on big shopping trips. They went to the shittiest stores, like aeropostale
Apparently it's hard to find over there so that's what people bring back

>> No.15657777

coastal americans

>> No.15657778
File: 1.05 MB, 320x289, E50B3D54-923A-4368-B14B-731AAE0AA200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy in the maserati

>> No.15657792

Both French men and women are attractive. It might be because of their cultural standards where appearance and clothing are both considered paramount. Add in the French standard of diet, and need for good quality food and you got pretty people.

Americans if they're not fat are usually attractive. The best of both worlds is Timothée Chalamet.

>> No.15657801

>Timothée Chalamet.
his face is rat-like to me

>> No.15657802
File: 7 KB, 216x233, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden did :(

>> No.15657808

French look like Jews without the int stats

>> No.15657843

I think I read most lingerie models come from Brazil

>> No.15657852

south korea

>> No.15657905

Luckily for you, he's both

>> No.15657939

Prob Norway or similar Scandi country

>> No.15658054

Non-fat west coast Americans are pretty good looking

>> No.15658427


>> No.15658439

2 correct posts

>> No.15658445
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>> No.15658448
File: 137 KB, 1038x1127, yungdari_28751883_191605251446885_3133446515247284224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia for women.

>> No.15658451


>> No.15658502

90% of the women i see in photographs and think "holy shit, shes beautiful" turn out to be russian

>> No.15658504

swedish women are incredibly overrated, they all got round potato faces

>> No.15658512


Russia and Poland for women, former Yugoslavia and Italy for men (unless gypsies or albos). Western Europeans are all manlets.

>> No.15658518
File: 12 KB, 420x420, 1560710487797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm swedish and i agree. i unironically prefer middle eastern/med women (the secular ones). they look so much better, have better bodies, very few are crazy feminists and they are super easy as a european guy to fuck

>> No.15658527
File: 1.24 MB, 1169x1023, aleja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT'S COLOMBIAN GIRLS!! Without a doubt.

>> No.15658535
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>> No.15658550

hmm very good point anon

>> No.15658558


>> No.15658594

Lithuania has been repeatedly referred to as the land of beautiful women - if you’ve ever heard of that little country bc most people haven’t...

Also Brazil has some really attractive people

>> No.15658610

yeah i'm going with russia for women, i honestly have no idea for men

>> No.15658695
File: 56 KB, 400x372, moon landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men: USA

Women: Colombia, Russia, [insert Nordic country because they are all the same], Brazil depending on your preference


>> No.15658704
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>> No.15658723
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>> No.15658729
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>all the American gentlemen who'd get absolutely mogged anywhere else if they could afford travel

>> No.15658750

>Men: USA

Ok fatty

>> No.15658754

The Netherlands

>> No.15658880

I don't know but it's definitely not Poland

>> No.15658883


>> No.15659083

Nah, manjaws

>> No.15659089

British girls. Men idk Italy lol

>> No.15659111
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Finland :DDD

>> No.15659112
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>British girls.

>> No.15659116
File: 2.93 MB, 720x1280, england.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British girls
As a Brit you're just silly

>> No.15659117

Manjaws are based for wanting Chad kids

>> No.15659123

Too much fat faggots in the USA

>> No.15659138

Yeah you can find examples of ugly girls in every country

>> No.15659147

How fucking full of yourself are you? You mention your own country so we think of you, and you as beautiful? People always mention Russia, not Lithuania .

>if you’ve ever heard of that little country bc most people haven’t...

Yes they have. You assume everyone is fucking retarded and you're so smart but it's the reason why you're stupid. You think the average person doesn't know basic geography, or basic anything, and that makes you feel smart but it's based on a big lie because they know all those things.



>> No.15659150

LMFAO I have seen this before but it;s such a crack up. Like wtf.

>> No.15659184

Dam, always wanted a girl like this but they're so hard to come by where i live.


>> No.15659187

Holy shit this isn't real

>> No.15659196

Idk man she's so stupid and full of herself it's not even fun anymore

>> No.15659201
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>> No.15659208


>> No.15659233

which one is this?

>> No.15659249

You always assume I’m talking about myself - yes I’m Lithuanian - but I’m def very average compared to the women there...
Ok fine Russia - people ask me if I’m Russian all the time - which I personally find a tad offensive but People have been telling me I look Russian since I moved to Us....so I find this thread to be a complimentary for me...am I not allowed to feel good??!
Not once have I said I’m hot or beautiful so get over it and stop making shit up

>> No.15659261

does anyone have that photo of sieg with his fat face and sunglasses?
it was his birthday a few days ago im trying to make something special

>> No.15659270
File: 464 KB, 729x412, happybirthdayJJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15659275
File: 3.43 MB, 1333x10000, WelcomeToBonglund2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK by far

>> No.15659351

>tad offensive
What's offensive in being called Russian?
Jeez small european nations are so unconfident and easily offended

>> No.15659366

its like going up to an asian and asking them if they're chinese...or a latino and asking if they're mexican.
i was there when when soviet union collapsed and trust me historically - russians were oppressive af to the little countries around them (in fact that why my dad wanted to leave lithuania so bad) and its kind of ingrained in me and always has been bc i lived through it

also the real russian women ive seen and met in europe (NOT INSTAGRAM MODELS) wore very trashy clothing and make up and just not what i wanted to look like.

>> No.15659555

The amount of time and work over the years that has been spent trying to defame them lol. I believe the Americans use the word obsessed

>> No.15659574

The standard in Denmark is really high

>> No.15659613

Ikr it’s so sad and they just pick the most ugliest girls as well, so it’s so biased. Americans have got some uglies who can’t afford healthcare or the 36% of Americans who are overweight

>> No.15659630
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A large percentage of the sexcore chads on IG come from the UK

>> No.15659631

Now post the majority of Russian women who aren’t this good looking

>> No.15659634

>the 36% of Americans who are overweight
More like 70 plus percent in certain areas.

Burgerfags are fat.

>> No.15659641

The burden of being at the top

>> No.15659643

Anywhere that has athletic and in shape people


>> No.15659648

Post face and fit

>> No.15659767

stay in your containment board /int/cel

>> No.15660256

kill yourself

>> No.15660276
File: 625 KB, 2368x2888, 1593431456861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who claimed russian girls were hot didn't mean you. They meant girls that looked more like CG

>> No.15660289
File: 4 KB, 225x225, IMG_4263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder: sieg is ugly and obese, spends his time harpooning land whales

>> No.15660296

this is all really depressing

>> No.15660298

your life?

>> No.15660301

you nees to define 'most'
if you mean highest volume, i would guess india or china just because of sheer population size

>> No.15660304

The gif that keeps on giving

>> No.15660346

Not with that honker on her face

>> No.15660356

South Korea

>> No.15660364
File: 289 KB, 1900x2330, 18C170E7-B5DD-40E3-9BF9-85A3C509FD85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smelly arabs detected

>> No.15660377
File: 43 KB, 620x437, 75abc-orthodox2bjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smelly arabs detected

>> No.15660378
File: 60 KB, 670x823, 2F83ECD7-587A-4902-A01B-07063758A1B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greater Israel will be a reality in your lifetime
seethe goat fucker

>> No.15660380

after the holocaust everybody felt bad and gave jews a final chance to prove to the world all previous anti semitism was based on ignorance and group tribalism. And 75 years later we've only gotten a confirmation of what the world has a hard time accepting in a time where acceptance and peace is the highest ideal. This time it really will be a FINAL solution. Once the evangelical amermutt dogs and ponzed politicians are destroyed there'll be nothing left to hold back the inevitable

>> No.15660383
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, stainless-steel-cafe-single-oven-electric-ranges-ces750p2ms1-64_1000-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in

>> No.15660385

>couldn't even beat hezbollah
>greater israel

>> No.15660387
File: 105 KB, 720x866, E1F732F9-6CF3-45D2-B106-88C7C4B3CE46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can only seethe from your basement while high IQ master race ashkenazim rule the world. yes, i know we rule the world, and your media, and we influence your youth to become degenerates. how will your country look in 20 to 50 years? probably very brown and even more degenerate. but israel will live on :)

>> No.15660396
File: 2.50 MB, 1600x1594, concentration-camp-Anne-Frank-corpses-Piles-Nazi-April-15-1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words words words words words words words sophistry words words words words appeals words words words wor-

>> No.15660404

I agree with that brother. And I feel like girls with strong facial structure age better too

>> No.15660437

Men: Chad / Niger
Women: Djibouti

>> No.15660546

Women: Montreal

>> No.15660575

All French guys I know are skinnyfat and obnoxiously loud
Hahahahahahahahaha smallest eyes out of all Asians, short stumpy legs, and everybody has plastic surgery
Good facial structure but they wear A LOT of makeup. They look 15 years older without makeup.

>> No.15660584

Albania for women

>> No.15660589

Most attractive men, I don't know but definitely not USA
I traveled from coast to coast and met like 5 good looking men

The women however were a lot better than the men
Most women were pretty hot, and the couples I saw together were bizarre

And this was true when I was in:
NY, Georgia, Colorado & LA. I saw so many cute girls with fat, acne riddled Shrek alikes in their late teens and early twenties

>> No.15660592

This image instantly boosted my ego and self-confidence. Thanks anon

>> No.15660605

>greater israel

so you mean america? the us is just a kike slave state

>> No.15660630

you sound like a faggot but I've been to Latvia and there I saw even better girls than in Lithuania.

>> No.15660639
File: 147 KB, 828x831, 39D8173A-F3E4-4838-98A3-7A42C86FB273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nordic country
Yeah sure buddy

>> No.15660695

aight. i've been seeing this fucker for too long. imma have to fuck him now.

>> No.15660807


>> No.15660810 [DELETED] 


>> No.15660812

>Ok fine Russia - people ask me if I’m Russian all the time

You don't even look Russian at all. People ask women if they're Russian when they spot that beautiful Russian woman look which you don't have but you're still running with you're so stunning you get asked if you're Russian lol.

>am I not allowed to feel good??!

Of course you are but this is proving once again how shallow you are that the only way you can feel good about yourself is by being called beautiful. You're SO superficial. Even worse you're ageing and still grasping onto the only thing that makes you feel good which is compliments regarding how you look. That's really bad path to take. You're going to age more and be older and be no match for young girls and get soooo fucking depressed.

You're allowed to feel good about yourself, be told you look pretty and look great today but you need other things to balance that because days when you get zero compliments you'll feel like shit and always be a chaser for attention. Try getting a man who thinks you're beautiful instead of wanting stranger attention. It's sad.

Maybe (but I doubt it) you'll understand happiness and feeling good comes from myself which is why I don't give a shit about posting "grotesque selfies" because my source of feeling good does not come from strangers on the internet. They hold no such power over me.

>> No.15661206

Go drink your onions milk and sit down, nigger.

>> No.15661467

Poland has beautiful women and ugly men. Basically a country of models without male competition.

>> No.15661478

Britain has the best but also the worst due to a large number of invasions, contrasted with a shit load of inbreeding

Really tends to be a class thing, working class is shorter with brown hair and eyes, middle class is taller with more defined bone structure.
Upper class are all super inbred so they don't count

>> No.15661489

underrated fpbp

>> No.15661500

> I'm so hot everyone Sks me if I'm a Russian super model


> Guy she's fucking asks for an ass pic

"I can't right now it's covered in ticks"

This bitch is honestly a trip. I should just write down all the stupid shit she says and write a tv show about how stupid she is

>> No.15661511
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>> No.15661513

>Meanwhile israel is importing absolutely any eastern european who will pretend to be jewish just because they're afraid of being outbred by arabs

>> No.15661516

nice tits

>> No.15661517

So fucking true

>> No.15661519

SIEG you are a fat faggot

>> No.15661520

>"I can't right now it's covered in ticks"

Ewwwwwwww!! Does she have Lyme disease???

>> No.15661526

I prefer Southern European women myself. I'm just acknowledging the current beauty standards

>> No.15661533
File: 17 KB, 559x423, EkabRDAU8AADoh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant tell if troon or just from the UK

>> No.15661535

great white cope

>> No.15661538

Men: Africa
Women: Sweden

>> No.15661544

and because of that even average western man can take them away easily

>> No.15661554

Literally just proven you’re full of shit. All British Islanders are majority Anglo with 45%. Not every historical event equals a complete ethnic genocide or even mixing of peoples. No Northern European country is inbred because otherwise it would be impossible for individualism to be so widespread. There probably is differences is attractiveness between countries and I’d love to see a randomly selected sample thats not cherrypicked like every anti bong seethe chart

>> No.15661567
File: 168 KB, 1079x829, EC261BE7-1087-44D3-A2CF-C30BDE1C2FE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Northern European country is inbred because otherwise it would be impossible for individualism to be so widespread.

>> No.15661618
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15661623

While the mean IQ difference between Ashkenazim and other northern Europeans may not seem large, such a small difference maps to a large difference in the proportion of the population with very high IQs (Crow, 2002). For example if the mean Ashkenazi IQ is 110 and the standard deviation is 15, then the number of northern Europeans with IQs greater than 140 should be 4 per thousand while 23 per thousand Ashkenazim should exceed the same threshold, a six fold difference.
Ha look my race science is better than yours. https://web.mit.edu/fustflum/documents/papers/AshkenaziIQ.jbiosocsci.pdf.. Also you lied about the Backman study, it shows Jews have a considerably higher verbal IQ at around 108, and the data Lynn analyzed was nationally representative and found around the same result.

>> No.15661626


>> No.15661631


Did she really say that? About her anal ticks?

>> No.15661634

What are Jews though? Too loosely defined in ethnic terms. They get mogged my 115iq Anglicans if we can be pick and choose class, race and religion as well

>> No.15661646

Jacksonville, Florida

>> No.15661665
File: 124 KB, 1536x1024, 1601980770721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From where i've traveled I'd say top three are

Netherlands, Ukraine and Israel

>> No.15661666

Florida has a lot of muscular handsome Chads for some reason

>> No.15661677

Sweden is, now

>> No.15661688

Estonia still has a ton of cuties

>> No.15661731

Might be. All Israeli women I've met were gorgeous.

Bad example tho.

>> No.15661742

Trips don't lie

>> No.15661805

This, unironically.

>> No.15661813

>utterly nonsensical
I hate this webm. It's everything I hate about the world. It's like watching an existential crisis play out.

>> No.15661828

Women: Japan, Poland, Portugal

Men: Croatia

>> No.15661852


>> No.15661863

this is pretty accurate actually

>> No.15661870

how easy is it for an eastern european to come shag one of the british lasses?

>> No.15662344

czech republic. The guys in their gay porn films are insanely attractive, and they're kinda just seen as "average" over there.
Mostly(practically only) white people, all reasonably healthy, fashionable, etc..
This isnt me shilling for my homeland either. I'm an ethnically english person in Canada(And the fuckers in US/Canada or the UK arent good looking typically. Especially with all the ugly un-fa races.)

>> No.15662697

I'd say Belarus beats it by a bit. The woman also aren't as bitchy and demanding, and more humble in comparison due to it being poorer than Russia

>> No.15662706

I'm Colombian and I disagree. European girls have facial features that rarely can be beaten

>> No.15662833


>> No.15662857

Never go to France

>> No.15662862
File: 327 KB, 378x568, maustetytc3b6tkaisa-e1595977264296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland :3

>> No.15662952

can vouch for bulgarian bitches my girl be good

>> No.15662962

why are russian women so pretty and russian men so shit looking?

>> No.15663007
File: 102 KB, 1600x729, 40captured-rus-commander-mtislav-iii-brought-before-subudai-and-jebe-after-battle-of-kalka-river.-pintrest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mongol rape
mongoloid features look better on women

>> No.15663012

Germany is exactly opposite lol

>> No.15663020

why do people still buy into this meme? yes, mongol invasions certainly had an effect genetically on many peoples, however to blindly assert that all asiatic features and ancestry in slavic peoples is from mongols is showing immense misunderstanding of human migration and history

>> No.15663025

Iceland average? I've some some knockouts in Iceland. They're def at least a B. I would take Norway out of B and replace it with Iceland.

>> No.15663026


>> No.15663086

It isn't. Germany is ugly all around.

>> No.15663353

Caracas, Venezuela

>> No.15663382

Why does the jewess have a black sun on her sleeve?

>> No.15663464
File: 454 KB, 1580x2093, A12CB68B-5DA2-40EB-9EF6-02677B3A2556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess what flag that is ;)

>> No.15664675

where to find a girl like this america?

>> No.15664679

Blogging is the only hting I have :( Zommers are so alien

>> No.15665056
File: 33 KB, 400x400, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking based

>> No.15665063

this girl looks a bit like gal gadot.

>> No.15665065

except those countries have massive rates of malnutrition which causes the majority of their male populations to be 5 feet tall and instantly discounted from being handsome.

>> No.15665069

>always wanted a girl like this
Oh, so you're an emotional masochist with a cuckoldry fetish?

>> No.15665097
File: 50 KB, 750x743, 1601426968145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665109

It just keeps getting better

>> No.15665138
File: 3.56 MB, 347x244, 1453512748475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched this while listening to Rip&Tear

>> No.15665446

Moldova in the S tier but everybody there is drunk half the time. If you go to a store theres a 50% chance the clerk is drunk as shit and 50% hes hungover.

They all drink to forget about their regrets in not joining romania.

>> No.15665452
File: 33 KB, 470x346, studs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665473

i guess i gotta move to helsinki my northern finnish city doesnt have these

>> No.15665569


>> No.15665600

British 178 cm at 0:19

>> No.15665650

Knowing these types? They find you

>> No.15665688

>European girls have facial features that rarely can be beaten
they are not particularly strong, I bet they could be beaten quite easily.

>> No.15666288

Women: Poland
Men: Denmark

>> No.15666391


Be thinspo mate

>> No.15666410


>> No.15666421

Anywhere where alt people hang out I think

>> No.15666479





>> No.15666514

start improving






>> No.15666515

Anywhere where there is people that have good jawlines.