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File: 180 KB, 820x739, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15650688 No.15650688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As a black man, how should I dress in order to have a higher chance of being accepted into the job I apply for?

>> No.15650690

come out as gay and transgender, also put on enough weight to be considered morbidly obese
then you will check every diversity requirement and get any job you wish

>> No.15650709

idk but fuck you anyways

>> No.15650711
File: 95 KB, 940x788, business-casual-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just dress and speak like a normal fucking person. "but its racist to imply that normal=white" nope. Every other minority comes to anglo countries and within a generation are dressing like everybody else, basic shit like a button up shirt and khakis, and are speaking English that is indistinguishable from every other english speaker in the country except blacks. Its not that difficult
don't dress in anything funky, don't speak in overt slang, have a clean haircut, just be a normal person

>> No.15650713

All niggers should hang from trees.

>> No.15650716

companies pop boners for blacks like this because they get diversity points AND actually have a competent worker they don't have to feel uncomfortable around if they say or do something that'll ruin their careers

>> No.15650717

In your native african attire. Gown or tribal grass dress. You are a nigger so play the part of a full on bongo drum banana boat ape and some kike would love to hire you.

>> No.15650723

If I was in charge of hiring at a location I wouldn't even look at the application of a nigger and would never hire one.
I hate niggers so fucking much

>> No.15650747

Idk if this is bait, but just like any other white guy would dress. Dress well and modestly, not too tight.

>> No.15650757

He asked about clothes dude why did you go on a rant about speech? Most black Americans speak general American English perfectly, there's no reason to think otherwise.

>> No.15650758
File: 115 KB, 1081x720, 101061962_1140609802960499_8065866762761011200_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, perfect outfit for a nigger

>> No.15650767
File: 9 KB, 197x256, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good nigger outfit, make sure to cake the mud and shit on to attract the flies

>> No.15650772
File: 260 KB, 1100x767, black-english-from-yone_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most black Americans speak general American English perfectly
come to the south(majority of blacks). I am a first gen arab and i speak 10x better English than blacks that have been here for centuries. There are ESL students in my classes that write more competent essays than the black kids. There is a reason they are trying to ban the correction of black ebonics in American education. Go to other countries and the blacks speaks the language fine because they are encouraged to speak the language like everybody else from a young age by the school systems, media, and their own communities

>> No.15650775

kid looks comfy

>> No.15650780
File: 24 KB, 474x350, 120324614_1288122174913514_8064545999529899765_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very versatile outfit for the workplace, the ash tray is very helpful for breaks and will make you a very popular nigger

>> No.15650782
File: 56 KB, 229x220, 673FDD4F-25E4-44B4-8697-82F306ECC92E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15650787

>come to the south

I'm from the South. Trust me Black Americans have two or three ways of speaking depending on the situation and the audience. They do general American English just fine, you just haven't been privy to a situation where they needed to code switch.

>There is a reason they are trying to ban the correction of black ebonics in American education.

The reason is that AAVE (or Ebonics) is a grammatically perfect and proper way to speak English. It's well documented and studied. The only reasons to think that it's not are based of ignorant racial notions.

>Go to other countries and the blacks speaks the language fine because they are encouraged to speak the language like everybody else

Other countries don't have the same or as thorough of a history of racial segregation, which is where AAVE comes from. Anyway there's no reason to derail this dudes interview clothes thread.

>> No.15650788
File: 23 KB, 500x510, 119170961_156701446121422_2232401865475289932_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could keep it simple like this. Embrace your nigger roots and i'm sure they would love to tick that diversity quota.

>> No.15650794
File: 92 KB, 684x960, 121553635_194471202208139_2460693493735278665_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a personal favourite of mine and it should definitley be considered for a nigger.

>> No.15650802

>I'm from the South. Trust me Black Americans have two or three ways of speaking depending on the situation and the audience. They do general American English just fine, you just haven't been privy to a situation where they needed to code switch.
nope. I have them in my university classes, frankly I don't give a fuck about how they speak at home, but I'm sure its even worse because in a classroom environment the vast majority still speak in ebonics and routinely have trouble expressing themselves without street slang(speaking and writing). My studies are heavily based on advanced vocabulary and reading, if I can't see it there I doubt I'll find it anywhere else
>The reason is that AAVE (or Ebonics) is a grammatically perfect and proper way to speak English. It's well documented and studied. The only reasons to think that it's not are based of ignorant racial notions.
No its not, its like saying speaking French with heavy English accent, constantly mixing up words, and using improper grammar is "perfect and proper way to speak French" because "languages constantly change BRO". Such a stupid argument. When italian and Irish immigrants came to the USA they spoke in the same type of messed up English, what happened only a generation later? I don't care about the race speaking it, ebonics is just what somebody would come up with trying to make English sound like it is being spoken by a retard. It sounds like a toddler or a caveman first learning to speak. It irrationally pisses me off
>Other countries don't have the same or as thorough of a history of racial segregation
AHAHAHAHAHA Americans are so fucking ignorant its amazing

>> No.15650804


>> No.15650808
File: 51 KB, 550x352, lip-plate pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might I suggest a nigger outfit such as this? A bit
eccentric, yes, but should definitley get you noticed.

>> No.15650812

when my four year old cousin says something like "I drunk the milk" I tell her it is "I drank the milk" only once, and SURPRISE SURPRISE now she only says she "drank the milk" simple as fucking that

>> No.15650947


As a former black man, all I can tell you is, it doesn't matter what you wear. You'll always be wearing your complexion over any suit or shirt and tie.

>> No.15650966

Formerly black?

>> No.15650982


Former man.

>> No.15651432
File: 25 KB, 550x695, ff0d90cb-df50-4509-8ded-b31e76ea047b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress with blue business suit. Blue look good with blacks, well in my opinion at least.

>> No.15651857

Niggers should be in the cotton fields or swinging from trees

>> No.15651883

Based. I have a hispanic friend whose dad owns a landscaping business and he always tries to avoid hiring niggers. Kek

>> No.15651887

Why are niggers so gay and transexual?

>> No.15652013

Fuck niggers im not racist

>> No.15652021

If you're a cool toned black guy, blue looks really good on you, +Dark blue is associated with being smarter

Gray is also a good choice because it denotes purity like white, but more of a neutral kind of purity.

You could wear glasses and an apple watch too

>> No.15652024

I'd fuck you, and I'm white as fuck.

>> No.15652026


>> No.15652115
File: 2.45 MB, 750x1334, 49A4A96F-1AEA-4D59-A9DA-E7778AA67B5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a real nigga

>> No.15652219


>> No.15652235


>> No.15652255


>> No.15652260


>> No.15652269

You see this is the problem. Blacks don't know how privileged they are, they still think they are "oppressed n shieet" when in reality, you're black, turn up in a fucking bag and you'll get the job.

Incredible how they are around 5,000 years behind Europe. If Europeans had never touched Africa they would still all be living this way.

>> No.15652304

Just put on an oxford button up and a pair of chinos. Be friendly, be on time, do a good job (research the company, make sure you can speak about your work experience and skills). Despite the accusations of discrimination and racism a lot of it is just whether the people think you will follow company values i.e. make the company money and not cause headaches for other employees.

>> No.15652317

>be on time

Those are actual white racist standards though. So you're offering a racist reply. Do better.

>Colored people's time
>Colored people's time (also abbreviated to CP time or CPT) is an American expression referring to a negative stereotype of African Americans as frequently being late.

>Clemson Diversity Training: Expecting People to Arrive on Time Is Culturally Insensitive

>In the United States, it’s just a fact that you’re supposed to arrive on time to your appointments.

>according to materials from a diversity-training course at Clemson University, it’s culturally insensitive to expect people to show up on time because “time may be considered fluid” in some cultures.

>> No.15652335


Based. Fuck niggers

go prep the bull niggerlover

>> No.15652342

You’re racist as well though

>> No.15652358

What’s the job

>> No.15652367

Please don't perpetuate this shit my life will be so much easier if black people show up on time and we don't excuse it because muh racism

>> No.15652371


That's the difference, isn't it? You're probably one of those types that thinks being called racist is the worse thing in the world, meanwhile you post things that could be classed as racist. Why? Because no matter what you do, no matter what you say, if you're white it's not good enough and you'll always be hated by them. Once you change something to not be "racist" they will switch it up again. It never ends until you end.

Every aspect of your culture is be deemed racist when applied to them until your culture no longer exists. Like the above, if you tell a black person their interview is at 9am and they turn up at 11am, you don't get to complain or you're a racist. PERIOD.

>> No.15652375
File: 569 KB, 739x415, 4C498824-7B05-4E09-AD27-80C6432C8A45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15652382 [DELETED] 

It's not me, it;s the new "diversity" training. Blame your left wing antifa white "allies" for this shit.

Sure it sucks there are some smart and educated black people out there not causing a riot but you're still not calling those out that do.

If some "white supremacists" were marching around attacking people and looting, all white people would call them out. But if blacks do that shot, the "good blacks" remain silent.

You're probably thinking "see, calling white sis justified because this thread proves it" when you really should be blaming shit like BLM that has pushed race relations back 50 years. We're SICK of your shit.

I get it, any white person that so much as breathes us racist. Well let us live apart? Oh no that's "white flight" and that's racist too. Let us move in and live alongside you. Oh no, that's "gentrification" and that's racist too.


>> No.15652384

aren't you a kike

>> No.15652385

It's not me, it's the new "diversity" training. Blame your left wing antifa white "allies" for this shit.

Sure it sucks there are some smart and educated black people out there not causing a riot but you're still not calling those out that do.

If some "white supremacists" were marching around attacking people and looting, all white people would call them out. But if blacks do that shit, the "good blacks" remain silent.

You're probably thinking "see, calling white sis justified because this thread proves it" when you really should be blaming shit like BLM that has pushed race relations back 50 years. We're SICK of your shit.

I get it, any white person that so much as breathes is racist. Well let us live apart? Oh no that's "white flight" and that's racist too. Let us move in and live alongside you. Oh no, that's "gentrification" and that's racist too.


>> No.15652388
File: 117 KB, 547x768, the yidler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? Not at all. Aren't you?

>> No.15652396

Who is the Jewish tripfag in this board?

>> No.15652410

Igor! He is the proud and (mentally ill) jew.

>> No.15652440

larping faggot.

>> No.15652446

Yo momma.

>> No.15652449
File: 120 KB, 1395x930, 1600454909838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dont be late for the interview if you can help it nigger lmao its that easy

>> No.15652526

>Most black Americans speak general American English perfectly, there's no reason to think otherwise.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.15652561
File: 103 KB, 636x936, 180D82B5-927F-47F1-AFFA-D2A37CE063C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. This turned into hate kkk racist clan rally so quick. You guys make me ashamed to be white. You keyboard kunts haven’t learning nothing from the past decade of civil right.

To answer to question. Same as white people. Smart casual or a suit. It depends on what job you’re applying for.

>> No.15652574
File: 183 KB, 1200x1200, 91CE9B28-D952-4FF7-A8A6-BAB4E1965C69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s cos they are you stupid bastard. Racist redlining means that blacks and minorities earn less than white people. They couldn’t afford loans and houses that were passed on. That’s why there’s a gap between white and black and racism still exists toay. A perfect example of it is this sub and how racist you are. Your privileged preppy daddy’s boy

Amazing how without Europeans North America, they would still be living this way

>> No.15652579

Hurr durr let me apologize on behalf of white people durr hurr i'm a pathetic little bitch whop fails to understand people are pissed off by the 24/7 bullshit like blm!!


>You keyboard kunts

I'm right here bitch. My name is right here.

> Same as white people.

Which is not "culturally sensitive" saying they must "act white" to get a job aka it's racist you dumb fuck. You're a racist.

>> No.15652584

>minorities earn less than white people

They don't though lol Indians and Chinese in the USA earn more on average than white people so what now lol.

>> No.15652586

>Amazing how without Europeans North America, they would still be living this way

Like stone age savages? Lol.. Some of the tribes were FLESH EATERS. Good stuff lol..

"Rape" did not exist because it wasn't a crime hahaha.

>> No.15652592

>The Mohawk, and the Attacapa, Tonkawa, and other Texas tribes were known to their neighbours as 'man-eaters.'"

Lol well that's awkward.

>> No.15652595

>i'm a pathetic little bitch
That sums it up
> My name is right here.
Cecil is the most old fashioned whitest name ever .
> "act white" to get a job
Meaning equals rights and dressing like other white Americans do for interviews and not some lip plate racist BS you’re pushing. Dressing like a human being not some stereotype.

>> No.15652600

Hurr you have a white person name look at me I am an anti-racist!!

Why are the black boot lickers always the most racist cunts to whites. You'd never say "Tyrone is the most black name ever" because you're a coward.

>Dressing like a human being not some stereotype.

But POC do not dress like whites do so you're saying not dressing in a "white way" is not dressing like a human being. You are saying blacks in Africa in a tribe not in a suit are fucking non-human! HOLY SHIT.

You're a fucking moron and a racist one at that. Back to pol Mr KKK.

>> No.15652607

>Same as white people.

>Dressing like a human being not some stereotype.

I'M NOT RACIST. Hahahahaha. This chuckle fuck.

>> No.15652612
File: 131 KB, 746x565, 36503D8B-7910-480C-A335-6B43FBBFDBDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn’t have to deal with redlining and Native Americans get money from the government.
As for Chinese? Well the US promoted Asians as being “model minority” which is where Asians good at maths stereotype came from and let in successful Chinese and Asians into the country and they got popular. At the same time they shunned African Americans who were dealing with redlining and Jim Crow racism

>> No.15652624

>durr racist country
>whites are racist
>look i prove it they earn more than all other groups
>oh no wait they don't
>racism explains why whites earn more than blacks but somehow not why chinese earn more than blacks

LOL. Excuse after excuse.

>same pattern exists ion every western country blacks are in

Sheeitt it be redlining and shit... oh no that never happened in those other countries but *shuffle card deck* insert other excuse to blame whites.

We are not buying it any longer lol. Keep up the BLM shit hahah it's going great for you. I've even heard former totally "non-racist" people use the word nigger now. It's awesome.

>> No.15652637
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 787B496C-0101-454F-A8CA-BB54562E5487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hurr you have a white person name look at me I am an anti-racist!!

It’s fitting for you for you though.

> racist cunts to whites. You'd never say "Tyrone is the most black name ever" because you're a coward.

This post is full of racism for no reason and when you get a little back to know what’s it like, you don’t like it. No, you’re right or Lamar. Don’t know any white people with those names. Maybe white people be called Tyrone and black people Cecil and break down these barriers

> You are saying blacks in Africa in a tribe not in a suit are fucking non-human!

Im saying dress for the country YOURE IN. I’m not gonna say dress like a black man because you’d think of Africa or some robe. If you lived in Africa, I’d say wear what they wear what’s appropriate like in Cape Town cos just like with native Americans, not all Americans wear native Americans headdresses

>> No.15652638

What do you expect? It’s 4chan

>> No.15652644

>Im saying dress for the country YOURE IN

You said dress like a white person. America is a white country? I thought it was beautifully diverse?

>This post is full of racism for no reason and when you get a little back to know what’s it like, you don’t like it.

Yeah it's not like anti-white shit is pumped out 24/7 and that's the cause of the "whites being racist" here because they are fucking sick and tired of it. What a shock. Call out white people non-stop and expect not to turn them the other way. You must be retarded.

There are more "white racists" than ever right now because of all this and even the little white "non-racist" poster here is smart enough not not walk through a black neighborhood because they know they will be targeted.

I LITERALLY don't care about the word "racist" you're a subhuman race who needs to be eradicated from the earth. You are a low IQ savage race of backwards AIDS infested fucking money fuckers.

>> No.15652649

>durr racist country

Jim Crow laws
>whites are racist

Jim Crow laws
>look i prove it they earn more than all other groups

“Model minority”

>oh no wait they don't

Racism from model minority towards blacks and lantinos and not supporting those groups and stopping racism

>racism explains why whites earn more than blacks but somehow not why chinese earn more than blacks


> LOL. Excuse after excuse.


> same pattern exists ion every western country blacks are in

Racism. Plain and simple

> heard former totally "non-racist" people...blah blah blah

Congratulations. Enjoy your suburban white neighborhood and know that you’re part of the problem as to why racism is still a thing.

>> No.15652653

So your answer to everything no matter which country, no matter what history, no matter any fact is that it's just WHITE RACISM.

Lmao extremist idiot, You should be on a watch list.

>> No.15652654

Yeah, you’re right. I forgot where I was for one second and thought that decent human beings where here. I must’ve been dreaming

>> No.15652658

In white dominated countries with minor ethnic minorities? Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.15652659

There is the door. Fuck off then. Wouldn't want you to waste your time with all these non-decent humans on here.

Might I suggest the bongo congo wakanda board in which you can discuss lip stretching? Good luck.

>> No.15652661

Oh right so if native Europeans are the majority in their country it will always be racist until they become the minority.

Got ya. Say, your name isn't Goldwitz, is it? Oh fellow white person.

>> No.15652662


You already have a higher chance of being accepted for any job you apply for over a white guy with the same qualifications. Just do not be a nigger and you will be fine.

>> No.15652680

You said dress like a white person. America is a white country? I thought it was beautifully diverse?

I was gonna say dress in a suit and tie and jeans and shirt... then I read the comments. Black to you means robe. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. That’s all

> Call out white people non-stop and expect not to turn them the other way

Maybe this right here is why they call out whites. 1 post here was about what to wear. Rest was racist. You just gave people a reason to say it. This posts proves it

> more "white racists" than ever right now because of all this

Cos of the internet and you can band together and say hate speech without your friends or work finding out. Cecil isn’t your real name. You can say this cos you can. Cos you know no one will stop you saying it unlike at work, where you’d get fired.

> black neighborhood because they know they will be targeted.

Maybe decades of racism and segregation is the reason why they live their in the first place. Why crime is so high cos of redlining

> blah blah blah bullshit none sense, blah blah blah money waste of time AIDS blah blah nothing blah blah crap

Whatever the fuck this is. Just

>> No.15652681

I'm not racist because I am Jewish so I can't be but blacks do smell like shit a lot of the times I have noticed. Maybe they have problem taking shower.

>> No.15652685

Calm down you hostile trip

>> No.15652686

Got anything worthwhile to say? Cos all I’m hearing is some mad alt right white guy having a rage

>> No.15652695

>1 post here was about what to wear. Rest was racist.

What are you not understanding? 24/7 anti-white shit, being blamed for everything and looting and rioting have made whites give up on niggers. They can't be saved. They should just fuck off. We don't want them around us. When a black posts we know they will just call us racist at some point so we might as well get it over and done with.

>hate speech

Oh and here comes the commie buzzwords. Speech is speech FFS.

>without your friends or work finding out. Cecil isn’t your real name.

Hurr durr lets threaten people and their work!! You are an antifa cuck 100%

I make videos with my face in saying nigger. I don't have work, friends, or family. So IDGAF you little bitch.

You're a little faggot and I would smash your onions guzzling bitch ass into the next century.

>> No.15652697

> until they become the minority.

Until they accept that minorities are human beings too and treat them as everyone else in the country. Something you simply can’t grasp or understand and never will.

>> No.15652698

>alt right

LOL about 5 years too late bitch boi.

>> No.15652703

Link to video?

>> No.15652707



>> No.15652714

> I don't have work, friends, or family. So IDGAF you little bitch.

Why does that not surprise me. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.15652716

>I don't have work, friends, or family. So IDGAF you little bitch.
Sound sliek Igor

>> No.15652717
File: 675 KB, 800x711, U MAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil gay boi mad

>> No.15652724

I’m automatically considered mad just because I asked for a link to the video? You okay?

>> No.15652727

Showing your true colors I see

>> No.15652728

You're mad because you didn't think I would deliver and you're also mad because you hate people having the right to freedom of speech. Little mad bitch boi.

>> No.15652730

Never hid them???

>> No.15652732

Racism isn’t /fa/ because we only discriminate against ugly people.

>> No.15652740

you look like a tryhard fag with a small dick, who overcompencates with racism.

>> No.15652742

>muh dick

Could you be anymore of a stereotype lol. Sub human.

My dick is a perfectly respectable 4.5 inches when erect.

>> No.15652748 [DELETED] 

Racism is banned unless it’s on /b/ so report this guy

>> No.15652751

Small compared to BBC

>> No.15652752

>respectable 4.5 inches when erect.

That’s tiny

>> No.15652757

The poster had violated global rule 4 trying to get my dox, rule 8 complaining about this board, you're thread policing and you're underage

>> No.15652760

Yo momma hasn't complained.

>> No.15652782

Tyrone is an Irish name.

I really wish I could like you Cecil, you're very intelligent and well researched. But you're always being a racist asshole, and I know you don't give a shit about others opinions, but seeing you here /fa/ so often makes me wish I could like you. It's frustrating being a black guy and trying to browse this site without encountering shitstorms like this. Not like you guys will change anyway. People on here are almost always kind to me and give me good advice, usually until they find out I'm black, at which point I get mainly racist replies. It just gets so old.

>> No.15652797 [DELETED] 

>Tyrone is an Irish name.

It was just a stereotype joke.

>But you're always being a racist asshole,

I'm not though. The only thing I ever bring up is blacks when somebody else does. Especially when it;s to blame every black problem on whites. I don't say anything about any other races or people.

>It's frustrating being a black guy and trying to browse this site without encountering shitstorms like this

Then if you're intelligent, you'd understand my frustrations, along with not only whites, but all other races about how they feel regarding black people and the constant issues they have. I do feel bad for the normal blacks and I treat each black person as exactly that; a person when I meet them. But at the same time there is the constant crime, protests, shootings etc. and it;s all based on lies and then to just blame white people.

>People on here are almost always kind to me and give me good advice, usually until they find out I'm black, at which point I get mainly racist replies. It just gets so old.

I don't have a problem that you;re black and I would help any black person. It just also gets old being blamed for everything in the world because of my skin color.

Also, there are other chan boards that are mainly all black posters and if you say you;re white you get shit 100 times more than you see here all because of the above, blacks hate whites because they believe all their issues are because of whites.

I'm not going to pull the whole "I have a black friend" card but I have mentioned I used to live with a black guy. Meanwhile all the "anti-racists" here I am sure are middle class white teenagers in their parents house. Things are not as clear as they might first seem.

>> No.15652799
File: 2.96 MB, 526x360, 1568743136050.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah woah what's going on in this thread

let's just appreciate black fashion come on guys!

>> No.15652801

that's because /fa/ is about beauty, genius

that's like asking how can a fat person be /fa/ LOL

>> No.15652803

>Tyrone is an Irish name.

It was just a stereotype joke.

>But you're always being a racist asshole,

I'm not though. The only thing I ever bring up is blacks when somebody else does. Especially when it's to blame every black problem on whites. I don't say anything about any other races or people.

>It's frustrating being a black guy and trying to browse this site without encountering shitstorms like this

Then if you're intelligent, you'd understand my frustrations, along with not only whites, but all other races about how they feel regarding black people and the constant issues they have. I do feel bad for the normal blacks and I treat each black person as exactly that; a person when I meet them. But at the same time there is the constant crime, protests, shootings etc. and it's all based on lies and then to just blame white people.

>People on here are almost always kind to me and give me good advice, usually until they find out I'm black, at which point I get mainly racist replies. It just gets so old.

I don't have a problem that you're black and I would help any black person. It just also gets old being blamed for everything in the world because of my skin color.

Also, there are other chan boards that are mainly all black posters and if you say that you're white you get shit 100 times more than you see here all because of the above, blacks hate whites because they believe all their issues are because of whites.

I'm not going to pull the whole "I have a black friend" card but I have mentioned I used to live with a black guy. Meanwhile all the "anti-racists" here I am sure are middle class white teenagers in their parents house. Things are not as clear as they might first seem.

>> No.15652815

woah woah you sound way too rational and pragmatic here

>> No.15652823

Post face

>> No.15652832

I'm a nice guy! :o)

I'm just angered at times by the twisting of racial facts online and by the media. We never solve an issue or can even begin to when we start with a lie.

Like you will hear

>police are x amount times more likely to use force on blacks than whites
>hey look racism

When in reality blacks are more likely to use violence towards police (you can argue the reasons for that being racist or whatever) but the police reaction is because of that violence

That paints a totally different picture. Now you can add on police use force more often against whites than non-black minority groups. So now the whole "it's white supremacy" starts to fall apart.

So we never face the reality. It's always twisted and distorted to make whites the bad guys.

All that is happening is greater racial divide based on media lies. Even the so called good antifa little whites push these false "facts" are make it worse.

It's helping nobody. Masses of black kids are shot and stabbed by fellow black kids every weekend but nobody wants to deal with that, the so called "anti-racists" don't give a shit, it's easier to just blame whites while another black family loses their kid.

All that is why I get called "hurr racist" but I would have no issue going for a drink with a black poster on here.

>> No.15652834

I’m sure you would have no issue of having a drink with a black person because they would be too scared of you.

>> No.15652835

then you'll paint me as racist

don't worry, I'm handsome enough to even shock myself

>> No.15652839

Hah. I'm one of the nicest people ever.

>> No.15652842
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>> No.15652845

Not at all. Standing in a room screeching about how "tolerant" you are all while great evils occur does not make one a good person.

>> No.15652846

You constantly argue with zoomers

>> No.15652848

Which is most of this board so I can't really help it :0(

>> No.15652853
File: 153 KB, 1491x2048, 48384225_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes you a good priest/proselytizer for the utopianist religion

to these cultists, ascribing to the tenets of the Socialist Utopian religion is virtue and social capital. They think that we can all return to the Garden of Eden with a paternalistic authority played by the state providing for everybody and meteing out justice as long as we all get our lines right

>> No.15652857

we are more brother, one day we will defeat the racist white pig.

>> No.15652861
File: 142 KB, 926x572, Johannesburg litter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try building sewers in Africa first, I hear the chinese are made to come in for that sort of task...

let alone the current state of Johannesburg

>> No.15652867
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no job so you lash out at blacks for stealing them

>> No.15652871
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>> No.15652872

I receive 6k a month from military payout.

>> No.15652876
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>> No.15652879

is this what anti-white racists actually believe?

>> No.15652940
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>> No.15652972

Niggers existing is proof that God doesn't

>> No.15652974

Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence.

t. Voltaire

>> No.15653038

bruh I'm finna axe you a queshen

>> No.15653039

Are you still okay?

>> No.15653040
File: 74 KB, 1368x855, jay-z-is-not-ugly-genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ima AKS you dis jus once

nigga what the fuck my black ass spost ta wear in a honky tonk world like dis shieeetttt

>> No.15653063
File: 205 KB, 1024x1016, CE03BD02-42E1-44F9-A172-D7426A9583F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am against violence, thus I am for Apartheid

>> No.15653142

Don't go sagging your pants showing a shit stain

>> No.15653143
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>> No.15653146

Niggers need to be whipped, only way they work

>> No.15653163
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>> No.15653175
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>> No.15653181
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>> No.15653472

checked, judgement for niggers will come

>> No.15653490

We wuz kangz n sheet