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/fa/ - Fashion

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15641335 No.15641335 [Reply] [Original]

i dress like shit and i dont care

>> No.15641337


>> No.15641354

That's perfectly cool. You don't need to. PPL think it's cool if you dress nice tho. It's good to design your exterior to reflect your interior. Think about effective wardrobe designs in movies or good character designs in videogames. What were they wearing that gave you an impression of their character? That's what fashion is about. Creating a an effective design for yourself. If you dress like shit chances are there is a reason you dress like shit. Which in itself can be a design. You might be out of shape and wear sweatpants and graphic gamer tees. That design shows that you are lazy, lack discipline and you spend a lot of time alone inside pushing buttons. It shows what you do with your free time. That design would show that you buy what is presented to you and what is cheap. That character would value comfort over a memorable and interesting appearance. It all adds up bro. Every part of how you look. All of it. Nice thread btw.

>> No.15641460


>> No.15641468

hell yeah brother

>> No.15641470
File: 8 KB, 300x250, 1588015136738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu faggot

>> No.15641488
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 1602393930105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you care if you're treated like shit?
If not then based
True but also this gif is for you since you responded with a novel

>> No.15641531

This is the real peak of fashion. Kids on WAYWT are close - they dress like shit but they still sort of care or think they dress well - why else would they post fits? But this is well and truly based.

>> No.15641550

blablabla ur gay

>> No.15641591

Lol you're just upset because you are out of shape, wear graphic gamer tees and cumstained pajamas in public. Or maybe not. Maybe you're a really buff coolguy who leads a really fulfilling life that just doesn't like people to waste their time typing shit they don't need to type. Which I will admit that I did. But I can't think of another reason why you'd be sore over what I said. Either way. I hope you've designed yourself in the way that is appealing. Aesthetically and with your daily thoughts and actions. We're all characters.Peace my guy.

>> No.15641608

Yet OP is still here and posts this thread. What a lazy faggot. Go work out and cultivate some style douche.

>> No.15641655

is this what ritalin does to people?

>> No.15641672

Yes (took vyvanse; same shit)

>> No.15641677

This guy gets it.

>> No.15641950

>t. has Ritalin prescription

>> No.15642093

kill yourself poofter

>> No.15642099

idk about others but i post shit for bait in every waywt it works every time

>> No.15642163

Yes this is all true. This is why I dress like shit but wear really tight pants to accentuate my bulge to demonstrate to men and women that I am a man who is having a big thick and long cock. I have created this design for myself so that you can see my wiener outline through my pants.

>> No.15642326
File: 72 KB, 700x1364, 332E27B7-22C1-4C81-B2CB-3679EC18D5CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you wear shows how you feel about yourself and part of your identify and how you fit in. Dressing like shit and not caring comes across and everyone will know you dress like a lazy piece of shit.

It’s not something to be a proud of or edgy dressing like an autistic hobo. Buy some basic shit. Well fitting t shirts, jeans, shirts, boots, nice sneakers, hoddies etc

>> No.15642415

Yep, not-meth will do that

>> No.15642680
File: 79 KB, 557x600, 026F8DCD-13F9-41EE-B246-F7C9901010F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>striped shirt

>> No.15642701

extra based

>> No.15642740

yes i can attest this excatly what adderal speed looks like, i used to write blocks of text when i was on it

>> No.15642743

or psychosis due to dopamine overload

>> No.15643654

I don't like fashion.
Its created by petophiles and people who hate you so much they desire ugly in everything they see.
They are so ugly that they need to world to be ugly just so they can look like they fit in.
They don't they are ugly.
Pritty people don't need fashion nature made them and playing dress up can only take away from how pritty nature made them.
Im so pritty i make jelous the fall leaves and the spring flowers.
So pritty that the sky's of heven weep tears of joy and the sun hide's its embarisment behind silver wings.
So dress as you like, as pritty needs no other dress or gilded drapes of greed or the attires of lesser brutes and savage pawings. As nature is was and shall be the only judge of pritty.

>> No.15643719

Drops the overall quality of fits on the board, but at the same time incredibly based.

>> No.15643727
File: 181 KB, 1200x1200, 14273-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, same, but i'm trying to improve it. I just picked these up from florsheim, I plan on wearing them casually with tightish jeans, what top should I wear?

>> No.15644665

honestly good take anon