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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 87 KB, 500x613, prep inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15636584 No.15636584 [Reply] [Original]

how do i dress well as a right winger

>> No.15636647

sailing gear.

>> No.15636653
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>> No.15636670

By dressing well

>> No.15636674
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You can take inspo from me if you want :o)

>> No.15636706

femboy core

>> No.15636710

I dont wanna, thanks

>> No.15636713

Show me the way, master.

>> No.15636779

so is this a real dude? Or a meme. Im new here and see him all over.

>> No.15636799

Hugo Boss

>> No.15636827
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>> No.15636838

watch the rallies and pick someone. generally, i'd suggest dressing like a mentally-ill 45 year old. basically walmart-core with a MAGA hat and maybe some camo

cecil is a good example of this

>> No.15636847


Young pussy and cheap booze! Yee haw!

Ask yo momma if I am a meme and she will tell you memes don't make her squirt.

>cecil is a good example of this

Thanks breh!

>> No.15636853

>No visible logos
>Made in home-country
>Quality over quantity
>Avoid blacks
>Usual rules such as: layering, colour theory, fit
>Incorporate traditional elements of your countries dress
>Heritage items (Watches, old jackets, etc.)
It's also about attitude: be nice to people, polite, have a smile on your face, don't be envious. When you do all those things, people assume you're right wing and you don't even have to mention politics.

>> No.15636856

Worry constantly about what your dad and grandpa would like you to wear. Imagine they're watching you from heaven.

>> No.15636859

so a baggy fit grey flannel suit most of the time?

>> No.15636862
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My Father is watching me. RIP daddy.

>> No.15636866
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>> No.15636991

Try being even more autistic.

>> No.15636999
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>> No.15637947

College right-winger here. It's more about physique than dress, though dress still matters.
>Lift, first and foremost. Don't listen to /fit/, cardio is crucial too. You don't need to get ripped, that's too much effort to maintain, just be toned and have functional physique. Diet is crucial here.
>Haircuts are a big part of the right-wing look, don't go full Hitler Youth but definitely go longer on the top, shorter on the sides. Long/unkempt hair isn't right-wing, despite what the black metal dweebs would have you believe.
>Shave. Being clean-cut is important for a right-wing look, and realistically speaking, very few people can actually pull off beards or mustaches in the first place. Beards are a reddit meme, you need to show off your sharp jawline (this is where lifting and cardio matters).
>Cut your fucking fingernails and wash your fucking face. Shower daily, more if you're working out as you should be.
>Wear a subtle, earthy cologne. Wear something that smells like smoke on your clothes after a bonfire.
Now, let's talk about fashion.
>Don't wear anything with logos or brands on it. No graphic tees allowed, you're trying to be mature, not look like a band kid. Avoid hoodies like the plague for the same reason, both pullover and zip-up look trashy. Advance to collars only, wear a hat if your head is cold.
>Wear boots. Leave the sneakers for the gym. Brown or black boots are the best, imo. Don't get too /fa/, avoid buckles or other extravagant shit. Avoid work/combat boots as well. Keep it simple, sleek, and functional.
>Darker jeans will be your best friend, either black or dark-washed. Wear slim-straight or something similar to show off your physique. Too baggy or too skinny just doesn't look good.

>> No.15637948
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>> No.15637990
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Continuing with fashion:
>Waffle shirts will be your best friend. They're timeless and women eat them up, especially when you've got a toned physique. Go for quarter-buttons with darker colors.
>Flannels are nice, but go for darker colors. Same with jackets. Leather jackets tend to be cringey, simple bomber jackets are better. If you're in a colder region, invest in a nice wool jacket. Try and make it match with your boots.
>Minimalist watches are mandatory. Any other jewelry just makes you look like a /fa/ tryhard.

Basically, don't dress like you're about to go to the gym or band practice like 99% of male college students do. Keep it simple but refined. Try for a rugged look without going full wal-mart redneck. Dress like a sophisticated dad in a mountain town, the shit you see on hallmark movies. I cobbled together pic related, couldn't quite find the right colors I have in my wardrobe but this gives you a good idea. Women go for this look 99 times out of 100, but don't forget that physique matters.

Attitude is also crucial, like the other anon in this thread said. Leftists are almost always socially anxious or addicted to their pretentious misery. Be polite, smile, only speak when you have something worthy to say, and walk with good posture. Embrace the anarch.

Never forget that the vast majority of fits on /fa/ will make you look like a try-hard clown. As another anon said in a different thread, "/Fa/ autists need to understand you can't pull this shit off unless you're famous and expected to do left of field shit". Keep it simple and don't dress like an extra on Trainspotting or some neofolk fascist larper.

>> No.15638122

develop a personality of your own and dress from there

>> No.15639533

Dress old-fashioned but keep it practical and not over the top.
Also this >>15636856

>> No.15639676

You may have to imagine a richer dad for yourself.

>> No.15639704

why the fuck do you niggers need to bring politics into anything dress whatever way you fucking want fashion isnt specifically right or left wing

>> No.15639750

>College right-winger here
Stopped reading here.

>> No.15639759

Anything designer is implicitly right wing—the few over the many.

So all decent fashion is right wing. This is good and natural.

>> No.15639775

>He thinks the naturalization of hierarchy is /fa/
>Totally ignores the stated political beliefs and intentions of many designers
>Ignores the history of experimentation in garment making which predates political philosophy
>Ignores every cool garment in history not designed by a social elite

>> No.15639783
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>> No.15639931

>Ignores the contributions of common individuals who innovate by forming wardrobes, combining pieces and incorporating personal grooming and fitness into fashions
>Ignores the contributions of the workers actually manufacturing the garments, putting elite designers over everyone else involved in the process of actually creating fashion culture.

>> No.15639936

Yes to everything

Seethe and cope

>> No.15639967


>> No.15639990

I'm not seething or coping, I'm currently levitating in the lotus position.

>> No.15640032
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I'll bet you did

>> No.15640129

fucking BASED

>> No.15640145
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CecilDrakeInSeattle. Professed redpilled defender of white honour. Skimping now for a black chick. Please tell me it’s just a troll alt. You aren’t this schizoid really?

>> No.15640150

Pussy is pussy when the lights are out man

>> No.15640165


Cecil makes a pretty sexy black man desu no homo but would bang(its not gay if the balls dont touch)

>> No.15640179

mr.mitosis(3,3) never fails to crack me up

>> No.15640185

hawaiian shirts

>> No.15640189

Dress like you are built for BBC

>> No.15640220

Yeah, you are you with or without lights.

>> No.15640223

Go back

>> No.15640303

Best answer ITT

>> No.15640321

this >>15640189

>> No.15640327

Who the fuck are these people?

>> No.15640333

Antifa. The good guys. The ones out daily fighting the nazis by throwing rocks through old peoples house windows.

>> No.15640363

I refuse to believe anyone this autistic is wandering the streets lol

>> No.15640427


>> No.15640446
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>> No.15640475

I emphasized the importance of physique and to wear fits that reflect grounded simplicity and rugged mountain individualism, nowhere did I advertise dressing like some pudgy urbanite who downs margaritas at gay republican bars and gets his fits from h&m

>> No.15640723

Dress casual

>> No.15640835

The biggest mistake you can make when it comes to rw fashion, and right wing thought/action in general is thinking the retarded minimalist "conservative" fashion represents it.

Theres ofc times to dress and act minimally, like if youre a monk or something like that, but youre probably not a monk, and even monks built extravagant temples and the likes.

The true anti conservative right wing at its core is pro life and vitality, and so the most important thing you can do is be fit and muscular, but ontop of that dressing colourfully and with bling is also a good option. Unironically i think that the pop subculture that is most right wing atm would be rappers like pop smoke and asap rocky who show off their wealth and status with bling, expensive brands ect, its no coincidence that rap is also one of the only modern subcultures that puts a strong emphasis on deeply trad concepts such as brotherhood ect.

Of course if it doesnt fit youre personality to dress like this dont. Being pro life and vitality means being pro your life in its highest possible state, and if youre someone who naturally just likes to dress casually and minimally dont feel like you have to be anything else. But just remember that kings dressed in bling and expensive and luxurious clothes.

>> No.15640846


I consider myself economically left wing but dress ''conservatively'' or more old fashioned, think its a bit daft to put politicize clothing styles

>> No.15641018

>be nice to people
That's not right wing behavior.

>> No.15641030
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>> No.15641059

Are you trying to imply I think agitators are nice to people? That's pretty retarded.

>> No.15641180

Do not dress like this

>> No.15641220

Dress slacks, dress shirt, loafers.(no suit and no ties)
Chinos and dress shirt are also acceptable.
Non-branded assorted seasonal shit that fits you well personally like jeans and a clean white t-shirt also works for some people.
Beard etc all depends on being maintained. Either you get it properly trimmed on the regular or you get a clean shave.
That’s assuming you want to project it, rightwing men can look fine in subculture wear too up to a point. (the ones that aren’t deliberately anti-aesthetics)

It’s about aesthetics and not being associated with tasteless and lazy bums in short. Which is why being in shape always, ALWAYS comes first.

>> No.15641254

Holy based

>> No.15641291

And nice get

>> No.15641296

both of these are based

>> No.15641301

>Antifa. The good guys. The ones out daily fighting the nazis by throwing rocks through old peoples house windows.
>throwing rocks through old peoples house windows.
but wasnt that what the actual, 1933 nazis did anon?

>> No.15641321

Funniky enough that’s also what the original 1930s KDP Antifa did, mainly targeting Social Democrats which Comintern had dubbed ”Social Fascists” because they refused to help Soviet agitators of the Spartacists take over the country by force.

>> No.15641355

grow up dude

>> No.15641450
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" Don't listen to /fit /" " you don't need to get ripped it's too much effort to maintain"... you are not right wing, and I can smell your pussy through my screen. First time on this board and now I know why everyone makes fun of you faggots.

>> No.15641564

>he thinks right wingers are exclusively determined by their muscle mass
>he cuts out my sentence which criticized /fit/ specifically for ignoring cardio in order to make it look like I criticized all of /fit/
I lift four days a week and regularly browse /fit/ you faggot, but I'm not vapid enough to dedicate all my free time towards trying to look like Mr. Olympia, unlike some of you body dysmorphic faggots. Read a book or go for a hike instead of staring at yourself in a mirror constantly. Have you ever even read a single word by Guenon, Evola, Junger, Schmitt, Spengler?

>> No.15641578
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Dress like the others. Walmart jeans and a trump shirt or american flag

>> No.15641800

Western store

>> No.15641816

kys fag

>> No.15641829

Who gives a shit. Think about reducing your life to "How do I dress like [political affiliation]?" You can be Punk without having a mohawk.

>> No.15641851

i like how you're a right winger and you use james dean who was in a gay bdsm relationship with brando as a good example of dressing well

>> No.15641857


What is the reasoning behind this?

>> No.15641860
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>how do i dress well as a right winger

>> No.15641862

fucking based

>> No.15641902
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le /leftypol/ face

>> No.15641933

>cargo pants

>> No.15641940

It's b8 anon

>> No.15641943

But doctor... I am Pagliacci

>> No.15641947

>no suit and no ties
This is a hippy false flag, disregard.

>> No.15642060


>> No.15642092

Be in shape
Have something resembling a haircut
Have clothes that fit that aren't a LARP or childish.

>> No.15642097
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so basically don't be right wing then?

>> No.15642121

Be nice to people but vote against their best interest

>> No.15642129

I don't have the drive to post the innumerable examples of undeniably left-wing people that have been photographed in the past year.

>> No.15642143

it's pure projection when a leftist mocks the appearance of someone right-wing

>> No.15642146
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>> No.15642150

Lead by example and dress like a master or a slave, whichever you are.

>> No.15642154

If you're white and have money then just run TIP

>> No.15642233

Oh boy

>> No.15642671

my political standard is my personality core

>> No.15643963

>Russia btfo by one sniper

>> No.15644001
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>> No.15644217

Tommy Hilfiger is owned by a Muslim Turk. Do not buy.

>> No.15644503

First step: be a right winger.

That's it.

>> No.15644513
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>>Long/unkempt hair isn't right-wing, despite what the black metal dweebs would have you believe.
Yeah I don't care. I'll wear my 2 feet of hair, leather jackets, and SS eagle pins and still get more NS action in than 99% of people in "le movement".

> It's more about physique than dress, though dress still matters.
This, people already know I'm not antifa just form the way I carry myself.

>> No.15644624

Get big arms. Get tats. Wear black and gold or red white and blue with jeans.

>> No.15644655
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a noose around your neck, better than any cuban link

>> No.15644699

>Never, ever use decades-old films/photos as style inspiration.
>Don't take fashion advice from women.
>Most tailors are literal Jews.

Actual good advice.

>> No.15644826

Based Punk Poster

>> No.15644864

Yea you tell em how dare he votes for what he wants!!!

>> No.15644877
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'brotherhood' is a part of literally every subculture. that's why people join subcultures, because they want to feel like they belong to a tight-knit community. rap fashion is the height of degeneracy. it is the slave who, when freed, demonstrates the slave mindset by thinking purely in the present, giving in to all hedonistic urges, and taking desperate and pathetic measures to achieve high social status.
the virtuous individual should strive for physical and intellectual vitality, and fashion is just a superficial aspect of one of those things. kings never produced great works of philosophy and science for good reason: they were fucking retards for the most part.

>> No.15644878
File: 1.61 MB, 4032x3024, 345944BF-D0A8-4031-A834-5BE1D6D0B60B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress like this

>> No.15644883


>> No.15644907

Dressing right wing means dressing as a strong man from a strong culture. You exalt beauty and strength and life, and you hate lies and degeneracy.

1. Lift. Physique is more important than fashion. >>>/fit
2. Your clothes should communicate youth, future-orientation, discipline, class, power, and abstracted violence.
3. Don't wear jeans or muh workcore or any of that bullshit "traditional man" pleb signalling.
3. A good outfit: dark blazer and trousers, black t-shirt or sweater. Nice shoes but not stodgy clunkers. It should look athletic, youthful, refined, and slightly edgy.
4. For summery casual, white pants, light shirt in linen. Clean, luxurious, privileged.
5. Clean shaven is good advice. Some guys can pull off other things, but facial hair tends to class you down.
6. Hair should either be a conservative normal man's haircut, or with a bit of edge with shirt sides. Long hair can work, bowl cut for full edge.
7. All this requires congruence. If you are dressing with privilege, discipline, and confidence in your right to rule, you have to have those things.

>> No.15644925

No clue, but this guy looks like a solid nationalist if ever there was one.

>> No.15644929

>You exalt beauty
Ahahahahahaahaha holy shit

>> No.15644954
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you're a fucking idiot. lifting weights and being a white man don't give you a right to rule. if that's your goal in life (weird and collectivist if so), then you should earn it rather than faking it through clothing

>> No.15644958

Nigga do you even into right wing philosophy? The true right is fundamentally about the beauty of life. Beauty comes from truth, fitness, power, youth, and elevation. You can't tell me that the left, which fundamentally wants to tear down the structures of life, has any positive relation to any of that.

Ameripleb conservatism doesn't count. It's a bunch of unprincipled ingrates trying to hold back the tide of civilizational suicide in the name of left wing ideals, but they don't actually repudiate those ideals; they share them.

>> No.15644964

>the left, which fundamentally wants to tear down the structures of life,
lol right wing literally this delusional

>> No.15644965

Who said anything about being white, or those things giving you the right to rule? The entire concept of right wing is about cultivating and earning superiority through discipline and heroism.

If you idiots all want to dress like william f buckley and larp as irishmem larping as wasps, or worse, dress as day laborers, go right ahead, but none of that has anything to do with OPs query.

>> No.15644988

i cant fathom being this retarded

>> No.15645024

the difference is that rap unlike other subcultures actually has brotherhood, other subcultures just give people the illusion of brotherhood.
i lol at you thinking theres some contradiction between thinking in the present/hedonism and vitality, things like this arent inherently bad its just that because a lot of people these days are soulless/spiritually weak that they dont understand how to do these things correctly. think about say a wolf when hes hunting and chasing down his prey hes only thinking in the moment and then when hes eating his kill hes acting hedonistically, but you could hardly say that this is vital.
and what exactly do you think physician and intellectual vitality looks like. some dork who wears a blazer everywhere hardly represents that.

>> No.15645026

that this isnt vitial*

>> No.15645053

>don't listen to /fit/

>> No.15645081
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no proof that rap brotherhood is different from other forms of brotherhood :/
i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with hedonism perse; there's nothing wrong with the pursuit of happiness when virtuous things make you happy. what do you mean by spiritually weak? all forms of spirituality are weak in the sense that they are an easy way out of difficult metaphysical questions. i think intellectual vitality looks like a person who is analytical and well-read, who knows consumerist bullshit when they see it and pursues truth in all aspects of life. this person also has physical vitality in that they care about the aesthetics of their own body and the world around them and are self-disciplined enough to create beauty in themselves and their environment.
you want all the good parts of being a good conservative lad who feels superior floating above the degenerate scum without any of the hard (for you) part of not being a tattoo-covered un-educated nigger. read nichomachean ethics by aristotle, you might learn something about what it is to be a virtuous person

>> No.15645212

Ernst rohm and other SA’ers were open homosexuals too. Doesn’t exclude you from being a right winger at all.

>> No.15645261
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people literally kill eachother over gang feuds in rap, if you dont see how thats different than whatever "brotherhood" you think indie or something like that has youre a moron.
theres nothing vital about being a nerd which is all youre describing, ofc theres nothing wrong with being well read, but thats only one part of the puzzle

>> No.15645337
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Don't wear saggy black man's clothes.

>> No.15645341
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>> No.15645344
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>> No.15645355

depends what you mean. if you want to dress reactionary, you need to take a step back and ask what it is that you want to identify yourself with more. take note of this, then ask yourself how you could make it viable in every day life. baltasar gracien might have words of wisdom when it comes to not straying far from the crowd, but if you insist on setting yourself apart from it better to do so by only a moderate degree. is it old american WASP culture you identify with, or anglo? the former divides into preppy, ivy, and trad. the latter divides largely into city and country, though close cultural connections mean you could work in some american influence. if its continental, sprezzura has some things of note, though the lessons of sprezzura can easily be applied to any cultures fashion. lastly, remember that to be right wing is inherently to cut against the grain, and you will encounter difficulties. do nothing mindlessly, and make your dress a reflection of your mind.

>> No.15645362

you use this image to mock but he looks like a total prick, and i like that.

>> No.15645363

based af

>> No.15645412

>rants about people being uneducated
>cannot correctly spell title of Aristotle's book being cited

>> No.15645426

>pursuit of happiness
confirmed failed to understand aristotle

>> No.15645630

Can confirm.

>> No.15645685

This doesn't look right wing at all, if anything, looks pretty onions?

>> No.15645693

>no wool
has to be bait

>> No.15645694

retard guide to staying exactly within the bounds set for you by your opponents

>> No.15645698

whoever made this lives in fear

>> No.15645794


Gangs of men have killed rival groups of men in the name of brotherhood since the dawn of man. I doesn’t matter that you are racist but dont be retarded too. You make us look bad.

>> No.15645795

how did you make this? Faceapp removed this feature years ago, is there new software now?

>> No.15645923

All the far left student types i know look like this. In fact, the uglier a person is the further left they seem to go. It's quite strange.

Why is this?

>> No.15645925

Who is that girl in the background?

>> No.15645941

>Rap is traditional and emphasizes brotherhood
>Niggers betray each other all the time
>Niggers kill each other all the time (influenced by the dogshit excuse for music they listen to)
>Niggers who have been friends for decades will use their 'brothers' as human shields when there's a drive by shooting
>Niggers betray their own families for small amounts of cash
Rap and niggerism are modern, leftwing pursuits.

>> No.15645969

No matter how much you want to deny it, being a presentable and decent person in public is inherently a (white) right-wing trait

>> No.15645980
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>That's not right wing behavior.

>> No.15645982

Stoicism, refraining from violence despite being treated bad repeatedly

>> No.15645985

It’s not what defines right wing but it’s what correlates with it

>> No.15645995

read more you fucking halfwit

>> No.15646076

you sir are a poet.

>> No.15646100
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ayy lmao

>> No.15646112
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>> No.15646121

>wearing suit and ties in any casual setting
It's exactly the same as walking around with a fedora.
Unless you're a fucking salaryman in Japan working in law or some shit you're going to look out of sorts with it on.

>> No.15646392

I think you meant poseur, but I don't care.I like spikes, fast music, and not being a dysgenic loser like most punks.

>> No.15646398

>dressing like a political stance

Lol its over for you lad. Only batty boys make politics their entire life personality

>> No.15646506

The only good answer

>> No.15646570

this is true if you have a shallow political stance, but unavoidable for those with certain political inclinations.

>> No.15646637

just dress like trump lol
and get the same haircut while you're at it