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15632039 No.15632039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to get into arthoes?

>> No.15632040

witcho dick lmao

>> No.15632045


>> No.15632054

Go to whatever hipster venue is available in your local community. Thy cup will runneth over.

>> No.15632055

Usually hoes have at least two orifices in their lower body where you can stick your ding a ling

>> No.15632073

university of the arts right next to my school, used to see a lot of cute girls at the train station. Not anymore, since I drive.

>> No.15632084

unironically this
I also live like a block away from art school and there are some hot arthoes. (There's also color haired landwhales so watchout)

>> No.15632091

>how do i seduce insecure young sluts

wow youre too dumb to be a psychopath

>> No.15632115

never go for arthoes they're probably the most boring and toxic kind of girls out there, they look attractive if you're a virgin but you will soon come to realize that this ain't it chief

>> No.15632123
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They all want chad, and they dont give a shit if you do art yourself.

>> No.15632153

i am chad so this is good news

>> No.15632171

Most tradcath zoomies don't understand the distinction.
Fucking kek at the dude hiding behind the tree.

>> No.15632175

what the fuck is a "tradcath zoomie" nigga stop talking like a retard

>> No.15632224

Faggot kids that hate tattoos and shit. You know what the fuck I mean. Fucking ironic coming from a white kid saying Nigga. You dork

>> No.15632229

Be manipulative, tall and good looking with a basic taste of obscure music, fashion and movies

>> No.15632235

>white kid
lol. and no I literally did not know what you meant you delusional socially inept retard.

>> No.15632250

You never heard anyone on 4chan call someone a tradcath sooner? Uncle Tom motherfucker

>> No.15632252


>> No.15632343

fpbp forever

>> No.15632353

Mandy and Ketamine or some shitty obscure drug

>> No.15632412

This is a really dumb answer
Making mediocre music has gotten me into quite a few dates with art hoes, and I’m definitely not a chad
Just don’t brag, or anything, If it comes up, it comes up

>> No.15632458


>> No.15633282


>> No.15633790

be gone incel

>> No.15633802

>Fucking kek at the dude hiding behind the tree.
im fuckin weak

>> No.15633820

you don’t
they suck in bed and are toxic people

>> No.15633830

have weed, MDMA, or hallucinogens on you.
dont expect them to pay for it, cause they dont expect to.
but theyll fuck you.

>> No.15633877
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>> No.15633886

Lol fuck that's true

>> No.15633892
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>> No.15633895
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>> No.15633898
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>> No.15633900
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>> No.15633902
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>> No.15633905
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>> No.15633907

every art hoe i fucked on tinder was just a fucking mess and not worth the time
>is either on meds for some mental illness or is refusing to take their meds for there mental illness
>loves academia and marxism(has never read communist manifesto)
>addicted to drugs
>already has a long history of abusive relationships with other men by 21
>will manipulate and lie to you in a heartbeat
>they're always the victim even when they do fucked shit to you
>all of their friends are the same
>had a girl i "dated" literally beg for a profressor to have sex with her. just so she could blackmail him

literally just look into there eyes lads. they're dead and just wanna make everyones life miserable. dont do it bros

>> No.15633910

You don't
They're all posers

>> No.15633911

on point bro

>> No.15633915
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>> No.15633921
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>> No.15633925
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>> No.15633927
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>> No.15633930
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>> No.15633933
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>> No.15633935


>> No.15633937
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>> No.15633941

stop posting these ugly drugged out whores, coomer

>> No.15633942
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then leave

>> No.15633944

>>had a girl i "dated" literally beg for a profressor to have sex with her. just so she could blackmail him
Oh god I wish it were me

>> No.15633950
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>> No.15633955

there is nothing this girl would say no to if you were hot enough. this type NEEDS external sources of affection and attention

>> No.15634397
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If they're the film major type this movie works every time.

>> No.15634561
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>> No.15634564

Art hoes are just regular stupid as shit women, they just dress shittier

>> No.15634641
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>> No.15634643
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>> No.15634679
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>> No.15634706
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>> No.15634710

how do you pick up art hoes though
i found out that stuff which works with basic bitches doesn't work with them guess im not "alternative" enough lmfao

>> No.15634713
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>> No.15634753

I date one. I just asked her out.
We’ve dated for 3 years and she’s right wing now

>> No.15634879
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>> No.15634884

how were you able to get her to become right wing?

>> No.15635082
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Learn about art

>> No.15635480

not him but women conforms to the men they love. Being reasonable also helps

>> No.15635514
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>> No.15635710

Ok lads let me help you all out:

step 1) be open-minded to doing lots of shitty, addictive /fa/ drugs (coke, benzos, etc) because art hoes love that shit
step 2) acquire any indie hobby that involves some application of creative art (film, guitar...)
step 3) go to a community college or big university
step 4) talk to a qt about school or some gay shit and inject into the conversation that you're into [indie hobby] and make some vague drug reference so they know you're into drugs and are more inclined to hang out in person
step 5) from this point onward, if you're attractive and not autistic, you can ask for her number and you pretty have it in the bag

Ironically I don't do any drugs anymore (I don't even drink or smoke) but I had a fucking blast in uni doin this shit. Results may vary due to lockdowns and tinder/onlyfans being a thing now.

Bonus: bring along a Charles Bukowski poem book and read her that shit on the comedown after the shag

this is 100% true but it's still all good fun

>> No.15635770


>> No.15635774
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at least post cute ones, the ones posted so far look deformed

>> No.15635808


>> No.15635809


>> No.15636158

are arthoes still a thing? i thought everyone moved on to the next meme sub-culture like e-girls or dark academia or whatever

>> No.15636164

Get better taste

>> No.15636481

They grow up

>> No.15636508

you have to be an eboy

>> No.15636704

every art hoe i know IRL is cringe as fuck. stay away my bros.

>> No.15636711

>every female i know IRL is cringe as fuck. stay away my bros.

>> No.15636789

start skateboarding

>> No.15636844

aw women never paid u any attention and instead of making positive changes to improve urself u just stay posting on 4chan and projecting :(

>> No.15636852

Show interest in their art. Ask her about what artists she likes. Maybe hit up an exhibition/museum. And ask if she is interested to go

>> No.15636945
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>> No.15636948
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>> No.15636956
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>> No.15637006


every 14 year old has watched that. you'd be like introducing a black person to kfc. so dumb

>> No.15637057

You just described my entire 20s. Wish i knew the signs sooner but man it was wild.

>> No.15637073


>> No.15637100
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emo grills > fart hoes

>> No.15637131

this is why if you fuck with art hoes you either smash and pass or treat em like shit (what their fucked up minds want)

>> No.15637781

what does this mean

>> No.15637793

Arthoes aren't worth your time, they're all deeply narcissistic pseudo-intellectuals who are addicted to feeling sorry for themselves. Just look into their eyes and you'll see what I mean

>> No.15637944
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>> No.15638059

ive banged a handful of art hoes in my day and i cant describe what happens when ive done it for a while besides to say that it feels like eventually I put on my They Live glasses and look past the great fashion sense and cute faces and see cute some deeply mentally ill girl throwing herself at guys because of her deep seated emotional/daddy issues. i remember one day i looked at my ex in the shower and just saw the face of like some future fat front desk of an administration building lady still in her youth. it felt devastating. art hoes arent an identity, it's a costume, just the same that hippie girls were a costume. underneath the novelty you'll discover that all women are terrible, no matter how hot they are. despicable wicked creatures who use costumes and trickery to convince you theyre unique because theyre actually competing against one another for male attention. love doesnt exist

but sometimes they do foot fetish and anal so eh

>> No.15638062


>> No.15638070

Be fit and attractive. It's not hard.

>> No.15638111

>loves academia and marxism(has never read communist manifesto)
kek'd bc i know people like this

>> No.15638132

based black man

>> No.15638142

the only value a woman has in her entire life (if you dont want kids) is whether or not she has cute feet and lets you do foot fetish stuff. never forget that boys.

>> No.15638146

Turtlenecks, wool coats, and being 6'0" usually does the trick for me
fucking based

>> No.15638148

definition of butterface

>> No.15638154

What is up with her face? Also physique borderlines on whale

>> No.15638157

all true except musical guys

>> No.15638188

FAS 100 percent

>> No.15638362
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>> No.15638366


>> No.15638388
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>> No.15638481
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>> No.15638487
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>> No.15638553
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so we all agree that artho is just the ugly onlyfans sibling of superior 2010s tumblrcore right good

>> No.15638586

yeah fair

>> No.15638611

>no anarchist copkiller gf

>> No.15638619
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>complaining about drugged out whores
>in an art hoe thread

>> No.15638668
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I'm glad we agree anon

>> No.15638703

damn bros imagine getting to throatfuck an art hoe

>> No.15638706

I have. I got the best blowjob I've ever had in my life, she played with my prostate and everything. I can't even fap anymore without at least thinking about it for a moment.

>> No.15638821

aaand she fucks black guys

>> No.15638823

got a bj from an arthoe, was pretty nice, would recommend. Nothing stellar though.

>> No.15639500

>tfw no arthoe gf that kisses my balls

>> No.15639674
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>> No.15639696
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>> No.15640519
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>> No.15640531
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>> No.15640537
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>> No.15640553
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>> No.15640562
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>> No.15640567
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>> No.15640571
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>> No.15640572

she's no arthoe, but an actual actress

and god is she beautiful

>> No.15640639
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>> No.15640662

based man

>> No.15640669
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>> No.15640709
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>> No.15641423

Be Chad, same as with any other woman

>> No.15641605

hi have we reached tyrone? this is the based department calling

>> No.15641614

>100 gec get

>> No.15641663

who is this semon demon and does she have nudes

>> No.15641778


>> No.15642155

you're delusional. i literally got laid thanks to that movie.

>> No.15642162

Wear a loud Sailor Moon shirt/hoodie while browsing shops and cafes downtown and wait for one to approach you.

>> No.15642770


Here you go my friend. I couldnt find any decent photos sadly...

>> No.15642773
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Okay i found something. I wanna cum on that goat so bad

>> No.15642784

I've seen some of the soiest musical dudes banging 8/10 pussy, so not entirely true

>> No.15642789
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>It's for (you)