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File: 635 KB, 578x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15630316 No.15630316 [Reply] [Original]

You should be wearing a suit every time you step outside of your residence except when exercising.

>> No.15630317


>> No.15630327

You will be treated with greater importance and your quality of life will improve. I promise you

>> No.15630328

>your quality of life will improve
how will my quality of life improve from wearing a type of clothing

>> No.15630332

Try this experiment over the next month. Wear a hoodie and sweat pants every day for a week. Then wear a tuxedo or a suit every day for a week. See the results for yourself.

>> No.15630334

You're not really explaining your reasoning here. All im asking is how will it improve my quality of life. Like do you have studies or is just your opinion?

>> No.15630339

I experimented with it last month. So yes it is a study and my opinion.
Self confidence greatly boosted, more smiles from strangers, treated with more respect in general

>> No.15630341

>I experimented with it last month. So yes it is a study and my opinion.
That's not a study

>> No.15630352

true, but he's right

>> No.15630359

right in that everyone should wear suits or that wearing suits makes people respect you more?

>> No.15630371

Nobody wears suits day to day in the USA anymore. Not even investment bankers.

>> No.15630372

that's just not true at all
>t. former IB intern

>> No.15630386

in that wearing suits makes people respect you more (more importantly though - you respect yourself more)

but that does not mean everyone should wear it, fuck that

>> No.15630387

I’m actually an investment banker, anon. Analyst at a boutique in NYC. We only wear suits when we meet with clients. That’s it.

>> No.15630392

real bulge bracket niggas wear suits every day

>> No.15630394

Yeah, I agree with that

>> No.15630396

based and Trumppilled

>> No.15630398

I’m trying to imagine buying groceries wearing a suit. Who the fuck would want to do that

>> No.15630400

No they don’t lol. It’s not like I don’t know anyone working at BBs. They actually are even more casual than us. We wear dress slacks and dress shirts pretty often but we almost never actually wear a full suit especially if you’re an analyst. Idk where you interned that everyone wore a suit but that’s just not the norm anymore.

>> No.15630405

>black suit
>black tie
make sure to not look like this retard when you do

>> No.15630406
File: 504 KB, 1700x1264, 27289u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People used to respect America, and Americans used to dress worthy of respect.

>> No.15630407

true, this was back in 2015 so maybe shit has changed

>> No.15630409

yeah I always thought that was cringe on Lex's part. it's a retarded look for sure

>> No.15630420

Yeah idk what it was like then (I started in 2018) but the norm for us is dress pants, dress shirt, loafers. No suit. No tie. Sometimes you might wear a chinos with a dress shirt and maybe a blazer and fleeces are really common. I’ve only ever wore a suit meeting with someone important.

>> No.15630421

I went to private school and I really miss having a uniform. At least everyone looked good and presentable.

>> No.15630424

>dress shirt
>no tie
Dress shirts look retarded without a tie. The collars will be all fucked up. If you aren't wearing a tie, you should be wearing a button-down collar.

>> No.15630425

that's pretty chill. I have noticed (particularly in the hedge fund world) the increase in fleeces.
one year I interned in Hong Kong in the same building as SocGen and the French I-Banker MDs always wore the flashiest suits.

>> No.15630437
File: 402 KB, 2000x1333, 9ACAAB42-438B-4E57-A07A-B243B7840305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. They look fine. You leave the top button unbuttoned and don’t buy a ridiculous collar or wear shirts that are too tight and they sit fine with collar stays.

They’re everywhere dude. It’s kind of annoying actually though I’m often guilty of it myself because it’s simple and easy. It’s always the same: Patagonia better sweater fleece vest or pullover. Dress code is different in other countries though I think. Here we’re all chasing after the tech bros but sometimes I’ll see my MD wear really expensive suits.

>> No.15630439

yeah I feel ya, I ended up going down the Tech company route instead of IB and hate the casual look. It leads to too much comfort and complacency. I miss dressing up.

>> No.15630443

Yeah, I think us bankers have found a decent in-between actually. I just hate the fleeces.

>> No.15630461

definitely wear a fedora too

>> No.15630463
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I prefer pic related

>> No.15630471
File: 277 KB, 1080x1350, 1602280081829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should wear this

>> No.15630642

Is that picture meant to be inspo? Because you're an idiot. A suit? A full fucking suit? Are you mentally handicapped? Maybe a blazer, sure, but telling people to wear a fucking suit when they leave the house is awful advice. That, combined with that trash picture, makes you seem like you're giving advice without being especially knowledgeable yourself.

>> No.15630654

BB DCM intern here, I was basically the only one wearing a suit except for the MD

>> No.15630659

Thats no OP, thats a comment I made disagreeing with OP

>> No.15630752
File: 58 KB, 591x791, white-collared-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, button down/collared shirt with nice pants and leather shoes every day of the work week, as casual as you want on weekends, and suits for special events. Underwear only for around the house.

>> No.15630769
File: 344 KB, 700x400, drug dealer uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never trust someone wearing a suit. For me it's a liar uniform. It's like drug dealers wearing a track suit or a hoodie.

>> No.15630806

Or it's the uniform of someone trying too hard.

>> No.15630814

When I see a man wearing a suit, I tend to think he's a criminal.

>> No.15630839

This guy gets it. Not khakis though.

>> No.15630841

khakis is fine in America. anywhere else it is cringe

>> No.15630847

I wouldn't wear a suit if there is not an occasion to.

However, I [i]do[i/] recommend adding a vest to your fits; they will add 2 to your score EASY if done right.

>> No.15630941

i live in florida. what should i do?

>> No.15630958
File: 3.63 MB, 1080x1350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

special rules apply to florida (and hawaii)
no need for a jacket. you can even rock shirts like pic related if you can pull it off

>> No.15631002

I just don’t think khakis look good with dress shirts that aren’t your standard white/blue ocbd.

>> No.15631012

I think I matched with that guy on tinder but he said he was a girl.

>> No.15631014

Treated by who? The fucking gas station clerk?

>> No.15631018

I wore khakis with a red polo and a girl said it looked like I work at target

>> No.15631075

>that trash picture
OP's pic is a podcaster and he said recently that he never leaves his house without wearing a suit except when exercising. i'm guessing it is partially a joke

>> No.15631085
File: 51 KB, 504x750, morning_dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuxedo every day? DAY? Are you out of your fucking MIND?
Do not wear a tuxedo before evening.
If it's before 6:00pm and you are in a tuxedo, you are doing it wrong. Wear a morning coat (sometimes referred to as 'morning dress').
Also, where the fuck are you wearing it? If you're not wearing it to an event where formal attire is expected, you will look like an absolute goof. If you are in formal attire, you are going to a formal event. If you are in formal attire and running errands, you are a pitiful mess who does not have their life together. Finish your business, THEN put the formalwear on when it's time to go play.

>> No.15631090

yes everyday FOR A WEEK
it's called an experiment dummy

>> No.15631104

Your dumb experiment is off to a shit start if you think wearing a tuxedo during the day is a good idea. That's just not how it's done. You might as well wear a clown costume.
Now -- wearing a SUIT every day? Like OP said? That's a different story. OP's a fag, but at least they're a fag that knows not to wear a tuxedo during the day. Tuxedos and suits are absolutely not interchangeable, and if you think they are, you should do a little more reading. At home. Where you won't embarrass yourself.

>> No.15631151

based. uniformed classmates and daddies unlocked my inner homosexual

>> No.15631156

cool, that's how i usually dress

>> No.15631172

you can still wear whatever you want in florida as long as it's made of linen or ramie
t. floridian

>> No.15631273

>your quality of life will improve
I'll get mugged more, that's for sure

>> No.15631281

Always thought that if I ever become a millionaire I would dress like this just for shits and giggles

>> No.15631299

I only leave my house to exercise, so...

>> No.15631339

Here's how it goes.
You wear a suit because you like the look.
You're not going to work or any event.
You meet a girl.
She asks what you do.
You tell her what you do, you're not a CEO or going to a formal event.
She wonders why you're wearing a suit then.
She thinks you're weird.
She stops contacting you.
She tells her friends "I met this weird guy who was wearing a suit."
She considers herself lucky for getting away, because it's likely you were a rapist.

>> No.15631344

>wearing a suit
>wearing a sport coat

>> No.15631354

Or you can just stop being pussy
>lived in FL for 20 years

>> No.15631417
File: 584 KB, 320x240, 1602180433245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I going to a nice dinner?
>Am I going to a school which requires business casual/business attire?
>Am I working at a more professional job or going to a meeting?
If no to all of these and you still wear the suit, stop larping. I enjoy wearing nice suits too but it depends on the setting you're in.
Business casual on the otherhand is something you can step out of the house all the time and wear.

>> No.15631420
File: 163 KB, 1080x1218, cf0b3e568c29fa9d3478a375f28faab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't like that no more, times changin'

>> No.15631424

eAt tHE RIch

>> No.15631427

you will look like reviewbrah (see: a geek). i like to wear a suit too but there's a time and a place, there's a reason everyone stopped wearing one for all occasions. you can still dress in a way that's respectable without getting out your sunday best

>> No.15631428

I don't have autism so I won't be doing that.

>> No.15631469

and??? i lived in FL for 22 and i can stay outside for 16+ hours if im draped in linen, it's a magical fabric

>> No.15631510

Same in Europe. Even McKinsey, PwC or big banks don't require this.
There are still some lawyers who wear suit everyday but even that is slowly dying.

>> No.15631520

No they don't. Stop making shit up.

>> No.15631590

This. In UK we only wear suit and tie when meeting with clients.

>> No.15631596

You'll just seem like a try hard.

>> No.15631620

If your drop requires it then of course.
If it doesn't then you'll be considered a try hard.

I work in an office and the CFO & MD don't even wear suits.

>> No.15631621


>> No.15631940

Yeah, but you can absolutely wear regular suits

>> No.15631969

yo my dude
I'm looking into becoming a financial analyst myself, assuming you're still lurking the thread can I ask you some things?

how much do you make? (any commissions?)
I assume an accounting bachelor is a good first step but which would look better on a CV: undergrad internship or a masters?
you consider it "hard" work?
do you regret it? would you recommend another branch in finance/ accounting instead?

not true
even J P Morgan and Goldman Sachs relaxed dress code a couple years back to attract milleninals and zoomers
dress shirts is the new standard, neckties is overdressing
they still ask you to "dress accordingly" meaning you shoud adapt depending on whether your client is an old money boomer or hipster millenial

>> No.15631989

>Dress shirts look retarded without a tie
I 100% agree with this take
I think business casual look should be suit jacket + long sleeve shirt

Without a necktie collars are some weird vestigial shit that serve no purpose and look sloppy

>> No.15632010

it was true in 2014-15 when I worked there. It's a shame really.
not him but I went through the process myself.
>undergrad internship or a masters?
internship 100%. don't worry too much about degrees and certifications. it's really not as important as you think (including GPA). master degrees n shit are for foreigners. nothing beats experience. you're better off working a boutique in Cleveland than getting a masters.
Working at an Investment Bank right out of college is a great move because you learn a shit ton in your first 1-2 years and it'll help you develop a great work ethic.
>finance/ accounting instead?
Sales and Trading is awesome if you can get in. If you're not technical go Sales, if you're technical go Trading.

>> No.15632043

Literal brainwash

>> No.15632255

>internship 100%. don't worry too much about degrees and certifications
ok thanks mate
I assumed only big investment banks give a shit about masters and they probably hire most people out of ivy leagues anyway

just had to be sure.
when you google you get a lot of different answers from people who probably didn't even work in the field. hard to trust

>> No.15632294

no problem, networking is 100x more important than anything else.
honestly though, finance is getting more and more digitized. I know it's a meme but you should learn to code on the side if you want to get far in the field. being technically competent is far more valuable than having any sort of degree

>> No.15632516

Why would I larp? Wear a suit to go buy bread? Youre loopy mate.

>> No.15632519

>can I ask you some things?
I’m back. Ask away.

> how much do you make? (any commissions?)
$140k all-in comp, about $50k is bonuses
I assume an accounting bachelor is a good first step but which would look better on a CV: undergrad internship or a masters?
Accounting is fine. Your school and GPA is much more important. An internship is definitely better than a Master’s. In fact, internships are probably the single most important thing. I would only recommend a Master’s if you can’t get a job or you have something really specific you want to do.
you consider it "hard" work?
It’s long and stressful but a monkey could do my job.
do you regret it? would you recommend another branch in finance/ accounting instead?
Honestly, yeah I do regret it. I’m actually kind of lazy and not all that ambitious but somehow I fell into this with a bit of effort. I don’t really care what I do that much for a career but you have to care a lot in this field, at least about making money, which I don’t. I’m going to try to do something else. There are aspects about it I don’t mind and there are people who genuinely like it though so I guess it just depends on the person.

>> No.15632522

Nah. It was just so much easier and simpler and I think it helped with the social dynamics. Looking back, I think it was a good thing and the girls looked cute in their uniforms.

>> No.15632533
File: 57 KB, 500x521, 1602375800926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you that kid I went to high school with that dressed in a 3 piece suit every day complete with a trilby and orthopedic cane?

>> No.15632536
File: 987 KB, 1080x1331, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I only wore my Varsity Letterman jackets

>> No.15632538

let me guess your group

>> No.15632562

It’s a relatively small boutique so general M&A but a lot of it is industrials, oil and gas, utilities, etc.

>> No.15632625

this, only salescucks wear suits. Traders are all casual these days.

>> No.15632630

oh yeah I forgot you were a boutique bro. what are you trying to do next? stay or get out? PE?

>> No.15632635


>> No.15632637

No idea and I don’t care too much but getting out entirely would be preferable.

>> No.15632644

I work at an investment bank, only wore a suit on my first day. People just don't wear suits anymore outside of corporate events.

>> No.15632647

check out joining an early stage startup
it's the most based and redpilled route you can go besides founding one yourself

>> No.15632652

depends entirely on the collar

>> No.15632661

i dress like a white heroin addict from the wire with flip flops so when i go to the bank they think i'm super rich

>> No.15632664
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>> No.15632672

>Honestly, yeah I do regret it. I’m actually kind of lazy and not all that ambitious
that's kinda worrying because i'm exactly like that
i genuinely find economy and markets and politics engaging though (which is why i'm going with investment intead of auditiing or insurance or real estate) but I can easily live off $60k a year

you recommend i learn any side skills that an accounting major might not focus on? different languages? anon above mentioned coding

>> No.15632689

>you recommend i learn any side skills that an accounting major might not focus on? different languages? anon above mentioned coding
It depends what you want to do. If you want to work in IB or one of its offshoots, get good with Excel and PowerPoint and know the M&I Interview Guides inside and out, maybe some financial modeling too. That’s literally it. I would suggest you do more research about what this job actually entails day to day though. Understand the difference between Investment Banking and investing. I spend 99% of my time in Excel or PowerPoint. It seems like Corporate Financial Analysts use stuff like SQL or VBA but I wouldn’t know first hand.

>> No.15632708

You know this is a really good point.

Really cant tell who is poor when ever dresses the same.

>> No.15632760

only wear a tux after 6pm, or you are a fool

>> No.15632765

what do you wanna do?
>I can easily live off $60k a year
nice, it's foolish to worry about muh salary and muh bonus in the early years. 60k vs 150k is absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. experience is more important.

>> No.15632793
File: 6 KB, 179x250, 1475819999596s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a drop lmao are you dumb?

>> No.15632846

lol example contains low quality women

>> No.15632859

Clothing is contextual, a suit is not a do everything outfit. You may have heard that dressing well is good manners but people will think you're a prick if you get gas in a tux at 10AM

>> No.15633036

>what do you wanna do?
Corporate financial analysis or investment banking

>> No.15633042

>that hairline
it's OVER for datacels

>> No.15633058
File: 929 KB, 800x599, tim pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what hairline?

>> No.15633251

Why? I don't see a problem

>> No.15633254

He looks like an undertaker. Also, generally black suits are for very formal occasions. You’d want to wear like charcoal or dark navy or something and not match your suit with your tie.

>> No.15633261

yeah Lex needs to adopt the dark blue suit with a dark blue tie. perhaps it's the orthodox jew in him that wants to go with the all back russian njew look

>> No.15633494

The problem with this look is that it's too hot for summer so you end up taking everything off anyway and too cold for winter (and any coat that looks good over this is usually not good for winter so you end up wearing weird looking coats over it) it only works for like three months out of the year, like September and May and when you go outside wearing shit like this everyone looks at you like you are a larping FBI agent or something. It does seem cool, in theory, like on tv or for a special occassion or for some job but it's ultimately uncomfortable as fuck and inconvenient for 4/5ths of weather conditions.

>> No.15633502

this but without a tie

>> No.15633976

Don´t get me wrong, I like suits. (Not business suits, tho, those are dirt ugly and if you wear one you will be among the first ones to stand against the wall once the revolution comes)...

...but wearing a suit for casually leaving the house, for partying, shopping, etc. will rightfully make you look like a retard.
Wear suitpants but combine them with sneakers or boots. Wear suit shirts but combine them with a casual jacket. Wear pants and shirt with a long coat but combine it with non-formal shoes, scarf, etc.

NEVER go full suit on occasions were it isn´t needed or you´ll look like a weeb or an incel.

>> No.15633977

Go to bed reviewbrah

>> No.15633994
File: 592 KB, 1080x1920, 1469774658668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont speak ill of the Patron Saint of menswear
David Byrne core just works for him

>> No.15634016

His shitty jacket is too hot for summer, but quality garments are amazingly breathable. 100% cotton madras jacket, or a hopsack jacket will basically feel no heavier than a tshirt.

>> No.15634376

Yeah ideally at work you dress one notch above the average. IE. Dress shirt, slacks, dress shoes if most are polos, jeans, sneakers. As for clients or interviews, you have to wear the suit. You want everything going for you.

>> No.15634396

that's why it's effay

>> No.15634411
File: 385 KB, 324x588, 1590639358307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in tech and just wear dress clothes anyway while most people go with polos. Maybe not worth it but I make quite a bit of money at a young age so I guess I'm doing something right. And I find I'm just treated all around better.

lol don't wear suits when going on dates. With quality girls I'll dress like pic attached. If it's to meet a tinder chick or fwb type thing I'll just dress in a fitted t-shirt and jeans.

>> No.15634417

I don’t know why people do this. Are they that desperate to get promoted? Just dress how you want to dress or how everyone dresses. What difference does it make?

>> No.15634438

Dress how you want on your own time. Idk about you but at work I'm there to make money and to minimize bullshit, dressing well helps with both.

>> No.15634473

Unless your boss is a really weird freak who wore suits everyday as an employee, this won't even get you promoted. You're better off trying to be cool, likeable and technically competent in most cases

>> No.15634491

>black suit anywhere but a funeral
>tie the same color as the suit
nigger what are you doing learn how to dress

>> No.15634493

This Jordan Peterson/Gavin Mcinnes mindset that obsesses over aesthetics and dominance hierarchies ignores that 90% of people can't stand weird tryhards and will actively undermine them.

>> No.15634574
File: 29 KB, 238x607, Heat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15634584

I like how everyone's wearing a hat.

>> No.15634598

Isn't the king now a tranny?

>> No.15634637

I just said “...or dress how everyone else dresses”. I don’t see why you have to one up everyone in formality.

>> No.15634906

>Literally 9th grade math on the chalkboard

>> No.15634960

At least where I am a waistcoat is a clear indicator of someone who’s trying to dress smarter but doesn’t know how, real Doctor Who teenager shit

>> No.15635034

Suits are stupid and dated. They got buttons on the sleeves that aren’t used anymore cos no one rolls up the suit jacket sleeves and a button that isn’t even done up. Casual/ smart casual is way better than a suit. A suit is boring and it’s gone from clothes cos it’s so constrictive and right and shit on hot days. Next you’re gonna tell me to wear a fucking fedora

>> No.15635236

you sound like that serpentza guy. it might be somewhat true what you say but FUCK wearing a suit all day everyday.

>> No.15635240


>dress in business attire
>have no business or no business that even remotely matches up with wearing a suit everyday
>instead you're a coomer/consoomer in a suit now

>> No.15635286
File: 68 KB, 481x750, 1602018723978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must only wear a suit for the right occassion
>There is no occasion to ever wear a suit anymore in 2020

The suit has officially become antiquated, all rules and levels of formality no longer matter.
Whether you wear a full three piece suit with a bowler hat, or a dress shirt and dress slacks is no different in the minds of society.

You may as well wear buckled shoes and tights, you are no longer dressing up, you are an historical reenactor

>> No.15635299
File: 1.44 MB, 3131x4317, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you're saying. Since all suiting is cosplay, then all cosplay is suiting. I am finally free to wear Plus Fours in public and not get mocked.

>> No.15635322
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x630, zack-pinsent-brighton-tailor-105-fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because nobody wears suits and there is no reason to ever wear a suit anymore.. wearing a suit of any kind now makes you the same as Zack Pinsent

There's nothing wrong with that, you should do what makes you happy and not care what others thing
But you will be an outcast, you will be judged and laughed it. Dressing up is no longer stylish, it is weird

>> No.15635372

That might be true if you live in a part of America where tucking in your t-shirt is considered sunday best but it is far from universally applicable.

>> No.15635678

Morning dress is more formal than a tuxedo. Morning dress is the daytime equivalent of full-dress (a.k.a. "white tie"). The daytime equivalent of a tuxedo is a suit.

>> No.15636678

I like this idea

>> No.15636686

people are fucking stupid. news at 11. puzzle solved. my condolences if you care for their "smiles".
>Self confidence greatly boosted
what's the problem with you?

>> No.15636726

>>15632255just had to be sure.
>when you google you get a lot of different >answers from people who probably didn't even >work in the field. hard to trust

as opposed to the 4chan fashion board, the most reliable source of information in recent human history.

>> No.15637620

baldie detected