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File: 90 KB, 1066x1333, 120296809_3272186742830360_2114534140628344873_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15619870 No.15619870 [Reply] [Original]

Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.

>> No.15619875


>> No.15619879


>> No.15619888

Do people find this physique impressive? He has nonexistent shoulders. This is what you get after 1 year of consistent lifting with a good diet and counting macros.

>> No.15619908

then it doesn't take that long to achieve perfection, good to know

>> No.15619910

Sure. Unlike what autistic bodybuilders think, most people aren't looking for or find gigantic bodies all that hot.

>> No.15619915

You can get that quicker, he just looks good because of pump and lighting and angle fraud

>> No.15619919

>He has nonexistent shoulders

Yeah, that's called being natty. If you think popped out big shoulders are the norm then you really shouldn't commentating. Even huge guys like Brock Lesnar when off the juice has rounded shoulders.

>> No.15619925

Do don't even need to count macros. You just need to hit your protein requirements and tailor calories to your weight.

>> No.15619927

This is like the perfect physique to most normies. Sometimes it pays to step back from the autismos at /fit/ and r/bodybuilding and not be so hard on yourself.

>> No.15619932

This. He is pretty much fight club style and obviously natty. Snivelling betas HURR DURR HE'S NOT IMPRESSIVE!! Yeah, let's see your pics...

It's just jealously and an outputting of bitter projection. Felix looks good there, face included.

>> No.15619935

post body

>> No.15619946
File: 652 KB, 493x624, stay mad incels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't work when I am not being a bitter bitch. I've posted before and I am 41.

>> No.15619948

I'm still flabbergasted by those gymcels that always come bursting in these threads looking for some underdeveloped neck muscle or "lol nice legs lol lmao" with their acne ridden 3/10 polcel faces

>> No.15619951

I know I just wanted to see your sexy pics

>> No.15619952


>> No.15619957
File: 591 KB, 1113x628, smell me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15619959

Did you really get fucking ab implant lmao

>> No.15619965

Yes, problem faggot?

>> No.15619966

jesus christ

>> No.15619967

Looks like liposculpture to me, but then again he is so poor he uses a communal bathroom so I'm not sure he could afford lipo.

>> No.15619984

You sound jealous.

I'm very rich but poor by choice. I am a poor humble soldier of St. Lazarus.

>> No.15619990
File: 176 KB, 320x728, hbk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Felix look like HBK!!

Ohhh! Ohh Cecil!!

I think I'm cute
I know I'm sexy
I got the looks
That drives the girls wild

I'm just a sexy Cecil (sexy Cecil)

I can be your man toy (man toy)


>> No.15620261

damn good for him. also i'm frankly shocked he has decent taste in tattoos

>> No.15620313

Wow he has aged quite nicely...shame about those tattoos.

>> No.15620320

Don't front you love tattoos like every other trashy slut

>> No.15620325

>eww tattoos
>i like edgy guys covered in tats that have been in prison for selling crack!!

Lmao you're the trad larper meme who thinks your bullshit will get you a guy.

>> No.15620331

Hey I rode the cock carousel for a few decades now I want a guy who will pay my bills while I cheat and rack up dwis

>> No.15620347
File: 6 KB, 300x300, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f2d49707770746e777353786c62413d3d2d31302e3134643061326366323130313832643[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those pagan genes are starting to show, good for pewds
Working out is modern couture. No outfit is >going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.
agree, a college friend of mine is a chad and i have only see him wear target clothes, still, girls want to suck him dry and guys want to hang out with him me included
pic kinda related how he dresses

>> No.15620356


She was bragging about people being boring normal here and how she is into hot ex convicts, tats or whatever. Now she is anti-tattoo? Then she said racist things about black guys and then admitted to fucking Indian dudes lol.

Did the Indians and criminals get sick of her shit she needs to larp now to attract guys? Needs the rich white guy before she hits the big 40? No high status man is ever going to date let alone marry a fucking meth head with that ugly ass mugshot. I like Halloween but not to sleep with a chick who has the face of fucking Halloween.

>> No.15620357
File: 24 KB, 400x600, GS-00479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit.. here's the picture

>> No.15620370


>Do people find this physique impressive?

Attractive. Impressive? Eh, kinda.

>This is what you get after 1 year of consistent lifting with a good diet and counting macros.

Most people can't do this shit, my friend.

>> No.15620379

Pewdiepie has 0 personality and is just an empty husk now, a blank template for corporations and socially awkward teenagers to change whichever way the winds blow.

Don't believe me? He has a fucking kaws tattoo and buys whatever overpriced while simultaneously bland plain shit he can from endclothing, the art on his walls are mass-produced prints from places like made.com, nothing in his house or about him has any individual personality at all

>> No.15620398

so he put in effort into his body. what can you hate about this

>> No.15620399

He wants to let everyone know he posts on /fit/

>> No.15620549


>> No.15620557

You fitfags have body dysmorphia.

>> No.15620566

Decent taste? Kaws figure and ghibli? Consoomerism as tattoo is always trashy

>> No.15620965

I mean u obviously know more than me about his tattoos lol, i just thought the church looking thing was genuinely cool so i assumed the rest were decent

>> No.15620972

I mean, he has a decent face, solid hairline, and not absurdly skinny. Plus he is famous and a millionaire. All pussies are getting wet because of all that.

>> No.15621043
File: 710 KB, 480x600, 2020-05-22 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these people mad about the based Pewds

>> No.15621047

(this pic is older than OP btw)

>> No.15621465


>> No.15622762

aryan chad

>> No.15622828

Still a fucking twink no lighting is going to make you feel like you have a fit body

>> No.15622838

Why do you being skinny requires counting macros?

>> No.15622878

On instagram most of the women at my work, not even the ones who watch pewdiepie or anything liked this photo of him.

>> No.15623021

sounds like he's very smart for his otherwise midwit IQ

>> No.15623111

>t. dyel
Are you fucking retarded nigger? He is OBVIOSLY on steroids'. No one can get to that level in just one year. Even I don't look like that and I have 3+ years lifting.

>> No.15623112

97% of people in america and 99% of people in europe are DYELS

>> No.15623131

I doubt he's on steroids but this photo is edited to high heavens and he's angling pretty hard to look bigger than he actually is

>> No.15623163

fix your fucking diet dumbass

>> No.15623314

Probably dehydrated + pump + angle + lighting + editing contrast fraud

>> No.15623327

>being baited this easily

If you are just a regular guy you can achieve his look natty within 6 months. he has just lowered his bodyfat and slightly increased his muscle mass.

It's nothing special, but in the West in which the majority of adults are overweight, he looks good. His main job will be watching what he eats as to not add fat around his waist. This of course is not calorie counting, he has no need to do that, but to watch his simple carb intake.

>> No.15623350
File: 942 KB, 840x838, Screenshot (61).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 months natty
if you dont look like pewds after 3 years idk what to tell you

>> No.15623407


>> No.15624179

Working out your arms is all that really matters.
Your torso if you want to look good topless.
Anything else is masturbation. If you care about legday, YOU ARE A FAGGOT.

>> No.15624194

imagine being this seethy

gosh u really can hand pick the smelly incels that overflow from fit and other incel hives

>> No.15624196

fat guys always make faster gains

>> No.15624198

Nice bro

>> No.15624199

whyd he have to ruin it all with the stupid tattoos

>> No.15624203

have you seen bieber's?
way worse.
it's a brooklyn trend.
too much heroin probably.

>> No.15624359

His tats are such chicken starch shit. Holy fuck

>> No.15624485

Being fit won't improve your self esteem unless you're gay. It's derived from feedback from the opposite gender. You're actually probably better off increasing your interaction with women then going to the gym, and if your face is ugly you're full wasting your time.
I'm more muscular than that guy (although fatter until I can get my treadmill back). But that doesn't mean jack shit because it doesn't earn me complements.

>> No.15626137

sub human genetics

>> No.15626469

it's not impressive but better than average american skinny-fat basedboy. which is respectable these days.

>> No.15627495
File: 534 KB, 458x582, pewds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shooped?

>> No.15627560

Lmao ok roider

>> No.15627625

yeah but didnt he start like 6 months ago?

>> No.15627634

no you fucking idiot

>> No.15627640

Nope just weird, long bicep genetics

>> No.15627654

long biceps are more aesthetic
i have short ass biceps :(

>> No.15628070

If it's so easy then why did you get ab implants

>> No.15628183


>> No.15628483

Bicep inserts are measured when you flex and not with your arm down. Even people with short inserts they look like that when the arm is down.

>actually believes i got ab implants

Breh I got ball implants too, you ever see a dude with soccer sized balls? Yo momma has. Ask her all about them. Ask her all about me.

>> No.15628490


>> No.15628499

lol still wont post body. Run your mouth but too scared to show yourself LAWL

>> No.15628525
File: 398 KB, 602x671, 1601266303256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related, it's (you)

>> No.15629110

replace fit with skinny and you're right, that guy looks like my loser friend who's mad at me because I steal all the female attention every time we're in the same room (and he's more muscular than me)

>> No.15630215

You are grotesque

>> No.15630338

It's impressive for someone who's also the biggest gaming youtuber and has no incentive to look good

>> No.15630395
File: 328 KB, 781x469, just chillen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rude. I've been told I am moderately handsome.

>> No.15630449

hot <3

>> No.15630450


>> No.15630680

Most people are fat

>> No.15631087

lmao you don't have to lie on the internet

>> No.15631308

the power of good lighting. Direct flash and he'll look like a normal dude. But OP is 100 percent correct. Clothes won't make up for a shitty physique.

>> No.15631652

Well I’ve never seen such a bizarre person
What do you think about yourself?

>> No.15632025

fake and gay

>> No.15632048
File: 691 KB, 1102x626, hi anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think about yourself?

I wish I had an identical twin because I would fuck him

>> No.15632152

good now try lifting

>> No.15632261

>implying bodybuilders lift to chase slutty egirls like you do

>> No.15633129

thats not the same pose ffs its literally so simple and yet you still fail

>> No.15633756

working out is racist. fuck you poltard

>> No.15634025

>You just need to hit your protein requirements and tailor calories to your weight.
That's what counting macros is you goof.

>> No.15634030

cringe tattoos.
cringe person.