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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 494 KB, 755x425, screen_shot_2020-08-11_at_9.15.07_am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15609531 No.15609531 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /fa/ mask?

>> No.15609557

I rock the nozzle one when I'm at work so I can spray the customers and keep safe from them

>> No.15609560

none. NPCs and sheeple wear masks, they arent effay.

>> No.15609564

Nice bait, but you're still a faggot

>> No.15609565

In my country its mandatory

>> No.15609578

I take it you're from a 1st world country unlike the pseudo alpha

>> No.15609591

Be a rebel

>> No.15609611

America is a first world country you euroshit cuck

>> No.15609619
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an actual gas mask.

>> No.15609628

Seethe you hamburger eating fuck and accept that amerikkka stopped being first world

>> No.15609634

breaking the law is effay

>> No.15609636

being dead is hella effay tho

>> No.15609638

good one

>> No.15609647
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>> No.15609651

what's the fatality rate for nonboomers?

>> No.15609652
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Mandatory here in Canada and I still don't wear it. They can't ask you why you're not wearing one and if I do run into some turbo Karen working the till I just leave and go elsewhere. Have had little to no problems and there's no fucking way bylaw will hand out a ticket, they can't legally ask my medical condition.

Stay mad cuckmuzzle wearing faggots, bitches get to see my face and they love it.

>> No.15609842
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I dont smoke and dont believe masks work but i've started doing this and it's a prime dickhead move

>> No.15609849


>> No.15609861

Are you 70 years old? Why are you worried about dying?

>> No.15609865

like you have the jawline to pull off no-mask, lmao
be thankful, uggo

>> No.15609866

What are you even trying to say

>> No.15609871

being a dickhead's cool

>> No.15609881

Oh how I envy your ignorance of the world.

>> No.15609897

I don't use a condom on tinder dates, what makes you think I'm making up?

>> No.15609899

America hasn't been first world since 1994

>> No.15609902

Masks are cuckwear. No mask at all. Cry about it uneffay boomers and fatsos

>> No.15610324
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>going on dates

>> No.15610330

only works if your dressed in milsurp

>> No.15610338

it literally is a first world country you fucking troglodyte

>> No.15610357

>Second World countries are countries that are more stable and more developed than Third World countries,but less stable and less developed than First World countries.

The United States literally fills that definition exactly.

4 depressions in 20 years, 40%+ unemployment, unstable and at the brink of civil war with high concentrations of regional poverty.

Just like....idk all the second world nations in Africa?!

>> No.15611783


>> No.15612316

any paper mask you get for free. spending money on a cuckmuzzle is NOT effay

>> No.15612460
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>> No.15612470
File: 292 KB, 828x822, C742D2F6-9DA3-4B12-BA04-0CF1DD70EE75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specifically this one

>> No.15612474


>> No.15612514

The one I get from free at work.

>> No.15612529

actually made me chuckle

>> No.15612581


>> No.15612582
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>He doesnt know

>> No.15612708

I've been using a bandana but this looks pretty neat. w2c?

>> No.15612790

wahhhhh i dont want to nice to other people wahhhh

>> No.15612793

fuck I'm jealous. There's seriously nowhere to cop the hardshell filters without buying a dozen or paying the scalper tip.

>> No.15612806

Black if you wanna slim the lower face/make your eyes pop

lighter colored mask if you wanna widen the lower face

>> No.15612821

Buy the dozen and be a good samaritan. Sell what you don’t need at-cost or just a tiny bit extra. Fuck over those scalpers. You’ll definitely get your money back.

>> No.15613108

>WHY yes I do enjoy architecture, how could you tell?

>> No.15613117
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Wear your mask, goy

>> No.15613118

Im using the cheap one

>> No.15613553
File: 48 KB, 350x461, 1594273765127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this dude

>> No.15613880


>> No.15613932

Adidas one looks pretty nice

>> No.15613940

Gay crying cringe

>> No.15614066
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then this
final red pill
nah, if the coof gets worse this winter (depending on your location) I'm going full panoramic mask, let the goyim deny & die if they want... or better yet, live with permanent disability

>> No.15614087
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3M 7000 series with 60926 cartridges.

>> No.15614327

tell that to your murder and prison rate 3rd worlder

>> No.15614349
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>> No.15615041
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>> No.15615045


>> No.15615047

Jresus christ lmao that is pretty cool but would look ridiculous if a civilian wore it

>> No.15615463
File: 85 KB, 376x1264, 452175CC-D57C-4BD4-B036-88FDAB037182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like the masks I ordered?
I think they're quite /fa/

>> No.15615473
File: 78 KB, 528x660, america 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs in europoor

>> No.15615481


>> No.15615594

Post reeks of immaturity

>> No.15615915

It's not in BC yet

>> No.15616057

Those are gaiters you moron

>> No.15616074
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for a minute there i thought you were serious

>> No.15616131
File: 168 KB, 1568x1120, voollebak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15616337
File: 348 KB, 2000x2000, Juventus_Face_Covers_XS_S_3_Pack_Black_HB5053_HB5053_01_laydown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616341
File: 607 KB, 1200x1200, Galactic jacket combo copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616348

That's actually kinda sick. I'm down to let full face masks enter normie fashion. Cyberpunk doom prepper is gonna be big.

>> No.15616378

location were a cringe brand that some kids wore in secondary school but that was in the 2000s


>> No.15616384

love that vollebak is on this shit. Or is this an older piece

>> No.15616385

tbf i always liked masks one because i play mk so i think masks are cool and also having a mask is good if youre a chinlet or havent shaved/have acne etc

>> No.15617047

i thought you weren't joking for a second and were actually retarded lmao good one anon

>> No.15617071

lmao fat fuck

>> No.15617075

Based af. RIP boomers desu desu

>> No.15617395

Technically true, since you probably don't have tinder dates

>> No.15618451
File: 149 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.2490534221_2vln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some shit off etsy early on. it was from a japanese print or some shit. gets compliments all the time.

i wear black on black normcore shit, so i get to be extra with accessories.

>> No.15618471
File: 382 KB, 1125x633, 3C2C5C28-23E5-467A-8257-784DF3B07B52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thumbnail made me think it was made out of seaweed lmfao

>> No.15618507
File: 50 KB, 626x626, 500055_a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought pic related which has replaceable filters.

>> No.15618575

What was the point of taking a screenshot? We can all see it.

>> No.15618607
File: 185 KB, 1125x360, 8F0017BD-143E-4BDA-BB9B-96C6864D5A16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to make sure everyone sees it.

>> No.15618798

I wish it were true

>> No.15619428


>> No.15619448

Regular disposable blue one, I ain’t using the same shit twice, no matter if its washable they don’t end up fitting the same no matter how much you take care of them.

>> No.15619484

I just wear a bape mask. Could give less of a fuck about boomers getting the coof but it gets a lot of compliments.

>> No.15619514

shoutout to the people itt wearing masks. my immunocompromised-ass is sincerely thankful for your efforts.

>> No.15619656

and proven to increase risk instead of decreasing it, as gaiters break up larger droplets into smaller droplets, which remain airborne longer

>> No.15619823

>I want to look like a roodypoo whilst aerosolizing my plague droplets

>> No.15619855

I literally had a grocery store call the cops on me for not wearing a mask. people are just fucking stupid.

>> No.15619864


>> No.15619866


>> No.15619998

>Just like....idk all the second world nations in Africa?!
all of africa is 3rd world

>> No.15620002

i dont see how the incarceration rate of the us is a good way of determining whether or not its the 3rd world

>> No.15620004
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>> No.15620005

South africa

>> No.15620017

embarrassing post my guy

>> No.15621135

You dindu nuffin eh

>> No.15621804

Can i find this in aliexpress?

>> No.15621913

Maybe in certain areas but most of the country is estonia tier.

>> No.15621962
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>> No.15622263


>> No.15622384

Made my morning, based retard.

>> No.15622407
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M3 Aura with the bottom bit that wraps underneath your chin torn off for top tier breathing comfort, a clean aesthetic and as little mask to skin contact as possible. It also has foam around the nose bit and underneath your eyes so it has a perfect seal and is really comfortable.