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File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, Backyard-Silversmiths-Chain-Link-Bracelet_1024x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15601575 No.15601575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do shitskin men like jewelry so much?

Italians included

>> No.15601584

because it's sexcore on us, whereas it just looks try hard on whites and blacks.

>> No.15601628

Jewelry often looks shit on everyone, excessive displays of wealth are corny.

>> No.15601690

T. Soulless anglo

>> No.15601764
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>fucking slanda if you ask me

>> No.15602679

imagine not stunting on peasants with your gold and riches
couldn't be me

>> No.15602724

people have been wearing jewelry since they figured out there was shiny stuff in the ground

>> No.15602774
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Hello my dear friend. I have thought long and hard on this and am willing to share my philosophies!

>> No.15602824

Who is >us

>> No.15602825

>excessive displays of wealth are corny
poorfag cope

>> No.15602829
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I think it makes me look cute. What do you think OP?

>> No.15602849
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Jewelry is one way of trainsporting value/money across war-torn borders.

>> No.15602869

If you have a shitty apartment, no car and an ugly bitch (wife), might as well have some gold plated jewelry to cope.

>> No.15602909

Being against jewelry = slave morality

>> No.15602939

You have pretty nice features for a mutt

>> No.15602941

go be fat somewhere else

>> No.15602945

yep. slaves salty at the slave owners.
also npc 20th century americunts who fell for the "be a faceless blob in a society" bullshit

>> No.15602954

>my philosophies
the same statement with different words

I don't know if I cringe more at men wearing jewelry or at shit like this.

>> No.15603031

it matches with my rockstar aesthetic, see ya later, squared aluminum glasses' incel.

>> No.15603034

why is men in jewelry cringe? why do you reject tradition and embrace npcism?

>> No.15603110
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WTC a chain now that I'm a 30 years old boomer, I have shitty skin that used to react with the cheap necklaces I wore, and I like the color silver more than gold. Pale, blonde, and blue eyed btw

>> No.15603224

I believe that both men and women should only use accessories if they're functional (Watches). Never liked necklaces or bracelets. Last years I've found some bracelets to look good in both tho. Don't like things to go over the top either way.

>> No.15603361

Iranian? You look similar to me and identical to my father

>> No.15603734

because they are feminine

>> No.15603796
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who gave birth to the entire bling bling culture nigger? The Amerimutts, of course. Why dont you go and fucking eat a dick?

>> No.15603825

I have rehmatoid arthritis so I wear rings to draw attention away from my ugly swollen pip joints

>> No.15603879
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Lmao, I love how proud all you faggots are about the seething you do over us

>> No.15603883

Protip: It makes you look like a pedophile

>> No.15603905
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Europeans dont see mutts as humans desu.
Fucking Untermenschen

>> No.15603925

I honestly couldn't care less about what a bunch of fart-sniffing serfs think of me

>> No.15603997
File: 116 KB, 960x720, 5YZveNg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have been more specific, anybody got any recommendations for a decent plain chain?

>> No.15604014

is serf like terf but straight?

>> No.15604039

americans really need to leave their country at least once so they can see that the world is different from what they see on tv.

Come to italy op and you will shocked to know that it is very different from north jersey; or maybe you can stay in your trailer, your choice.

>> No.15604045

a Dutch proverb comes to mind:
>even when a monkey wears a golden ring, it is still an ugly thing

>> No.15604078
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Play to the character build you were given. Why so mad anon it’s just the luck of the draw

>> No.15604119

Jewry is /fa/ as fuck, Italians are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.15604130

My favorite Dutch expression is K A N K E R

>> No.15604137

this is how I know /fa/ isn't actually /fa/

>> No.15604294

Take silver chain away for some more earth tone jewelries. The sliver chain doesn't fit, I would say cop an ear ring but you're brown prob can cause mah alah

>> No.15604297


because they're trashy

>> No.15604302
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North Jersey is not really Italian like that anymore. And we still get a shit ton of actual Italians migrating from North Italy and y'all are boring and poor as always

>> No.15604585

dios mio...

>> No.15604610

thanks I try

>> No.15604653
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>> No.15604665

Because it's what poor people think wealth looks like.

>> No.15604684

ever check out the mall? I'm not a chain connoisseur but if I was going to get one, I'd check out a place at the mall and try a few different lengths and thicknesses out.

>> No.15604689

go to the jewelry store in the mall

>> No.15604703
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I'm retarded, thanks for the idea frens

>> No.15604704

Lol no. People wear jewelery because it looks cool.
Not everywhere is the us where people try to appear as rich as possible

>> No.15604707

Rich people don't wear jewelry. Only poor people who try to look rich.

>> No.15604723
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>> No.15604728
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>literally on taxpayer foodstamps

>> No.15604729

Pls visit somewhere other than the us for once

>> No.15604736

royal insignias rings aren't exactly what one thinks of when talking about jew-elry

>> No.15604739

>anywhere other than the US
>having money

>> No.15604741

american aesthetics is shallowness

>> No.15604747

so is looking like a gypsy to pretend you have money

>> No.15604749

Most expensive cities in the world are zurich and Hongkong not minnesota and wyoming

>> No.15604755
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Okay, how about a signet ring on a regular billionaire?

Jewellery is worn by all classes of people, just don't go overboard and it can look very tasteful.

>> No.15604766


>> No.15604855

Absolute state of yuropoors