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/fa/ - Fashion

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15598391 No.15598391 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on wearing t-shirts inside out?

been doing it lately but people keep pointing it out to me like it was an accident. how do you pull it off without people saying anything about it to you?

>> No.15598403

Umm ok so why exactly would you want to “pull” this off?

>> No.15598440
File: 3.63 MB, 295x222, fuckoffcunt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Ryan Gosling on a movie set? No? Then wear your shirt the right way you idiot.

>> No.15598455

You are a nobody. You can't do retarded shit. You're not Kanye. You're not high fashion.. you're literally a retard who got dressed in the dark and put his shirt on backwards.

>> No.15598565

Stop trying to stand out by doing whacky shit. You stand out by being a good person, a hard worker, a good brother, father, son, grandson. And fuck, standing out doesn't fucking matter. Do the shit that makes you happy, read a book, watch a movie, play a game, go for a walk, do push ups, fuck a girl. Stop trying so hard to be "different" and look "cool".
Being /fa/ means living /fa/, not acting /fa/.

>> No.15598594

Doing this in blatant mimicry kf goose is just as bad as people that wear movie costumes

>> No.15598608

fuck what other people think, anon. just wear your shit inside out if you think it looks good. the argument that this is:
>just as bad as people that wear movie costumes

is fucking stupid. all fashion decisions are inspired from SOMETHING. why it's considered cringe to have an element of your style that's derivative of an actor in a movie is beyond me

>> No.15598611

Good advice, I'll wear a full Kamen Rider costume to work tomorrow!

>> No.15598679

when his character wore that t shirt in that film, the director probably wanted to say something about his chaotic personality and life. also he's like an 11 out of 10 in that film, so he could wear anything.

wearing t shirts the right way round is more mature

>> No.15598788

Wearing one's shirt inside-out is not unheard of in fashion, but if you're not in a context where doing it will be taken as an intentional choice, it will just look stupid to people.

If you do it you'll want to do so with a shirt that actually looks good inside-out. Single-stitched shirts with at least 50% cotton are best because they will have a nicer texture on the inside, relaxed fit and less bulky stitching. And if you're not actually going for a trash aesthetic, you'll want to pair it up with some blatantly nice garments to signal that you did actually think about your fit.

>> No.15598793

Why do people wear their shirts inside out? Is that actually a trend now?

I mean, Ryan Gosling looks cool in the picture but that's because he's Ryan Gosling

>> No.15598805

dont act like that wouldnt be fuckin sick

>> No.15599002

I honestly just wanted approval to do that kek

>> No.15599004

>been doing it lately but people keep pointing it out to me like it was an accident

>> No.15599112

It's the least striking thing after the dyed hair, before the rips, tears, and the tats.
On another note - metaphorically - he's wearing h i s inside out. If you do that, no one will point out your shirt.

>> No.15599137

> people keep pointing it out to me like it was an accident.

>> No.15600313

I work at a vintage store and somebody came in yesterday wearing the FULL good Place Beyond the Pines fit. Inside out beat white tee, light wash painter jeans tucked in to their floppy combat boots. They even had the bleached hair and tattoos. It was so obvious my coworker immediately pointed it out. We didn’t want to make him feel bad so we didn’t say anything but it was pretty embarrassing to witness

>> No.15600321

Most /fa/ rider? My vote is Kabuto

>> No.15600334

kek idk op, i used to work with a kid a while ago who did this, but it was at a pretty hip place in the les and he had the sort of aesthetic where it seemed like he just didnt care. i think either way youre gonna have people point it out, but if you have a look that fits the sloppy kinda style then i guess thats pulling it off. it's cool in that way

>> No.15600339

it only looks good if the tee is meant to be reversible,or the fabric around the graphic has faded around it and you can see a reversed outline of the graphic, or if you can’t see the graphic reversed and it doesn’t have a neck tag.

>> No.15600421

riderman imo

>> No.15600434

its incredibly hot and cool lately... good choice b

>> No.15600915

Just buy a reverse seam shirt bro

>> No.15600925
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>> No.15600942
File: 138 KB, 1200x901, EVm4PjpVAAUFbcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes you look like an idiot who dressed himself in the dark even the aesthetic you postet doesnt look good because you look like pic related

>> No.15600956

i mean its funny but it looks like trash so yeah based

>> No.15601003

this is correct. not giving a fuck makes you way more effay. dont be that autistic sperg who stutters out “i-it’s s-supposed to l-look that way!! ryan gosling d-did it...”