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File: 124 KB, 720x1043, Screenshot_20200926-231930_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15597204 No.15597204 [Reply] [Original]

It's a fact that women like taller men, but as a 5'8 manlet girls below 5'5 look like they are really uncommon, in my country at least, I want to date somebody I'm an incel

Pic related is what a 3 inches difference looks like

>> No.15597228

Preferred height difference is 8 inches but the average is 5. 5'8" is tough but not impossible at all

>> No.15597244

So women are only truly attracted to men 8 inches taller than they are, it's crazy

>> No.15597255
File: 1.30 MB, 3024x4032, oLstmNf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much.

>> No.15597337

I'm 5'11 and my bf is 5'9. Women worth your time don't give a shit.
T. Born with a vagina.

>> No.15597378

dude its not even the height difference its about actually being into the persons qualities and the chemistry and how well you "mesh"


but yes taller guys that make me feel like a helpless female is kinda hot

>> No.15597396

Post pics of you two please, black out your eyes if you care about privacy

>> No.15597399

It's a preference, but it doesn't mean they are not attracted to men who are not 8 inches taller than them. Ideally I would like a girl who has a perfect face and waist to hip ratio but that doesn't mean I haven't been insanely attracted to girls who don't have that.

>> No.15597413

I'm 6'3. Women hate me.

>> No.15597504

Yes, but men are much readier to compromise than women

Men have preferences, women have requirements

>> No.15597591

I think It really depends on the standar height of your country, for example, I'm from Colombia, and like the most of countries from South America, the height is really lower in comparisson of another continents, here the standar height for men is 1.69 cms, that's 5.54, but there are a few dudes that are really above, reaching 5' 11", personally I'm 5.71, I don't know how to write it propperly so I apoligize, sorry guys, and well, just don't be insecure, your personality must be higher than your fears, without that you'll get nothing but sadness and failures.

>> No.15597604

Whats with all the lookism threads on /fa/ today?

>> No.15597614

OP here,

I'm 172 cm, I would like to date girls around 164 cm since any lower than that gets reaaaally uncommon here in europe and 164 is below average already

>> No.15597637

>girls below 5'5 look like they are really uncommon

Where is that? The white Western average female height is about 5'4". Maybe some *inset Dutch meme* girls have an average of 5'6".

But if 5'5" females are uncommon for you and you'r e a 5'8" guy you;re a fucking manlet. Sorry breh.

>its about actually being into the persons qualities and the chemistry

Lmao. Same stupid hurr durr JUST BEE URSELF answer every time. Put this one on ignore lads.

>I'm from Colombia

You lucky, LUCKY bastard. I'm obsessed with Colombian women. It's usually between Colombia and Russia but Colombia has more teeny tiny petite hotties.

>> No.15597647

us presidential election brings out the divide and conquer bots

>> No.15597687

>being this insecure
manlets aren't going to make it

>> No.15597706


Colombian third world guy here again, oh I see, but in despite of your native country the self confidence it's something really necessary man, unless you're a excessively handsome guy (and even them need a well developed personality, or at least a decent one), you'll face that kind of insecurities when you wanna flirt with girls, I'm pretty aware that 1.72 cm is a little short for european men, but dude, not everything comes down to that, have a nice personality, do exercise, cultivate your mind, don't forget to have a good sense of dress, and another similar features that are indispensible either men as women, don't be sad because of something that diminutes your self awareness, the mental image about who you are, I understand you feel the social pressure of fulfill the average personal beauty and "harmonic" love relationships requirements, but at the end of the day, all of that doesn't matter if the person who you are with is not able to see inside you, and obviusly, everyone looks at the outside too, so about of that, if she isn't able to see your good physical aspects (which I'm pretty sure you have them man, all of us have them, some more than others clearly), then it's not a value person.

TLDR: Love yourself, improve yourself in every way possible (through a healthy way), mentally and physically, and the time will come when that beautiful girl will arrive to your door my friend.


Thanks man, there are really beautiful colombian women, but russians dolls are angels my dude.

>> No.15597707

im 5'9 and my gf is same height as me. sometimes even a bit taller depending on what shoes we are both wearing. most girls aversion to short guys is usually cos the short guys make them feel a certain way, and its due to insecurity. tho there is a loose correlation with height and other attractive features which are more important

>> No.15597721

Colombian women are usually the top on cam sex sites lol along with Russian. I always think meeting them means some drug mafia kills you though.

It's pretty weird to think Colombian guys post here too. But shit, you have no idea how lucky you are. Maybe pale tall Russian girls are exotic to you, but South American girls, dark eyes, dark hair and skin, slim and small. Urgh. I could almost cry at how fucking beautiful they are.

>> No.15597725
File: 581 KB, 757x503, want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the girl I am obsessed with. 26 year old Colombian girl. I almost feel sick with how my heart feels when I see her. She's my perfect 10/10.

>> No.15597735

I think that it has to do with the image we have on the foreigner people, their facial features, the skin color, and even their language or voice inflection, culture and that sort of things I suppose, but I must recognize that girl has enchant, it seems to be so hot, altough there are even more pretty wimen here imo.

>> No.15597756

>altough there are even more pretty wimen here imo.

Damn. She is a dream.

>> No.15597776

Go after tiny Oriental girls, OP. They're like slutty, bat-eating hobbits.

>> No.15597857

I dated someone 6 foot once who had a 6'1" friend. Friend cheated on her boyfriend who was a paramedic/fire dude who was 5'8" all the time. They eventually got married. I broke up with the girl because she refused to go to college. She was 21 and working at carl's jr at the time and complained that I was always busy (with school). She's now in her 30's working as a medical marijuana "bud tender"

Another girl I knew in high school but am loose acuantinces with now. Got married to a dude way shorter than her. She dated men that were smaller than her, always.

She was broad shouldered, played basketball and very forward she would ask her dates out. If there was something she wanted done she'd just go do it. Like she asked the dudes to prom and shit. She's in sales now so I guess that her personality helped her excel in that field. Her now husband is very timid dude. But is short and stocky with a beard. In high school the autoshop/druggie/video game dudes were all kinda losers and the photography, athletes and cheerleader types were mainstream. The tall girl was an athlete type but she once mentioned that she liked taking the virginity of dudes (because in their minds she would always be memorable even after they get married) and after she mentioned that she kinda always hung around the losers/chess dweebs

Might just be a rumor but knowing her I think she definitely took a few vcards in school

>> No.15598119

Depend on wich country you're living
Here the medium height of women is between 5'2-5'3, and i feel like a giant most of times.
PD: actually gf is 5'11, i'm 6'2

>> No.15598164

Date a girl same height unless you're above 6'2" or so. It's fine. You can probably share clothes with her.

>> No.15598289

I've fallen in love with guys as tall as me or shorter. They both had money and good looking faces though.

I don't prefer shorter men but I don't rule them out either

>> No.15598305

>It's a fact that women all have a daddy complex,
The funny part though, is that even though women detest guys the same height as or shorter than them, they still have an ingrained desire for attention from all men; even the ones they see as inferior (shorter men). As a 5'9 "manlet," I love absolutely ignoring attractive taller women who know they're attractive and who feel I should be drooling over. Holy shit it drives them up a tree.

>> No.15598370

2bh I want a gf who is similar height, real power couple shit
<5'3 creepoids really throw my brain off

>> No.15598386

my girlfriend was 2 inches taller than me and the one before that was 3 inches taller. There is no rule, just make her like you and she won't care about the height difference.

>> No.15598388

she looks SHREDDED

>> No.15598393

damn dude i wish an athletic amazonian babe took my little 5 foot virginity in high school

>> No.15598396

I used to date a girl who was like an inch taller than me. didn't think much of it irl but once I started seeing photos of us together for really bothered me to look at.

>> No.15598433

go to a third world country, plenty of girls in the 4' to 5' range.

>> No.15598507

Ok, nice statistical exception, now let's talk about the vast majority of women again

>> No.15598508

But I like white girls...

>> No.15598510

Women prefer 8 inches of difference, while men prefer 3, so OP is completely normal, but he'll have to be really above average in anything else if he wants to have his way over women since women have all the power

>> No.15598518

I would date any guy my height or above (I'm 5'4 so it's not a big ask). I would never date someone as neurotic as OP though.

>> No.15598641

but 180 cm isn't 6 feet...

>> No.15598646

>I'm not like the other girls!

>> No.15598654

Dumb whores being dumb whores

>> No.15598659

This is why you're an incel.

>> No.15598664

Why lol? All I'll give you is that I'm white and he's east asian.

>> No.15598844

Yes but I want to see how attractive you and him are

>> No.15599006

right, but it's a problem of supply and demand. mathematically most men will have to suffer with a bitch that's not worth it or else just be incels.

>> No.15599008


>> No.15599028

get LL surgery. It gives you 3 inches/7.5cm. 3 inches is a lot

>> No.15599348

just own if faggot & train some martial arts so you don't feel like a beta bitch around bigger men