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/fa/ - Fashion

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15589550 No.15589550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can trans women be /effay?

>> No.15589555

trans are punks and punk is afay

>> No.15589561

based trips and igor is officially blessed

>> No.15589573
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>> No.15589586

Not if they fuckin look like that Jesus

>> No.15589633

Men in drag are never /fa/

They are, however, r/fashion

>> No.15589642

Not trannies, but traps can effay for sure
Plowing traps is also highly effay

>> No.15589654

Men aren’t women

>> No.15589667 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15589668
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They can be.

>> No.15589669
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>> No.15589671

also contrapoints post ffs

>> No.15589673
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>> No.15589680
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Only if they make incels seethe.

>> No.15589716

post a normal full frontal

>> No.15589721
File: 1.78 MB, 1663x2048, 1595538165699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point.

>> No.15589732

pretty good, looks like mrs. bieber

>> No.15589735

I guess it might be possible but I've never seen it.

>> No.15589791

Wasn't the point about their clothes?
You can't see any clothes in these pictures.
Unless this is an elaborate scheme trying to claim that naked edencore is the only effay style that suits them

>> No.15589804


>> No.15589814

i would have fucked him in 2015.
now, not so much.

>> No.15589817

Trans cuties are not only /fa/, but heckin valid too.

>> No.15589834

Me and my woodchipper can’t wait for the counterrevolution

>> No.15589986

Nice larp faggot

>> No.15590216
File: 25 KB, 588x521, Trans=incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fetish, autogynephilia to be exact, clothes always play a superficial sexual role in all of this.

>> No.15590379


>> No.15590385

Yes and I loved one once but she rejected me :c

>> No.15590407


>> No.15590512

yes, i think she looks v nice :)

>> No.15590558


>> No.15590575

Shut the fuck up

>> No.15590786

Only those that can sort of pass and have a unique style

>> No.15590791

>should I buy this bikini, /fa/?

>> No.15590801

suicide seems oddly /fa/, so yes, please do

>> No.15590813

even if this were true, what about it? trans people who allegedly have autogynephilia are happier after transitioning

>> No.15590908
File: 100 KB, 1242x1241, 1545391602211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for /fa/ clothes?
Not really sure what's flattering for a body that's kind of masc, shoulders are wider than my hips and I feel like I have a really short torso.
Just looking for everyday clothes.

>> No.15591369

McFucking Kill Yourself faggot

>> No.15591374


>> No.15591375

Sure they are.

>muh 50% suicide rate

Flip your coin already, faggot.

>> No.15591376

Reddit fag. Unironically kill yourself. Make it painful. I suggest injecting and drinking bleach.

>> No.15591570

igor finally based

>> No.15591615

What's with this boards obsession with "pwning the trannies"?? Being a retarded asshole doesn't make you cool, it just makes you a retarded asshole.

>> No.15591631

Imagine virtue signaling on an anonymous image board. Nobody is handing out GoodBoy points. Save it for your HR mandated struggle session or your critical race theory seminar.

>> No.15591649


>> No.15591658

why are you mad

>> No.15591664

dilate retard

>> No.15591680

merely amused :^)

>> No.15591683

fucking idiot lol

that wouldn't be because of the persecution and ridicule they face on a daily basis, would it??? hmmm no you're right, it's because they are dressing in clothes they identify with. that must be it....

>> No.15591684

>that wouldn't be because of the persecution and ridicule they face
it’s because what they want is impossible

>> No.15591686

nah i successfully transitioned so i guess its not impossible after all

>> No.15591695

>nah i successfully transitioned so i guess its not impossible after all
so you look just like a biological woman? sounds like sunk cost fallacy & cope to me.