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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.92 MB, 1577x1421, 20200914_142502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15583156 No.15583156 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, anyone got any ideas what kind of effay styles would suit my pale ass?

Best regards,

>> No.15583159

>me by ur side

Would suit you perfectly.

>> No.15583161

Do you want specifics or what

>> No.15583166

I think I have the same boots somewhere. palladium x Neil Barret?

>> No.15583169

personally if you're small I think cute skirts and stuff would suit you pretty well, like short dresses in light pastel colors
Or if you lean toward "less feminine" clothing, slightly oversized track jackets and sport shorts could suit you
Honestly, I'm not your bf or your momma, you should dress yourself. >Protip, don't date anyone you meet through 4chan.

>> No.15583170 [DELETED] 
File: 625 KB, 1811x795, Screenshot_2020-09-21 Neil Barrett for Men FW20 Collection SSENSE Canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neil Barret
roll my eyes at these prices

>> No.15583188

You are so sweet
I am a reception & spa manager at a botique high end hotel. I am 28 years old but people mistaken me for 14 years old literally everyday. Unless I wear makeup that is...
I need ideas for effay yet formal wear. Currently I wear heels(black or nude) and black dresses that are short like a mini skirt with nude tights. I have one xs uniqlo black blazer that works with everything. But that's it

>> No.15583198

Thanks for advice, can you advise what pastel colors would work with my tones? I am ghostly pale brunette as you can see.

>> No.15583213


>> No.15583219

Look at ellen page style

>> No.15583234
File: 40 KB, 341x512, unnamed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

young winona core

>> No.15583245

There's something about her that makes me irrationally angry

>> No.15583246

>I am 28 years old but people mistaken me for 14 years

Girl I would marry.

>> No.15583247

You know the rules

>> No.15583249

could it be that she played Abigail williams

>> No.15583250

So why don't you make a move?

>> No.15583269
File: 13 KB, 780x520, beautiful-color-palettes-combinations-schemes-pastellea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty! Here are some palettes that I think would work best for your skin tone

>> No.15583271
File: 12 KB, 780x520, beautiful-color-palettes-combinations-schemes-light-pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware that there are usually palettes used for painting, but I don't care

>> No.15583275
File: 50 KB, 560x690, a86a33fadfafa0310a4283f1de679510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, some outfits that could work for you. Idk your face and some of these are a bit too child-looking but you could probably pull it off.

>> No.15583280
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 25cf0c461f917d30ea718625596e1be0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, these are also mostly feminine leaning, and if that's not your thing you could always try finding some stuff with similar colors to the palettes

>> No.15583281

this looks like some kawaii desu shit. shes going to look ridiculous.

>> No.15583283
File: 76 KB, 562x562, 0c45513f5ce2ed0268a62a5e559ed41d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take my word for it, try stuff out on your own and if it's not your thing then that's chill with me. Just trying to help out is all

>> No.15583286


>> No.15583287

it's not exactly about the clothes but the kind of inspo. Also, if she looks 14 like she claims, she may as well go for it.

>> No.15583289

I dont see you trying to post anything aside from hitting on a random female

>> No.15583301

>aside from hitting on a random female

Which makes her smile more than a weeb obsessed kid trying to push his weeb fantasies on girls.

Shit, she is slim, looks young, she could wear a paper bag and she would look good. Such is the lives of females.

>> No.15583326
File: 1.82 MB, 355x360, 1582965356620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which makes her smile

>> No.15583328

not a weeb, just a chick trying to do what I can to help out. Those are the only outfits that I could immediately locate similar to the palettes I posted earlier

>> No.15583332

look up some asian inspo

>> No.15583335

Ask me how I know that you're a virgin :o)

>just a chick
>just a chick
>just a chick

Yea.. heh.. m-me too anon.

>> No.15583339

oh, you wanted formal stuff specifically. I'll see what I can round up but I think what you said you have now should work for your job

>> No.15583347

I'd post tits but I know better. You're just horny, and that's why you're complimenting and being sweet with this girl. Heard you used to coax nudes out of a few femanons on this board. Anyway, I'll keep on doing what I'm doing.

>> No.15583366
File: 78 KB, 367x803, 3b8a0731144888e432124e483adc473b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I found like two outfits that could work with the pastel stuff I suggested. I used to see stuff like this a lot at New York and Company. They carried a bunch of bright colors but rarely they'd have some softer stuff. I think they're closing their stores but you can check them out of online.

>> No.15583371
File: 37 KB, 330x550, 3d48b89449d6f99930ceb6b82792c2f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, that's all I've got. I'll be back later if the thread bumps again

>> No.15583373

>hurr you said something nice about someone
>you're just horny

Sexist much? Or is it you're just being catty because you're a fatty? That's more likely.

>> No.15583408

is that you? if you want to be hardcore petite, then diet until you can see the outlines of your rips and tighten up that belly. as far as clothes go, copy french or asian girls. I also noticed really petite girls can pull off the no-bra look without looking like gigatrash. really comfy baggy/oversized clothes are also an option.

>> No.15583459

Well, stop wearing leggings for one

>> No.15583504

You need to go back you degenerate namefag

>> No.15583586

Not fat, but again, I know what you have previously gotten out of girls here by just being "nice."

>> No.15583593

What is degenerate about what I said??? Weirdo.

Oh noo!! he likes to see pictures of beautiful female bodies!! OMG NOOO!! Why can't he be a "nice guy"

Lol bitter roastie. Just mad I never asked you.

>> No.15583594

she is too perfect

>> No.15583596

not particularly, but sure, go ahead

>> No.15583599

I don't want your pics because your attitude STANKS as bad as yo pussy does.

>> No.15583600

>bad attitude
I'm not even mad or being bitchy. You just want some one to tango with, which I'll oblige out of sheer boredom

>> No.15583604

I'm 5"1.5 and I weigh 43kg. I never been so slim before. Im not sure I should diet more... just continue working out

>> No.15583606

What makes you think you're worthy of my time? Lol deluded.

>> No.15583607

then don't reply to my posts. Easy as that.

>> No.15583608

I like these a lot, thanks!!

>> No.15583609

>those stats


>> No.15583611

I think your weight is fine, you don't have a gut and you're don't look obese

>> No.15583612

Bitter jealous idiot. Go be cringe and bitter some other place lol pathetic.

>> No.15583613


>> No.15583614

you're welcome! Sorry I couldn't find more

>> No.15583617

not being bitter or jealous. You seem to be a bit delusional.

>> No.15583633

Those were great examples, because the clothes look formal yet sexy. I plan to bring my a game to work and I'd like to look the part aswell.

>> No.15583641

Sounds awesome! Glad I could assist, and if I come across similar stuff before this thread automates, I'll post more. Maybe someone else might find it useful too

>> No.15583643

Lmao the absolute state of bitter posers.

>> No.15583654

what am I even posing as

>> No.15583664

A normal person instead of some bitter cringe fatty

>> No.15583675

Im not bitter, cringe, nor a fatty. Just a normal woman on the internet

>> No.15583676


>> No.15583682


>> No.15583687

fucking hell, I didn't even notice
oh well, who cares

>> No.15583688
File: 111 KB, 800x1131, 000000392195-line_brems-fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, you're petite by modern American standards. But I think of older standards for petite, I think barbie doll physique. Keep working out for sure, go for your runs and do some light weight work, but you could still benefit from some dieting imo.

>inb4 anorexia
Not starving yourself, but cutting out sugar/snacks, switching to water/tea, salads, stop drinking alcohol or cut it out entirely - stuff like that.

>> No.15583690


>> No.15583695

not to be rude, but that women looks extremely anorexic

>> No.15583701
File: 151 KB, 760x1100, 5-piece-French-Wardrobe_IMG_3315-760x1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15583702


>> No.15583703

Don't have any sugar or alcohol or snacks... went down from 80kg to where I am now...

>> No.15583706


>> No.15583707
File: 112 KB, 720x696, anorexia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely anorexic
This is anorexic.

>> No.15583711
File: 50 KB, 424x640, 8f721410c132368455cc52d251664c0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15583713

That's close to death and irreversible internal organ damage core. Surprised she is still alive. If she gets the gook flu she is fucked.

>> No.15583717


>> No.15583721

oh jesus christ put it back
Still, neither look absolutely healthy
A little bit of body fat is normal and part of temperature regulation

>> No.15583727

>le feminist shaming tactics

Sure way to get pussy lmao. Look at me girls, I am not like the other guys!! I'm a GOOD GUY.

It wouldn't surprise me that feminized males who use the word "incel" to defend any gross behavior women carry out are even bigger incels.

>> No.15583732

this could be true but not a guarantee every male who uses the word incel is an incel themself.

>> No.15583742

Yeah but a lot of the times it is their way of trying to impress a woman, typical white knighting in the hopes she gives him something (sex) in return. You could argue people who use the word are much worse than incels themselves because of their sneaky pathetic little tactics and how they think they reserved a reward.

It never works though, they are their own worse enemy. All it does is make it even harder for them to get sex.

>> No.15583745

Nah I'm just bored and baiting. I'm not that delusional yet to think about getting pussy on 4chan lmao. Calm down

>> No.15583748


>> No.15583763
File: 636 KB, 1500x1000, D R Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15583769

I get it. But it does apply to a lot here. Just watch on goybook, you'll see some hideous obese feminist post something and the guys defending them, using the word incel are rarely, if ever, chads. They are total geeky losers. The typical creepy nice guy.

The chads who never use the word are the ones fucking the women because the nice guys have told them they're fabulous and their behavior is amazing and put them on a pedestal so that even if they are LITERALLY posting photos of them eating shit, they still think they deserve a 10/10 guy.

That's why the whole hurr durr don't be an incel I'm a good guy not an incel fuck me is just such beta simp behavior and makes it worse for them.

>> No.15583771
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, Pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15583688 has a very slim frame with low bodyfat, but not unhealthy levels. Her ribs aren't sticking out, her shoulders aren't super bony, face isn't caved in, abs are visible but still soft. Before the 2000s and even the 90s, this was pretty normal for a lot of women. My mom looked like that back in her day and she never starved herself. Even today, a good bit of asian women still look like that. If you don't want to be that small, that's fine but calling it "extreme anorexia" or unhealthy is dishonest.

>> No.15583780
File: 565 KB, 519x727, 9b839e5eeeac76522193b82f4260f5ab3003bb5e066b31e3bd02d2cc11f646ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15583858

I gotcha, it does make sense
yeah, I'll admit I exaggerated a bit but to me personally, it's too small

>> No.15583946
File: 1.64 MB, 1416x2000, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so this is kinda what I wear, I'm also very small at 1,53 and around 42kg. I would say basic rules are:
Find well fitting clothes, my preference is high waisted. Denim jeans: one black, one blue, the shade that you like the most. Then you can compliment that with cropped shirts which wont show much because of the high waist, you can also tuck big shirts into skinny pants and it brings a nice contrast. Colors I like are blue, wine, olive green, white, bone, black, and pastels are in right now which I find cute. I also have a black hoodie and a grey hoodie to just throw on, a denim jacket and kind of a windbreaker that is mostly black.
For shoes: I like doc martens, I have the 1440s and the quad chelsea in black. I also have some high platform sandals and boots but docs are the most comfortable imo. For sneakers I have a pair of white adidas and air force shadow 1s in black.
I agree with copying kpop stars and just general asian fashion, they're way ahead of us. Also, that oversize 90s kid fashion with biker leggings and neon colors, I feel like everyone is into that now so I would personally lean away from that. Last tip: dont be afraid to fix your clothes if they're loose or saggy, well fitting clothes can really change an outfit.

>> No.15583955

>that filename
begone you racist thot

>> No.15583975

hahahaha fuck off nigger

>> No.15584032

cool it with the racism

>> No.15584068
File: 828 KB, 3110x2073, FAgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtue signaling isn't going to get you laid.

>> No.15584096


>> No.15584104
File: 832 KB, 521x694, fegs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so pressed buddy?

>> No.15584109

Always funny that these are the majority of the posters that post here. I could slap each one of these dweebs into the year 3000 with the flick of my wrist.

>> No.15584111
File: 1023 KB, 1125x2436, 3461A4B7-C6E7-4800-BBEA-1265AFFE5F18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what fucking world is this considered „petite“?

>> No.15584113

No you couldn't. Aren't you like 5'2?

>> No.15584128
File: 591 KB, 1920x1280, figs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the one with the bag is actually a woman with short hair on hormones.

>> No.15584137

Hurr height equates to who you can and can't beat durr!!

Spoken like a true incel who has never had a fight.

I'm 5ft 130lbs. I'm also an expert in Krav Maga and CQC. Keep being a tough guy though who thinks because he is taller he can beat ass lol sad.

Hhm so why do 7ft plus fighters not dominate in pro fighting?? Strange.

>> No.15584141

Lol yeah with the commie star bag, it all adds up.

>> No.15584146
File: 191 KB, 374x343, 1598597136243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely brutal trips

>> No.15584219

it's adorable. a while ago I had a gf with a tiny little boop i used to squeeze all the time and she would get mad and then smile

>> No.15584221

Nobody asked. Shut the fuck up, American.

>> No.15584222

>calling out racist cuntsuckers is virtue signalling

okay then. do you have worms in your brain or something?

>> No.15584225

you really dont know how to behave, do you have friends you talk to in real life?

>> No.15584254

>you really dont know how to behave

What you mean?

>do you have friends you talk to in real life?

No lol everyone here is my friend.

>> No.15584279
File: 189 KB, 765x801, 1600669215541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha "racist cuntsucker". be more triggered, nigger.

>> No.15584283

ew wtf

>> No.15584435

To filter out trip users:
>first, make sure you are in Desktop Mode (otherwise you can’t see the advanced filter settings)
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>> No.15584490

Work on that buldge. Your penis is hardly visible. Try stuffing a sock in there.

>> No.15584499

Terrible fashion dude she's just pretty

>> No.15584647


In my country only fat white trash people where those pants.

>> No.15584660


Those are thinspo faggots to desperatly try to look like teen pretty boy but fail horrible because of their ugly bully victim faces

>> No.15585572

43 kg for 156cm is not fat

>> No.15585642

you cant even see her ribs what are you talking about

>> No.15585666

It worked. Thanks, friends.

>> No.15585942
File: 2.41 MB, 1804x3138, 20200922_161654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, we're this to work today
Is it okay or completely autistic?

>> No.15585947 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 1125x832, 74E8A292-BCE6-457E-A20B-31F21C4B28B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One, this board is not your fucking blog. Two, kill yourself you fucking fat tranny.

>> No.15585950

Nice house, australia?

>> No.15585952

She's 28, not actually 14

>> No.15585959

Please don't go to work in cat tights

>> No.15585972

Good from the waist up. Wear a knee length skirt and regular nylons though for christs sake. Would look 1000x better

>> No.15586134

Ain't a tranny, have a dollface

>> No.15586145

Middle east

>> No.15586146

post face t.dawg

>> No.15586158

Thats a man

>> No.15586181
File: 134 KB, 800x1067, 20200511-091626_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noticed a lot of petite women cross their mask at the ears like this. very cute and made me realise how small your heads are. haha

>> No.15586204

Don't bother with tryhard fashion. Just get some good-fitting, plain t-shirts, and slim, but not overly tight jeans. Wear a comfortable, but practical jacket if you need to. Fashion is retarded.

>> No.15586266

>now she'll have sex with me!

>> No.15586268

good for you for dating a 4 and being proud of it

>> No.15586449


buy vintage jil sander pieces off grailed/heroine/depop/yahoo japan, for something made in belgium that will last you a lifetime they are a fucking steal –– for shoes do chelsea or side zip boots (think ann demeulemeester though that's obviously out of the price range of someone who works hotel reception) –– the highest heels you should wear to work are the size that margiela tabi heels are (i'm a guy and i don't know that much abt women's fashion)

look at jil sander runway shows for inspiration

do relaxed fit stuff when you're going to work, something roomy in neutral tone linens and wools is going to be extremely comfortable while making you look smart and professional which is important for work, and if you have a good figure then it's just as noticable in well-fitting drapey clothes as skintight stuff

>> No.15586460

I hope this works. This Cecil dude is literally the reason I stopped coming to /fa/

>> No.15586551


>> No.15586596

Timestamp, show tits, shove a sharpie in your pooper and show armpits.

>> No.15588275
File: 1.60 MB, 3616x2712, B2182EE3-3BE6-48A7-86F2-01C60624D222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whore-core is pretty nice to ogle at the mall. Some day it might all come out and they’ll

>> No.15588466

jesus fucking christ off yourself

bless you and thanks

>> No.15589119

But why lol

>> No.15589124

Hello dear

>> No.15589190
File: 102 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why're you taking pics of pre-teens in public?

>> No.15589192

That is a blessed guide, thank you

>> No.15589221

That is a man

>> No.15589229
File: 125 KB, 700x466, Sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear oversized twee stuff its hot

>> No.15589240

It's crazy how many women in America walk around without pants.
I can spot American tourists by how much fabric covers their legs.

>> No.15589554

Plot twist: I'm White!

>> No.15589557

I don't want her to have sex with me... I love how far right scum think that the only reason someone would be decent is to have sex. Like your animals or something

>> No.15590020
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x3024, BC0EBF32-4893-4C56-B89C-53157569EC02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15590047
File: 738 KB, 1200x1600, short_shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I do the same with Euro males...

>> No.15590803

Also Australian youth and middle aged Russian women(as tourists)

>> No.15592013

>Tiny little boop
Couples that use child talk make me sick

>> No.15592030

THIS all looks so bad lmao

>> No.15592036

korean girls look absoutely terrible no sense of style

>> No.15592052
File: 35 KB, 238x159, niggersaregross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plot twist: I'm White!

>> No.15592123

nah bro she was like a 7 at least. at least

>> No.15592360

are you mad that euro girls have to wear pants so they aren't jihadi-assaulted by the "people" of Europe?

>> No.15593380

Cecil you kinda seem like a you've got nigger level intelligence, these anons are baiting you so hard

>> No.15593788

Maybe the shoplifting.

>> No.15593797
File: 68 KB, 710x1000, high-waisted-mom-jeans-in-light-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom jeans.

Patterned tights make skinny girls look like crack whores.

>> No.15593943
File: 11 KB, 320x320, collared dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sort of thing suits your hair

>> No.15594008

show penis

>> No.15594346

Listen THOT you need to wear more skirts and long socks. They look good on thin bitches

>> No.15595535


>> No.15595573

nigga you have a penis lol