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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 505 KB, 659x838, uih.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15582879 No.15582879 [Reply] [Original]

It looks like it was made by a 9 year old

>> No.15582880
File: 1.37 MB, 660x791, nlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill her

>> No.15582883

Oh god I just can’t imagine wearing that. Probably would not even use that to wipe up a spill on the floor.

>> No.15582918

Reported to Interpol and the fbi

>> No.15582937

honestly who else in fashion is doing anything like it? i've seen weirder and fashion and if you can find a niche i'm sure someone will fuck with it. i wouldn't wear it but i can see someone pulling this off. it would honestly be better without the branding but idk

>> No.15583032

every up and coming brand ever lmaoooo are you being fr rn?

>> No.15583073

watching the youtube kike and his horse-faced wife drum up press for their dumb clothing line by creating drama is depressing because it's probably increasing their sales

>> No.15583100

Yes. and I’m p sure now he is making videos with Trisha paytass (for mktg purposes bc their brand is prob failing miserably) and I almost feel sorry for them bc that’s embarrassing

(And that’s coming from ME of all people)

>> No.15583107

h3h3 Ethan is incredibly cringe. and not like Borat cringe. Ethan i sthe type of Jew who gives the rest of us a bad name. It's almost like he is a caricature piece of shit used by the goyim to laugh at us.

>> No.15583114

Who would have thought that a lot of clothing designers are pretentious autistic fucks who think their style is so unique and you need to be an artistic genius to appropriate their masterpieces? Hmm.

Really riddles the diddle.

>> No.15583115

Their brand sells a lot man.
I just don't believe the amount of grown ass men that want to dress like children lmao

>> No.15583182

It don’t look good, bottom line

>> No.15583918

>Salivating over their dog
>Toddler style and colours
>Naming your first born after your clothing brand
What core is this

>> No.15584083

It actually looks good imo for what it's worth. looks like the trash skaters would buy (no clue on pricing however)

>> No.15584785

oh god she's aged so much lately
i havent watched their vids in like three years but I remember her being really beautiful

i mean i guess she still is but not nearly as much

>> No.15584792

So imagine how you will look at her age...

>> No.15584799
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>> No.15584808
File: 1.58 MB, 1625x1654, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this creepy kike.

Why is Indre always wimping for Jews?

>> No.15584813
File: 47 KB, 521x749, 1DFA2D4E-B926-4886-8458-E699FAE3F9D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

supporting EpStEiN & WeInStEiN’s people...

>> No.15584836

post some examples and who cares if every other brand is doing it. so that means there's a huge market for it and she's not retarded and understands what the current wave is.

>> No.15584874

now youve got me feeling bad

>> No.15584878


post a selfie pls... this should be interesting

>> No.15585544

Crispy jew spotted

>> No.15585547

When your brand is comedy, you can make bad things and then retreat behind the excuse of irony if the design isn't well received. In fact, some people will make that excuse for you without you even having to do anything.

>> No.15585576

Kek'd, thanks anon

>> No.15585667

why she look like steven tyler

>> No.15585676

I would wear it.

>> No.15585681

send me your milkers on discord

>> No.15585690

>Is she actually retarded?
Yes, women have an average IQ of about 75. She's jewish though, so hers is probably around 80.

>> No.15585705


Doing faggot’s work, coon!

>> No.15585709


jew... so yes, definitely retarded.

>> No.15585717


What about Epstein?

Or Weinstein?

Woody ‘the molester’ Allen?

Roman ‘the drugging and child anal fucking’ Liebling “Polanski”?

Jack the Ripper? (-He was a jew)

Were the bolsheviks ‘good jews’?

I could go on...

>> No.15585775
File: 57 KB, 602x277, 1591634262654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bot a Jew
>definitely retarded
sure thing goy sure

>> No.15585850


israel IQ:90

Eat shit, jew.

Everything about you rodents is bullshit.

>> No.15585883
File: 120 KB, 900x1125, DN13N6tVQAAEAgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This at her prettiest and the best stuff she's made.
I know someone is gonna call her a horse face and while I agree she has a creepy long face she's somehow very attractive? Is hard to explain but I'm pretty sure is not a weird think at all

>> No.15585886


>> No.15585899
File: 80 KB, 678x728, 1596643499448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel is mostly arab
>eat shit
that is exactly what you're doing right know, faggot gentile
>everything about you rodents
last time a checked small rodent nose was a goy (specially white) trait.

>> No.15585903

right now*

>> No.15585912

This is a bad look bubby keep the infographics on /pol/.

>> No.15586092
File: 87 KB, 600x460, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to hell
>/pol/ degenerate telling others to stay on /pol/

>> No.15586173


I'm gunna get the James Charles version when it drops in a few days, I'd rather support a real fag than the Kleins.

>> No.15586175

Children-like clothes for manbabies. They know their audience well.

>> No.15586186

literally who

>> No.15586430

The one on the right looks autistic

>> No.15586473

God, what the fuck is wrong with Africa. The average is like sub-80 to 59 ON AVERAGE. That's like saying a whole continent goes from slow to full-on retarded

>> No.15586508

Why? just get the original from zaful or aliexpress for $30

>> No.15586539
File: 262 KB, 1536x2048, 87A7E6AA8-4459-4336-B5E8-6F26991D809B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag and doest get fashion. Check it

>> No.15586544

ngl that a vibe would cop if had the cash

>> No.15587137


>israel mostly arab

massive cope.

Your rogue terrorist state is also riddled with homosexuals and child molesters.

>rodent jews

Yeah, you’ve got rat faces and you are pests.
Really you’re worse than rodents. You are parasites, like ticks.

Whites have the highest number of genius level IQs by a large margin.
Whites are God’s true chosen people. Look at the history of White discovery, creativity, etc. It is self evident.

>> No.15587140

Now that I'd rock.
Chris chan needs a clothing line

>> No.15587249

Does he just straight up copyright infringe the Spongebob character? It'd be a shame if he got a "cease and desist" letter from Viacom or the creators of the cartoon....

>> No.15587268

shits sold in zumiez dude its doing good

>> No.15587609

She’s 32 but looks far older with that droopy skin and perpetual frown. In her defense, I knew another Jewish girl with similar features that was also going downhill in her early 30s. Gross.

>> No.15587646

It would just be rugby shirts and walmart jeans though.
Oh wait I forgot Christine is a hypersexual lesbian now so half cut shirts and skirts.
Would pay out the wazoo for an authentico sonichu pendant though.

>> No.15587963


jew genetics are super inbred and degenerate.

>> No.15587984

don't larp as a jew Igor. We all know you're a true gopnik

>> No.15587988

I'm Ashkenazi Jewish. It hasn't helped me get a mommy who will let me suck her dildo clean. I'm lonely :(

>> No.15588041

Who would have thought a war criminal wouldn't be a very creative designer

>> No.15588163

still better looking than the future incel on the left

>> No.15588166
File: 183 KB, 797x728, 1508847836850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive cope
no it isn't, israel is literally 75% arab
>yeah, you’ve got rat faces
proof: your moms butthole
it's also crazy how come you don't have any shame at all, considering that we had this conversation before and your ass was handed to you.
>whites have the highest number of genius level IQs
iq tests disagree

>> No.15588167
File: 31 KB, 340x405, the guy who calls you inbred on 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she isn't a jew and suck my dick

>> No.15588187
File: 139 KB, 359x446, joseph gordon levitt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw faggot, jews have the best skin genetics only next to east asians.

>> No.15588320

Now you're just swinging wildly because some random other anon got under your skin. Again, getting triggered by /pol/ posters and whipping out your /pol/ folder is not a good look, and tiring to read.

Is this how you saw your life ten years ago?

>> No.15588326


>> No.15588396

i would literally wear that

>> No.15588414
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she's super cute to be honest, always has been
and i like older women so i dont mind her aging personally. I reckon that has something to do with living with Ethan and having a baby, two things that sound pretty exhausting.

>> No.15588425

stop making threads about yourself, riley

>> No.15588428

who the fuck is riley

>> No.15588448


>> No.15588450

Both have the gay alien skull at the back so fuck them. Cliff tier, vertical, straight back skull is peak.

>> No.15588529

I really like this. Y'all are a bunch of oxford wearing MFA refugees if you can't think of a fit with a shirt this wacky.