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File: 47 KB, 1000x562, longerhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15580587 No.15580587 [Reply] [Original]

Stop cutting your hair so fucking short, just let it grow out. You look more mature yet more youthful at the same time. This is the biggest fashion hairpill. It just works.

Every single attractive man has medium to long hair. Men with short hair are fuckboy tryhards who come off as criminals or untrustworthy thugs, and they look unsophisticated and too intimidating. Longer hair men come off as sophisticated, balanced, mature yet youthful, and classy.

If you are black, your hair type will not go too well with longer hair, but you can still pull it off somewhat. If you are Asian or white, go for a curtains hairstyles: there is a reason why this hairstyle is trending.

>> No.15580687

maintaining volume is with long hair is impossible for me, when I get to half of what he has my hair just goes completely flat
any tips?

>> No.15580689

Every time I cut my hair I get told I look younger, so I think long hair has the opposite effect.

>> No.15580695

DO NOT use conditioner every day because your hair will just fall flat. Volume is created by your hair being roughed up a bit.

>> No.15580819

I was in the same spot as you a while ago, pretty much don't use conditioner every day. The longer your hair is, the more flat it'll be, they call it "flat roots", one trick that works really, really well is something called back combing, but don't do it super hard, look up a video on it. If you do that, then use a light hairspray or forming cream, you will 100% have more volume in your hair. No joke, this shit helped me so much

>> No.15580825

Gotta agree with you there, although IMO, it only really looks good on men with good jawlines, also shoulder length/trap length is the best, when guys start having it where it's below the collar bone, it's easy to just look like a greasy metal head

>> No.15580828

>If you are Asian or white, go for a curtains hairstyles: there is a reason why this hairstyle is trending.
I’m taking the curtainspill soon. I’ve been growing out my hair since February without seeing a stylist, and frankly it looks like complete AIDS now. I’ve got an appointment for next week to get undercut, hope the payoff is decent.

>> No.15580848


Don't listen to these jagoffs. Go talk to a trichologist if you have the ability. Don't ever, ever back comb. It's a stupid idea and the hair only looks fuller because you're damaging the cuticle layer by bending the scales backwards and flaring them out. This can quite easily damage the structural integrity of the cuticle layer, leading to breakage that can begin to travel along the shaft; leaves the inner layers of the hair shaft more vulnerable to the elements; reduces the shaft's ability to retain moisture; and makes hair strands more likely to catch onto each other, increasing friction, making it easier for them to tangle, and likely leading to damage to the cuticle layer.

Don't get health advice from anons on 4chan. Talk to a specialist.

>> No.15580858


Total agreement, long-hair is superior. Keep in mind, however, that it takes way more maintenance, and you can't shirk visits to the barber just because you're growing out. Take an inch or so off twice a year or so, and try to get a consultation to discuss possible style. Talk to a trichologist to get a better understanding of your hair needs and what kind of products would work best for it.

>> No.15580868

>2 new posts
Oh give me a break, you're probably one of those guys who don't wash their hair daily "hurr durr it destroys natural oils in your hair" listen, yes back combing isn't the greatest thing for your hair, but if you do it moderately, and don't go ape shit, you'll be fine. I'd rather have hair that looks full, great, and moisturized, rather than nappy, greasy, oily hair

>> No.15580871

I love my hair long. Originally I was just depressed after a bad breakup and stopped getting it cut, them kept getting compliments at Uni about it. Its to the middle of my back now at the longest, but I need to get a wee trim which I havent done all year due to COVID.

>> No.15580877

>shitty curly hair

n-no thanks

>> No.15580909
File: 505 KB, 732x960, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to use hair product everyday when I went a short hairstyle, but now I just comb where my hair naturally parts for a curtains style. I will not be doing back combing anytime soon.

>Because backcombing rubs against the scales of the hair's cuticle, it can cause serious and progressive damage to the hair's integrity. Over time, this leads to weakening and breakage.[1] It can also cause tangles near the root that are very difficult to remove.[2] Frequent backcombing is not recommended for people who want to maintain long hair.

Take it.

>> No.15582061


>> No.15582087


>> No.15582092

I had long hair for 3 years and it was fucking bullshit with way to much maintenance. I never cut it because I was a shut in NEET
I now know any long hair dude who tries to play off a "casual, I don't care" vibe is a poser because he probably spent an hour on his hair everyday and has 5 different conditioners and oils and obsess over it. If you don't do that it looks like shit
Also, people instantly judge you for it, always gets in the way, wind is a bitch, takes forever to dry, will look feminine unless you have muscles, just putting it up has become a boomer "man bun" meme, makes you look older ect. I now keep medium length max and im happy with it.

>> No.15582094

“Short back and sides” is the default hair advice on reddit. “The Hitler Youth” is officially Out.

>> No.15582098

i have shitty wavy curls that make the back uncontrollable, I want to grow it out but it looks fucking awful at medium length I've been growing it for six months now and I can hang in there due to covid.

>> No.15582114
File: 40 KB, 600x317, perseus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aways seem to be ahead of the curve when it comes to hairstyle for some reason, whatever I have a few years later it becomes huge
If you want to take my advice, the hair I've had for the past couple of years is a medium length, matte slickback. Almost a mullet but not really. Think Bale in the batman movies but the back and sides are more curly or wavy. That's what I get when I comb it, when i don't it looks like something off an old statue
Hitler youth has been out for 6 years

>> No.15582128
File: 614 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200920-213609_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the curls, seriously. It's fine if it's a little crazy

>> No.15582130

I had long hair coming out of college. It wasn't that great desu

>> No.15582140

I did and it does not look good with a shitty receding hairline

pic related

>> No.15582143
File: 47 KB, 1150x647, 20150920_031602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuuck forgot pic

>> No.15582154

I'm using pomade to tame the sides and such now until it gets enough weight to hold itself down but i'll hang in there

i'm so sorry anon

>> No.15582160
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 391C58F1-02A6-4F05-A794-4D7341135643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I just like the greasy metalhead look, but I think below the shoulders still looks good.


People instantly judge everyone for everything. Longhair is no different. Most of my feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

As far as maintenance, yes and no. I have wavy hair so I brush the tangles out each morning, but after that there's little to no maintenance. I've had one cut in 3 years to even it out, but if you're not drowning it in shampoo, hair is easy.

Drying sucks though.

>> No.15582168

RIP my man

>> No.15582178

Why would you ever think it'll look good with a hairline like that lmao
You buzzed right?

>> No.15582199
File: 593 KB, 1080x1205, Screenshot_20200920-221748~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine from around 2013.

I ended up going short with it.

Now I have super short hair

>> No.15582283

Can only see half of it and it already looks terrible, good that you cut that shit

>> No.15582442

Is long hair with a mature hairline acceptable? I Know its depends on a lot of things but is it just instakill?

>> No.15582468

I want to suck your dick no homo

>> No.15582517

it's ok if you're going for the IT paedophile look

>> No.15582522

alright but what if i don't work it ?

>> No.15582524

i'd say go for it, if someone bothers you just say it's lockdown hair or whatever

>> No.15582534

There is no way to answer this without seeing a pic of what we are talking about. Depends on the exact person and hairline
Under nw3, it depends on thickness

>> No.15582554
File: 1.68 MB, 928x1210, Shitty pic .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only pic i have atm. Ive had long hair before but i don't think my hairline is agreeing.

>> No.15582577

It'll be ok as long as you don't put your hair up like that
It also depends on your age, if you're 30+ normies would think that's a normal hairline
I would go with short-medium length to be safe

>> No.15582585
File: 677 KB, 1793x2245, B6B5DE01-DBCF-49BD-99A6-B3AD2B337C25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? It has been getting really annoying having it this long.

>> No.15582589

You would look better if you grew some facial hair and hit the gym with that hair, as of now you look like a twink

>> No.15582596

I am 24, always had a high hairline. I only have it up when going to the gym. But thanks for the reply!

>> No.15582843

My hair is hideous though and it's impossible to stop it from getting greasy past a certain length. Otherwise I agree.

>> No.15582861

How do I grow my hair out whilst still hiding my fuck ugly massive forehead?

>> No.15582884
File: 275 KB, 640x1136, 5C9B0E2D-971D-4F67-A1F8-1C97868028FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to let it grow for the first time, my sideburn is kinda big right now, should i trim them or just let it grow more and put it behind my ear? Also i don't think the curtain will work with me, my forehead is kinda big :(

>> No.15582888

btw i was putting some sunscreen in this pick thats why the white circles

>> No.15582892

pretty cute
maybe a little homo

>> No.15582911

calling people gay is so 2008, bro

>> No.15582915

Would fuck

>> No.15582953
File: 380 KB, 1080x1080, hairpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longhairpill is based, but not for everyone (that means u >>15582143 sry man)
Agree with the first bit, not the second, if you carry yourself well and not like a greasy metal head, you wont come off like a greasy metal head.
>>15582160 is right about maintenance, i just use a 2in1, brush after it dries in the morning and before i sleep and give it a shake/flip for volume. letting it air dry is the only downside for me
I think ur rockin it man
see >>15582589
I would trim them but idk

>> No.15582962

Fuck off gaywad

>> No.15583043

That works because of your jawline. Honestly, medium-long hair works really well if your jawline is good.

>> No.15583046

I'd go for a curtains hairstyle, but this still works great because you got a jawline.

>> No.15583049

Jawline/10. Someone mentioned that having hair this long is really detrimental in fights though because you just get your hair pulled.

>> No.15583174

i have shitty hair genetics
how can i grow it faster ?

>> No.15583233

i look like a white trash faggot if i grow my hair out

>> No.15583238

you need GOMAD and pb and banana sandwiches.

i have the impression that i could grab your face and squeeze it into compression

>> No.15583257
File: 51 KB, 650x982, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been told I have a Mel Gibson aesthetic. Pic is me. I am 35. Thinking I could grow it out long?

>> No.15583272
File: 270 KB, 646x960, quiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you could pull it off, although I'd argue your current features are not soft and overly masculine. Medium-long hair compliments people with masculine AND feminine facial features. See pic>>15580909

I see that you are likely using wax or pomade, and if you grow your hair out longer, you will not be needing such products if you part your hair naturally.

>> No.15583285

Not to shit on you but what a fucking HORRIBLE picture. Im actually amazed you managed to post a picuture that is so unflattering you look like a demon from a fresco mural

>> No.15583291

Thanks, yeah, wax in the hair.

It was for a formal event. Thought I looked ok which is why I was daring enough to post it here.

>> No.15583322
File: 105 KB, 1100x825, 38D46ECA-8ED0-4FB5-90EA-2020C3A8F72C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mature hairline + longhair is awesome

>> No.15583333

Nice flow

>> No.15583337

Do you get into a lot of fights? Because that's a fact. If someone is losing a fight they'll pull hair and kick nuts.

>> No.15583346

People claim all sorts of things. When I was growing mine out, nothing but patience worked.

I tried biotin and, I forgot what it is called, the one where you hang your head upside down and massage oil into it. Didn't notice anything.

>> No.15583353

Your manner of dress isn't the issue. You are kind of terrifying. Like you don't even look human. You're deep in the uncanny valley.

>> No.15583358
File: 346 KB, 2625x2004, fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, but someone on another thread said pic related.
To be fair, hair pulling and nut kicking are bitch moves though.

>> No.15583367

Lol well shit. I thought I was kinda handsome haha. Bit of a blow.

>> No.15583414
File: 11 KB, 280x180, 558DC2B7-1BC0-4419-9803-9C454D4D4F76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should a grown ass man care about long hair in fights are you still in school or living in poor fuck ass bumshit districts ?

>> No.15583478
File: 42 KB, 463x720, 507C8E79-7FCD-48AD-811C-F6EA88681497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15583485

He's being absurdly aggressive for no real reason. Your skin just looks a bit shiny and too smooth in the picture. That's literally it. You look like Mel Gibson otherwise.

>> No.15583487 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 659x924, 777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't be such assholes, it's just maybe a bad angle. This is form the same night.

>> No.15583488
File: 969 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200918-023638_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If you are black, your hair type will not go too well with longer hair


>> No.15583492

I just realised it's literally just the wax Mel Gibson for Tussauds lol

>> No.15583495 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 659x924, 777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't be such assholes, it's just maybe a bad angle. This is from the same night.

Thanks. Someone reasonable.

>> No.15583502
File: 1.14 MB, 659x924, 777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't be such assholes, it's just maybe a bad angle. This is from the same night.

Thanks. Someone reasonable.

>> No.15583511

It's the shit lighting, and he also needs to put on sunscreen. Start following an Asian skincare routine.

>> No.15583513

It's literally a wax statue. Hence the "wax in the hair" joke.

>> No.15583517

I let my hair and beard grow out since the rona hit. I get a little trim here and there to clean up my lines but other than that it’s really nice to have such a low maintenance style. A lot of females do like long hair too

>> No.15583521


Yeah it's not human


>> No.15583530
File: 456 KB, 473x553, 0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been told that I have a Leo vibe... still can't get any pussy lol.

>> No.15583591
File: 68 KB, 700x502, 5ea92382e2725-world-worst-wax-museum-great-yarmouth-66-5ea7dc2e43071__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people tell me i'm princely

>> No.15583597

Lol now you're getting it ;)

>> No.15583610

Should I wash my hair everyday?

I workout 5 days a week, should I wash it everytime?

I had long hair in highschool but didn't do exercises than, so I didn't haver to worry back than

>> No.15583623

This is one of those, it depends.

Some people don't need to. They can cheat by putting in a bit of dry shampoo.

Some people might only need water and maybe conditioner.

Some people absolutely need shampoo and conditioner, but this is actually the minority.

>> No.15583754


>> No.15584383


>> No.15584394
File: 2 KB, 251x97, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically choose one of the worse wax models of Mel and it still took them this long to catch on... The keen eyes of fa...

>> No.15584511
File: 696 KB, 1081x338, justgetahybro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help - getting a new license so needs a trim or change
mussed/how it's usually styled/side view

i think it looks like shit from the side/behind - what do you think

taken before shower so shut up about conditioner

>> No.15584683

just don't be ugly

>> No.15584838

hope you don't look this bad in real life. Praying for you brother.

>> No.15584856

Just get it cleaned up. Looks good b over all.

>> No.15585434

Longhair crew

>> No.15585455
File: 45 KB, 495x700, 03001252060280314f0a31bca4ff4885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15585678
File: 124 KB, 1080x1084, IMG_20200922_111858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wings/flow haircut is better and more classy than the curtained.
Change my mind

>> No.15585766

i have curly hair so i have to cut them before i look like tahiti bob

>> No.15586624

I can’t tell if it’s meant to be William or Andrew

>> No.15586796
File: 25 KB, 500x780, Johnny-Depp-Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Long hair can't be eff-"

>> No.15587053

People who unironically think that are baldies coping

>> No.15587277
File: 446 KB, 1080x2076, IMG_20200922_162823_252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just trimmed mine recently after growing it out for a while. Not sure if I should keep it going or not. Would like to have the sides shorter but very torn on the back length.

>> No.15588406
File: 794 KB, 2425x1363, F05AE716-014B-44D4-9B6F-510D403C244C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting it growing out till it’s shoulder length I love it

>> No.15588490

Looks great. Hope you post updates.

Do you have a pic of a goal?

>> No.15588504

Thx bro I will
Currently using lots of conditioner hair oil and shampoo without Sulfides only shampoo once a week twice max occasionally sea salt spray or coconut oil

>> No.15588860

I've had long hair since 3rd grade. idk, just have whatever fits you

>> No.15588946

How does one deal with hair taking forever to dry after showering?

That is my biggest gripe with growing hair out, short hair delivers me a utility value there.

>> No.15589211

Im >>15588406
if is don’t wanna Air dry I use heat protection and hair oil then blowdry on medium heat

>> No.15589220

Im >>15588406
if is don’t wanna Air dry I use heat protection and hair oil then blowdry on mediumheat

>> No.15589226
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20200923_13_32_18_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about me? I don't think I should let my hair grow up, people usually says I'm don't look good with long hair, how should I cut it?

>> No.15589248
File: 381 KB, 750x1056, 5629B79A-AED2-4268-9BD0-D3E42D5224DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’d I do? I have a short ass neck so shoulder length isn’t very long.

>> No.15589264
File: 127 KB, 480x640, 9B3274F8-7792-4F9C-A8A7-3003F6D4966E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rid of these glasses lift and bulk up then I think you would do good with long hair
Use some sea salt spray to get more volume in your hair it looks a little bit flat and loveless

>> No.15589271

>sea salt spray
I think my gf has some lying around, I’ll try that out tomorrow.

>> No.15589279

Do it it’s a game changer
Apply some after a shower and work it into your hair then blow dry and apply some Creme and oil there you go

>> No.15589535

same i grew my hair for 4 years and it was such a mess. Especially in winter when my hair wouldnt dry or if i had to shampoo and it would look like shit for 2 days.

>> No.15589687

You've genuinely convinced me OP. I just shaved off my hair, now I'm gonna let it grow long for the first time in my life. I don't care how shit it looks until then

>> No.15590972

It will suck, but it is worth it.

>> No.15591093

stfu stop larping

>> No.15591095

put on some lip balm llol

>> No.15591142

jesus fucking christ get a buzzcut and shave those fucking pubes off your face

>> No.15591326
File: 192 KB, 555x631, 1600852976443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a buzzcut

>> No.15591337
File: 536 KB, 1944x2592, delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a needle head/jaw and my hair is stringy/frizzy. I've done it before, can't do it again, chief

>> No.15591344


Long hair also implies you either work at grocery store or unemployed

>> No.15591361
File: 1.91 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200924_143553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man I lost a lot of volume as I grew it out, it gets everywhere, takes forever to air dry, it's frizzy and I'm not a fan of how it just falls in a shapeless mass on my shoulders. also accentuates my 5head.
If anyone has any suggestions...

>> No.15591466

As a lot of people have said, sea salt spray. Though sugar spray is superior, imo. Doesn't dry out the hair, and you already mentioned frizz as a concern.

>> No.15591484

holy fuckkkk lmao

>> No.15591490

You're awesome!

>> No.15591606
File: 246 KB, 750x497, 7483679F-19E6-4401-B13F-CAE4038059D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to braid but it’s shit

>> No.15591624
File: 709 KB, 643x831, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I trim the ends? never had hair this long before so don't know how to deal with this mess

>> No.15591827

Yes, take 2 inches off. This is long long hair.

>> No.15591829

It doesn't look badly damaged or anything, but you might want to shape it up to your tastes. Personally I'm not a believer in regular visits to a stylist, so my personal recommendation would just be leave it alone unless you want to change its shape or your ends look ragged.

>> No.15592010

Utter /fa/let here, growing my hair out for the 3rd and possibly the final time depending on how it goes. I'm essentially a NEET so I don't go out much and have thus just been letting it grow, but I've heard that if you're "doing it properly" you should somehow have your back and sides grow along the top hair? Is this true and if so, should I look/ask for anything in special next time I go to for a haircut or just say something along the lines of "just long hair my shit up senpai"? (or just let it grow untamed)

>> No.15592045

Fuck off OP
I'll keep buzzing my hair, no amount of butthurt controlling faggot posts on the shittest fashion forum is going to persuade me otherwise, you sound like a fag projecting your own queer swollen ass tastes onto other people

>"I like it therefore everyone should grow hair"

Classic narcissist behaviour, just fuck off and let people look how they want to look.

>> No.15592068

To add, I love my hair when it's buzzed, it's just better in my opinion, your scalp is a million times easier to cleanse, you don't have to bother styling it, I personally sleep better and my hair isn't curling up or being pulled when I'm turning in my sleep, washing it takes like 2 minutes and it dries fast as fuck, it's a million times easier to rid yourself of shitty dandruff.

This is just why I like a shaved head, do what you want if you want to grow it out go for it, just don't be like OP and berate people who don't want to

>> No.15592082


long hair doesn't look good on fats

>> No.15592108


Really depends on your race, which determines hair type desu.

>> No.15592114


you guys are all a bunch of women. i'm going to tell it to you straight:

long hair for men is becuase you just don't give a fuck because you are too lazy to get your hair cut (old world), a fucking indian (natural), or don't care about society's conventions. you all get it wrong with your sea salt and backcombing shit. you just grow that shit like a viking, and let it do whatever it wants.

>> No.15592124

I have a long nose, shame I will never be able to pull curtains off.

>> No.15592136
File: 584 KB, 750x985, B916CC70-279B-4107-9A29-ED874B987CB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If y’all haven’t tried using a hair mask yet in your lifetime, you’re really missing out. Especially since I see a lot of people complaining about not getting enough volume, it can do wonders for volume.

>> No.15592146
File: 29 KB, 452x678, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im like so mature.....

>> No.15592149

This dude listens to the joe roegan podcast

>> No.15592153

Ugly ass trap lol

>> No.15592170
File: 11 KB, 182x268, 418F5DD0-3910-4C9C-94B3-C23ACE507BB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoes mad

>> No.15592181


actually i do from time to time. some of the guests are interesting.

>> No.15592223

Sorry, should have mentioned it, I'm SW European, I've got straight hair which gets very slightly wavy when long.

>> No.15592381
File: 258 KB, 971x1089, long-ish hair 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys get your hair to go back and down? I have extremely thick hair that likes to go up and form a suspended mass. It does not flow.

Pic rel. Me after 4 months with no haircut during quarantine.

>> No.15592427

You’ve just got a lot of volume like me, try out a hair mask and see what happens. Also, if you’ve got a hair dryer you can get an attachment called a diffuser that might work for your hair volume

>> No.15592439
File: 9 KB, 180x180, john-of-lancaster-1st-duke-of-bedford-ken-welsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently rocking this kind of hairstyle and absolutely love it. It is reminiscent of a popular hairstyle in the 15th century which is perfect for me because I have studied that period a lot. It's longer on top, but shorter on the sides so it's the best of both worlds in my opinion.

>> No.15592568

What hair mask do you use?

>> No.15592587

wow that is exactly how I used to censor my face when self-posting on /fa/ years ago

>> No.15592612
File: 1.05 MB, 750x1334, 7F528810-AB13-4337-86AD-D21FBB8A9589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m the fag in this photo >>15592136

Pretty sure I used this hair masque but really, try anything out from Shea moisture and you probably won’t be disappointed. It’s like the only good drugstore brand you can use for that type of stuff

>> No.15592748

Your hair is unironically better than a back flow. Just let it keep growing. Don't fuck with it. Eventually length will weigh it down. Be patient.

>> No.15592882

keep seething hairlet

>> No.15593044
File: 334 KB, 1059x1688, Npsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to pull off long hair with a wide face?

>> No.15593238

You do realize Vikings and native Indians had really lots of grooming rituals ?

>> No.15593282

Just grow it out and see for yourself. Give it at least 1.5 years

>> No.15593840

Yes, your jawline is good. I would try to go for a specific long hair style rather than just have a thick head full of medium-long hair.

>> No.15594183

I have a similar hairline to yours but I'm blonde so it even looks "worse" in some lighting, and I think men like us have a duty to defy the buzzpill and show that mature hairlines can and do look good with actual hair. Keep rocking it my man.

>> No.15594191

Can confirm, I recently adopted sea salt spray for my medium length blonde hair and it gives my hair the soul it needed desperately

>> No.15594196

>have you heard of the high elves?

>> No.15594198

I get the sense that you were called a girl a lot in primary school

>> No.15594218

Some people look like hobos or look more feminine with the long hair.
>Men with short hair are fuckboy tryhards who come off as criminals or untrustworthy thugs, and they look unsophisticated and too intimidating.
Depending on your face and build, longer hair may not help at all, lol.

>> No.15595981
File: 2.05 MB, 1069x2159, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically just keep it growing, my hair was just like yours before it got to a certain lenght.

Nopoo meme also helped, if you wash with shampoo try putting some low hold pommade in the hair just to "fatten it up slightly". When my hair is completly clean it tends to become coarse which makes it puff up.

>> No.15596495
File: 120 KB, 589x552, 19931914_821800461305634_5393246268162048000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to have this hairstyle?