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File: 1.17 MB, 710x900, alexander-mccringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15575022 No.15575022 [Reply] [Original]

Why do designers tend to dress like such slobs?

As if they want to appear completely unconcerned with higher fashion, yet we know they are deeply concerned with it, and are as such deeply concerned with wanting to appear unconcerned. That's cringy.

And don't tell me they've transcended fashion and this is next-level stuff. It's garbage.

>> No.15575023

they havent transcended, theyre just like 7 levels above your ideas. this is their JOB.

>> No.15575028


>> No.15575082

It's the 21st century, there is an immense social pressure to dress in cheap jeans and shirts for almost every occasion. Even the wealthiest men can't resist it and things aren't getting better yet.

>> No.15575085

good designers don't dress like shit on purpose, funny that

>> No.15575141

I don't think McQueen really killed himself.

I think he just quit fashion to wear Carhartt everyday, smoking cigarettes outside of a gas station to ask people for loose change in wisconsin despite being a millionaire

>> No.15575188

that's a fire fit tho fr fr. absolutely fuego.

>> No.15575737

Its like a bell curve affect

Left end bell curve dresses like this cause "Durr I don't know how to dress"

Middle "I'm gonna wear designer clothes"

Right side of the curve "I have transcended the need to wear anything but comfortable clothes"

>> No.15575757

You obviously have no taste darling. McQueen has talent nothing over rides that. The character is the message/story that gets told through the designs. They can wear whatever the fuck they want because they are comfortable with themselves.

OP there is a plethora of self help books that can help you build a stronger character.

>> No.15575758

alexander was a fag who lived with his mum.
he wanted to appear blue collar to appeal to the men who's cocks he sucked, but he needed to simultaneously appear sexless yet useful to his castrating mother.

>> No.15575778

At least Rick wears full Rick daily.

>> No.15575869

>t. read freud once

>> No.15576421
File: 160 KB, 2400x1600, D18EF84C-49B4-4A1B-A576-6E23D5B76528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would imagine it’s just kind of a design fatigue thing. when something becomes your line of work you inevitably lose some of your personal appeal for it. look at raf. most designers i would imagine dont want to spend too much time dressing up. it’s like how professional chefs don’t want to cook beautiful meals for themselves every time they eat. there’s an interview with raf where he says something about how he’s in his 40’s and no longer has something to prove every day, he doesn’t have to “be the avant garde kid anymore”.

>> No.15576442

he was gay, he probably wanted to wear what he made for women

A lot of the great designers always wear their own clothes, unless they are unable to overcome the stigma of wearing feminine clothes.

>> No.15576517

i buy women's clothing sometimes because it fits better then men's clothing

mostly tops that end up showing off my lats like crazy

>> No.15576521

Honestly if you saw alexander mcqueen at a party and asked him what he did for work.

And he was like "oh I'm an fashion designer"

I'd assume he was .soundcloud rapper tier upper and comer

>> No.15576538

alexander mcqueen is a shit tier designer, idk why his shoes are so popular among the normies

>> No.15576543

he didnt give a fuck what her wore because he was focused on designing clothes for waify women lol

>> No.15576584

Nothing bearing his name was designed by him

>> No.15576594
File: 54 KB, 640x415, sarah-burton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i-i work in the fashion industry

Oh like for old navy or Michael kors outlet?

> No, alexander mcqueen

Oh you're in sales?

>> No.15576741

You’re cringy. When you become a real person there’s no need to impress strangers. It’s called «It just happens people like what I do ». Grow up. Appreciate art for what it is instead of being a superficial consumist goy attention seekeing bitch

>> No.15576874

that’s a good fit tho

>> No.15576876

So basically fashion is cancelled, it's just vain consumerism and only done to impress others, which you won't have to once you are a "real person".

Huh, interesting take on a fashion board, and certainly an interesting perspective if a fashion designer would take it.

>> No.15576906

Retard spotted

>> No.15576910

They have no need to impress others or appear beautiful when they themselves are designing beauty for beautiful people.

>> No.15576917

Hi my name is raf.

I take uniqlo shit, make it less visually appealing and sell it as an original design.

Oh and one-time I started a diffusion line where I'd pick tags up off the street and call it street wear

>> No.15576930
File: 154 KB, 1280x1280, 1eae4d4a0533bc493150a94ff32b67b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's talking about his designs and the character, message or story they convey? It's about how he dresses himself, which surely you are not naive enough to think a world-stage fashion designer does actually not think about what he puts on and just fell into this outfit the morning of his fashion show. And implying that caring about how you dress somehow makes you uncomfortable with yourself is an insult to his craft more than anything, I'd think.

Don't you see how this is like the equivalent of a great painter having cheap, generic or bad art all over their own living space? One would also be dumbfounded by that, and nobody would find it understandable to assume it's because this person suddenly doesn't care about artistry anymore once it comes to themselves.

I admit that McQueen might not be the best example, as he was a female fashion designer, and truthfully might have seen fashion as more of a way of telling a story, a performance art of sorts. I also didn't know he had died such a death, didn't mean to attack his person, was just curious about this tendency I've seen. There are many other examples of fashion designers dressing boring or bad. Like this guy. Designs some great men silhouettes, and specifically with an always more classical baseline that makes it completely wearable, yet himself has the most generic, uninspired outfits.

Fatigue would make more sense. Once your mind is full of all the different styles there are, the materials, techniques, textures, silhouettes, colours, combinations, history, etc., and much more so than even the average fashion-conscious person, particularly with revolutionary or inspiring ideas, I can see how it could be overwhelming to make yourself part of your art and craft, and so taking one out of it by having a consistent, often simple personal style like many of them do is sensible. Doesn't explain some of the plain awful stuff though, that more appears like an anti-fashion statement than anything.

>> No.15576940

Why would they care about "impressing" others and making others appear beautiful to others through fashion they put on others, yet suddenly not at all care about doing so through... themselves. How is that sensible? More, how is that not contradictory to the idea of fashion as art itself, and as such to their own ideas and craft? Why would they not feel the need to perform this art and craft with themselves when they are otherwise so compelled by it?

>> No.15576992

Mcqueen looks comfy af

>> No.15577003

becsuse all their energy goes into creation, not peacocking. They literally do not bother to waste valuable timedressing up or even expend the meager mental effort to. There is zero need for it.

>> No.15577016

this makes sense

>> No.15577031
File: 653 KB, 1300x1745, Karl-Lagerfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but a nice, well-tailored suit is extremely comfortable too.

To note, I intentionally framed the OP as divisive as I did to get a response, but I still don't understand why designers wouldn't fashion themselves exceptionally well, and I still feel it also has to do with what I said about wanting to appear unconcerned. At best that's a huge sort of faux modesty, at worst an obnoxiously pretentious way of wanting to appear above it all. That's cringe bro.

I much prefer something like Karl Lagerfeld, a person that seems to actually live and thrive in the fashion world, and not appear as though he doesn't even want to be there, acting like some sort of shy genius that has to be forced out of their study to make a quick awkward appearance at the end of a show presenting their work.

Again, why is it suddenly about "peacocking", a "need" for dressing up, or let alone a "meager mental effort". Isn't it truly about artistry and craftsmanship, and that's why they are designers to begin with? Why would it be about showing off if they apply their art and craft to their own person, and isn't otherwise then showing off their designs in lavish shows and entire marketing campaigns much more of a peacock, if fashion is that to them personally?

And the energy and effort thing I already agreed could be one reason, a fashion fatigue, or simply plain fatigue. Doesn't explain everything at all either, though. A top chef wouldn't just eat at McDonald's no matter how tired they get, let alone invite someone to eat there, and McQueen's outfit in the OP, worn at a fashion show, is kinda the equivalent of that.

>> No.15577108

Is it perhaps to do with wanting to maintain a personal brand recognizability, that is above their various works, and puts the focus on their face, for people to associate their face with the fashion more than what they wear? Likewise, could it be that because they are ultimately also manual labourers that do lots of squatting, leaning, cutting, throwing around fabrics and whatnot, that is why they tend to dress in minimalistic, plain-silhouette, generically-cut and more conventionally comfortably clothing?

Both of that would be practical, commercial, function-over-form, profit-over-proficiency reasons, which I would find annoying to have to abide by as a designer myself, and seeing as how they are so particularly involved with, compelled and inspired by and sophisticated in the art of fashion, I'd think they would have to feel strongly compelled also to find ways around it, and not even necessarily around it, but to either not care about those concerns at all, at least once they've already become successful, or ideally to find ways to accomodate those practical concerns in artistic ways.

>> No.15577677

Most artists who paint beautiful cannvases are broken people in some way.