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15564734 No.15564734 [Reply] [Original]

Could dressing well have saved Elliot Rodger?

what clothes/haircut should he have worn to attract the women he desired?

>> No.15564736

a good personality

>> No.15564740

he didn't dress bad
his looks were not the reason he had no girls

>> No.15564753

I really don't get how he never got laid, he had a good car, good clothes, good contacts.. if he didn't kill himself and others, I think he would have gotten a girlfriend eventually

>> No.15564756

he was mentally unstable

>> No.15564757

wasnt his family like rich too?

>> No.15564758

he was a pathetic psycho freak

>> No.15564763
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No. It's all about the face.

>> No.15564777

If he didn't went full Columbine he would probably had transitioned like most incels

>> No.15564781
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he had very good standalone features though

>10/10 cheekbones
>9/10 chin
>10/10 lips
>thick luscious hair

which part went wrong?

>> No.15564783

why he hold his phone like that

>> No.15564788
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>> No.15564794

having autism

>> No.15564798

If you read his manifesto, he mentions how he wanted to put women in concentration camps so that man will be 'free from the barbarity of sex and women.' He also wrote that he planned to kill his half-brother and stepmother.

If he did get a gf, he would probably end up being so controlling and abusive that something would have gone wrong. The guy really needed some help with his mental health.

>> No.15564805

he was a hapa, so no

>> No.15564816
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I think it was the looks, though, it's not like he looked like Max von Sydow, Keanu or Toshiro Mifune.

>> No.15564820

so am I, but even in my worst mental state I wouldn't have murdered anyone. Well, maybe some Muslims, but only those who deserve it.

>> No.15564826

this poster guy doesn't look attractive at all

>> No.15564828

Keanu Reeves says hello

>> No.15564830

>blacks are only the way they are because of certain conditions imposed on them
>when said men are placed in a pathetic feminized world in which pussy is put on a pedestal and men are seen as failures and shamed for not getting a girl it's the guys fault

NO. This is why pushing the red pill about women gets you called an incel, a hater, a loser etc. because they want to keep you under their control.

Elliot was just as much a victim of the feminized West as he was from his own mental issues.

>> No.15564838
File: 412 KB, 720x404, permanent-record-1988-teen-movie-keanu-reeves-screencap-06-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, hapa can range from ugly to attractive and Keanu looks much better, also much whiter than this guy.

>> No.15564845
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second this, Keanu looks basically like some exotic nordic guy, maybe czech, pole or russian

>> No.15564862

there are feminists out there who say they hate men but in reality are just lonely and just become bitter with time
there are black people who say they hate white people but adopt white beauty standards and secretly find white women/men attractive
many people say they want one thing but in their heart they want another

>> No.15564868
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that's a lie

>> No.15564869

Noooo,This is Hwite Genocide, It is okay to be white, but let me racemix with a yellow jap. Reject modernity , Embrace TradCaths

>> No.15564872

I know an Italian guy who looks almost identical to Yaphet but with a slightly lighter shade.

>> No.15564873
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lol they never change

>> No.15564874

Feminine male arrives to prove my point.

>> No.15564887
File: 110 KB, 606x534, erpar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yellow jap
yellow japanese are technically very close to non-sourhtern whites, this guy's mother was obviously not japanese.

>> No.15564899
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ps3 superman looking ass

>> No.15564901
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by contrast, a Japanese woman

>> No.15564907
File: 220 KB, 1632x2000, 3b3a4702b107ecbde8a59f81552ba83f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat faced mussolini italian with short nose, this is a cuter Eurasian version of Superman.

>> No.15564925

His mental state. He didn’t even talk to anyone and isolated himself. He if didn’t act insane and socialised, he wouldn’t have had a problem

>> No.15564929

christ, I hate how much I look like him

>> No.15564973

These niggas are right

>> No.15565069

>feminine mannerisms and features
>refused to associate with asians or hispanics who would have let him into their "tribe"
>faggot hands off dad meaning his mom raised him so she kept him out of any team based extracurriculars because parents think life is like an rpg so playing sports = dumb retard
>no tribe means no social skills and he dealt with that by developing a serial killer aura
>skinny, weak, feminine body which makes everything his dad buys look like a desperate cope
>no job, dad should have gotten him one of those fake jobs like Chelsie Clinton has
>would only settle for 8/10 white college girls
If he lift a bit and played ping pong or whatever in college that would have gotten him pussy. It was that simple.

>> No.15565438
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>> No.15565462

sports is for dumb retards bitch. you need to be brain damaged to even consider damaging your brain even more for the entertainment of the capitalists

>> No.15565469

A young Igor.

>> No.15565563


His eyes are ripe with mental illness, which could actually be attractive, if his movements weren't also. He likely had problems holding a conversation or just being part of a group without it getting awkward for him. That's what non-high-functioning sociopathy looks like.

>> No.15565609

anon has achieved enlightenment and basement

>> No.15565765

I know there's a lot of bullshit about gender/race war and whatever else in this thread but I'm sure a good clinical psychologist could have helped a bit

>> No.15565768

Lol I say shit like that, its a JOKE you autistic cunt

>> No.15565769

it’s hard to undo severe differential mental and sexual socialization anon.

>> No.15565792

wanting only the 10/10 cheerleading prom queen was his problem

>> No.15565801

slim fit suit, pickle ricker shoes, and pompadour

>> No.15565876

He problem was that he was a short half asian man in California with bohemouthly large blond amazon white women.

>> No.15565904

You posted the same thread with the same replies on /fit/ a few hours ago. What the fuck is wrong with you retard? Elliot was a narcissistic feminine aspie who brought nothing to the table in terms of a stable happy relationship. No shit he was single.

>> No.15565924

If you're autistic you're autistic. There's really not much to be done.
T. Actual autist

>> No.15565946

No, mental illness like his is a huge turn off.

>> No.15566011

He didn´t have a Boomhauer in his life

>> No.15566335

He was a 4/10 so why not? His children would have been a 7/10

>> No.15566365

looks like he had parkinson

>> No.15566422

Oh thank god its so clear cut and the maths is so easy

>> No.15566444
File: 2.92 MB, 320x240, no fucking way.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15566445
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>> No.15566458
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he got brutalized by his front facing view, you can see how strange his mouth and nose shape really were

>> No.15566459

Literally just personality would have saved him

>> No.15566693

Wow, someone actually agrees with me on these. To me, he has always been 9,7/10, only the greasy looking skin and his mouth and lips sometimes looking a bit "tight" getting it down.

Can't tell exactly how he should've dressed up to get girls. Maybe it's all about him not getting it that his jeans were not worn enough and hanging low enough as with the cool guys. Maybe his top was too simple, having just a shirt buttoned up, instead of having a tight top and tattoos underneath and the shirt flowing above in the wind. You see, such things are extremely important for a young person to fit in. It's not just having the right label of clothes, you need to wear them the right way too, esp. if you're a guy.

I doubt it's a retard. My guess is, that it is someone trying to profile his "fans", such as me. He, or they are posting about certain mass murderers on various boards, to be able to form a picture what his fans are into. Are they, or particular ones of them fashionistas, body builders, anime friends, lgbt people, angry virgins or gun lovers.

>> No.15566742

He was beyond saving