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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 142 KB, 736x981, 7076d4aa741c2403d668d6803c0f5d37--fade-in-raw-denim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15562331 No.15562331 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any experience doing anything like this with their raw denim? I just got my pair delivered and was hoping to have a nice fade evolution during my senior year before we all go off to college and I have something to finally be remembered by. I think a lock design would be cool and a good talking point to bring up with girls but was wondering if there are any other things I should think about using?

>> No.15562345

cringe as fuck dude, if you're gonna fall for the raw denim meme at least let them wear in naturally.

>> No.15562346
File: 21 KB, 540x360, 540x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah i dunno it just faded that way naturally, weird huh?

>> No.15562353

Holy fuck that would be based

>> No.15562360

They wont be wowed by your jean story man, hate to break it to ya. That said, the idea for doing your own fades is interesting

>> No.15562370

Well I was thinking about making it seem symbolic like it represents how dedicated and protective I am. Like what people say with tattoos

How is raw denim a meme?

>> No.15562375

they will not notice, especially if you are meeting them in bars, very autistic idea

>> No.15562380

Lmaooooo gonna impress the ladies with my autistic fades


>> No.15562395

Not a terrible idea but just be careful because the whisker fades might blur into whatever you keep in the pocket and make it less noticeable. If you're going to be at school, see if they have standing desks or ask the teacher if you could just stand for class, talk about posture health if you feel weird bringing up the real reason why

>> No.15562397

You plan on carrying a cheap brass pocket lock everywhere you go?

>> No.15562401

>Raw denim a meme

I think raw denim fell out of favor as soon as guns became the next fad with american hipster men.

Since they tend to give away the fact that you're carrying a gun hence printing due to fades. And ccw holsters made of kydex being so easily recognized

>> No.15562419

I'm not married to a lock. I was trying to think of other things that wouldn't be obtrusive like a GBA cartridge, pocket knife, or something small

Even if they don't notice it's fine because it could still be a conversation piece like "hey wanna see something interesting?"

So whisker fades are from sitting? I Assumed it was from walking

>> No.15562685

People wouldn't have invented the internet if they new it would lead to people sticking locks in their pants as a fashion statement

>> No.15562693

have you tried making sick dick fades in the crotch area? ladies love it

>> No.15563021

>I think a lock design would be cool and a good talking point to bring up with girls

Non, just no. No one is going to notice and if you push the subject you are going to sound like a total idiot. The whole point of fades is that they are natural.

>> No.15563336

don't put something in your pockets for the sake of fades, just let it fade naturally. besides you probably carry at least a phone and wallet so you'll already have those.

>> No.15563437

Why tf would you want to carry a lock for no reason. U sound retarded and no one Will be impress by what you have in your pocket

>> No.15563478

bondage players carry locks

>> No.15563567

Ive been lurking 4chan over a decade and this is the absolute most retarded thread on any board I have ever seen. Bravo, you made me break out of lurkmode and post just to berate what I hope is a troll thread. Also, lurk more before you post you underageb& newfag

>> No.15563854


>> No.15564560

no the original poster, but short answer is raw denim has been appropriated by people that 4chan doesn't like, aka reddit.

Long answer is that the general raw denim community has expanded and is now about people jerking each other off over how impressive their fades are, rather than appreciating the actual denim itself. It's lost its roots as a workwear revival effort and now it's just another way for dudes to measure their dicks

>> No.15564597

How do you expect this conversation to go?

>Oh anon you carry a lock in your jeans everyday? Do you ride a bike to work everyday?

N-no I just thought it would look cool in the natural wear pattern of the jeans


>> No.15564609

>i want to be remembered at HS by having a fade on my pants that looks like i am carrying a padlock in therm
>it would be a cool talking point to bring up with girls

ABSOLUTELY HOWLING HERE. Fucking zoomers.. they are out of control. Is your brain fucking worms? Wow..

>like it represents how dedicated and protective I am

HAHAHAHAHAHAA. This has to be a troll. I am choking up here, eyes watering.

>> No.15564616

You used to do something wild at HS to be remembered, to have a huge ass party, to you know, have a shit load of fun and create memories. Meanwhile this guy wants to be remembered for looking as though he has a lock in his pocket...

They should have just made the American Pie movies like that. They do fuck all but talk to girls about how their pocket fade looks like a lock..

Someone seriously needs to take their autism meds.

>> No.15565083

dude shut up

You honestly think that's how it would end? You know girls are into fashion right? I highly doubt they'd just end the conversation there

Okay I'll be the only guy that has it. people have parties LITERALLY EVERY WEEK. How is that going to differentiate them?

>> No.15565100

Breh, it is time to face facts. You have autism. Hurr people have parties every week so doing some random dumb thing will make me stand out a lot more.

No. Lol. It really will not. Rubbing horse shit across your forehead will differentiate you too and get you remembered, but not for the right reasons.

You do you, though. It's no sweat off my sack.

>> No.15565105

opinion discarded

>> No.15565108

i want you to know that this is one of the moments in your life you will look back on with embarrassment

>> No.15565130

Fashion is generally based off of utility like military use and workwear in general. What could possibly be more utilitarian and blue collar than a padlock? I mentioned earlier I am considering a GBA cartridge or something else that highlights my personality but I want to try to get this project started Wednesday

>> No.15565137

You're in high school. Lol. Are you even 18 yet? Ask yourself this.. nobody in this thread agrees with you...

Posters that have been here 10 years +

Yet some 17 year old thinks he is the fashion god because he wants to make his pants look like they have a padlock in and thinks women will associate it with being a blue collar worker?

This is a troll or you need medication. Good luck with it.

>> No.15565138

not here to debate with you brother, no offense, i was a kid too. my advice is do whatever you want to now while youre young and in 5 years when your thinking back on this moment and cringing/laughing at yourself, remember me

>> No.15565148

Do it. You are only 16 once and you need to have plenty of shit to look back at and laught. Admittedly this is a pretty lame thing to reminisce, but at least it is something.

>> No.15565156

>hey femanon check out my pants
>>uhhhh what? haha what are you talking about?
>see the lock pattern? pretty cool right?
>>ohhh haha ok...

>> No.15565226

I sincerely hope this is not a troll thread

>> No.15565366

Wear a dildo down the front in your undies for some sweet dick fades

>> No.15565376

Get a life. Its not that funny you bald dork.

>> No.15565419

how the fuck is it practical or of any utility to carry a heavy padlock with sharp corners on it with you at all times lmao

>> No.15565436

as if the padlock wasn't cringe enough

>considering a GBA cartridge

This has got to be a troll thread

>> No.15565454
File: 29 KB, 181x200, 1419517682406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could still be a conversation piece like "hey wanna see something interesting?"

>> No.15565459

It's fucking hilarious, ur mad

>> No.15565502

Okay well if you want to go that route, how are wearing jeans at all practical when they were designed to be a cheap pant made for manual labor. I guess you should only wear denim anything if you work on a farm in Montana.

People wear them today because they signal an element of ruggedness but it's accepted that you might not actually live that lifestyle. This will be the same thing for people that need to carry locks around. I'm not expecting people to think I'm a locksmith or anything

Okay so what are some fashionable things to carry around in a coin pocket then, Versace

Do you have anything interesting to add to the thread instead of obvious displays that you've never talked to a female before?

>> No.15565526
File: 183 KB, 292x267, interesting conversation starter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna see something interesting
>i guess...
>look at this
>look right there
>uhh what is that anon?
>it looks like some shape?
>yeah look closer
>ok i can't make it out
>it's a padlock
>cool huh?
>so your pants have some padlock shape on them?
>yeah isn't it interesting
>women like fashion and being blue collar and utility is fashion
>ok anon, what?
>i'm not saying i am a locksmith
>so you wanna hang out?
>no thanks anon

*walks away*

>what a fucking weirdo creep

I guess congratulations are in order for being the biggest autism cringe lord in a long time. That's rather an achievement on this board.

>> No.15565544
File: 279 KB, 500x522, 1598238697494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15565548

Yeah its cringy to have unique and interesting pieces of clothing. I'm sure that's exactly how the conversation would go too...

Do those exist?

>> No.15565552

insecure NPC anon finds it cringe to stand out

>> No.15565557

Unique is not synonymous with interesting! And nor is it unique, at all. It's just fucking dumb. Put a dildo in there and make it much more interesting.

>> No.15565967

this little retard wants to be known as different because deep down they aren't. just another lil boring nobody

>> No.15565972
File: 95 KB, 500x361, 1585344207021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you grow up someday

>> No.15565975

when in reality, your ideal conversation starts with
>hey ladies wanna see something interesting?

hope you wear glasses to block out most of the mace

>> No.15565976

maybe OP just lives in smalltown retardville, USA

>> No.15565977


>> No.15565999

>chastity pants

>> No.15566363

Correction. Nobody remembers anybody in highschool. Anyone worth remembering is forgotten by the mass of morons and the rest are people like OP, desperately trying to be someone but doing it in all the wrong ways. Some people learn.

>> No.15566386

Based jannies leaving this thread up for lads to have a laugh

>> No.15566701

Why would it be deleted?

>> No.15566773
File: 20 KB, 222x168, 00857306-8B55-41BA-A1E9-6CD9689790AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please put me in the screencap
hi mom

>> No.15566828

Work some physical labor. Hang gutters, roof, go camping, or just move around for fucks sake. Tugging your carrot to anime while sitting in a computer chair all day isn’t going to fade your jeans

>> No.15567913

>people wear jeans because they signal an element of ruggedness
holy shit how autistic can you be. people wear jeans because they are both visually and functionally versatile and have thus become an american wardrobe staple
>same thing for people that need to carry locks around
lmao am i being trolled? why the fuck would you need to carry a small padlock around? so that when you sit down it stabs your leg? i promise they won't think you're a locksmith. theyll just think youre an autist

>> No.15568037

Dude did you read anything in this thread? I AM IN HIGH SCHOOL. I have to be there 6 hours a day because I'm on my 3rd time repeating a grade and will be forced to get a GED if I spend all day plowing fields for fades. 'm not going on academic probation again for a pair of pants lol

Dude people wear blue collar clothing because they want to give off that vibe. that's why rich people pay for clothing trends that simulate worn in and broken down clothes. Nobody wears jeans for comfort, versatility, or anything other than trying to appear tougher. If they didn't care about that, they'd walk around in a suit all the time

>> No.15568052

>sieg is on /fa/ too

>> No.15568056

Nope. Fuck off with stupid comments like this. I'm gonna deliberately crop you out.

>> No.15568061

How about you actually carry useful shit like a small flashlight, knife, or multitool and let the fading actually represent what you put in the pockets instead of being this much of an autist

>> No.15568063


>> No.15568080

>wants to fade a lock into his pants
>failed 3 grades
Checks out.

>> No.15568082


>> No.15568100

>and I have something to finally be remembered by. I think a lock design would be cool and a good talking point to bring up with girls
write this on a piece of paper somewhere and only read it 4 years from now

>> No.15568122

This is what happens when men are raised by single mothers.

>> No.15568139
File: 101 KB, 210x195, and then he said hey, wanna see something interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15568172

lol, cant see it going any other way

>> No.15568192

Check your reading comprehension. This is my third chance, meaning I only did twice before. Are you seriously that dense?

>> No.15568205


>implying you won't fuck up your own kid just as bad

>> No.15569014

>asks /fa/ what they think about X
>/fa/ tells him he's a fucking retard
>defends his idea for hours
Why not just fucking doing, validation seeking cunt.

>> No.15569030

Not dense enough to fail a fucking grade lol

>> No.15569983
File: 1 KB, 235x150, roflcopter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a GBA cartridge or something else that highlights my personality