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15562286 No.15562286 [Reply] [Original]

What makes it s*y?

>> No.15562293

-middle-of-the road
-outfit’s gestures at masculinity seem inauthentic

>> No.15562299

extremely short legs, bad posture

>> No.15562301

The high beanie, the shit proportions, the awkward pose, the boots that look barely worn.

He needs some looser pants, tuck the shirt, wear the beanie normally, and don't baby the pair of work boots.

>> No.15562455

Can't we just have a onions general at this point? That way you retards will stop clogging up the catalog.

>> No.15562464

White people all look the same 3BH

>> No.15562470

He's a middle class urbanite larping as working class
You just KNOW he has a reddit account

>> No.15562492

Pretty much wearing the old school work/rugged wear clothes as "nice clothes".
Simply bull up and fuckup those clothes a little bit.

>> No.15562497

cosplaying as poverty is onions

>> No.15562687

>tfw short legs and bad posture
I'm working on my posture but fucking legs man

>> No.15562749

mostly it's his stature and weak features, he looks like a nerd. if he dropped the glasses and the goddamn pubes on his face he might be passable. it goes without saying that you can't buy all of that and keep it fucking clean. the shoes are fucking clowny af regardless and the denim color is horrid. it's like he's trying to pass for a steel mill worker but he's clearly never had to open so much as a can of beans in his life. men's clothing should be beaten up af unless they're professionals. keeping mint work gear is fucking stupid

>> No.15563371
File: 53 KB, 352x345, 1598691180711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every mannerism hes putting off is low-t
>non-scuffed work clothes despite probably never worked in his life
>bad hairline
>patchy beard
>mongrel like hipster halfway house core
>hand pose looks like he's jacked off so much it's stuck like a claw

>> No.15563378

Those aren't even real work boots, they're basedboi boots made for redditors. People who actually labor for a living wear steel toe redwings.

>> No.15563403
File: 666 KB, 618x455, 1598374343775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hand pose looks like he's jacked off so much it's stuck like a claw
yea, I have no idea how some peoples hands just crve into halfway firssts like that, so weird

>> No.15563404

Mostly the shit hat and the weak upper body.

>> No.15563414

Looks like stealth Half-Life cosplay.

>> No.15563420

he looks fine. the style is dated as fuck but its better than all the poverty larp on this board.

>> No.15563423

>-outfit’s gestures at masculinity seem inauthentic
i think this is a really good way of putting it. The workwear aesthetic looks weird when it all crisp and new. The leather boots, blue jeans and work shirt are "manly" but its obvious they have never seen a day of work. Jackets too small imo.
And then you have the textbook thin beard/glasses/beany hipster trope. Cringe.

>> No.15563428
File: 35 KB, 300x450, 26B111DF-5E6C-4AD5-BFA3-A60CC73929C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15563434


its not worked in? the guy works in it? it looks like he bought all on the same day, like his mom bought him back to school clothes.

>> No.15563445

That's just inescapable with the beanie glasses beard combo at this point. Overall it looks fine but it's very reddit

>> No.15563641

Trying to look workwear/heritage when you look like a weak faggot ; wearing your clothes with absolutely no sense of spontaneity. I mean, look at how he feels uncomfortable in his shit. As long as you own the thing you are wearing you are doing half the work at looking good. This dude just listened to MFA and still looks insecure as fuck only to have more expensive clothing on him. Now he is a s o y b o y AND a tryhard.

>> No.15563784

It’s the shoes for me

>> No.15563820

Trying too hard
The guy wearing it
Faking blue collar is so fucking annoying.

>> No.15563847

it looks like he is wearing every article for the first time

>> No.15563852

Shoulder to hip ratio

>> No.15563878

>going for rugged working class looks even though he probably has huge disdain for them
>cuffed raw denim
> shitty boots(?)
>shit frame
>can see his skinny fat tummy poking out
>nerd glasses
>tight and high beanie despite not having the facial features
>awkward pose
>not confident despite asking for a pic so ironic that he looks like he’s waiting for it to get over with
>looks like a child wearing grownup clothes

>> No.15563904
File: 47 KB, 680x1444, soyritage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15563910

>working class looks
Working class people dress in Walmart shit

>> No.15563915

I don't.

>> No.15563919

You're on a fashion board, the guy in the OP is you regardless of whatever shit you're going to spout.

>> No.15563948


>> No.15564030

weak jawline, nerdy glasses, posture.
It has nothing to do with the clothes (maybe the beanie)

>> No.15564064
File: 81 KB, 900x507, EdetTQNXoAIR3KT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

musculature shows low testosterone, no muscle, bad posture, genetically weak (poor vision, fragile bone structure). you have to be a muscular (likely rural) chad with at least an 8/10 face and 9/10 jawline to pull off any "rugged" styles in 2020

>> No.15564073
File: 161 KB, 640x426, 8176270327_2572f7c814_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes it s*y?
Clothes aren't tofu.
People are tofu.

Posing as something you are not is tofu.
He's not a lumberjack from Alaska.
He's a graphic designer from Williamsburg.

>> No.15564116
File: 89 KB, 1000x563, Germanico_Cam_04_4K.RGB_color.0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, i will play devil's advocate to my own post now:

to be fair, that's how iowa farmers dress, not alaskan lumberjacks.
and maybe graphic designers need to be warm while waiting for the subway.
should he wear a grey wool 3/4 length overcoat with a fedora instead because traditionally that is what new yorkers wore on the subway?
maybe he is from iowa and those are the clothes he brought with him on the bus when he moved to the big apple!

or maybe he just pretends to be butch while being a repressing transwoman on the inside who dreams in pink and baby blue?

i guess we will never know unless we ask him which is why adages like "never judge a book by its cover" exist.

really makes ya think!

>> No.15564144

this outfit is actually effay but people dont want to admit it

>> No.15564154

Ok Eugene.

>> No.15564158
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1599658088269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be serious

>> No.15564164


>> No.15564165
File: 2.29 MB, 2194x2527, clothes-make-the-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is he going?
CONTEXT, people!
Clothing can only be viewed correctly IN CONTEXT.
If he is going to a Tuesday work lunch with colleagues at Nobu in August, he is going to look out of place, but if he is going to Sunday afternoon beer bust alone at a gay bar in February, then he will fit right in!

>> No.15564166


>> No.15564196

Jacking off all the time, yes I'm serious, that one episode pf seinfeld when costanza becomes a hand model is legit how it happens, people with curled hands are coomers from a young age, you'll notice how most if not all people with that have a ugly face or beta presence at that, look into it.

>> No.15564213

fit isn't bad he just look pale and weak. thin blonde beard, bad glasses, stupid beanie.

>> No.15564427

he's trying to effect a complete archetype/aesthetic with zero nuance or personality

sure, lots of blue collar workers wear carhartt work jackets, jeans, boots and button ups, but pretty much never all of those at once, all in the most boring, clean cut style possible. people who wear this shit day in an out try to be as comfortable as they can, which is why actual working men don't give off the overdone vibe this guy has.

if he wore a t shirt, lighter/more beat up/not fucking selvedge jeans, or some actual work boots without a moc toe or something cooler like some timbs, he'd look way better

>> No.15564546

No it isn't.

>> No.15564646

they look like someone who uses 4chan which is a big turn off for me. the outfit also carries an air of assholism. the kind that says i eat the shit that comes out of my own asshole and my opinions are very very important.

>> No.15564652

>clogging up the catalog
Because the other threads are so important.

>> No.15564871
File: 124 KB, 500x388, wack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that he is wearing work wear that looks like he never did a day of work using it.

>> No.15564895

take photo from lower angle if you want long legs

>> No.15565001
File: 1.10 MB, 500x288, LiquidUnevenCattle-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its prob cause he dresses as a worker while not even working or showing sign of working. Besides working clothes is ment to be fashionable its ment to be efficient not to mention he show 0 emotion in the pic

>> No.15565027

Being a skinny hipster faggot and the boots. Change those two things and it would look manly.

>> No.15565126

honestly? he looks alright except for the beanie and glasses

>> No.15565176

youve never lifted a weight in your life.

>> No.15565405

It depends.
my wrangler's that I wear to work most days are walmart tier but you gotta pay good money for a good pair of boots to be walking around and getting wet in every day. I own a lot of denim jackets for a lot of reasons, but partially because they're durable, wear stains well if not wash them out all together and because they're comfy and layer-able.

>> No.15565412


>> No.15565418

don’t forget the clear skin + blading combo
soi to the max

>> No.15565420

Frame it

>> No.15565422

fuck me
I meant balding
also that autistic stance

>> No.15565424

its all brand new and he is very little scrawny guy tiny hands and glasses

>> No.15566516

This. But also the s*yish face combined with the bland fit doesn't exactly make the guy seem interesting. It makes him look like he spends his time browsing reddit and watching twitch streams. Very stimulating

>> No.15566538

The glasses and soft boyish features. Put this on a chad with 20/20 vision and it would be max drip

>> No.15566686
File: 188 KB, 450x472, 07f23d2ee1e14d6b284291dbea07757ee80892ac9bf7eb2cda24dbaac8befa1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick frame glasses
>moccasin sneaker hybrids
>cuffed jeans
>lazy grown, trimmed beard
>khaki-workers style top
>outdated hipster style with no moped and studio-apartment to match

>> No.15566718

>clear skin is soi now
cant even wash my face in peace anymore

>> No.15567749

>not recognizing moc toe boots

>> No.15567936 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 900x1334, the soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEHOLD! S*y incarnate

>> No.15567948
File: 1.33 MB, 900x1334, the soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15568281

They're kinda similar to die hards, which are what I used to wear working on a concrete crew

>> No.15568311

clear skin is soi when the image you’re trying to project is that of a hyper masculine macho double-dicked man’s man

>> No.15568419
File: 11 KB, 600x800, the face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hipster glasses
>untucked buttondown
>small, frail physique
>manlet proportions
>pristine clean 'work' boots

>> No.15568733

Chads have battle scars. Would a chad pat his face down with a warm towel? No.

>> No.15568849

The awkward way hes standing and his expression is the worst part. He doesnt belong in those clothes and he knows it

>> No.15568986

Jacket is a size too small

>> No.15568989

Yea u might have short legs or in reality you might have an extra long torso

>> No.15568990

fucking lmao well played anon

>> No.15569092

literally every pair of glasses is hipster glasses or incel glasses

>> No.15569098

Years of lifting weights, doing pull-ups, and typing have turned me into claw mode. It’s legit a struggle to fully open my hand. Slings back like a fucking rubber band when I do.

>> No.15569099

What job even warrants boots?

>> No.15569286

Have you ever had a job?