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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 141 KB, 790x884, 1542950245664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15560847 No.15560847 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with being ugly?

>> No.15560850

have an awesome personality and an awesome heart

>> No.15560852

By shitposting on an anonymous english-language imageboard website

>> No.15560853

Browsing fa and fit

>> No.15560854

focus on things you can change
lower your standards

>> No.15560855
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>> No.15560973

having low standards is uneffay

>> No.15560975

are you saying you have those?

>> No.15560982

By never looking in the mirror

>> No.15560986

no. but im not ugly so i dont need to. i was just suggesting it to that ugly guy

>> No.15560988
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>jUSt Be CoNfIdEnT bRo

>> No.15561067


>> No.15561121

have fun being alone
low standards are a blessing, not a curse

>> No.15561129

this guy could have fucked every single female in europe in 1680

>> No.15561234
File: 132 KB, 900x484, 1537107115-ronaldead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eazy, start mewing and chewing for that CHAD jawline and shop at Uniqlo and Cos.

>> No.15561239
File: 312 KB, 1600x900, WP_20200913_16_38_19_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels pretty shit bro my little brother wins the genetic lottery while I get crap bucket inb4 gorilla nose

>> No.15561242

Suicide and hope you have better luck in the next life.

>> No.15561247

Should have stopped at 20 weeks

>> No.15561252

Wish I could help you out, OP. Never had that problem myself.

LITERALLY calls me ugly 24/7 despite me having those qualities.

>listening to what women say online

Not even once.

>> No.15561259

There's definitely an aesthetic for you. I don't know what it is, but I hope you find it.

>> No.15561263

Yeah ny aesthetic is cracklife

>> No.15561264

i don't because i'm not

>> No.15561272

I don’t feel ugly in the traditional sense, I just feel fundamentally flawed. There’s nothing attractive or masculine about the way that I look. I’m in my 20s and I see guys who are like 15 who unironically mog me in terms of looks.

Online dating, I actually do really well in, only because I think my face can be presented well through an image on a screen. IRL I’ve literally only had fatties and other uggos chase after me, and I’m simply not interested

>> No.15561273
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Its weird I look like a different person from angle i take its fucked
This guy on mdma literally had a breakdown by doing a 180 look around my face he said I looked like 5 different people morphing

>> No.15561277

Join the military, kill a bunch of people and then get a giant tattoo on your forehead that says KILLER.

>> No.15561280
File: 351 KB, 1600x900, WP_20200913_16_51_15_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 still looking 15 hopefully I grow into my face one day

>> No.15561284

I'm dead inside

>> No.15561287

get on retinol/ tretinoin
it will make your skin more even
you dont look bad, your face is symmetrical
stop focussing on it and stop squinting or whatever you do in this pic

>> No.15561288

U G L Y you ain't got no alibi, you ugly woah woah you ugly

>> No.15561289
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>How to get friendzoned in one easy step!

>> No.15561293

you are very handsome, relax

>> No.15561301

T...tt..thanks mum..

>> No.15561317

this dude is absolutely retarded, he looked fine before but he fucked up his teeth and jaw in the process
his teeth are really fucked up, they turned brown
when he talks it looks uncanny
he is a human guinea pig

>> No.15561434

I haven’t called you ugly In weeks - after you started bitching about it I stopped.
Really I was just trying to give you a solid nickname (Ugly clown)like I did for Sieg(fat Mexican)....or do you prefer Creepy Clown Cecil?? don’t even pretend like you weren’t pushing yourself as the ugly meme of /fa by taking deliberately ugly pics and posting them in every fkn thread...

Anywho...I feel like jumbo James (JJ) ilhas a nicer ring so maybe we should just call him that from now on?

TLDR - Cecil needs a new nickname

>> No.15561441

Pls stop giving advice — these guys already don’t know how to interact with the females....oh oh I see you just want all the girls to yourself

>> No.15561446

I've got a great name that you could call me by. Really, it's the best.


>> No.15561450

Wear a mask everywhere you go, thats what I do. Coronavirus was a blessing for us ugly people.

>> No.15561532

so yall gonna fuck or what?

>> No.15561534

She's pretty old, I am a little worried about her hips cracking when I am slamming her hard and deep

>> No.15561540

How do you cope with balding?

My father has like a norwood 3/4 and is over 60
>im balding



>> No.15561548

1. it's easy bc i'm tall
2. growing a beard and just shaving off the neckbeard portion to hide my face
3. wearing all black clothes to hid my man tits
4. Trying to imitate top-tier /fa/ through cheap clothes
So this only works so much, usually the other people I've gotten laid with/been with were either ugly or fat. That's the way life works

>> No.15561558

I fucking hate tripfags thinking they are relevant and taking over thread focus. Fuck off forever faggot.

>> No.15561576
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I pretend I'm Francisco Lachowski

>> No.15561591

Go easy on my girlfriend, mate.

>> No.15561611

there's a difference in between a nice, doormat/pushover sort of guy, than a genuinely kind person.

you just have to be assertive when the need arises, be driven, dont be a yes man, but kind

>> No.15561930

Lol you're shallow as fuck, don't front

>> No.15561957
File: 53 KB, 1249x527, papers please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you got the soviet chad aesthetic
hop into a thrift store, look up shit from USSR for inspiration
youll pull it off and become a massive chad

>> No.15561974

lift and wear tracksuits for maximum almond quartznigger

>> No.15561981

cecil you are based dont ever change

>> No.15562000

Haha she's senile too apperantly

>> No.15562066

i am what i am. i enhance what i have and own it. you should too. attractiveness has very little to do with function so if you function, people see it. if an ugly face does something good to me, for me, his/her ugly face becomes the most beautiful face on the planet, because it's the face of something good in my life. feelings and beauty are relative.

>> No.15562296

Wtf does a soviet chad wear gimme some examples

>> No.15562300 [DELETED] 
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Gopnik (junior mafioso)

>> No.15562302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15562319

Fuck sake
Pretty sure i embrace this anyway I'm wearing a black addidas tracksuit with a white tank top
I'm already there and i smoke
All I need to is embrace the squat

>> No.15562348

Shame he was so inbred he was a dribbling retard barely able to swallow, let alone get his dick hard

>> No.15562357

If the Hapsburgs looked that fucked Id love to see some of plotmley dynasty members looked like didn't they practice incest for a couple hundred years

>> No.15562362

What makes me sad is that no one else will see the beauty that I see myself when looking in the mirror. I consider myself a 10/10 but others don't

>> No.15562572

dress good have good hygeine

>> No.15562605

This is exactly me. I’ve never had a relationship or hookup that didn’t come from Tinder. I know my angles online and don’t have to post height etc so I do pretty well.

>> No.15563004

you devote yourself to a religion or god

>> No.15563019

Incredible how you can see that you have an overinflated sense of self worth and yet not be aware of it at the same time

>> No.15563020

But you are ugly

>> No.15563035

only on the inside

>> No.15563072

and in the face

>> No.15563081

based bloomer. they mad because nothing happens in their life

>> No.15563132
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>> No.15563167

You're only ugly because you don't smile.

>> No.15563528

I just don’t go outside

>> No.15563531

god I want to impregnate Keisha Grey

>> No.15564681
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>> No.15564689


I took the pink pill and became beautiful.

>> No.15564703

It's this, it's literally all you can do there is no other answer unless you can get surgery that fixes the problem.

You have to be a stoic, life is bullshit for a lot of people in a lot of ways and the only thing you can do is accept what you can't change.

>> No.15564712

Why are we not shaming them all away, fuck tripfags

>> No.15564946
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, 9B0240B4-87DF-4E83-A651-0F104DB87684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confidence. Confidence that you’re not the ugliest person out there.

>> No.15564968

If you got off of the TripHateTrain you would realize I can be quite helpful and actually stay on topic 70% of the time....the other 30% is when I’m being pestered by the likes of you, or by the other shitshow trips who are bored with this board.
I probably would’ve take my trip off already if it didn’t arouse you guys so much and got your tight little white panties all wet. It’s entertaining and I would like to take a special moment to thank you personally :)

>> No.15564993

You're not special

>> No.15565006

That's my feisty bbe girl. You're a tiger, babe. Untamable.

>> No.15565035

you wear a mask
covid was a godsend for folk like you (us)

>> No.15565056

boomer simp

>> No.15565077

Stop responding

>> No.15565298

You are attractive aside from the fact that you look like youre about to cry. Lift and get bigger

>> No.15565306

Eh it feels good to be confident

>> No.15565350

*delusionally arrogant

>> No.15565406

lift, you have great face besides the nose. better clothes, get a haircut

>> No.15565446

Why does it look like the tip of her nose melted away?

>> No.15565600


>> No.15565636

I don't, I'm hot.

>> No.15565662

pics or gtfo

>> No.15565668
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>> No.15565672
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Different angle

>> No.15565678

Chad's don't use Androids, nice try.

>> No.15565690

Idk what to tell you bro.. iPhones are kinda basic white girl tier devices.

Do.. Do I actually look like a Chad? I'm not trying to fish for complements dude. I grew up nerdy/fat, with time and changes and I became fit, uncovered my facial features and shit, bit never thought I'd hit Chad status.

>> No.15565694


Changes to my lifestyle ***

>> No.15565752

I dress entirely in black, all skin clothed with black mask and sunglasses. When people are nearby, I walk in the opposite direction or just stop and turn my back towards them until they go away.

>> No.15565958
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having long hair and masturbation

>> No.15566810
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currently losing weight the hoping to go gym.
working slave wage jobs to save up for plastic surgery and dermatology.

>> No.15566946

Wtfffff this is me completely. Seems now not even the fatties or uggos will bother with me as my hair is falling out :) Had tinder a year ago and did quite well myself. Few days ago reinstalled it and 10 matches in 4 days...Humiliating. I didn't think looks could deteriorate that quickly or dramatically. Makes me not want to leave the house to be honest, the thought of people looking at me is humiliating.

>> No.15566958

Tinder is a really poor measure of how you look. You shouldn't let your self esteem be blown apart by random apps.

Your strategy also comes into play, such as if you like every girl you see on the hopes of getting more matches, it does the opposite as the algorithm then shows you to much less people as it knows you're trying to get as many matches as possible rather than only people you actually want to date and that fucks up the whole app when guys do that.

Believe it or not, 10 matches in 4 days isn't bad. Look at it this way, if you went to a bar or club on 4 occasions and got 10 women interested, would you see that as a failure? I highly doubt that. Now, imagine if the club/bar had a huge amount of 10/10 really hot guys. Wouldn't that 10 be rather a success then? You're looking at the things the totally wrong way.

>> No.15566965

What the absolute fuck happened to this guy's teeth? Why are they so brown/destroyed looking?

>> No.15567231

looking good but relax on the neck and trap exercices bud

>> No.15567330


>> No.15567386
File: 10 KB, 236x221, The+ugliest+people+are+the+horniest+_ef76df9a069a0ea239fb4f75173c6acc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those that always have a smile on their face are never ugly, friends. Stay happy and stay true to yourselves. You will make it.

>> No.15567394

you look fine. Gain some weight and workout. SS and GOMAD

>> No.15567446

The best cope with being ugly is to be unique. If you are ugly and try to dress like your average NPC, you are doomed to fail. You need to dress in a unique way that stands out from all the NPCs and if you have a good sense of style you will find great success

>> No.15567479

your words are very true fren

>> No.15567965

Not gonna lie, I don't hit neck/traps, it's just a side effect from deadlifts.

And I'd rather die than stop the deadlifts.

>> No.15568089

meant to say side effect from tren

>> No.15568277

If you stay clean and trim, and don't try too hard, you'll be alright.

Looking pretty is nice for the attention but it comes with a lot of pressure and weirdness. People don't treat you like a person really - it's like every interaction is stilted because they're either performing for you or they're jealous and intimidated. People put you on a pedestal and then hold you accountable for it.
And they're way more let down by your flaws. Basic stuff is fine - you get a free pass on that - but real things like childhood insecurities and mental illness are 10x as loud.

And there's that "rich kids can't be depressed" thing too. Boo hoo it must be so hard being attractive, yeah, fair enough but it's not utopia. Once the looks fade most of the people around you fuck off because it's the only thing they valued in the first place.

>> No.15568484


Fuck you guy. Youre handsome so stop moping up this gay fucking board.

>> No.15568901

i cope by loving myself more than any other living thing on the planet
>yeah but I'm more attractive than you LMAO
yeah I don't care I still think I look better even if you're objectively ugly. i can jerk myself off but I can't ejerk off another guy. suck my dick and hget covid and die

>> No.15568906

if I'm objectively ugly*

damn, I even struggle with belittling myself. god Im so fucking sick.

>> No.15568959
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25g of sodium nitrite dissolved in 100ml of water.

>> No.15569756


>> No.15569789

>sodium nitrite

>> No.15569792

by not being ugly

>> No.15569795

fuck you faggot you're pretty

>> No.15569872


>> No.15569880

thanks, hon
been looking for the recipe

>> No.15569902
File: 25 KB, 442x258, arriving from Ukraine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You welcome. Me too, I finally have a way out now. I will soon be free. Make sure to check out the forum too (sanctionedsuicide.com), most members used/plan to use SN so there are good discussions about it.

>> No.15569949
File: 285 KB, 1997x1152, 20200916_174208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chubby face
>piggy nose
Lol, it's over. I'm 3 or 4 in my country, I think.
You actually look fine to me, kinda cute

>> No.15569954

Black guy here, no offense but I wouldn't even look at you. Are you even 18?

>> No.15569962

>chubby face
It looks completely normal, you don't look overweight at all.
>piggy nose
I'm not seeing it, your nose looks fine.
Cure it, duh.
They go well with your face.
>Lol, it's over.
Then do this >>15568959

But you won't, because you know it's not over.

>> No.15569966

You could level up. I think you'd benefit from eyeliner/mascara and light eyebrow pencil - Pale nordic looking girls tend to look sickly without that if they have fair eyelashes/brows imo. Also not sure if those frames are the best bet for your face.

>> No.15569990

grow hair out longer.
mascara. under eye concealer and a bit of highlighter in the inner corners of your eyes and on tip&ridge of nose. contour can do wonders.
you are a qt so you really dont need all that make up but if you dont have confidence it radiates and its not a good look on anyone.
and at least pretend like youre not super depressed...thats what i do :)

>> No.15570044

No offense taken, I also wouldn't look at myself if I didn't have to.
>Are you even 18?
Yes. I often get that question, probably cause of my fas face.
I know that maybe I could improve it a bit, but the way I look really disgust me. And I can only change a bit but certain things will stay the same and that's just too disappointing. I had a time when I was really into skincare and being fit and all, and I felt a bit better about myself, but then I go outside, see all those pretty ppl, and I just look funny compared to them. It's as if I hit the wall already and now it will only get worse.
Pretty thanks for makeup advice. I really want to get into it so it's super helpful. And yes, I'm growing my hair so maybe it'll help. I'll remember what you said about having confidence, too. Thanks :)

>> No.15570058

>the way I look really disgust me
If only you knew how easy you have it.

>> No.15570081

Alcohol and drug abuse

>> No.15570322
File: 112 KB, 683x1024, c4e90f316091aef1ecb62f1bc93be90a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some tips If you're skinny and ugly
-the solution is to grow your hair out to medium lenght and keep a basic level of care (combing and brushing), trying out different partings and seeing what works out best
-gravitate to buy clothes that have an attractive and suitable fitting to your body. this sounds like nonsense if you're used to buy pieces based on "that looks dope!!". Actually go out into different fitting booths and figure out what sizing/fittings are the most attractive for you
-wear gray and black mainly. details like writing or stitching can be colored, but try to stay within dark tones
-wear leather footwear like casual chelsea, combat or cowboy boots. sneakers are fashion-poison, makes you look like an infant

>> No.15570325

By not being ugly

>> No.15570570

a male fishing for compliments on his marble sculpted jawline.. how sad

>> No.15570840


>> No.15570886
File: 11 KB, 221x228, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>> No.15571046

idk, you look cute to me
maybe learn to use makup
3 or 4 in your country ? where do you live ?

>> No.15571065

Speaking from experience?

>> No.15571088

Get rich and you can fuck anyone

>> No.15571695

Wearing Gucci and having gold teeth

>> No.15571714

This, for some reason I thought of STALKER when I saw anons face

>> No.15571743



>> No.15571745

lose weight but you're fine. you'd be surprised how most chicks look without make up. the features are there, just learn how to accentuate them.

>> No.15571747

ouch he was cutest before )^:
although it does wonders for my confidence to see good looking people so insecure they ruin their looks (^:

>> No.15571799

Buying expensive clothes and make that my personality

>> No.15571804
File: 425 KB, 680x425, 778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go outdoors, where there are no mirrors and no one can see you

>> No.15571936

This thread needs to die like all our hopes and dreams

>> No.15571938

I can still see myself in my dreams

>> No.15572054

but blockhead > every other faceshape
lookism said so

>> No.15572065

having a big nose sucks when you're a teenager but the older you get the sexier you become (women love men with big noses)

>> No.15572067

I wish dentists recommended bracers when I was younger. My teeth are fucked up but I can't afford to get them fixed.

>> No.15572104

I'm 23 tho not really a teenager anymore although I have had a lot of women tell me they'll be seeing me when im around 30

>> No.15572166

its kinda boring to go out alone for me

>> No.15572171

pls date me ;_;

>> No.15572315

Unfortunately you dont posses any of those qualities in addition to being old, jaded and ugly

>> No.15573719

Obviously a moron

>> No.15573769

You can definitely pull out a g-man look. Outdated formal with plenty of wool. The perma-depression face definitely goes well with things of that nature.

>> No.15573952

by being ugly

>> No.15574004

you look like a 50 yr old cole mohr

>> No.15574009

nigga look like he about to cry

>> No.15574191

Unironically this. If you have a good body and a good look you can get a girlfriend and friends.

>> No.15574201

Bro there is a difference between being a nice pleasant person and being a massive pushover simp faggot like yourself.

>> No.15574309

I try to cope by being ripped and smelling good.

>> No.15574390


>> No.15574809

very cute, would date

>> No.15574827

you would be surprised. my heart is pure gummy bears and baby bunny rabbits. dont judge a person by the way they act on 4chan...isnt that the whole point of this site? or do you come here for anime?

>> No.15574835

Nigga turned into a chameleon

>> No.15575069

Very high levels of narcissism, mixed with misogyny and a psychological issues created by an overbearing, yet uncaring woman. I have a high level of self loathing and self destruction, so you can imagine how much i think of everyone else.
as for my ugly exterior i like to be as bland as possible. I avoid any hair style that sticks out and don't grow out my beard. I avoid any clothing with logos or patterns and prefer black colors.
The only thing i can't cope with is my height. I'm about 5'6 and the thought that i can never change that makes me fucking seethe to my core.

>> No.15575280
File: 131 KB, 900x542, nickchrist-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like Nick Cave in a good way.

>> No.15575307

therapy can help
and, no, 4chan is not therapy

>> No.15576425
File: 15 KB, 448x312, charles-ii-of-spain_imagelarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never was a problem for me

>> No.15576441

No it isn't. I've dealt with you for years...no it isn't. Curlgurl is sweet though

>> No.15576519

i don't.
i just do things that make me look worse (not taking care myself), feel bad when i look worse, figure i can't improve upon that, keep doing the same shit, cycle repeats

>> No.15576528

he looks like shit at 42 weeks

>> No.15576759
File: 35 KB, 420x631, Bane-jpg_181056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting jacked and wearing a mask.

>> No.15576795

you're not ugly

>> No.15576889

fashion is the ultimate ugly cope