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15553571 No.15553571 [Reply] [Original]

Post high-quality drill inspo


>> No.15553572
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>> No.15553574
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>> No.15553583 [DELETED] 

why do they dress like sissies


>> No.15553662

just wear true religion head to toe

>> No.15553670

imagine wanting to dress like a fucking subhuman

>> No.15553675


>> No.15554725

They dress like I do sitting at home on the sofa. Forget the street, they've got some serious sofa cred.

>> No.15555277

fuck niggers

>> No.15555288

The song is alright, but the fits are way better.

This though is one of my favourite lightwork freestyles and that big canada goose hood plus the mask just looks sick.

>> No.15555417

my rotc headass thought you were talking about military uniforms

>> No.15555420

they're not dressed like pedos though???

>> No.15555473
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>> No.15555519


>> No.15555535

They’re both subhumans

>> No.15555540

What normal well adjusted adult wants to dress like one of these niggers????? Honest question

>> No.15555573

All over the world niggers act like American niggers. Why do they emulate the lowest form of their race? British niggers have no reason to 'thug out'.

>> No.15555595

You can dress like and listen to drill but you will never be a nigger.

>> No.15555596
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it scares white people and lets you make thousands on drugs instead of living llke a wage slave

Why did the irish immigrants join gans, why did the italians immigrants join gangs, why did the american wild west have gangs, it's just part of life when there's a black market and poverty

White people really just act blind to the fact that we live a society a multi billion dollar drug and crime economy

>> No.15555646
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>> No.15555654
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Why's it gotta be a race thing

>> No.15555656
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>> No.15555657

Why are black areas in the US (and now the UK too) more dangerous than the poorest countries and areas in Eastern Europe?

The narrative fed to blacks in the States (and across all of the western world) is that you’re oppressed by whites, and every problem in your life is caused by them, forget the ramifications and the fucking lives, families, parents and kids that you’re going to ruin and even kill by flooding the streets with shit like Fentanyl and Heroin.

Never-mind the fact these fucking subhuman animals that sell drugs and commit crime live in the most privileged cities with some of the best opportunities in the entire fucking planet, at a time with more potential for prosperity and quality of life than literally ANY other time in fucking human history no matter where on the planet you’re from.

I used to kind of think this lifestyle was cool and bought into it when I was about 15, now I’m in my 20s I realise how fucking selfish this shit is, how it ruins lives and entire fucking communities. For what? So you can have a pair of gucci shoes and a diamond chain?

Every single one deserves a fucking bullet in their skull. Show no mercy.

>> No.15555668


>> No.15555670

>So you can have a pair of gucci shoes and a diamond chain?
sounds good to me

>> No.15555680

>bought into life style when i was 15

you we're this kid >>15555654
also most gang banging black people definitely don't believe that narrative, most of them aren't political at all, there just about money, you won't see them posting BLM

But to actually get into the history, it's pretty simple, after the 50s civil rights movement jim crow eesque laws are removed and black people are no longer legally second class citizens.

Within 10 years of being free we see black political movements pop up, things like black panther and other black power movements.

These do well, government get's scared, so Nixon puts in laws to make it easier to arrest people while the CIA breaks up the black power movement through insurrection.

Just as this is happening, crack hits the scene and the fragmented remains of the black panther type movements become the beginning of the drug gangs we know now.

Reagan starts the war on drugs against this, militarizes the police and begins arresting millions of people on mass hoping it will do something, but not really caring because it's mainly a black people problem.

Clinton grows the prisons and police even more to the point where it's now industry supplying these groups, and the gangs become more and more cut throat as the job becomes more extreme and more people come out of prison from years prior all fucked up.

And that's where we are now.

The real problem is less that white people are adamantly ignorant to why gangs exist in the first place and just say "kill them or arrest them" which end up making the problem worse

White people are more to blame not for the past, but for now, actively continuing with the prison system even though we all know it doesn't work and has made things worse.

Also for hiding in the suburbs like pussies and arresting small time teenage drug dealers instead of going after the cartel who is the way bigger problem

>> No.15555687
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>> No.15555692
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>> No.15555709


>> No.15555739

One of the most boring things I’ve ever listened to.
Are you by any chance black and or pretend to be black?
You can use all of your political mumbo jumbo all you want, doesn’t explain why black people commit exponentially more crime in European nations compared to every other group.

I’m telling you simply, blacks in the US have more opportunities for growth and a healthy, normal life than any Eastern European but they still commit significantly more crime, especially violent crime.

>though we all know prison doesn't work and has made things worse.
Yes, so let’s have a bullet between the eyes? I think that will solve the problem.

>’that black kid selling drugs in East London is a direct result of the 1968 Nixon administration!!’


>> No.15555864

>Black people commit more crimes then eastern europeans

Yea sure, all those civil wars and war crimes don't count for anything, also, there is tons of crime in eastern europe.

Either way, eastern europeans own the land and properties they live on in, America is already bought, also they're not a minority group, it'd be more accurate to look at how poor eastern europeans fair in other countries.

>Yes, so let’s have a bullet between the eyes? I think that will solve the problem

Because Genocides always turn out so well for the government and don't just cause mass upheaval.

Either way, I'm not saying blacks are innocent and uncorrupted, but white culture is morally corrupted by greed as well, just look at how much white corrupt greed has ruined our economy, government and environment, not too mention all the people killed in proxy wars and for the military industry.

I'm not actively saying white people should just "save black people", in fact I don't think it would work , black people need to save themselves. But, White People need to actively accept the reality of the situation and their role in it without moralizing it and dodging blame. As i see it though the problems only going to get worse the more we try to ignore it, this whole system is built on false morals so it will fall.

>> No.15555876

>Also for hiding in the suburbs like pussies


Do you think normal people want to live in chaotic ghettos?

>and arresting small time teenage drug dealers instead of going after the cartel who is the way bigger problem

Go after both.

>> No.15555972

Black people get caught for more crimes.

>> No.15556319

>political mumbo jumbo
literally just simple facts, are you slow?

>> No.15556626

>Do you think normal people want to live in chaotic ghettos?

I think people who are strong and good would work to make the community they live in not a ghetto and figure out why it is ghetto in the first place

>Go after both.

Because that's worked so well right, maybe focus less on arresting drug dealers and instead focus on why millions of Americans are addicted to the drugs and how we can make it a less profitable venture.

Or maybe focus on why so many people feel they need to sell drug. Because right now we're 30+ years into drug war and nothings changed except millions of people are in prison and millions of people adamantly hate the police because they haven't made neighbourhoods safer

>> No.15556638
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Essential Post

>> No.15556641
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UK guys dress so much cleaner than Americans. Even in the hood.

>> No.15556646
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>> No.15556651
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>> No.15556653

Americans dont care and I can explain why its because American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. They sided with the niggers in Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia and South Africa against the whites. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows and fantasizing about nigger dick. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead.

>> No.15556656
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>> No.15556658

Well you seem pretty obsessed with niggers lol so it makes sense

>> No.15556662
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>> No.15556666

they look like regular niggers i see in the streets

>> No.15556667
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>> No.15556687
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>> No.15556689
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It's Essentially Terror Core, but Tech-Fleece, all black and add some designer

>> No.15556701
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stupid fuckin thread

>> No.15556769


> Yea sure, all those civil wars and war crimes don't count for anything
It’s funny how you somehow thought that was an intelligent comment to make, her if anything it just reinforces my point. If you actually had an understanding of those wars and why they happened you maybe wouldn’t have said it.

> there is tons of crime in eastern europe.
Serbia has the highest gun ownership numbers in Europe. The average wage in the capital city is fucking 6k USD per annum. Most people you meet are surviving off far less than that. Guess what? America’s murder rate is still 5 times higher, and places like Louisiana (surprise surprise) have a murder rate that’s literally 11 times higher.

Studies have also been done with dropped wallets, Eastern Europeans were proven far more likely to hand it back than in places like America.

>Because Genocides always turn out so well for the government
I don’t think you understand what genocide is, unless you’re implying all blacks are drug dealers lol.

Ah yes because 7% of the population (black males) committing more than 55% of violent crime such as murder and rape is simply due to the police catching them more....... right lmfao.

Thinking throwing on shitty matching rags with a few logos on is dressing “clean”. Fuck has this place become lmfaooooo

>> No.15557128

SR dude's got no delivery, no energy. Compare it to someone like 22gz. Sheeesh.

>> No.15557205


CB's iconic Alexander Mcqueen scarf. Also is this the best drill track of all time?

>> No.15557749

Post your fit then pussy

>> No.15557752

>Ah yes because 7% of the population (black males) committing more than 55% of violent crime such as murder and rape is simply due to the police catching them more....... right lmfao.

uhhh yeah? i mean black neighborhoods are way more heavily policed so, yes of course that would be the case? and on top of that the justice system is extremely racist, even the government has released reports showing this to be the case.

also why didnt you respond to the anon earlier mentioning irish and italian crime rates and gang problems? are they genetically inferior as well?

>> No.15558038

Right, so everything is racist in America. Nothing to do with the fact that black people commit more crime in every single country they’ve migrated to and interesting how all other ethnic groups all seem to do significantly better.

Your points don’t hold up. And yes, generally speaking blacks are genetically inferior. Look at IQ distribution by country. Look at serum testosterone and gene expression/malfunction and what ethnic groups suffer from what. It explains 99% of America’s problems

>> No.15558145

Welcome to /fa/. Where poorly adjusted millennials living in their parents house working a minimum wage job can fantasise about wasting the rest of their money on shit clothes with no utility.

>> No.15558274

Nah it’s mainly just people jerking off to their own opinions and not actually posting fits, I.e this threas

>> No.15558630

I dont think there's a point debating with this nigger because it's just regurgitating BLM talking points.

>CIA introduced crack because they were afraid of a couple thousand low IQ Marxists with AK's
>we live in a society
>blacks won't even exert minimal effort to find employment because theyre broken from slavery 150 years ago
>ignore the fact that by the 1950s only 6 states had racial segregation
>arresting people for committing crimes actually causes more crime
>it's mean old whitey fault that black people commit so much crime
>if cops patrolled white suburbs they'd find the Thompson family selling crack and playing dice on their Pier 1 patio furniture
>black people can be trusted to be honest and peaceful if there is no police presence
>justice system beez rayciss because they find guilty people guilty

This niggers victim complex runs so deep it doesn't listen to itself. Dont even waste your time with this spook.

>> No.15558642

post some fashion inspo

>> No.15558667

wait so what's your defence against these points, you just made a list of them. just because you used the buzzword BLM and did a nigger impression at the end i don't get how that proves you right

>> No.15558677
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>> No.15558684
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Pa Salieu is the future of Drill


>> No.15558687
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Post More Clothing

>> No.15558690
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>> No.15558693
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>> No.15558696
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>> No.15558942

Don’t forget >nigger

>> No.15558948

Based and truthpilled

>> No.15558952

you're white

>> No.15558978

Thank the fucking lord. I wouldn’t want to be an animal with an IQ of 70.

>> No.15559006
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Kyle please leave, you're not wanted here

>> No.15559022

Nigger please kys, you’re not wanted anywhere in the civilized world

>> No.15559108
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eh, if your referring to whatever fly over suburb you live in, I'm okay with that

>> No.15559436

>Why are black areas in the US (and now the UK too) more dangerous than the poorest countries and areas in Eastern Europe
That's so fucking retardedly incorrect that I cannot find words to describe just how unfathomably stupid you are.

>> No.15559566

>I’m going to disagree with your point but not provide any explanation as to why

Russia, yeah that’s possible. 99% of other Eastern European countries absolutely not.

Serbia has the highest gun ownership rate in Europe and the average wage in the capital is around $300 USD per month. Murder rate is 1.34 yet it’s 5.44 in the US, the richest country in the fucking planet. Louisiana for example has a murder rate of over 11, also cities like St Louis in Missouri which is significantly higher than that still.

As I prior mentioned, people in places like Serbia, Poland and Hungary are more likely to hand back a wallet than people are in the US according to a study.

>> No.15559756

ok boomer

>> No.15559778

drill is shite to grime

>> No.15559812
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>> No.15559815
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>> No.15559822
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Black Americans are literally the GOAT, that's why they are the most imitated. Combining all of those African tribes together accidentally created a hybrid Black tribe that would become the most imitated on the planet despite massive opposition and hardship.

>> No.15559831

>”let me reply using a regurgitated preloaded return to respond to your points because I have literally zero ability to think critically or form a nuanced response to what you’re saying”

>> No.15559835

GOAT in terms of what exactly? Nignog sports that are completely fucking irrelevant in most of the world like Basketball and “Football”??? Being overrepresented in every crime statistic by a long margin? Having significantly lower IQs than every other group? Claiming other cultures (Jews, Egyptians, Arabs) as their own because theirs literally boils down to rap, thuggery and sneakers.

Give it a break lmfao

>> No.15559866

massive cope

>> No.15559873

You skipped Tiger though mate, he's off 1 major before being the GOAT in a white man's sport.

>> No.15559903

One fucks kids and the other doesn't

>> No.15559913

One benefits from ruining lives, killing people and subsequently ruining families and communities. They both deserve a fucking bullet back of the head.

>> No.15559916 [DELETED] 
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What are you talking about?

>> No.15559923


>> No.15559925

woah guys, cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.15559981

Do you think the punisher or something.

What are you 14, just learning the world's fucked up

>> No.15560006

And who do you look up. Being a sports start is way more respectable than most well known and high paying jobbed people in this day an age. All these high IQ ass holes you praise end up being fucking Bezos, Musk Zuckeberg esque assholes

White Society doesn't value real work at all, the richest people fucking trade stocks while the people that maintain shit get pay cuts every year.

I'm not pro gangster and think this thread is pretty dumb, these sports heroes are much more respectable then most "heros" in western society

>> No.15560012

to go further on my point, I'm always surprised that White People act shocked when the majority of black people don't want to be working class, when the working class in our society is consistently being fucked over. Even white people complain about wage slave bullshit and always have the goal of not doing it, why do they think anyone else would want to do it. Of course the ambitious gonna weasel their way to the top with the gang bullshit, our society is built so that you have to cheat the system to get ahead.

>> No.15560021
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GOAT at working you into a bubbling seethe for no reason, that's for sure...you jealous of Black Americans influence and impact on global culture? They literally built America and made it into the economic superpower it has been for centuries.

Even going back to their origin, chattel slavery of Foundational Black Americans was what catapulted America into the Industrial Revolution. Even under Jim Crow (affirmative action for white people) they continued to innovate. Jazz music, rock music, RnB, the basis of Pop music, the hiphop music that became the most popular genre in the world, all of that is Black American innovation. Even now they continue to influence in fashion and elsewhere, the previous generation worshipped Kanye and his fashion, now Travis Scott is moving into that spot. That's not even to mention all the genius Black American inventors. This man here invented the first video game console with changeable cartridges.

what's your culture/nationality?

Yep that's another good one, thanks.

>> No.15560032

You’re a complete fucking retard. Either you’re under 18 or you’re black.

>”White Society doesn't value real work at all”

Those CEOs you mentioned, not that I care for them in particular, worked YEARS slaving their fucking asses off creating businesses. Do you think Amazon, Apple or Microsoft just came out of fucking thin air you mongoloid? Not to mention the way that these people and their businesses have literally altered the face of the planet in such a dramatically small amount of time, it’s beyond comprehension.

As I said, I couldn’t care less for those people in particular but they’ve for sure done damn more than throw a fucking ball in a hoop lmfao. You wouldn’t even be typing on a phone without them whether you like them or not. If you don’t like “high IQ assholes” go and live in an African country with an average IQ of <70 where there’s no running water, electricity or infrastructure.

Let me reiterate on your “white society doesn’t value real work at all” comment. Where did you read or hear this? Did the white people official website tell it to you? Do you think that comment is remotely applicable for the millions of white people working in agriculture or labouring? What you’ve said is directly antithetical to the foundation of America itself.

“White society”, like ANY healthy, functioning society, tends to value people who don’t fuck things up for everyone else.

>> No.15560146


>> No.15560155

The blacks just couldn’t get their shit together in civilized fashion

>> No.15560165

Death to all niggers

>> No.15560169

>You jealous of Black Americans influence and impact on global culture?
Influence is a neutral term. Black Americans have made the world a significantly worse place through their shitty culture wherever it’s exported. They have had significant impact on global culture though, I’ll give you that, but I think we all know why and who has made that the case- (p.s the answer definitely isn’t blacks). There’s a reason why China and now Russia are moving to ban Hip-Hop. They realize the detriment it has to society and the potential for harm on their people.

>They literally built America and made it into the economic superpower it has been for centuries.
This is just flat out bullshit propaganda.
The US was built by European settlers, from the foundation of the country upwards, that’s not even up for debate. Do you think other nations didn’t have slaves at the time? Why is South America which took far more slaves still significantly poorer? The US was an extension of Europe and European (mostly Germanic) people, that Protestant work ethic combined with a massive abundance of resources like metal and oil as well as pretty much a pre-loaded culture and way of life meant that the nation could prosper in a way that 99% of others couldn’t with or without slavery. Do you think slaves exclusively existed in the US or something?

>blah blah current nignog music x
Nobody gives a fuck lmfao. People listen to what they’re made to listen to. People listen to what is pushed by record labels and studios. If you genuinely think any of these “musicians” are “pioneers” you’re beyond saving, and if you genuinely think they’re successful out of pure talent; whatever the fuck that is these days, you’re extra retarded. If black people weren’t in the states you’d still be listening to music, just instead by white people, and in which case you’d know no difference so your point really doesn’t hold up, in case you didn’t realize.

>> No.15560173

>This man here invented the first video game console with changeable cartridges.
Ok...? What’s your point exactly? Who invented video games consoles? Who invented the computer? Who invented household electrical application? Who invented every component in that machine that has given that device the remote possibility of even functioning? In fact, who invented literally 99.9% of things that we use today on a daily basis? It sure wasn’t blacks..

My original point still stands, blacks are the goats of what? Nignog sports that 99% of the world doesn’t give a fuck about and some music that does what exactly???

I recommend you look into the 2- repeat allele mutation variant of the MAOA gene, associated strongly with violent behaviour and risk taking. It’s prevalent in 5.2% of American blacks yet only 0.1% of American whites, might contribute to their sports performance. Really makes you think huh.

As for my culture? It’s contributed far more to the subtotal of humanity than every black person ever lived put together, zero doubt about that.

>> No.15560180

>Do you think Amazon, Apple or Microsoft just came out of fucking thin air you mongoloid?

Are you really defending these scummy companies and the tactics they used to monopolize their industries, especially bill gates and Zuckerberg. You think they do real work that benefits the world and don't just take advantage of the actual hard working people they hire. not to mention how they're whole business survive on exploiting cheap foreign labour, non of these business could be morally run, and the people n charge know that so i don't consider it to be real work, it's just people working for themselves at the expense of others, i don't consider them any better then gangsters.

And although i think theirs better jobs more important jobs then sports players, i think the work put into getting to be able to use such Herculean level skills some of these people in employ at high level sports is much more respectful work

I mean just look into how bill gates started his career through nepotism and then monopolizing and placing copyrights all over the programming communities original ideas, not to mention his ongoing history with eugenics and population control.

>Do you think that comment is remotely applicable for the millions of white people working in agriculture or labouring?

These people are getting screwed over everyday, my family has been agriculture for generations so fuck off saying our society values them beyond when it's electoral season, all working class people in todays society are being fucked, the wealth divid is growing and has been, and with the 08 financial crash, the bankers and investors then control the economy have essentially proven they're willing to fuck over everybody to make quick money

>> No.15560182

based. china and russia are what’s left of the rational world

>> No.15560188

it's only 80 years since jim crow laws were lifted and we've been dealing with the drug war, not to mention tons of white people have been racist the whole time, why are you're expectations so unforgiving.

And it's not even like white people have their shit together either

>> No.15560193
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>Nignog sports that 99% of the world doesn’t give a fuck about and some music that does what exactly??

Basketball is probably one of the highest grossing entertainment markets in the world with the wildest appeal, Basketball is huge in multiple countries and is only growing.

Just because you suck at sports and will never understand the skill doesn't mean they're pointless, also you're just ignorant if you think people don't care about them, people legit riot over them.

>> No.15560197

Black American culture is self-destructive and no one wants to talk about how it’s held you back and continues to hold you back

>> No.15560207

>Basketball is probably one of the highest grossing entertainment markets in the world

Table-tennis and Volleyball are literally more popular by the way, but whatever lmfao. Money means nothing.

Continue your diatribe about a handful of sports that again, 99% of the world do not give a fuck about.

>> No.15560212

I don’t English’s but don’t Christmas men drink nignog? it’s too early for nignog

>> No.15560215

I agree, but for one people are often talking about that, within the black community, that's just not what gets promoted, Gangster Rap is the number one genre in America, and black people are 13% of the population, they're not the only ones promoting and monetarily supporting this culture heavily.

There's so much negative representation of black people in America, why people have done very little to promote positive black role models or just generally haven't made it easy for black people to be a part of white culture, i mean even on this board theres a 90% chance if you're black a post a picture of yourself, people will call you nigger and ask to believe, it this is like 100% better then it was 50 years ago, no shit areas black culture twisted to become adamantly against this society

>> No.15560217

>promoting and monetarily supporting this culture heavily.
Gee wonder who that could be???

>> No.15560218

>table tennis


>> No.15560223

Yet it’s still more popular than throwing balls in a hoop LMFAO

>> No.15560225

lmfao desu nignogs never should have happened

>> No.15560227
File: 131 KB, 417x1336, e3243b2021718df40e7f2942dd63ee2280f7bd9667ab45e512090f0c6dbd9ccb_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious, go to any white college party and they'll play rap music. White people dress up as "gangstas" for halloween. not too mention all the white kids soundcloud rappers

don't pin that on the jews so easily

>> No.15560241

If black people didn’t exist in America you’d be listening to white music and so would everybody else, and you’d know no difference. Record labels actively push these artists, what they’re making their music about and who ends up listening to it. There’s absolutely nothing that is organic about it, it’s 10000% pushed and co-ordinated. People listen to what’s popular. What’s popular is what’s on the radio, TV and social media. It’s literally that simple.

>> No.15560243

Most played doesn't equate to most known or respected, no shit it's the most played, it's the easiest game to pick up

No wonder you said money doesn't mean shit, Way More People world wide are going to know Michael Jordan than the most popular ping pong player, not to mention just respect.

You really think people are gonna rock the Ma Long ping pong shirt lol

>> No.15560248

The people who call themselves black allies are more than willing to commodify a singular aspect of your culture that they personally like and then ask you to use it as a pedestal to step on. It’s setting the black community up for failure by not calling out the problems and praising every aspect of it. The liberal elite are leveraging black votes like this and they have been for a long time. Most of the people who would call you a nigger on here are those same people that will say black lives matter to your face IRL.

>> No.15560251

Way more people know about Micheal Jordan because American TV and movies are far more influential, that’s how people know who Micheal Jordan is, through pop culture. The same way that your mom probably knows who Tony Hawk or Ronaldo is.

Basketball is popular and accumulates more money because it’s in America, there’s nothing else to it.

>> No.15560253

>If black people didn’t exist in America you’d be listening to white music and so would everybody else

What a non point, if black people didn't exist in America, America would be literally a completely different cultural and political landscape

>> No.15560261

and all three of those people are also incredible athletes, you can't just take that away, there's a reason michael jordan has so many records that may never be broken.

>> No.15560270


Nobody i'd consider an ally would support the liberal elite, you're kind of projecting your own image of certain kind of person in this argument.

>Most of the people who would call you a nigger on here are those same people that will say black lives matter to your face IRL.

not to say posting BLM means your not racist, but I really doubt the people calling me nigger on 4chan would be actively participating in BLM beyond maybe an insta story post to look good.

>> No.15560292


For anyone wanting to look more into Bill Gates I'd heavily recommend this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSvhPnUgyz8&t=1s

Not any conspiracy bullshit, just more about how he really obscures his past and how he really hasn't invented much and has just created a cult of personality

>> No.15560318

I think you’re very optimistic about the sincerity of the non-blacks who align themselves with the BLM movement.

They don’t need to actively support the liberal elite, they do it by proxy in voting democrat, and buying the culture that’s manufactured for them. You think Snapchat or Instagram or Apple or Record Labels really truly care about black lives? They want consumers, and they want their agenda fed to those consumers in the most palatable form possible.

I respect the black artists who take advantage of what opportunities are presented to give themselves a better life, but that’s a conservative mentality that allows them to succeed.

>> No.15560410

>They don’t need to actively support the liberal elite, they do it by proxy in voting democrat, and buying the culture that’s manufactured for them. You think Snapchat or Instagram or Apple or Record Labels really truly care about black lives? They want consumers, and they want their agenda fed to those consumers in the most palatable form possible.

this is literally all a projection, not even all my white friends are liberal, i have some white conservative friends that will always be close as its from childhood, we definitely argue, but i make sure they're not racist and they have educated themselves on shit because they're not close minded and we have mutual respect

I'm not gonna say all my white or black friends are perfect people, but you're just like projecting this image over all non-racist white people to just completely completely discount them, because it obviously sound like you subscribe to the left vs right identity politics.

Also while i can emphasize with people using gangster rap as a way out, I don't respect it, I have way more respect for black artist actually putting out positive messages for the community, avoiding the record deals and working on their own terms. I think that's how it should be, and i think it's pretty shady of multi millionaire educated businessmen to make money off that and even actively promote it.

>> No.15560422

also if you suggesting it'd be better if my friends voted republican, even most conservative i know can recognize his whole initial campaigns platform was built on being racist against Mexicans, and the republican party since Southern Strategy has been built on passing Racist policies.

I think both parties are scum, and are both just bought out talking pieces to appeal to both sides, but the republican party i still the worse choice if you're not white, even if in just that they actively targets white peoples racial anxieties to get votes

>> No.15560436

I wouldn’t vote for either major political party, neither of them respects their constituency. There’s utility in liberal and conservative values in a societal structure.

I’m saying be wary of virtue-signaling liberals that have suddenly come out to be in favor of this movement, white or otherwise, and to not put it past any “good white” to say nigger to someone when they have anonymity.

>> No.15560452

not to mention all the social effects this shit has had on generations of black people.

some of you guys act like there are no social effects to anything; this is simply not true

they are the reasons many poor families remain poor for generations, or at least many members will remain poor, they are the reason black people commit a lot of crime (more than others according to another anon in this thread) in europe

it is not because "they r angry dumb and vilent bc they r black" or "excuses, excuses" there are true social effects with every action that can be considered social. they reverberate through generations of people, and this goes for both blacks and whites. it is no shock to me that black people have a pattern of poverty in different places of the world when those places have been white dominated societies for so long.

>> No.15560470

your shit sociological analysis can fuck off this fashion board

>> No.15561613 [DELETED] 
File: 748 KB, 1080x1920, NOTABLE-00090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This man here invented the first video game console with changeable cartridges.

Sorry nigger, two kikes invented it.

>In 1974, Alpex Computer Corporation employees Wallace Kirschner and Lawrence Haskel developed a home video game prototype consisting of a base unit centered on an Intel 8080 microprocessor and interchangeable circuit boards containing ROM chips that could be plugged into the base unit.

All this nigger did was evaluate it and recommend it to its white superiors.

>they contacted a buyer at Fairchild, which sent engineer Jerry Lawson to evaluate the system. Lawson was impressed by the system and suggested Fairchild license the technology, which the company did in January 1976.

>literally built America

Their "building" contribution would be nothing more than hauling bundles of bricks and stone to the white masons, carpenters, and associated tradesmen under the watchful eye of white architects, engineers, and project managers. And those pickaninnies wouldn't have even been trusted to lug bricks without being watched by a whip trained white.

>made it into the economic superpower

Africa had 10 nigger slaves for every 1 nigger Americans had, but Kenya and Mozambique aren't super powers. Haiti and Jamaica were built on slavery but now are nigger infested shitholes. Your argument doesn't add up spook; cheap labor does not a superpower make.

>Even going back to their origin, chattel slavery of Foundational Black Americans was what catapulted America into the Industrial Revolution.

How did England manage to do it without niggers? Oh right. I forgot all Brits suffered from amnesia on the boat ride over, forgot their industrial and technological innovation, and had to rely on Wakandan intellect.

>hiphop music that became the most popular genre in the world

Sorry, nigger:

>The IFPI has come out with its annual Music Listening 2019 report, a look at how recorded music is enjoyed around the world.

>> No.15561880 [DELETED] 

Congratulations white warrior you've slain the nigger beast

May the halls of glory echo with your racial victory

>> No.15562399


>> No.15562482

based on alternative facts from the best sources of fake news

>> No.15562503

the crime in eastern europe is organized to the point where the government is a part of criminal organizations or affiliated being violent is bad for business. The US for decades has done its best to take out black leaders and black organizations

>> No.15562512
File: 120 KB, 1080x866, maharishi_20200704-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15562561


>> No.15562576

>black leaders and black organizations
Criminals and terror cells you mean. Let’s be honest though, blacks can’t organize shit. I think we know who those “organisations” really belong to...

>> No.15562865


Nobody will ever prove anything to you when you can always just deny everything as a Jew psyop, like don’t you realize how much a brainwashed cope that is. You’ve obviously done no research into black community leaders of the 50s-70s and yet you feel you can just deny the whole movement based on nothing but racist stereotypes you believe. How can you think your opinions hold wait when there is based in emotional hatred for groups, you’re just bound to ignore everything that goes against your worldview and have a confirmation bias for everything that does because you’ve already emotionally invested yourself in racism and made it a part of your identity

>> No.15563786

not him but niggers are cringe and flannel and not effay

>> No.15563791


>This man here invented the first video game console with changeable cartridges.

Sorry nigger, two kikes invented it.

>In 1974, Alpex Computer Corporation employees Wallace Kirschner and Lawrence Haskel developed a home video game prototype consisting of a base unit centered on an Intel 8080 microprocessor and interchangeable circuit boards containing ROM chips that could be plugged into the base unit.

All this nigger did was evaluate it and recommend it to its white superiors.

>they contacted a buyer at Fairchild, which sent engineer Jerry Lawson to evaluate the system. Lawson was impressed by the system and suggested Fairchild license the technology, which the company did in January 1976.

>literally built America

Their "building" contribution would be nothing more than hauling bundles of bricks and stone to the white masons, carpenters, and associated tradesmen under the watchful eye of white architects, engineers, and project managers. And those pickaninnies wouldn't have even been trusted to lug bricks without being watched by a whip trained white.

>made it into the economic superpower

Africa had 10 nigger slaves for every 1 nigger Americans had, but Kenya and Mozambique aren't super powers. Haiti and Jamaica were built on slavery but now are nigger infested shitholes. Your argument doesn't add up spook; cheap labor does not a superpower make.

>Even going back to their origin, chattel slavery of Foundational Black Americans was what catapulted America into the Industrial Revolution.

How did England manage to do it without niggers? Oh right. I forgot all Brits suffered from amnesia on the boat ride over, forgot their industrial and technological innovation, and had to rely on Wakandan intellect.

>hiphop music that became the most popular genre in the world

Sorry, nigger:

>The IFPI has come out with its annual Music Listening 2019 report, a look at how recorded music is enjoyed around the world.

>> No.15563793
