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/fa/ - Fashion

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15546325 No.15546325 [Reply] [Original]

I never understand why some clothing brands want to make clothing that makes you look like a blue collar worker. Wearing one or two articles of workwear is one thing (IMO wearing more than one article of workwear is pushing it) but flat out looking a construction worker just looks retarded; especially if you live in a big city and lived a moderately comfortable life that you’ve never done a lick of manual labor.
>inb4 model looks like a spic so he’s within his right to dress as such

>> No.15546375

you're retarded

>> No.15546416

>wearing workwear looks costumey and gay
>how do I dress like a Nazi soldier from the 40s?

The absolute state of /fa. Larping is lame?? news at 10 anon. That jacket would be p based if it didn't have the nametags etc

>> No.15546426

You mad that I called you out?
Nice strawman dipshit I said it’s cringe to dress in workwear from head to toe when you don’t even work a manual labor job or live in the countryside

>> No.15546450

ok, but no one cares

>> No.15547210


>> No.15547265

Well one reason is because the whole world isn't America. You see construction worker, the rest of us just see Americana workwear.

>> No.15547432

No tradie dresses in americana workwear here, it's all shorts and hi-vis so you don't get hit by a forklift driver who's on speed.
this style is just streetwear everywhere else.
t. tradie in Australia

>> No.15547437

the gatekeeping involved with this shit is retarded, but those 2 patches do look like shit.

>> No.15547445

Yeah that’s the point I’m making. Sorry when I said Americana Workwear I meant it as in the streetwear style. Fellow Aussie here.

>> No.15547450

I wear black work wear cargos and long sleeve flannels, with my work boots, most afternoons even after I have a shower.
t. sydney

>> No.15547458

blue collar
>honest, down to earth, relatable, friendly

white collar
>scheming, snobby, money minded, cold

>> No.15547462

nah I agree, all good
I wear that just not to work.
t. melbourne tradie
white colour people confuse the fuck out of me. they all hate each other and would happily fuck a colleague over for a 4% pay rise but would be perfectly friendly face-2-face

>> No.15547465
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collar not colour lol

>> No.15547466

yea I meant I wear that outside of work too
have to wear arc rated clothing at work it sucks

>> No.15547475
File: 33 KB, 288x360, 55EAFFB4-84BD-477D-8C66-35E1123009DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here that was the point I was trying to make but I was waked and baked and was eating breakfast while making this thread, so I’m sorry if I wasn’t able to get my point across. It’s cringe to me when clothing brands take workwear style clothes and make them look like shit but my high ass couldn’t articulate that.

>> No.15547478

>blue collar
>honest, down to earth, relatable, friendly
>white collar
>scheming, snobby, money minded, cold

this seems anecdotal

>> No.15547495

Blue collar
>lazy, uneducated, degenerate, perpetually angry

white collar
>hard working, highly educated, cozy, not even mad

>> No.15547510 [DELETED] 

when to polar opposites collide

>> No.15547743

did the skaters in dickies n wip laugh at ur fourth hand rick owens outside the mall or smthn haha

>> No.15547768
File: 4 KB, 250x225, 886FC4D6-1606-4B4A-B148-D8CA2E8BDC2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americana Workwear

Is the gayest thing I’ve ever heard.

>> No.15547869

>especially if you live in a big city and lived a moderately comfortable life that you’ve never done a lick of manual labor.

Big city consists of various people not only office npcs. Since fashion targets mostly artsy people there is clear parallel between being a manual labor worker and being a graffiti artist or street dancer etc.
Like artists works during all lifespan not being treated serious so dressing in something associated with "hard working job" like full constructer worker costume is wery good way to show off.

>> No.15548548

This. Damn it feels good to not be an American

>> No.15548558

its pretty redundant

>> No.15548564

oh yeah. agree. i kinda get it because its durable and thats why the skater kids flocked to it originally, but its so cringey when you make it so far from the source and obvious trendhopping, like carhartt is part of the 'sad boys club' or whatever

>> No.15548599

most people aren't buying workwear clothes to larp they're just readily available, affordable and stand the test of time. you're posting a picture of a flannel jacket from a streetwear brand past it's prime, not the same

>> No.15549102
File: 58 KB, 684x1024, Mac_in_a_Sac_Polar_Down_Jacket_4_bd5b7cb5-41ad-4525-a3f0-eb8bccc00688_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit

>> No.15549288

Because they're subsidized brands for the domestic Amerimutt market.

>> No.15549295

OP you are retarded because almost every /fa/g tries to look like theyre rich. Thats the entire point of high fashion. To look like youre superior

Youre basically saying


We get it, you like the smell of your own farts. Get over yourself.

>> No.15549804

hey hey hey

>> No.15549808

I ain’t reading all of that lmao

>> No.15549811

Me neither. Cucinelli is probably the worst offender. 8000 bucks to look like a fucking factory worker in soviet controlled Europe

>> No.15550252

Lmao its four lines.
serious question, are you illiterate?,

>> No.15550259

I remember thinking The Hundreds was going to last forever, now I don't know anybody who wears them

>> No.15550265

>t.middle class onions boy

>> No.15550365

OP is an illiterate faggot confirmed