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File: 620 KB, 2448x3264, img233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15545411 No.15545411 [Reply] [Original]

How is this considered acceptable office attire?

>> No.15545412

Looks fine to me wut. Is this what OP considers a slutty outfit?

>> No.15545421

It's not slutty, just trashy

>> No.15545423

i would

>> No.15545424

>Get rejected/mogged by Stacy
Many such cases

>> No.15545432

Somehow I doubt she cares what she looks like at her pointless day job surrounded by betas like OP.

Realistically her outfit is a reflection on OP, since she clearly has no desire to attract him.

>> No.15545450

You're wearing fucking jeans?

>> No.15545476

LMAOOOO look at those lines in his denim what a fucking loser

>> No.15545480

I agree. cant concentrate when all these girls in yoga pants slapping their brappers around

>> No.15545486

>sweater or whatever the fuck, blouse, and leggings
>typical office drone attire
>OP wearing jeans
Pottery. Also >>15545424

>> No.15545488

I think the issue is that she’s basically wearing jeans and a t shirt, which for some reason passes as business casual for women nowadays. as long as they’re not wearing sneakers, their shoulders are covered, and their shirt is made of a marginally nicer fabric than a casual t shirt, women can get away with wearing pretty much any low effort bs in the office.

>> No.15545501

Women hardly have the same easily defined formality spectrum as men - the most that's expected of them is to through on a shitty power suit. Who cares?

>> No.15545508

what are u talking about, thats very sensible clothing, a nice shirt, a cardigan, some jeans/yoga pants cant tell

>> No.15545509

The real question is how did she get those man hands making powerpoints?

>> No.15545512

Lotta white knights itt. She’s not going to date you for defending her honor on 4chan.

>> No.15545515

depends what sorta office it is.
ultra-conservative office attire is cringe too because it unironically has no place in 2020.

>> No.15545539

It doesn’t look that prestigious of an office so I’m not surprised she’s going comfycore. Also when a woman doesn’t dress at least modestly well in an office, no matter how trash the fit, it means she isn’t attracted to anyone there nor does she find anyone attractive enough to keep up appearances.
Nah OP is just an angry beta crying about a non issue.

>> No.15545652

this doesnt look trashy at all, what ?

>> No.15545707
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start a callcentre job
>anxious as fuck about first day, want to make a good impression
>decide to wear a shirt and tuck it into chinos
>terrified of being underdressed but at least it's acceptable
>arrive on the job
>LITERALLY the only person wearing a shirt. Shift manager is wearing a Stone Island sweater, most coworkers are wearing hoodies and graphic t-shirts
I understand it's a call centre and such but really it was our first day and nobody even bothered wearing something smart.

>> No.15545722

How much did you make at that job?

>> No.15545727

Legal minimum wage.
Yes I understand you don't have to expect any dress codes at such a shitty job but I was starting together with 15 other coworkers for our first day. People were showing up in t-shirts on their first day of work without knowing the manager or any coworkers.

>> No.15545780

how tf do people in a call center afford stone island ?

>> No.15545784

How do they not? For starters it was the manager and plenty of people making minimum wage here happily spend 50% of their income on a single sweater.

>> No.15545827

If you wear stone island you almost certainly make minimum wage and probably have a two year ban from attending football matches

>> No.15545875

She isn't even wearing jeans. They're stretchy navy trousers which are often sold by boring stores like Ann Taylor specifically for office settings. Require no ironing and are fitted without being skin tight. OP is literally in jeans and cheap looking ones at that.

>> No.15546651

OP and co. are minimum wage. They all look like they shop at walmart.

>> No.15546653

What a fucking whore.

>> No.15546680

Those washed out jeans are completely inappropriate anywhere

>> No.15546696

I would dress the same as you for that, especially on the first day, but you really are just doing it for yourself. With a minimum wage call center job, especially if it's outbound and based on commission, there's zero expectation of dress code since customers aren't seeing you, it's just sales that matter

>> No.15546722

Blouse, cardigan, well fitted stretch denim for max mobility in a crisis
Faded ass walmart jeans, probably air monarchs, fate stay night t-shirt.

>> No.15546723
File: 117 KB, 1244x1624, EfamhxnWkAAdWU3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creepy old man on my street used to pay a schoolgirl to clean his toilet wearing this

She said he once tried to get her to use the toilet and remove her skirt and thong.

>> No.15547065

she isnt tryng to impress you op plus she prolly married and has a kid.

>> No.15547074

Fat pig wearing Walmart leggings at the office in 2020 color me shocked

>> No.15547096

i think the most formal outfit Ive ever worn was a dress shirt, black jeans and a pair of derbies I dont understand his issue with his coworker its not that bad and even if it was its none of his business

>> No.15547447

pol user detected

>> No.15547460

polyester blouse, piss stained cardigan, stench ridden yeast breeding ground leggings
full rick


>> No.15547463

>co worker shows up naked in a thong
>wtf dude, none of your business!!

>> No.15547579

looks pretty fine to me, thats about what I wear

>> No.15547583

>wearing incel jeans
imagine thinking you get to have an opinion

>> No.15547598

You're talking about that sloppy thing in the background, right?

>> No.15547602

And he sent you the pics? The creepy old man is you, am I right?

>> No.15547610

Well, in cultures that arnt ruled by a woman hating religious minority, women can dress how they like and men show a bit of self control and discipline. It's all part of being part of a civilised equal society. Religious sexual deviants often have a problem with this, as they think everything and everyone was placed on the earth to satisfy their own needs, with no understanding of the needs of others. They lack empathy you see, stuck in a childish state of mind all their lives. It's pretty tragic.

>> No.15547619

says the cunt wearing jeans

>> No.15547675

Post more pics

>> No.15547702

>Many such cases

Rofl fuckin gottem. Who gives a shit what she's wearing unless it's a client facing role, OP

>> No.15547706

At least she's prolly making more then minimum wage, right op? Fucking wagie

>> No.15547708

how much did he pay ? why would a schoolgirl do this ?

>> No.15547715

wow thats a pancake ass. I hope he didnt pay her too much.

>> No.15547870

b-b-but muh beauty standards making wamen sad and oppressed, muh male gaze, muh unrealistic expectations

>> No.15548509

It's not noticeably bad looking. It's one of those outfits that's basically casual but has the illusion of being more formal, like when men wear polo shirts with slacks. It's something I could imagine a receptionist wearing. If it's a better job, it probably would be better to wear something better than jeans though.

>> No.15548641

>It's not slutty, just trashy

Have you been in an office in the past 10 years?
The well dressed individuals are the odd ones out these days.

>> No.15548650

she looks like the average teacher and office worker dude