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/fa/ - Fashion

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15530382 No.15530382 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the well dressed man and those seeking to improve their dress by exploring colors, patterns, textures and other styles while appearing more mature, elegant and refined.
>What is “sprezzatura”?
Required viewing: https://youtu.be/_QG4lTMjWtY [Embed]
Required reading: https://parisiangentleman.co.uk/2017/02/24/how-obsession-with-sprezzatura-can-kill-the-sprezzatura/
>Do I have to be European to wear this style?
Absolutely not. Anyone can wear this as long as they are confident and don’t care what people think. You should be dressing for yourself, not for others. Is this style more common in Italy and other Mediterranean countries? Absolutely. But you could wear this wherever you are.
>How is this different than Trad/Ivy/Prep?
Whereas the /TIP/ threads favor classic styles and tailoring, wider fits and more drape, Mediterranean and modern menswear favors slimmer cuts, tailored closer to the body to accentuate and flatter your body. Slim fit is allowed and in many cases encouraged.
>Where should I start?
Start with sport coats and mix and match with trousers. Experiment with colors and patterns. Don’t be afraid of color. This isn’t business style, where bland conformity is the norm. We want to be colorful, and experiment with fabrics. Wear linen, wool, cotton, anything you want.
>Where can I find good inspo to draw from?

Previous: >>15509540

>> No.15530389

Saw OP vídeo, interesting, really love it, is a kind of what I've been looking for.

>> No.15530699 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 4032x3024, 1CD85399-6AFB-4ABA-8897-41949D67C24A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cops.

>> No.15530706
File: 304 KB, 1280x960, C5F3D439-8769-4E78-8DF7-AAE0575ED1F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cops

>> No.15530708
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All in on stripes.

>> No.15530715

Nice choices

>> No.15530738

Best part: 85 eur for all six shirts.

>> No.15530758
File: 86 KB, 766x1280, 16158D8C-6B88-4097-B16F-4F5446CBEF42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power is out, so a cellphone fit pic for today.

Love this country.

>> No.15530815

Solid fit, the rest is just nitpicking: What about the label under the tie/scarf?
Have you tried shoes that match the suit color and socks that match the tie color with that?

>> No.15530832

nice, what pants would you use with those shirts?

>> No.15530870

I bought a coat from MD and had to cut open all of the cuff buttons.

>> No.15531105

Enjoy it while it lasts. Preserve essential pieces. Never hurt to mix in modern elements. The suit isn't relevant anymore. But the collar shirt is.

>> No.15531193
File: 388 KB, 1403x2257, IMG_20200901_180449261~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRIGGER WARNING: button down collar
I've just took this sportcoat out of the storage and noticed this collapsing spot under the right lapel. Can it be pressed out or is the canvas somehow fucked?

>> No.15531204

It's just a crease? I've just used a hand steamer and had no issues getting things like that out.

>> No.15531239

The pockets on that jacket are huge. Makes you look pear shaped

>> No.15531370

Holy wow, that video and the guys explanation was fucking fantastic. That top comment:

>Sprezzatura is elegance by nature, not effort.

>> No.15531811
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New cop on these pocket squares. Would love some pairing ideas.
Some are borderline le sape/regalcore, but I think we can make them work.

Gurkhas and suits.

Was a hasty photo. Label was in error; I corrected it subsequently.

Shoes were chosen for comfy reasons, matching the blue overcheck was a secondary concern. Could go for something more brown tonal once I can find decent brown loafers, but that's proving to be pretty challenging.

The shirt and jacket are a great color combination.

You can press the canvas. Put a heavy weight on it for 2-3 days. DO NOT PRESS THE LAPEL FLAT.

Good point. He might actually be able to get those pockets adjusted. They're patch, so could be removed, recut and reattached by an alterations tailor.

Sartorial talks is unrivaled. Their content vs the pretty cringy gentleman's gazette pretty much perfectly reflects the differences between /sprezz/ and /tip/.

>> No.15531852

Where to cop pocket squares that don‘t break the bank?
How are literal pieces of fabric (sometimes even cotton or linen) as expensive as ties or shirts

>> No.15531911

They're expensive because:
>they're a completely useless luxury item.
>they are made of relatively expensive material
>production can be a little labor intensive due to hand-rolled edges.

Pretty much always go for sales and just collect gradually over time. Best place is the larger outlets with a smaller premium menswear section. They usually overstock on pocket squares and other accessories. TM Lewin is decent value and can end up going for nothing. Also try to make friends with the sales reps, often they can go dig around the back for LONG FORGOTTEN STOCK (pocket squares are easy to forget about). These can drop to insane prices like $2 for a several-year-old item. Another slightly antisocial trick for accessories is fishing for items out of display models. Go pull out pocket squares from any mannequins and get them price checked. With a bit of luck they've been sitting there for a while on display, and because nobody has bought them, automated systems at the big chains mark them down.

I would strongly advise not buying pocket squares from expensive premium brands, as nobody is going to notice.

In general, make sure they have hand rolled edges and avoid polyester at all costs.

>> No.15531915


>> No.15531964
File: 1.80 MB, 6034x4012, 1-ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can repeat this trick all over the city at different branches. I've made some incredible purchases over the years.

I wore this today because it's Spring Day. I love this thing.

>> No.15531967
File: 576 KB, 1500x1500, htam3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trousers project, day 2

Ironing the other two fabrics took longer than expected, the actual drawing and cutting was fast, though. Tried out the finishing of the seams on some scraps and basted lining to the front part. Although I checked the fabric first, I accidently had the wrong side of the lining facing to the inside, so I had to do it again on one side. Further details in the followup posts.

In pic related you can see the a line marked with tailor tacks when the two parts get separated. You cut through these "ladders" and get a nice line/mark.

Time spent:
1.5h - ironing and cutting the pocket lining and front lining
1h - stitching the markings and crease line through the front part
1h - basting the lining to the front parts

>> No.15532015
File: 2.89 MB, 3000x3000, htam4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front part with lining attached. One the left you can see the outer part of the leg with those threads sticking out, the question and explanation appeared in the last thread: >>15509906, >>15509977
Also here you can see that I decided to cut the lining a bit larger than the main fabric. This is for two reasons: First, the fabric is lightweight and very smooth, so it shifts a lot. Cutting it to the same size would make the edges look sloppy.
Second, I want to avoid the lining to pull on the outer fabric. It has to sit loosely there, and I need a bit of space left on the fabric so that it can fall naturally.
It is fastened to temporarily with this contrasting thread that I also used for the markings. This is an easy to tear cotton thread, it should just lightly hold the two layers together.
Applying this takes a bit longer than pinning the fabric with needles, but it has huge advantages: You don't have to remove it while sewing on the machine, and you can't stick yourself and bleed on the fabric while handling it.
Compare the times: Sticking one pin in, grabbing for the next is about as fast as sticking the needle in and pulling it through. Both thread and pins need to be removed afterwards, which is also comparable in time.
Another disadvantage of pins is that they don't bend.

On the right side you can see the lining. It is navy in color, so this should give you a good idea of how the actual fabric looks like.

>> No.15532037

Those squares look really nice!

>gentleman's gazette
I like those guys, they are goofy and self-ironic most of the time. The information is well-rounded and not presented as "you must do it this way and no other".
The only thing that puts me off is the blatant marketing for their own shop, and it also seems to me as if Sven wanted to show off how many luxury items he owns.

>> No.15532054

How many pocket squares do you own, /sprezz/?

>> No.15532074

5 or so

>> No.15532132

About 30-40

>> No.15532222

Great posts.

What fabric is that?

>> No.15532557

These are interesting posts, thanks for them and please keep them coming

>> No.15532906

The fabric is a light cotton twill with 3% spandex fibre. They did not have it without the spandex, but the color and price were too compelling.

Sure, I'll try to give an update every day

>> No.15533168
File: 1.09 MB, 1500x1500, htam5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close-up of the fabric with 5mm square paper in the background. The stitching will be used to finish the visible edges as to prevent fraying. It is standard zigzag stitch on the sewing machine, works fine if you don't have a serger.

>> No.15533172

Thank you for the details. I'm really not sure about spandex in that, but for pants it's probably not a bad idea.

Two questions for you: How do high-end dress shirts like Marol construct their collar and cuffs, and how do you hand-roll edges on a pocket square?

You should make something like this too

>> No.15533179

Do tapered 100% cotton jeans exist?

>> No.15533180


>> No.15533185

What do you use the pocket squares even for? Are they just for looks?

>> No.15533189

Because I'm interested in them, obviously.

>> No.15533193

Of course, tapered cuts are quite common. You shouldn't buy jeans unless they are 100% cotton.

>> No.15533194

Yes, they add splashes of color to liven up the monotony of a suit or jacket. A very simple and small detail but can change the entire look of an outfit.

>> No.15533195
File: 20 KB, 438x237, ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're an accessory used to balance the colours and textures of a fit. Think of them like a tie. You don't always need them.

Most people make the mistake of going way too loud with the squares using YUGE folds and bright colors - same mistakes they make with ties really. They're there to accentuate rather than draw a huge amount of attention.

Image for ants, but it shows how the pocket square adds a touch of asymmetry and visual interest without being disruptive.

>> No.15533198
File: 216 KB, 1280x1280, dsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another decent example here in a more /sprezz/ style.

>> No.15533199

What's a good cheap brand that sells them, then?

>> No.15533201

choose one

>> No.15533203

I love the clothes but I don't like how they fit.

>> No.15533204

Best value for the buck, if you prefer.

>> No.15533210

Wrangler. Levi's and even Lee sell some as well. Have to do a little searching to find 100% denim but I just saw three different ones in a couple minutes of searching. They cost a little more than non-100% but only a couple bucks.
If you want selvedge Burgus Plus is on the lower end pricewise but still decent quality.

>> No.15533295

Thanks. It was hard to find tapered levis that were 100% with all the colors they have, that's why I was asking.

>> No.15533310

The current trend is for cheaper jeans to have spandex or lycra or whatever in them. Has to do with the skinny look I think.
If you go selvedge they are almost guaranteed to be 100% cotton, blends are outliers. If not you have to do some searching but they are definitely there.

>> No.15533499
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>How do high-end dress shirts like Marol construct their collar and cuffs?
To be honest I don't even know that brand. What exactly do you want to know: The pattern, the materials, or how they sew them?
At least for low-end shirts I know that they fuse a stiff cotton fabric into the collar.

>How do you hand-roll edges on a pocket square?
Not an expert on rolling the edges, but it seems to be as easy as pic related. Source:

>You should make something like this too
Such a pocket square or a jacket?

>> No.15533601
File: 50 KB, 322x279, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuin question:
Can sprezzatura be without jacket an shirt, only trousers and a plain no-polo t-shirts?

>> No.15533704

Trousers and T-shirt seems rather plain. Possibly if you accessorize correctly but it might be difficult. Belt, shoes, socks and watch would have to carry all the weight, maybe sunglasses, cap and bracelets if you're into that sort of thing.
Great fitting high(er) rise trousers with a T tucked into them could work, especially if it is a Breton T or long sleeve with sleeves rolled up.
Sprezz is more about a casual, relaxed, carefree attitude while still dressing well than a rigidly defined style. Fit is king, as usual. If you wear it well and with confidence a T and trousers will work great.

>> No.15533754

Depends. Try structured trousers with side adjusters or a tunnel, loafers or high end espadrilles. The shirt should possibly have a patterned pocket but plain could also work. If you throw on a cardigan in lieu of a suit jacket you‘re safe.

This borders SEXcore though, maybe go for a neru collared linen shirt or a popover instead.

>> No.15533785

Get a knitted t-shirt to ~~elevate~~ the look a bit

>> No.15533821

>Can sprezzatura be
It's a sense of fashion and the way of wearing it, so it can be with anything.

>> No.15534201
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1500, htam6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trousers project, day 3
Protected the edges of the fabric against fraying, then continued with the front pockets. The pocket lining looks like a large sack, pocket facing is applied to both sides.

Time spent:
1h - Finishing the edges on the front parts
2h - Ironing, applying the pocket facings

>> No.15534207
File: 1017 KB, 1500x1500, htam7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related shows seam tape attached to the wrong side of the facing. This is a thin but tight cotton tape, it protects the fabric from wearing out. In case of very thin or stretchy fabrics it makes sense to add this, for stronger fabrics I usually skip it.

By the way, this thread is remarkably silent and has nearly become my personal trousers blog... where are the fits and discussions?

>> No.15534420
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W2c these pantaloons /fa/?

>> No.15534422
File: 22 KB, 599x400, BBFCCC41-C340-4C4C-9D84-277F096078E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a very nice casual cotton jacket which I bought on clearance. It‘s sadly too short (a bit longer than pic related).
Do you think I could balance the fit with ultra high waisted pants to recreate an equilibrium? Should I wear it with the sleeves rolled up? Or maybe with shorts?

>> No.15534423

the rake

>> No.15534428

Judging by the style of pants and the picture that‘s Pini Parma.

Does anybody else own clothing by The GIGI? I bought a pair of heavy woolen trousers and the quality is amazing.

>> No.15534434

Thank you so much, anon!

>> No.15534770
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Thanks anons

>> No.15534800
File: 119 KB, 564x752, faafd0eb3dabd741566929af1cf71c65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I achieve this level of carefree, effortless style?

>> No.15534852

>swap the sunglasses for tortoiseshell
>get a heavy linen overshirt or possibly unlined thin suede instead of the denim jacket

>> No.15534917

Do you guys base your fit somewhat on your environment? I love med fits, incorporating linen but as it's mostly cold here, not only do I feel it looks a little out of place, it's also not practical.

So instead of some some super 140s jacket and a silk tie, I should focus more on a heavier tweed and a wool tie? Which of course too will give off a more casual aesthetic which I like.

>> No.15535026

I think it always makes sense and is in your beat interests to “fit in” by dressing for the environment and not be too weird about it to the point where people may interact with you in a way that may not be the most positive. Nothing about the items though sorry.

>> No.15535051

>where are the fits and discussions
People generally dress poorly nowadays so this is a slow general.

>> No.15535073

Either way, wearing these things you'll never really fit into your environment,that's what being a rebel is all about, I guess. This is rebel clothing.

True but also this is a teenage focused board and this is all "le stuff my dad wears" when their dad really wears jeans and a baggy dress shirt sloppily tucked in.

>> No.15535075
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>> No.15535079

i realised after i posted that this was the wrong thread

>> No.15535082

You posted that before I think. Buttons match too much on vest and jacket, consider changing them.

>> No.15535085

Lol you have posted this before though!

The difference between posting it in tip (I assume) and here is that for sprezzatura you can leave it unbuttoned.

>> No.15535088

I am sure I commented this too. It gives a visual appearance that the waistcoat buttons go onto the jacket and both items are somehow connected. The jacket button could be the waistcoat bottom button

>> No.15535526
File: 849 KB, 2012x1342, Wonderful-combination-of-greys-and-red-by-GG-reader-from-France.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fortunate to have a colder climate as it means OVERCOATS and TOP DRAPE due to heavier fabrics. Which for us in med climates can only wear like 1-2 months of the year, scarves too. You can also layer like all fuck, so learn the magic of the waistcoat for a splash of color.

Colder climates are menswear heaven, and you can still sprezz it up.

You actually generally WANT to leave a suit jacket unbuttoned over a vest unless it's really cold.

It's not a bad fit, do the stuff the others have said. Otherwise also the usual stuff:
>use tighter tie knot
>that shirt collar is too loose
>chest gapping
>pants look like they're too worn low or otherwise misbehaving.

>> No.15535536

Yes you can. Neapolitan MILDLY cropped jackets can work as long as you're willing to deal with memelegs and keep the buttoning point very close to the waist on the pants.

>> No.15536465
File: 1.46 MB, 1500x2000, htam8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trousers project, day 4
Finally something more interesting to show: The front pockets are done, so I can move on to the back. The pattern adds two darts on each side, but this created a tent that fits oddly, so I'll have to undo these and remove fabric from all sides equally. Next steps are the welt pockets in the back. That is also one of the funny parts: The smaller details of the pants are responsible for the most amount of work, then it's just sewing the legs together and you're nearly done, because only the waistband is left.

Time spent:
2h - Finishing the front pockets
1h - Finishing the edged on the back part, sewing darts on one side

>> No.15536500
File: 785 KB, 1500x1500, buttons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note you guys can probably help me out with the buttons. Originally I started out with these blue plastic buttons. I'll post the options that I had in mind, will take me some time to dig up the pictures, though.

>> No.15536518

Thank you for documenting this, looking forward to seeing the final result.
Did you have any prior experience in sewing? If yes, how did you learn?
Where did you buy the fabric and how much did it cost?
I've been thinking about doing this myself, as finding the clothes I want is either very hard and/or very expensive, problem is I have never even sewn a button in my life.

>> No.15536611

>Did you have any prior experience in sewing? If yes, how did you learn?
Yes, I started sewing something here and there about 10 years ago, mostly bags, but nothing too serious, but the experience has helped me a lot. The actual sewing spree did not start until last year, but since then I made 3 shirts, one pair of shorts, two jackets and a two-piece suit. also some accessories such as ties and pocket squares. Most of it is wearable, but for example this first pair of pants for my suit is from old jeans that fit me perfectly, but they did not turn out as I wanted to. The best advice: Try everything on some scraps of your fabric before you do it to the parts that you want to work on.
>Where did you buy the fabric and how much did it cost?
The project is actually a two-piece suit, so I can't really separate the costs here. Maybe just halve it if you want the cost for just the pants:
main fabric: 16 EUR (10 for 2m, 6 for 1.2m), price-reduced leftovers from a general store
pocket lining: 24 EUR (2m), local fabrics shop
sleeve lining, front lining for trousers: 12 EUR (2m), local fabrics shop
edge tape: 6 EUR, local art store
buttons: 10 EUR, local fabrics shop
zipper: 4 EUR, local fabrics shop
canvas (for suit jacket): 18 EUR (1m), bought online
thread: 8 EUR (I probably overdid it, but I can use this for other things, so it does not really matter: bought 400m of it, which is quite a lot)
crotchet thread, 2 EUR (I use this for button holes, it is 100% cotton instead of 100% polyester as the button hole threads that you can find in the shops. It is a lot more expensive, but they have more color options than the button hole threads)
= total of 100 EUR for the complete suit, 36 EUR for the trousers only.
The prices can still explode if you go for higher quality fabrics.

>> No.15536648

>Problem is I have never even sewn a button in my life.
The savings factor is not that huge, tough decision. Roughly estimated, doing everything myself costs me about the same as buying the product from H&M/Zara but the fabric quality is better than theirs. Compared to high-end brands it costs me about a fifth to a quarter of their price if I stay in the medium price range for fabrics and maybe up to a third of their price if I go for the highest quality materials.
Add to this that the first time you sew a piece it is usually a bit wonky here and there, the second time it has the quality of something you could get at a factory outlet (small imperfections) and the third time it is actually good quality, so you may not actually save money unless you want to create lots of clothes.

>> No.15536676
File: 90 KB, 501x1000, buttons2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, here are the options. Not sure what fits better for this blueish suit. The black buttons will be significantly darker, brown combines nicely with blue, but may also create too much contrast.

>> No.15536818
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Any tips for creasing pants?

>> No.15536838

This is an amazing project.

You can't go wrong with brown. They're all bit reflective and have a plastic look. Middle ones are probably the most convincing natural appearance, so go with those.

If I was making this stuff I'd skip the back pocket. Never use it anyway.

>> No.15536888

Can you guys redpill me on linen shirts?

Are they really a staple? I'm in a climate where they make sense, ftr (Australia).

Does one really need them? In theory it seems like one should have a few, though with most summer fits I've seen that incorporate linen, it's always in the jacket or the pants, and never the shirt- which is always broadcloth. That classic pitti uomo look follows that layering pattern.

I've found it strangely difficult to find a good source of linen shirts with enough variety of patterns (even during north hemisphere summer). I'm starting to think I've been attacking this the wrong way, and that I should focus on linen as an outer layer, and that the summer shirt fabric of choice should always be broadcloth.

yet I can't shake this image of a few good linen shirts in colourful awning stripes. what should I do? Is the linen shirt a beautiful lie?

>> No.15537327
File: 537 KB, 2000x3000, linen summer fit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you live in a hot and especially humid climate then they are absolutely a staple. I moved to Japan from California and the humidity in the summer here is brutal. Linen wears light, is extremely cool, breathes easily and dries quickly. It is far superior to any type of cotton in the summer, even a hopsack weave.
If it is hot enough to wear linen then you most likely won't be wearing a jacket at all. Pic related is a good example of a stylish summer linen fit.
As for source not sure what is available in Oz. I get mine from Maker's Kamakura. Not a huge variety of patterns but a few in many different colors and the quality is great for the price.

>> No.15537372

>get my first salaried paycheck tomorrow
Can't wait to buy a cardigan and some shorts

>> No.15537478

All of these are horn buttons, but I'll have to order them first

>> No.15537998
File: 827 KB, 2000x1500, htam9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trousers project, day 5
Only a tiny update today, because I have some other things going on. No, that's not a wonderbra, but the backside of the trousers. While sewing the darts I got the impression that they form the fabric too much, so I attached all parts with a light stitch real quick and tried it on. The suspicion was confirmed. Anyway, it's not the end of the world, it just means that I have distribute the fabric differently and take some away in the center.

Time spent:
1h - Sewing darts, temporarily attaching the parts, fitting.

>> No.15538365
File: 2.61 MB, 3120x3276, IMG_20200904_175816716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the texture on this cotton/linen fabric from Albiate...

>> No.15538368
File: 580 KB, 1802x2876, IMG_20200904_175928588~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the collar curvature...

>> No.15538372
File: 457 KB, 1524x2657, IMG_20200904_180014772~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I'm definitely having darts put in after a few more washes as this is too much drape even for me.

>> No.15538379
File: 741 KB, 1280x1279, tumblr_ol903eB5MA1rpdgdgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has good material on his insta/site. In his shop he specializes in Napolitan /italian menswear his shop is in Hannover Germany. He also sells online MichaelJondral.

>> No.15538382
File: 317 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_p26rlw4iuA1rpdgdgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15538620

Looking good!

>> No.15538910
File: 47 KB, 512x328, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from southern Spain, which climate wise is similar to Australia and everybody wears linen shirts on summer. Trust me, they are a must for hot climates. Also check some linen jackets and blazers.

>> No.15539042

Might be the camera angle but your arms seem pretty long. Trousers might be a bit too high, you look like an ape. Balance the proportions.

>> No.15539598

You couldn’t even button this jacket it’s so tight. Face palm

>> No.15539812

Nice to see a watch pocket on those pants. Where is that from?

>> No.15539886

nice material
narrow chest + wide hips = jonathan higgins/john boyega
boxy sleeves

>> No.15539956

That shirt is absolutely too wide on the shoulders.

You need to get a size smaller down.

>> No.15539964

Anyone have any experience with getting fit and sizing up? I'm a 38 almost exactly, if I put on 25lbs of muscle will I move up to a 40? 48 to 50 for you euros

>> No.15539969
File: 850 KB, 1221x2121, 0A693673-6304-4546-87D6-9F10EEBA8C7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wintery muted brown flannel today.

>> No.15539991

Nice, the waistcoat provides the contrast without the need for a shirt in that colour

>> No.15539992

Depends how tight your clothes are already.

>> No.15540018
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They're not that tight. I don't like the slim fit look. I just want to know if I should stop buying jackets until I reach my fitness goals. 155 skeleton to 175 lbs

>> No.15540031

For jackets, yes. The RTW ones usually are slimmer in the arms, so if you add mass to your shoulders and arms they may become be really tight.

>> No.15540035

How often do you buy jackets and how slowly are you deciding to lift?

>> No.15540037

Yes. I put 3 inches onto my chest. Had to get rid of my entire wardrobe. Sucks!

>> No.15540041

this is why I don't lift, except for posture correction exercises.

>> No.15540046

It was RTW shit. Bespoke stuff can be let out.

>> No.15540051

OP of the original /sprezz/ threads and the one whose idea it was here
Just wanted to say you're all based as fuck. Keep dressing nice and thank you to the anons that make new threads when one hits bump limit. You're all cool dudes

>> No.15540058

lol, not that much. I've definitely spent more time at the tailor than your /fit/ard ass.

>> No.15540167

Thanks, OP!

>> No.15540186

How is this style any different from any other business/frat/dipshit fashion sense

>> No.15540353

Depends on seam allowances.

>> No.15540453

Not very often. I have 2 full canvas jackets and one suit. I want to sell all my half canvas/fused jackets. I'm pretty much just starting out my collection

>> No.15540459

Was it just tightness around the chests? Cuz that could be let out. I'm worried about the shoulders not fitting but I don't see how my bone structure at my shoulder would expand

>> No.15540542

Your bone structure is obviously not going to expand, but I am assuming that you'd also train your shoulders and as the muscles grow on them the armhole and the sleeve may become too tight.

>> No.15540835
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Where do you guys buy your high waisted pants? I´ve been looking to get some as I´ve always had a hard time finding pants that fit me. Should I just go get some bespoke or are there any good online?

>> No.15541482

Obviously getting them made to measure is best, but if it's off the rack I like Pini Parma. They have a lot of options on their website for fabrics with linen, cotton and wool choices. Pretty cheap too

>> No.15541551


>> No.15541555

Trousers are stressing me out. I keep buying tops and avoiding getting trousers that actually fit.

>> No.15541694

Very nice.

I always wonder, where do you people go when you dress up like that ? Some event ? Also do you guys hang with people dressing like that too ?
For me, I feel like it would be too dressed up to hang out with my friend or go for a drink, I feel like I would be the odd man out.

>> No.15541820

i like to look good for when i shitpost on 4chan alone in my home

>> No.15541847

They’re pants look well made but when looking at the measurements it’s hard to call them high waisted, under 11 inch rise. Doesn’t help that most of their models are manlets

>> No.15541848


>> No.15542088

you buy the right waist/butt, then get the rest tailored/tailor yourself. if it's good clothes, might as well do it right.

>> No.15542156

Very nice outfit that sadly is out of place almost anywhere

>> No.15542242

yo i’ve lurked this board for years and never jumped into one of these threads but this style and you people are all way better than TIP general. thank you all for looking good and having fun without being total assholes.

>> No.15542292 [DELETED] 
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Work mostly. I work in corporate law though.

>> No.15542529

When I go meet some friends I usually tone it down, i.e. I'll not go in a full suit. Otherwise, when I go out with my gf or grab a coffee somewhere I wear what I want.

>> No.15542534

>Also do you guys hang with people dressing like that too ?
It would be based, but avoiding figurative faggots is hard nowadays.

>> No.15542661
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I live in Africa. A jacket, tie, or high-waisted pants is going to stand out no matter what. Just be confident enough and you can pull off most good fits. In this case it was some general runaround plus a quick afternoon date.

Every man wants to convey power and confidence in their dress, but most have no idea how to do it. I've dressed this way for long enough that it's more natural than any other style now. Reactions can be polarized, but a gregarious and magnanimous personality goes a long way in counteracting that. You'll find people very soon start to imitate or show a genuine interest.

Your clothes should reflect the kind of person you are, but they can also help you become the person you want to be.

>> No.15542701

El lino para climas secos.

>> No.15542714
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Super quick fit pic for today.

>> No.15542727

lift routine?

>> No.15542761

The pink is subtle enough to not stand out, but it seemed to pair a lot better with the grey clothes last time!

>> No.15542769
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Franco core

>> No.15542796

>that chin

>> No.15542800

Typical Mediterranean features

>> No.15542958

Sports with heavy equipment + extensive lovemaking.

Fair points. Totally different camera might be a factor. This is shot on a shitty cellphone so not much opportunity to correct that. Pink was chosen because I've got way too many shirts in that color and they need to get rotated in, but tried to integrate it a bit more via the very red knit tie.

>> No.15543117

I feel like wearing shirts almost daily alienates me far too much in my current environment and I want to be different just not much different I suppose. I live in England. Could I get by with knit polos daily like post instead of button up shirts?

>> No.15543121

w2c coffee socks?

>> No.15543144


>> No.15543219

Thank you!

>> No.15543233


Yes, I can imagine that the camera distorts the colors for this combination. It is also not obvious that you are wearing a knit tie here.

>> No.15543342

I recently saw a sprezzy older guy wear his belt buckle on the side instead of the front. I tried it, it‘s hugely impractical, but has a certain charm to it. The belt has to be structured though.
Is this some gay code signal again? Any thoughts?

>> No.15543722

Damn, w2c shoes? I've been looking for some tan wingtips.

I'm torn between longwings or wingtips. I love the classic look of wingtips but longwings seem so substantial and heavy. What do you guys think? I will probably just get both desu

>> No.15543808

It's not that different from generic contemporary menswear. However, I don't see one of these threads around here, do you?

>> No.15543815

Of course. I live in England, where are you? London, for all its negatives is awesome because you can wear anything you want without drawing looks.

>> No.15543819

They say never purchase an orphaned suit jacket but doesn't sprezz give you the option to use one? Obviously some polyester pinstripe jacket no, but a wool grey one maybe paired with some navy pants?

I was watching gents gazette and he says never get orphaned suit jackets but his fit at the end of the video was a double breasted suit jacket without matching pants.

What's up with that?

>> No.15543823

Bit misleading statement. Yeah, in the city center you can but if you're a white dude dressed like this in tower hamlets then a big no.

>> No.15543907

Not only are there lots of hipsters are in tower hamlets but loads of city workers go through there (who by and large wear suits, the Wall Street gilet cancer hasn't arrived yet). What are you talking about. Like yeah, don't go to Croydon looking like Ed Helms' character in the office but if you are wearing an ocbd trousers and a blazer, no one will give a shit in most of London.

>> No.15543910

It's because worsted wool is usually associated with suits. As long as you're wearing non-worsted jackets you're good I M O.

>> No.15543911

Is steaming shirts a meme ? I want to start wearing shirts more often, but I do not want to spend a lot of time ironing shirts, steamers takes less time but gives worst results from what I red .

>> No.15543927

You still really mean the main areas people pass by and not the housing part. If you're going to be with gangs or stabbed to death, it's going to happen there. London has had a massive change in the past 20 years. Same as Paris, Berlin etc.

Hmm, yeah but most suit jackets will be worsted wool lol

I've had good results with a hand steamer.

>> No.15543935

Curious to know. Have you actually lived in any of those cities are you just parroting what you've read on 4chan? No offense, it's just that a lot of people here genuinely think that /pol/ is right and these cities are post-apocalyptic hellscapes.

>> No.15543949

I have been to London, yes. Regardless of that, the facts and statistics do not lie, do they? It's 44% white British now? It is not an English city. It has shocking statistics on knife crime too. There are whole areas with no white British so you definitely would stick out.

Yes, it's not some horror city sure, but to paint it a some great issue free capital is misleading too.

>> No.15543971

You're absolutely right that statistics don't lie but crude interpretation of statistics is a classic way to mislead. I lived in London from 2011-2015 and Paris from 2015 until 2020 (back in London now). I can't speak for Berlin but in Paris and London the vast majority of victims of violence and crime are poor people (often BAME) living in shitty places (worse than tower hamlets, think south of the river in London or the Banlieu in Paris). As well as this, your average middle class goober. The kind that seeks fashion advice on 4chan or reddit is rarely, very rarely going to have to worry about these things.

>> No.15543996

Yeah that's what I mean though, you have vast areas of the capital of England filled with people of a different culture and a white going into those areas is highly likely to be met with crime. Sure most of the victims are those people themselves and that's because they live among their own group but it's not really positive when said group can't get along and resort to murder and crime. There are many housing estates in the middle/northern England with equally poor people and yet nowhere near the level of stabbing/murder/guns that occur in London.

>> No.15544084

To the anon who redpilled me about rise in pants last thread: thanks. I got some jeans in a higher rise and it really balanced out my legs.

>> No.15544118

Cool, can you update us with the new look?

>> No.15544122

this is still gq tier menswear you look flaming

>> No.15544123

Next time I wear them I will post. Right now I'm in my pajamas reading frankenstein and shitposting in between chapters.

>> No.15544148

Thanks, long-sleeve polos it is then. I am in a poorer area of Birmingham, surrounded by arabs, low tier blacks and chavs so I really have to fit. It's not as easy as London I think.

>> No.15544151

It's really hard to emphasise how incredibly dressed up even a simple OCBD shirt looks in some areas.

>> No.15544155
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Out of belt holes.
I need to stop losing weight

>> No.15544176

Where can I buy some entry level cheaper knit polos to get started which won't be shit? I really prefer neutrals so more greys/blacks/browns/beige over navy if possible.

>> No.15544424

TIP is literally people wearing costumes and seething when someone breaks their arbitrary made up rules.
We're just out here dressing nice for ourselves because we like it

>> No.15544509

Yeah when I go to work in a rougher oxford shit and jeans I have people asking why I'm so dressed up. These bitches don't know I've been dressing DOWN because of covid

>> No.15544743



>> No.15545064

do women have their own sprezzatura style like how prep/ivy women a prep/ivy style or do they just wear suits?

>> No.15545137
File: 302 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys
Could I get some feed back on pic related.
I was looking to buy pocket squares and came across these the price is about 7 dollars for all of them.
Should buy them? As I'm only a little bit sure about liking 2 of them. But the price is good I think

>> No.15545159

You can take those that you like and sell the others in a few months (because you may end up liking different ones than you originally imagined). Either way the price is good, yes.

>> No.15545160
File: 79 KB, 688x992, FD7624B4-C33A-4033-A207-73937CFCD1DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy one of these until you‘ve reached your goal weight. No need for holes and one remains well dressed. They also come in fabric instead of leather.

>> No.15545162

If you only like two, $7 is still a good price. Make sure to actually put them in a suit pocket before discarding/re-selling. As only a shred of the pocket square is visible, they often are a lot less gaudy than they appear when lying flat.

>> No.15545167

I guess that's a no

>> No.15545176

Sprezzatura in itself is not a style, it is dressing elegantly and being confident in that elegance, even if you break the "traditional rules" once in a while.

>> No.15545247

just a little bench press to buff you chest will do the trick. you'll need it to counter your tendency to pearshape. nice choices overall.

>> No.15545248

>$7 for 5
Buy them

>> No.15545250

Seconding the mesh leather belt. Plus the looseness of the end when it hangs down adds a bit of nonchalance to your fit, very sprezz in nature.
>tfw spent a ton to get pants taken in before corona
>tfw lost more weight and now they are too loose again

>> No.15545258


Hey guys thanks so much for the advice. I appreciate it.

It is a very valid point that only part of the pocket square is visible not the entire thing.

>> No.15545290

how would you apply sprezzatura to modern, urban looks?

>> No.15545293

Just dress well and be comfortable and casual. It isn't something to 'apply'.
This means getting away from urban looks. No hoodies and ripped jeans and patagonia vests.

>> No.15545363

Sleazecore I guess

>> No.15545550

Get one good pair of wingtips instead. More versatile.

>> No.15545553

Not really. Firstly because many of the Pitti Uomo mainstay guys are gay (not as in an insult, they're literally homosexuals, sprezz is a more homosexual subculture than this thread is probably comfortable with admitting) and secondly because in the med, the equivalent for women is just a great figure, nice lingerie and a simple sundress with a loud pattern.

>> No.15545559

NAYRT but Meermin happens to have two days left on the MTO for a bunch of styles in cognac barenia. Meermin isn't peak quality, but this is a good leather and their MTOs are almost always better made than stock. It's a good p/q point if you ask me.


>> No.15545859

Is there a /sprezz/ equivalent of a waxed cotton jacket (e. g. Barbour)?

>> No.15546016
File: 57 KB, 513x655, 6E9AA7AB-4239-499B-BD7E-B0A95F939C89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, non traditional Barbour models like the Reelin or Commander.

>> No.15546019
File: 76 KB, 750x1000, 1CDBF58F-0999-4608-A3DA-AE0E78609D57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15546055

We are not 25 yo larping as 80 yo.

>> No.15546061

Uniqlo Merino long sleeved

>> No.15546062
File: 150 KB, 768x1074, 67010529_56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the style but how do you find affordable items. I see here online shops posted which are way out of my league for now and I rarely come across items of this type in normal shops. I'm in Europe if it matters.

On a side note I'm looking to buy a coat like pic related, i. e. medium length, double breasted, but so far I've only come across this one from Mango of all places. Do you know some other places where I can find similar coats?

>> No.15546149

Define affordable. Give ranges.

>> No.15546157

Lower end would be Massimo Dutti on sale. Don‘t buy their jackets with the fake surgeon cuff (popped up in the last thread). For suits, suitsupply is the cheapest quality you‘ll get. If that‘s too expensive, get your size in store and buy them second hand (around 150-200€ for quasi new stuff).

You can pick up individual pieces at H&M, Zara, Mango, Massimo Dutti etc.
Go thrifting for shirts and ties. If you have a sprezzy wide lapel on your suit, wide ties are correct and good. Guess what thrift shops are filled with.

>> No.15546169

I mostly shop like this for summer i. e. shirts and trousers mostly, since I can't quite pull off a suit with a tie at 23 and I'd probably look ridiculous if I went to work like this, because everyone just goes casually dressed as in jeans and t shirt.

But thanks for the suggestions, I've already picked up some pieces from most of those places, but I thought there might be something more specific that I'm missing.

Up to a 100€ for most things. I'm willing to go higher for shoes and coats mainly.

>> No.15546241

There certainly are better places, but they mainly offer higher quality at higher prices. Avoid Boggi (trash). Invest in one or two pairs of pants from Pini Parma. Charles Tyrwhitt is good for shirts (on sale only). Shoepassion or Meermin for shoes.

This style is not a cheap one. It‘s quintessentially about tailoring. With two pairs of shoes, two trousers and five shirts you‘ll go far already. Add an odd jacket and you‘ve got twenty outfits already.

>> No.15546348

Thanks for the tips.

>> No.15546479

I see a lot about suit separates in terms of mixing one suit with another, or even wearing the jacket alone, but can you wear the pants by themselves?

>> No.15546552

Trousers project day 6
Not much to show this time, I'm still working on it. Today I redistributed the fabric from the darts to the back seam, did another fitting and it looked a lot better. The temporary stitches are removed again. After that I cut the welts and ironed everything, the lining for one of the back pockets is attached.

The plan for tomorrow is to attach the other lining, add the welts and prepare the button holes.

Time spent: 3h

>> No.15546562

Sure, they're pants

>> No.15546573

Where do you fellow europoors shop? Went to the town today, but every store is selling gay shit for zoomers.

>> No.15546609

You seem to really know what you‘re doing. How likely would you think is it for me - an absolute beginner - to successfully take in the sides of a suit jacket. I bought two for 6€ each and they fit perfectly, except for the waist. I‘m willing to sacrifice the uglier one for practice.

>> No.15546611

Did you visit the well known fashion brand stores in the centre? In my town it's the same, but in the streets parallel to the main shopping street you can find smaller stores that specialize in menswear or ladies fashion. Sometimes you can find retailers in a mall, too. Ask your boomer relatives where they buy their clothes?

>> No.15546658

I think it's doable, I can walk you through it. When you have time. Short checklist:
>What kind of sewing equipment do you have? Bare minimum is a needle and thread and some small but pointy scissors. A sewing machine may be detrimental if you don't have practice with it.
>Do you have measuring tape and someone who can help you take the measurements? If the difference is too large it may not work.
>Do you have similar fabric as the outer fabric of that jacket? You can use it as practice first, and make your beginner mistakes there instead of ruining the jacket.
>How is the jacket constructed? Central vent or side vents (side vents will be a lot more difficult) I need to know if we have to open the lining.
>A pic how the jacket fits with a shirt would be helpful, too.
If it's really just the waist then it should be ok with side vents even, but it will be a lot harder if you want to take in the hips, too.

>> No.15546660
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I'm living in a foreign country so no relatives and no one /fa/ to ask. Found one store that was selling some Barbour stuff, so I tried pic related but looked too boxy around the waist. Have no fucking idea what I'm doing too. Might also be lowballing the budget ($500-600) so no idea if I'm even willing to shell out enough to get me started. Need something to wear during autumn, otherwise I'll have to wait til next summer to go /fa/.

>> No.15546671

Did you try searching menswear store in a search engine? Maybe tell us what country it is, I am sure that some anon from there can at least give you store names to look out for.
You can also try to ask the locals.

>> No.15546684

Denmark. Google showed very few menswear stores around, all of which will involve a lot of driving (living in Aarhus area). If there's a danishbro ITT, I will greatly appreciate any pointers.

>> No.15546699

Did you try this one? https://minimumfashion.com/male it should be in the area, but I am not from Denmark so I have no idea desu.
The website looks decent, but they seem expensive: 200 euros for a polyester blend sports coat that has weirdly slim lapels and flap pockets may not be worth it.

>> No.15546744

Thanks anon, that looks very good. I'll drive there first thing tomorrow. Coat/jacket being the most expensive article, I'm thinking to start with that and then build around it. It doesn't get below the freezing point here in the winter, so I can afford to go light and layer as necessary.

I kinda like these two, but it's hard to say how they fit until I try. They're actually quite cheap all things considered, so may be garbage quality.

>> No.15546749

The better jacket actually has no vents at all. It‘s quite casual. I personally only have needle, thread and scissors, but thought about calling up my mother who
lives nearby, owns a machine and knows how to sew.
I do have measuring tape. I‘ll post pictures tomorrow. Electric lighting in my apartment sucks.

>> No.15546881
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Absolutely yes. If you are under 25, this is the non autistic way to go for this style.

>> No.15546953

>tfw got blisters on my heels AGAIN from my loafers
Fucking hell, this never ends

>> No.15546972

>not putting blister plasters on in advance while breaking in a pair of loafers

>> No.15546981

let me guess, the eternal Meermin?

>> No.15547013

This saved my life for the first 2 months I first wore my derbies. The fuckers caused my feet to bleed after walking a couple blocks. The good part of that specific break in is that it creates so many calluses that I didn’t have any trouble at all with breaking in my Meermin black oxfords, and that is some seriously stiff leather.

>> No.15547017

>220 for a 70% poly jacket from a noname brand
The only reason I would pay that much for that would be to flex brand recognition on others. The herringbone is interesting, but not enough to pick my interest.
Do check it out and report on how things are develop, however.

>> No.15547048

>want to be fashionable
>Don't want to spend money
It's hard being cheap

>> No.15547078

I keep hearing this but personally I have several pairs of Meermins (including a pair of penny loafers) and never had any break-in problems. I did with a pair of Yankos though.

>> No.15547083

They are broken in! They're literally broken in, I take a week or so off from wearing them and they shred my heels again.

Yep. Meermin strikes again

Meermin use notoriously stiff plastic heel stiffeners that absolutely wreck heels. High end brands use leather as heel stiffeners, but with Meermin being a MiChina budget brand (but not necessarily a bad brand at all), they use the plastic ones that are murder on heels starting out

>> No.15547085

My advice is to go thrifting and check out second hand stuff. You might surprise yourself with what you find.
Find something nice quality that you like the material and pattern and then take it to a tailor and have them alter it to your body. Congrats, you just got a nice suit for dirt cheap and if you picked out a decent piece to start with, no one will have any idea it was thrifted

>> No.15547089

Are the yankos the oldest pair you own, by chance? The same thing that happened to me may have troubled you. A tough break-in creates calluses in your feet that alleviate the break-in of other shoes.
Meermin also has a wide variety of leathers in production. Some are very stiff and others are rather flexible. When they launch those made to order events they usually allow you to pick one out of 30-ish different lines of leather.

>> No.15547111

long sleeve polo would be better and is still fine for under 25s

>> No.15547122

I am trying to find some good pieces on ebay. I am mostly looking for sport coats to go with heavier chinos and denim. I am just loathe to spend money because I want to buy a house within a few years. I should definitely keep an eye out for cheap tailoring

>> No.15547144

>>want to be fashionable
>>Don't want to spend money
>It's hard being cheap
Spoken like a tru sprezz cunt. Fuck this general you are all posers LOL

>> No.15547163

Nice colors

>> No.15547314

Sorry, missed this earlier – no, they're my newest pair, actually. The Meermin loafers are the oldest, they're from two-three websites ago, an MTO that isn't even in their past MTO catalog anymore.

>> No.15547358

Had a similar problem, my solution was twofold: moving and bending the heel by hand a lot, it makes the leather softer. The other problem was that the shoe ends 5mm higher on my heel than on the loafers that don't change, so I added a pad that elevates my foot. Problem gone.

>> No.15547418

That's a good starting point. Do you have chalk or a bar of soap at home? We may need something to mark the sewing line.
At first we need to figure out how to change it anyway, so there will be no sewing the first day. I'll provide pictures then, too.

>> No.15547781
File: 831 KB, 1484x2000, 92F4DA9E-3871-4047-A30B-4D2F73C36120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have soap and could get tailor‘s chalk if its significantly better.
Pic related is the current fit.

>> No.15547788

These are the available seams.
The lining looks pretty standard. I‘ve considered taking it out and not sewing it back in, as the jacket is meant for summer anyway.

>> No.15547790
File: 2.79 MB, 1334x750, 3DC1C625-1A51-45DC-8E6C-CE7FDA954C1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture.

>> No.15547794

Can you show this without the jacket? It looks very wide around the hips rather than the waist. Taking it in on the waist could make it look like a "skirt". Is this the one you are willing to sacrifice?
Tailors chalk is not better, it's just easier to draw a thin line with it.
Where do you have the largest gap? Back, sides or from your stomach to the front?

>> No.15547807

Leave the lining for now. Do these patch pockets have lining inside? In case we take in the side seam too much it would permanently keep your pockets open and that can look weird in the end. By the way, these look really huge when you wear it.
Did I misunderstand you somewhere? I thought the uglier jacket is the one you want to take in and the better jacket has no vents, or do they both have no vents?

>> No.15547826
File: 1023 KB, 1536x2172, 83500DDA-B65E-42CA-B034-CA870F12F41D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took the back in with a clothespin. The skirting is indeed very real and an actual problem.
The largest gap is in the sides. The pockets are unlined.
Both jackets actually have no vents. I think they may be from the same collection (no labels though).

>> No.15547830

Your first pic looked better. How much room is there left between the sides and the sides and your body: at the waist, at the hips?

I'll draw a schematic so that you can understand why I am asking it

>> No.15547841

About 3.5cm (1.3 inch?) at the waist (per side and around 2.2cm (0.85 inch) on the hips (per side).

I don‘t like the fit in the second picture either. You‘re absolutely right about the skirt effect.

>> No.15547866
File: 108 KB, 1500x788, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this picture you can see the individual seem lines that we can change.
>1 pulls it closer to your stomach and sides
>2 pulls it closer to your sides
>3 pulls it closer to your stomach
>4 pulls it closer to your back
>5 pulls it closer to your sides
>6 makes it tighter around the shoulders or closer to the back
For clarification, 4 would also pull it closer to the sides a bit, but in my experience it would mostly affect how close it gets to your back, I wanted to outline the general options.
1, 2 and 3 are our least favorable options, because it will pull your pockets open.
Can you take a back pic please?
My first approach is to change 4 and 5 by 1cm at the waist. You can pinch this seem with a clothes pin about 7mm on each side at the level of the top button, this may improve the situation. If the pin does not hold you can try it with a security pin or thread, but I'll be able to help you actively again in about two hours.

>> No.15547916

Please do not feel the need to guide me through every step if this! I don‘t want to burden you, especially as I‘m working full time my self, so I may not be able to act on your advice all the time (as is the case now). Don‘t waste your time. I‘d be very grateful if I could ask specific questions when necessary, though.

Your chart was very helpful by the way! I experimented a bit with this in mind. The main problem really is the hip area. The sides aren‘t actually that bad, once the hip is set.

>> No.15547930

Yep, ask away. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you don't need to cut any fabric in order to change the line, so you can always return to the original fit.

>> No.15548028
File: 392 KB, 4128x3096, 20200908_133404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comments-suggestions? The pants are completely white, the light makes them look strange

>> No.15548041

rotate your pics before posting
Pants are too low-rise.
You are bordering on sleazecore if not deep into it.

>> No.15548096

The pants really look like they were made for a smaller person, hence the low rise. It does not always have to be high rise for me, but I second that it looks odd.

The shirt is grey/tan/linen colored? Hard to tell here, but I guess the combination is good if the pants are reall white

>> No.15548117


>> No.15548562
File: 1.25 MB, 1500x2000, htam10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trousers project day 7
Did everything as planned, save the button holes. Here you can see the lining on one side and the outside with the top welt attached.
Actually sewing the welts on takes roughly 10 minutes, but I like to fasten everything in place first, or else the welts may turn out crooked or wavy.

Time spent:
1.5h - fastening the welts
0.5h - sewing the welts

>> No.15548566
File: 728 KB, 1500x1500, htam11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welt pocket turned around, but not ironed yet. Those are really confusing at first, because you sew on at the outside, then cut the slit in between and turn them around to the inside. You can easily make a mistake here if you attach something in the wrong place. As with everything, it is a matter of practice.

>> No.15548603

What are my other or best upper body options if I am 22 and shirts are too formal right now? White polos look a little strange?

>> No.15548614

How are shirts too formal? You can use linen shirts or flanell shirts, colorful polos.

>> No.15548911

>double breasted coats
Schott has some peacoats, you can also thrift for ones from the navy
Most places that have any menswear have some linen, actually. Even uniqlo has linen.

>> No.15549280
File: 52 KB, 544x638, 998452_428432637269595_738150202_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15549297

thanks for fostering a nice community there at the start
you're also a cool dude, dude

>> No.15549322

Like the colours, not mad about the pants fit, or that chest pocket. Overall you look good

>> No.15550144


>> No.15550192

>Pants are too low-rise.
AHAHAHAHAHA get a load of this guy. >>15548041
>You are bordering on sleazecore if not deep into it.
Duh, sprezz is like 40% sleaze core. If you don't look a bit sleaze core you aint sprezz. Fucking twits.

>> No.15550210

>wants to in2 spezz
>doesn't want to wear a spezz staple, the shirt

Maybe this look isn't for you?

A dress shirt is miles away from some thick cotton oxford button down. Not formal at all.

>> No.15550212

Sprezz is like sleaze core mixed with sex core and a touch of trad

>> No.15550648

Should I button down or spread collar?
You’re right I have no idea how thick they are, they always seemed thin when I’ve seen them in UK.

>> No.15550665

Button down. A plain color long sleeve polo isn't really formal either. The trick is not to jump right in. Once you feel comfortable wearing this kind of thing in a casual way, you'll feel more confident to take it in other more formal directions. But sprezzatura in itself is never really classed as really formal.

People who are used to cargo shorts and a t-shirt are going to feel so out of place wearing any kind of shirt right away.

>> No.15550678
File: 230 KB, 1536x2048, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /sprezz/, bought these trousers in a second-hand for like $2, what's your opinion on them and the fit as a whole?

>> No.15550687

They look like a good fit. Your pocket square is a little loud though. The contrast maybe a little too much.

>> No.15550691

Disregarding individual fit, what style of prescription glasses are ideal?

>> No.15550696

Glasses are more based on your facial shape rather than a type being best. Hair, beard, glasses etc. should be used as a way to frame and balance the face, in the same way way clothes would be used on the body. So you really have to start with your facial shape and take it from there.

>> No.15550705
File: 83 KB, 362x639, tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo shoo ugly faggot

>> No.15550745
File: 196 KB, 800x500, Look-del-Dia-Lunes-14-Noviembre-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much trad. The buttoned collar shirts with ties is a big no in the med countries. Pic related a sprezz version. Also a thinner belt (or not belt).

>> No.15550748
File: 308 KB, 640x457, Look Lunes 27 Agosto 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15550751
File: 362 KB, 640x457, Look Lunes 22 Abril 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15550759

He is contributing to the thread, unlike you.Your reply is basically just abuse for no valid reason. Please take that to another thread and stop derailing ours. Thanks.

>> No.15550764

While I agree his fit looks a little trad (it's the tie that looks like it's maybe a college tie) enhancing that trad look, sprezzatura is not synonymous with a med look.

>> No.15550831

I saw a review on Uniqlo saying that the merino polos are comparable to John Smedley, how can this be true? I’ve never shopped at Uniqlo but I thought that it was supposed to be shit for shirts and wool?

>> No.15550839

What is this style of jacket called?

>> No.15550847

It isn't true. Uniqlo uses cheap materials and methods with factory labor in China. If you need cheap and decent plain socks, underwear, undershirts then Uniqlo is alright. Anything 'nice' they make is trash though.

>> No.15550848


It's just a double breasted jacket with peaked lapels.

>> No.15550853
File: 1.07 MB, 2740x2944, 09-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero thought went into this fit. It somehow sort of worked.

>> No.15550857

>Zero thought went into this fit.

Then you achieved true sprezz! Looks great.

>> No.15550862

Idk why the pic got rotated, so oof, the pants are indeed too low rise and desu i like mixing some sleaze in my sprezza.
Yes, i bought them some years ago and i'm still getting taller, but the fit is not terrible and is not uncomfortable, and yes the shirt is a light grey-tan
Yeah singularly this pieces are not the best but i think mixing them is good, the shirt is a safari shirt and i need the extra pockets when not going out with a jacket.
Thanks i guess?

>> No.15550878

It's a double breasted unstructured jacket. Similar to a spanish teba jacket.

>> No.15550879

Finally, Chelsea boots. The tie is too busy for my taste,l.

>> No.15550925

Can anyone recommend where I can buy lower end but still decent items if I want to dip my feet in? English btw so no American stores.
I’m aware this isn’t a poorfag thing but I just finished university and I have a lot from internships saved so I’m looking for a job right now and would rather not spend a lot on this just yet but get a taste for it?

So for footwear, I’ll look at Loake/Meermin etc. That’s around £200 each?
Shirts either Charles Tyrwhitt or Spier&Mackay. So £30-40?
Not sure about sweaters, I have Jamieson’s/Harley for some knitwear which are around £100 but I don’t know where I can get merino in an appropriate price range considering I’ll be buying £30-40 shirts.

Not sure about pants or jackets really I think that’s the toughest one considering I squat and bench often and my measurements change so MTM is unreasonable at the moment given that I don’t even know if I can feel confident dressing like this and these are definitely the most expensive items.

Also I’d like a thinner belt with a round buckle I see in a lot of these fits but I’m not sure where to get one which is good leather so I’d be grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction.

>> No.15550972

Thrift on ebay! It's the only real and true answer.

Materials over names, good materials will indicate a good item anyway.

>> No.15550973
File: 64 KB, 1100x550, 536a3fe369bedd347ed1b082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slim vs regular fit shirt?

>> No.15550980

but 100% wool can be bad wool can’t it? and construction quality which you can’t see until you receive it?

>> No.15550986

Well you have wool and pure new wool sued in a garment for the first time and obviously different weaves but in the case of sports coats, they are all very similar. Yeah, you will get merino etc. but that's mainly going to be used in sweaters.

>and construction quality which you can’t see until you receive it?

High quality material items are going to go hand in hand with better construction quality. You can also get big brands that are polyester and made in India or whatever which is why brands isn't always the best way to go, unless it's the top line in a brand label.

And yeah, you're always going to gamble buying things not in person but you can find things dirt cheap on ebay. You'll get a double folded finest cotton tm lewin shirt on there for about £5.

>> No.15551008

Thanks I’ll take a look, I have this paralysis where I want to try something but anything less than the best is always shit and I’m told by this board. It’s like a tunnel vision thing where I’m sure the differences becomes diminishing as you pay more for an item but because I want to dip my feet in and don’t want to spend much I never end up trying anything, whether it’s shirts or jackets or whatever so I guess eBay helps and I should probably stop worrying about getting the best and just accept that I’ll settle for less but if it fits, it will still look decent.

>> No.15551019

Also have no idea what I should be looking for with a jacket or sportcoat both in features and colour/pattern since it’s my first one and no idea to tell if it actually fits my shoulders and the arm holes are right before I buy it? I’ve seen a lot below £100 and I’m sure they retail for around £300-400 atleast after checking but I’m just too uneasy and I knowledgeable to thrift on eBay. I like PoW in grey or brown but I’m not sure if it’s the smartest choice.

>> No.15551020

what do you do

>> No.15551024

Fit is always key, the next issue will be poor quality material like how polyester falls. Natural material such as 100% wool will be much better and that's not going to differ between a medium priced garment and a really expensive one.

A 10,000 dollar suit isn't going to make someone look better than in a 5000 one.

For shirts just focus on things such as 100% cotton, trousers mainly 100% wool and jackets 100% wool and the lining 100% viscose or similar.

>> No.15551035

If you have huge arms you're going to have a hard time all over. If they are just big, you obviously need to avoid all slim fit items. Older pieces are more generous cut a lot of the time so are a benefit in this case.

I'd look for single colors on a sports coat. Lighter is more versatile and looks more casual. Lots should list the measurements or you can always ask them.

You can pick up some for peanuts if you just want to get a feel for the jackets and see how you look roughly in person in them.

£100 is way too much. Grey and browns can look more English country look often but those colors are easily picked up used in the UK.

>> No.15551060
File: 3.18 MB, 1896x849, jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The close up of this jacket shows it best, it looks bad because it's all creased in the full picture.

But this has a starting price of £9.99 and it's doubtful it will even receive a bid.

It's 100% linen and 100% viscose lined. It's going to be cool, breathable and it's a versatile color.

Even your regular high street brands priced many times over this will not have the same materials and will have polyester in there.

The best thing people can ever do is to learn very basic alterations on items and you can tailor fit thrifted jackets and they will fit almost perfect then.

>> No.15551069

Yes I noticed a lot of images do not do it’s justice because they’re so poor. What search term would you use for that?

It’s just shoulder width that needs to fit mostly isn’t it? Is it possible to do alterations following a video or am I certain to fuck up at my first attempts?

>> No.15551073
File: 3.37 MB, 1900x821, jacket 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile here is a Hugo Boss linen jacket at £17.99 with a 25% polyester blend in it. The majority would go for this because of the name but it's poorer quality overall.

>> No.15551083

Poor images and lack of measurements can work in your advantage because most people just pass them by.

Just search "men/man/mens linen/wool blazer/jacket and chest size"

>It’s just shoulder width that needs to fit mostly isn’t it?

Yes shoulder is very important. You can get the measurements. If you work out and things chance it's of course also helpful to purchase lower priced items.

>Is it possible to do alterations following a video or am I certain to fuck up at my first attempts?

Lol yes. You def have to start with a t-shirt, tapering the sides, tapering trousers in, shorten the legs etc.

You'd need a basic sewing machine under £100. You'd mainly use 2-3 stitches. But imo for people on here, it's really worth it. You'll learn something to last a life time and no matter how you dress you'll be able to tailor your items.

You could pick up a used shirt for £5 but if you used a tailor maybe £15 for a basic alternation. Something you can do in less than an hour.

>> No.15551091
File: 2.54 MB, 1207x828, jacket3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now on the other hand for the same price, this is what you avoid haha unless you want the 70s farmer look. But they still have good quality materials and people would pay 5 x the amount for something identical for this if it said "harris tweed" on it when it's pretty much the same.

>> No.15551163
File: 353 KB, 748x762, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecil do you try and sprezz a bit? Srsly, grow your shaggy beard and make an effort! You’d look great.

>> No.15551184

Almost daily :o)

>> No.15551244

Trousers project day 8
No pictures today, had to reschedule a bit and there is nothing new to show today. Most of my time went into making the belt loops, and the button holes for the back pockets are done.
Tomorrow it's just closing those pockets and sewing the separate legs.

Time spent:
2h - belt loops
2h - ironing the welts, stitching around the pocket openings, button holes

>> No.15551279

What about the lining for the sleeves in those? Most RTW brands use synthetic fibre for the sleeves and I went this path, too. The synthetic is very smooth and does not catch the shirt sleeve when putting on the jacket, but with my linen viscose blend I get stuck a lot more easily, i.e. the shoulders ride up too much and I have to pull the sleeves down once to correct this.
Granted, the sleeves for this jacket were tight already, but in the synthetics lined sleeves I don't have this problem.
One option I might explore is cotton satin for the sleeve lining, it should also be very smooth.

>> No.15551312

Yes, you're right even when you have a natural lining most brands will still save money by polyester sleeve linings. Which in itself isn't terrible as the material round the body being able to breathe is the most important but most of the jackets I list have viscose, even silk at times on the whole body and arms. I'd still consider polyester sleeve linings low end and tend to avoid them.

There are different types of viscose though like rayon and ones manufactured in Japan. I don't see why they are not as smooth as polyester. It will also depend on the friction of the material of your top/shirt etc. Never really seen it as an issue, you would never get a canvassed suit with polyester lining anywhere.

Viscose is just common for linings you'll come across on the used market. Cotton satin, not so much!

>> No.15551545

What's /sprezz/'s opinion on suspenders?

>> No.15551917

They change the lines of your body quite a bit and are hard to pull off without looking like grandpa.
If your pants fit right you don't need suspenders or a belt.

>> No.15552405

New thread:

Exploited the low activity at the moment, even if the bump limit was not hit yet.

>> No.15552518

Is there actually a problem if it does not hit the bump limit? Does it get archived?

>> No.15552678

Don't tell /tip/, but chelsea boots can be alright.

Thanks Cecil.

Bunch of consulting and entrepreneurial stuff.

muh heritage