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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.01 MB, 1125x1252, C8F30BA1-AD3C-4B5E-8263-4BB747E3A9E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15527285 No.15527285 [Reply] [Original]

>a style focused on the male pursuit of sexual interactions with females.
>apparel includes brands like ASOS, H&M and ZARA, emphasizing the availability and comfort of fast fashion.
>main points of focus are masculinity and sexual energy, combining both "classy" and "badboy" elements.
>SEXcore essentials are: distressed skinny jeans, white sneakers/suede chelsea boots, white t-shirts, denim shirts, grey top coats.
>everything SLIMFIT.

>> No.15527306

holy shit that looks awful

>> No.15527427

gay and cringe as fuck

send us fits of you in this core so we can laugh

>> No.15527902
File: 955 KB, 1125x1115, 1A4D7FA1-0694-4928-B40C-BC58CE971705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this last week to an interview

Hired, im telling you guys SEXcore works

>> No.15527907

>Posting pic that was online 4 or more weeks ago

>> No.15527913
File: 106 KB, 736x736, sexcore14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread

>> No.15527921

Do you enjoy working as a gay hustler?
Do the men want to fuck you or do you fuck them?

>> No.15527928

Why does he look so small? Is it the slim fits?

>> No.15527981

longline t-shirt and a long overcoat makes his legs look stumpy

>> No.15527996
File: 149 KB, 634x882, peak fashion5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15528000

The shirt barely reaches over his belt, if it were a long shirt it would rather end at his crotch.
This guy is actually small but has a long torso and badly enough the massive shoulder pads make his torso appear longer.

>> No.15528001

manlets are drawn to sexxcore because they think it will end their virginity

>> No.15528011

Yes. He's pretty jacked.

>> No.15528016

If I recall, he is 5'11". Maybe BS and he's 5'9". He is jacked too. He has short legs and that's why his fits are bad, he never focuses on balancing out the leg/torso ratio. Often he makes it look worse such as here:


>> No.15528140
File: 235 KB, 1000x771, SEX Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a GOOD /fa/ thread.

>> No.15528156
File: 225 KB, 1080x1080, 70270362_382293885773160_658911289528565301_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some quick research on Daniel through his instagram because i have nothing better to do. The height is legit. The guy next to him is Kevin Estre (height 1.84m). Daniel wears manlet shoes

>> No.15528158
File: 175 KB, 1080x1080, 82510842_1480495152128385_5805582957789771413_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 kg curls. Maybe roider?

>> No.15528166
File: 155 KB, 1080x1348, 117616130_183834009791798_6039426103968174685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recessed face and tiny neck. Maybe that amplifies the perception of smallness?

>> No.15528168
File: 111 KB, 1080x1080, 32273378_182128462445197_6781151317638250496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15528175
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1800, FSSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fathersons SEXcore

>> No.15528177
File: 160 KB, 1080x1350, 91876600_593233311261882_4920284288567586308_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something that makes him unimposing and the whole alpha image fake, but i can't exactly pinpoint it. If i had to pick something it would be the face

>> No.15528194

Why do you think so? 12kg is nothing and he doesn't look especially huge either

>> No.15528202
File: 1.95 MB, 2116x3916, The SEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15528203

it's the receding hairline and the leathery skin

>> No.15528220

Hmm, it always begs the question is the guy next to him telling his legit height. Usually they all add or 2 inches. Every guy does that. People think 6ft is not all that tall because every 5'9" guy claims 6ft or near enough. Then when you meet a legit 6ft guy women especially think he is 6'2".

You can get muscle hypertrophy from those weights. You're making the basic mistake you have to hit heavy weights when bodybuilders are not powerlifters. Then again he is highly likely a roider. His shoulders don't pop out too much which could indicate natty but almost nobody retains those arms and abs with low bodyfat percentage without help.

Just like height being bullshit and lied to most of the times, so are bodies, especially muscular guys and people believe you can look like that hitting the gym a few times a week. Everyone we see on tv, IG, movies etc, are on gear.

Muscle is expensive to the body, it will try and lose it. These guys are not in a natural state.

>> No.15528222


>> No.15528225

I think he means how is the guy building muscles with a low weight and not that he must be on roids because 12kg is super heavy.

>> No.15528233

He's not really impressive in any ways or extraordinary. He has a good body, sure. He must be awesome at marketing himself. Suppose it's a positive that an average guy can be all over and this successful. Maybe that's his appeal to women that he;s not some unattainable giga chad.

>> No.15528238

So since the most famous SEXbro is German, is this a German style?

>> No.15528242

how tf does he look average to you ? do you live in a model house or sth. ?

>> No.15528245

cecil is simply jealous of everyone else

>> No.15528255

Alright so maybe better than average but his body and clothing is adding to that. He's kinda average height, receding hairline, doesn't have a large jaw or anything. He's not like a really hot model type of guy. He's just a moderately attractive fitness dude.

I'm not jealous of everyone, he's more attractive than me. I don;t waste my time on jealousy because I am not a woman or a whiny little nu male.

>> No.15528256
File: 383 KB, 1044x681, SmartSelect_20200725-185009_Omnichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect your elders faggit.

>> No.15528261

youre out of touch with reality. hes in the top 5% of males
do you ever go outside ? real life is not full of instagram models
>He's kinda average height, receding hairline, doesn't have a large jaw or anything
all of those except for hairline apply to Zayn, would you say hes average ?

>> No.15528271

>youre out of touch with reality. hes in the top 5% of males

Lmao ugly guy detected who tells himself that as a cope.

>all of those except for hairline apply to Zayn, would you say hes average ?

Who the f is that? Zayn Malik?

>> No.15528290

yeah Zayn Malik
no need to cope, i already accepted that im ugly
about 70% of americans are overweight, hes top 5% in statistics
why do you think hes average ? where do you live where you see models everyday ?

>> No.15528292

at least he is able and willing to explain his opinion in a logical way instead of posting one-time answers

>> No.15528302

*one line answers

>> No.15528306

put your trip back on, cecil

>> No.15528316

It's pointless to compare famous and rich singers. Leonardo DiCaprio looks like ass now but millions of women would fuck him. The comparisons are not equal.

>about 70% of americans are overweight, hes top 5% in statistics

he has to be the top percent in the 5% groups for it again to be fair.

If I move to a country of people that are all 4ft does it suddenly make me above average and tall? No.

If the average women weighs 200lbs is a woman who weighs 170lbs slim? No.

>why do you think hes average

He's just not a super model Kinda average face. It's just the body and clothing.

>where do you live where you see models everyday ?

Look, if you put an average guy in a town full of deformed freaks, he's still average!

>> No.15528322

sorry, I am actually a different anon, this was my post: >>15528194

>> No.15528327

so your definition of average has nothing to do with statistics but with your personal opinion. How do you get the idea that 50% of men look better than him. Again, where do you live where thats the case ?
btw: are you implying if Zayn Malik wasnt famous he would be average ?

>> No.15528334 [DELETED] 

My name is a big clue as to where I live...

My opinion on attractiveness isn't simply personal opinion, we all have it built into our genes what we find attractive and what we find repulsive.

> are you implying if Zayn Malik wasnt famous he would be average ?

It skewers opinion. He's a skinny short Arab looking guy. He's nothing special.You see plenty of them.

Do you want me to say they're all 10/10 super hot to make you feel better about yourself? Instead of forcing others to conform to your opinions, perhaps work on your self esteem? I am not trying to force you to say he is average.

>> No.15528337

My name is a big clue as to where I live...

My opinion on attractiveness isn't simply personal opinion, we all have it built into our genes what we find attractive and what we find repulsive.

> are you implying if Zayn Malik wasnt famous he would be average ?

It gives a skewed opinion. He's a skinny short Arab looking guy. He's nothing special.You see plenty of them.

Do you want me to say they're all 10/10 super hot to make you feel better about yourself? Instead of forcing others to conform to your opinions, perhaps work on your self esteem? I am not trying to force you to say he is average.

>> No.15528341

he literally looks like every North African ever

>> No.15528349

how do you have to look to be considered above average, as in better than 50% of the population ? do you have to be a 6'2" model to be considered above average ?

>> No.15528355

No, you don't. I just don't think he's really attractive, that's all. Holy shit, how gay are you for this guy?

>> No.15528358

You have to have above average good looks to be consdered above average in the looks department

>> No.15528506

someone give me the instructions to block tripfags. also, my fedora gets me some compliments.

>> No.15528527
File: 2.11 MB, 1252x1532, peak fashion12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15528623

>it's just the body and clothing
what do you mean "just". you think i'd browse /fit/ and /fa/ if the face would be the sole factor of attractiveness?

>> No.15528624

the lifehack is to leave /fa/ if you want actual fashion discussion

>> No.15528632

What I mean is that women are seeing this guy and thinking he looks like a fashion God that adds to their attraction for him. If he dressed like shit and was skinny he wouldn't have half the appeal

It's like how an ugly thot can dress in stockings, heels and suspenders and people will simp all over her even though she's objectively pretty ugly.

>> No.15528640

yeah so what? why are we discussing this, we're on /fa/shion not /fa/ce

>> No.15528643

Because I stated he was pretty average and people disagreed and I've explained why. Face is always discussed here. You must be new.

>> No.15528647

i am new actually, mostly been on /fit/ in the past but most people there are also bucket crabbing and whining about face or height when they could be working out

>> No.15528667
File: 55 KB, 727x461, xk8OpGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the small neck

>> No.15528703

is there a reason why sexcore eschews socks and crops pants comically high?

>> No.15528716

chimney sweep shows ankle to chambermaid scandal

>> No.15528719

based sexcore poster

>> No.15528731
File: 104 KB, 1080x1350, 1598735537975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15528742

Started dressing like this last year when I turned 20. Sold off all of my anime shirts and shit for this. Got a gf and good job, femoids started looking my way a while after starting this. It's good, do ot, went from a /t9k/ autist to a /fit/ chad making 60,000 a year ( so far )

>> No.15528745
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing, based and sexcorechadpilled!

>> No.15528750

how do you earn 60k at 20 ?
my sister is a doctor and earns less at 27

>> No.15528781

and people clap and ask if you can fuck them in the street too?
same bro

>> No.15528808

He is from Düsseldorf I live there and worked for the high end fashion stores. Met him once at prada and once at apropos also saw him at the Königsallee. He is a manlet. And I’m not talking the 4chan 5‘9 manlet he is really short most influencers are.

>> No.15528811

Like Iam 5‘10 and he is a head shorter then me

>> No.15528834

So bitches could get a better look at your expensive dress sneakers or suede chelsea boots.

>> No.15528851


>> No.15528859


>> No.15528863



>> No.15528867

Bro, Magic Fox is hot

>> No.15529048

no way he is 5'8

>> No.15529058


>> No.15529066

Sexcore looks pretty good for the most part but those ripped jeans do nothing but make me cringe

>> No.15529072

Are you fucking serious? 12kg is baby shit

>> No.15529074

he isnt, the guy is like 5'10"
although its true that hes from Düsseldorf
he is also a mechanical engineer, quit his job to do instagram bcause it pays more

>> No.15529092
File: 213 KB, 570x714, snap cringe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexcore looks pretty good for the most part

>> No.15529105

SEXcore looks 100x better than anything posted in waywt

>> No.15529106

Yeah, but what kind of standard is that

>> No.15529107

yeah thats true, its not a bad style though
a bit tacky but nothing wrong with it
its safe and inoffensive
+ S E X

>> No.15529169
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>> No.15529190
File: 80 KB, 750x718, sexcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15529274

bro im 5'10 he stood next to me and was shorter way shorter

>> No.15529289

how do you explain this then ?

>> No.15529336

he has no cheekbones

>> No.15529344

What's in the bags they're always carrying bros?!

>> No.15529347

extra large condoms

>> No.15529384

Gay porn

>> No.15530233
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, HDHDHAOUHFSOANFAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the prince of S E X

>> No.15530310
File: 61 KB, 467x790, 1591197388854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post female sexcore inspo

>> No.15530319

too niggerish

>> No.15530320

could you elaborate?

>> No.15530338

It’s not as bad as

>> No.15530373

bro this guy is not very good looking. he looks like any semi /fit/ dude on any american college campus who’s ever picked up a GQ once or twice

>> No.15530381

>female sexcore
literally anything

>> No.15530383

why do they always bunch their shoulders up like this? like they all walk in a lumbering kinda way, like perpetual suitcase arms. is it because of the weekender/duffle bags they carry everywhere?

>> No.15530388

i think you're not supposed to wear underwear with this

>> No.15530433
File: 38 KB, 513x655, 465AAFC2-70B0-4A58-9F8F-BD11601A332C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought like 15 muscle tight tees

>> No.15530496

Focus on shiny metals and exposing skin via holes in the material. Clothes can be revealing without these holes, looks more classy. In case of rips it looks more "unintentional" and aggressive, even if the rips are a design choice.

>> No.15530527

theyre flexing i think

>> No.15530535

I still don't understand.

>> No.15530541

100% the neck is too thin

>> No.15530556

i figured it out. they’re constantly doing the “grabbing my coat by the lapels and throwing it on my shoulders like i’m just putting it on and making sure my shirt’s not bunched up underneath” move

>> No.15530571

Yes, but why constantly?

>> No.15530573

to make themselves look bigger than they are on some pua shit. these guys also sit in chairs backwards like the cool coach in disney movies

>> No.15530620
File: 98 KB, 735x1102, 1560432294341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15530634

>male pursuit of sexual interactions with females
why only females?
lets not discriminate

>> No.15530751

i know you're being cheeky, but i'm pretty sure you dress differently if your target audience is guys

>> No.15530791

>>a style focused on the male pursuit of sexual interactions with females.
so twunk body and edgy all black stuff?

>> No.15530804

im not sure

>> No.15530812


>> No.15530839

SEXcore is inherently European, curries need not apply.

>> No.15530983

If by European, you mean fucking European women, then yes it is inherently European.

>> No.15531034
File: 536 KB, 1080x1073, peak fashion9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15531153
File: 123 KB, 735x1102, 1592355462349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15531159

this is the most tasteless style ever, jesus christ

>> No.15531273

He is also from Düsseldorf also a manlet and a fucking rude bitch

>> No.15531387
File: 1.21 MB, 2296x1641, 1548785150889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15531401

Jesus fucking Christ this thread is the antithesis of what this board is supposed to be about.

>> No.15531439

metrosexual will never be appealing. absolute height of embarassment to be muscular but preened like a complete faggot

>> No.15531441

about buying overpriced obscure designer memes to look like a virgin vizard?

>> No.15531524


>> No.15532043

they look like second life characters which likely cost more individually than all three of their fits do combined

>> No.15532051

I don't particularly mind this style, my only gripe is I HATE sneakers. I don't know why but to me everything about sneakers just screams immaturity

>> No.15532238

He’s 5’7 tops lmao

>> No.15532256

the girl that likes this, is a narcissist and wishes she could fuck her self thus she likes her man wearing her clothes.

>> No.15532262
File: 462 KB, 1000x762, Time for the SEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15532274

This is the gayest board on 4chan, hands down.

>> No.15532292
File: 693 KB, 2000x903, Menswear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. SEXless virgin

>> No.15532310


>> No.15532318

Everyone should save this comment about natty lifters.

>> No.15532332

Post watch. If that isn’t a heinously cheesy Luminor homage you haven’t committed.

>> No.15532361

>leg torso ratio
How to I overcome this? I’m 6’ and have the torso of a 6’3” person. I cannot wear anything low rise if I’m tucking in, but past that what can I do?

>> No.15532463

>trendy 200 dollar haircut
kys, really

>> No.15532852

t. doesnt get the SEX

>> No.15532894

wouldn't you want to do the opposite? try to wear high waisted stuff to make your legs look longer? Probably want to avoid wear long coats like mr. sex in the photo.

>> No.15533911

Face is feminine, but so is everything else. This dude is an instagram whore with a dick.

>> No.15534408
File: 217 KB, 1000x1522, 20200903_025549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you define sex core, are these slim fit pants i tried out in a store once sexcore ?, is any type of slim fit pants sexcore ?

>> No.15534418

i also look really bad with these pants lol

>> No.15534432

It's only sexcore if youre a roided up beefcake. Hungry skellys need not apply. The purpose is to show off your fuckable physique with the most form fitting clothing. Same as women.

>> No.15534446
File: 524 KB, 523x531, q58yzGK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on a previous sexcore thread, the guy on the right is thin, and that dress doesn't look very nice for him either

>> No.15534455

>how to make this even more niggerish...
>replace the buckles with condoms
yes anon, you can Photoshop that idea pretty easy but I'm lazy. So I wont RN

>> No.15534481

checked. ID on the fit?

>> No.15534656


>> No.15534695

fucking lol'ed at "pale, hairless legs"

>> No.15534710

start working out and eat a high protein / high fat diet to put on mass, 80% of sexcore is just having a good body and filling out your clothes, then you can wear the most basic shit and it will look good

>> No.15534714
File: 55 KB, 750x747, o4ljedbq0e201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that chicken little on the right

>> No.15534743

stack of dimes neck and Edward Norton face

>> No.15535197
File: 66 KB, 500x529, Gigachads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535209

it's the same dude

>> No.15535213

this guy literally looks like a gorilla and not in an attractive way.

>> No.15535219
File: 50 KB, 540x471, 1D2307F5-F0E0-4C3C-8CC1-2DC9E84821C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female sexcore you say?

>> No.15535222

Sexcore is literally just the jocks who are now 30-35 that were late to the skinny jean fad of the late 00's and now that fashion has moved past the baggy/skinny jean cycle have nowhere to go because they don't know how to shop for a pair of pants that fit properly. Anyone who dresses this way intentionally is just larping as an alpha.

>> No.15535232

>larping as an alpha

>> No.15535237

Where's the best place for S E X approved tshirts?

>> No.15535243
File: 102 KB, 450x450, miga-shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535321


Look at me with my homosexuality in my hand.

>> No.15535328

This whole thread should be moved to /gay/

If I get an oversized bag and some torn jeans I will surely fuck... in the gay village.

>> No.15535808

Cope. SEXcore is the ultimate refinement of men's style and lets everyone know you're a high-status man worth being around.

>> No.15535962

KYS cringe faggot
Extremely based and amazing chad style

>> No.15536006

Why does Marty look like a retard but Gaz and the other guy don´t, the jeans' fit?

>> No.15536024

Dangerously based

>> No.15536049

what brand boots are those

>> No.15536064

this is the right fit, now start doing 300 squats a day but dont ever change your pant size once you get gains

>> No.15536080


He doesn’t go outside. Ignore the trips on this board, they’re old and insane. Like the regulars at the local library.

>> No.15536082

EXACTLY. they alienate everyone who isn’t a basement dweller. It’s gross

>> No.15536155 [DELETED] 

Nah i would rather not wear tights even if i get gains, those guys look like they are straight out of a production line.

>> No.15536159

Nah i would rather not wear tights even if i get gains, those guys look like they are straight out of a production line.

>> No.15536981

girls who appreciate sexcore were never the smartest ones lol

>> No.15537012


>> No.15537507

whats in his bag bros

>> No.15537600

He is very likely carrying an empty LV bag around to show off his wealth.

>> No.15537609


>> No.15538043

Thousands in cash he earned from Instagram modeling and daytraiding

>> No.15538884


>> No.15538911


>> No.15539037

The absolute state of unfit people on this board, thinking you have to roid to achieve this. I am bigger and almost as lean natty, a little cut and i am there. And i work for strength not size. Also I curl with 25kg for 8. I cringe so hard at roidspotters calling out small guys.

>> No.15539044

Not to say, I would not be surprized if he actually cheats. Just saying it is not close to natty limit.

>> No.15540681

Kill yourself, ugly twink cringy soiboy faggots

>> No.15540683

Kill yourself, obese fat faggots!

>> No.15540717

Fucking lol this really is the worst style.

Like something an aging guy who lingers around bars would wear.

>> No.15540730

post body lol

>> No.15540762

And not a dime of it will go to tipping servers because this chad knows not to enable drug users.

>> No.15540778

At least she will be safe in a car crash

>> No.15540924

British men can't dress lmao.
What a bunch of fucking fags.

>> No.15541078

post your outfit

>> No.15541106
File: 826 KB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_20190819-193344_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15541147
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x2268, 20200904_233750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this sexcore

>> No.15541637
File: 368 KB, 723x918, Dan Magic Fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15541642

This meme has gotten too far I swear

>> No.15541646
File: 3.83 MB, 498x373, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femanon here

I have never been so turned off in my life

Can you please dress normal?

>> No.15541648

Post a pic of what you find normal, dear femanon (male)

>> No.15541650

Those jeans tho! LMAOOOO looks like a girl

>> No.15541658
File: 30 KB, 236x458, 955197ee663ced41352db7e1258a3fa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect prep or any other style that makes you look like you have a job.

"Sexcore" already existed and was invented by Mexican butch lesbians. Makes my pussy dry up more than Ben Shapiro's wife.

>> No.15541725

yikes dude, very cringe

>> No.15541734

Be honest with me here. You guys are serious about dressing like this? It's not a joke?

>> No.15542717


>> No.15542729

t. contrarian "fem"anon that would spread xer legs as soon as a sexcore chad approached her

>> No.15542840
File: 14 KB, 235x289, 85919071b1c8f1e70e9c6f4eba7114a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, dyke. You will never be a lesbian.

>> No.15544135
File: 1.00 MB, 1172x1352, Screen Shot 2020-09-06 at 5.40.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15544146

dressy like a preppy yuppie who just discovered j crew and ralph lauren? ha no

>> No.15544162

Its not declarative, its implied that the top text is part of a generic list of "stuff girls like about boys" thought process. Its not supposed to be interpreted as "these boys" but rather "I like boys who dress like this"
Either you're both ESL or incels.

>> No.15544409
File: 137 KB, 601x604, 1598327034636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15544442

bet these chads also listen to metalcore, based

>> No.15544487


Do you always say you next immediate action?

>> No.15545075
File: 75 KB, 604x453, 1595044537104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this nigger joined in early 2020 and wants to tell you how to lift

>> No.15545099

>You cannot have experience in anything before you started posting on 4chan

>> No.15545133

he is like 5'5

>> No.15545233

>roiding for this...

>> No.15545542


holy shit i didnt know this fuckboi style had a name. unironically best style for lean sexy muscular men.

but where can i find a quality version of such a trench coat ?! where do anons shop for this style

>> No.15545863

There are some good clothes here, I like some of the coats etc., but as a Eastern European, who lives in Germany, this is how all the poseurs dress like over there. I can't help but feel, that the whole style is intended so as the people using it please everyone else around them. Which strikes me as very weak and fragile.

>> No.15545888

100% larp
this is written by a man

>> No.15545894

>I can't help but feel, that the whole style is intended so as the people using it please everyone else around them. Which strikes me as very weak and fragile.
your projection is telling me you are afraid of being seen as weak and fragile
not the problem of SEXcore, its a good style

>> No.15545973

>psychological analysis based on a single post
Get real. I'm mostly uninterested in how other people perceive me.

In fact you failed to address my critique, which was that the style is aimed at pleasing others, instead of expressing the self. Which can be a result of a multitude of reasons, depending on the individual in question.

>> No.15545992

keep telling yourself that. You'll still look like a watered down Chola.

>> No.15546042


>> No.15546269

lots of people dress with the aim of pleasing others and doing so and expressing oneself aren't even mutually exclusive

what even makes up yourself? your own consciousness, or the sum of the interpretations of those living in your environment? the latter probably has a bigger impact on your life, no matter what you "feel" like internally

in conclusion: they have sex and you don't