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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 749 KB, 720x719, Tat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15523170 No.15523170 [Reply] [Original]

Tat inspo thread. Really digging the colours on some of these.

>> No.15523175
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>Women with tattoos

>> No.15523184
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>> No.15523192
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>> No.15523214
File: 534 KB, 639x695, 2738482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't have tattoos are all afraid of commitment. In the near future people will be afraid of dating someone without one as they will question whether their partner is going to stay with them for the long haul.

>> No.15523222

hahahhahahahahhaha what a RETARD

>> No.15523223

What an enormously hyperbolic and retarded argument.

Tattoos are masculine and indicative of risk seeking behavior; two traits I'd prefer my women not to have.

>> No.15523228

what band is that, looks like Horn or something

>> No.15523271

>that octopus

>> No.15523301

Looks a bit like the Horna logo, but it´s different in a lot of places

>> No.15523302
File: 31 KB, 478x469, 55f6bed01ffe55eec10cb5e7e55dab26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15523305

I would let her tentacle rape me brothers.

>> No.15523307
File: 383 KB, 1091x1362, 123213123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15523308

Do you know who she is? Like IG maybe? omg

>> No.15523314

everything else is fine but the octopus is straight caca
do not want

>> No.15523316
File: 536 KB, 1100x1388, 2383284328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op pic is nami_ox_xo on insta

>> No.15523317
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>> No.15523318

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.15523319
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>> No.15523320


>> No.15523326

so_dam20 on insta

>> No.15523328

Holy fuck. Good thread.

>> No.15523329

Waste of a fat ass

>> No.15523342
File: 417 KB, 828x765, 1595799189942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being an Asian girl, the pinnacle of femininity and grace then purposely disregarding any leg up you had on the female competition to put obnoxious doodles all over easily seen areas of your body

>> No.15523344
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>> No.15523347
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>> No.15523350

Damn, I'd eat the shit that would come out of her ass.

>> No.15523353
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>> No.15523355
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>> No.15523358
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>> No.15523362

You would refuse to date these chicks over ink on their skin?

>> No.15523369
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>> No.15523371
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>> No.15523377

tfw no yakuza gf to cut off enemies' fingers off with

>> No.15523380
File: 87 KB, 720x715, a806851e0c887df5153f85976e489881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drained for now.

>> No.15523394

All these chinks with pop shop tattoos, picking out random flashes from a wall like toys from a kinder surprise egg make me want to throw up

>> No.15523397


>> No.15523398

Not because of the tats themselves but any chick THAT extensively inked up is 100% guaranteed to be a basket case

>> No.15523477

die die die die

>> No.15523491

They wouldn't give you the time of day regardless, don't why YOU personally are upset about it

>> No.15523501
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>> No.15523504
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>> No.15523512
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>> No.15523513
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>> No.15523516
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>> No.15523517
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>> No.15523518
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>> No.15523520
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>> No.15523523
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>> No.15523546

This is how retards rationalize this to themselves

>> No.15523592

trashy as fuck, hot.

>> No.15523607

incel thread

>> No.15523643
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x3264, 1539027137692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not saying I wouldn't outright. Like someone dating a fat or disfigured person, there would need to be something extra special, a reason that despite the obvious flaws or maybe I were beholden to them in some way.

>> No.15523661

Tattoos are NPC tier, fuck your consumerism and fuck your pop culture.

>> No.15523765
File: 59 KB, 760x792, 1598639622995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watches Ben Shapiro once
>"I'm so special because I don't have tattoos"
Have sex bro

>> No.15523774

>I'm gonna go into a thread specifically about something I don't like and bitch about it

>lmao trooooollled brooo i'm not a whiny little bitch projecting my own insecurities onto pictures on the internet

>> No.15523777 [DELETED] 
File: 670 KB, 267x200, 200 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these girls are made for BBC

>> No.15523788

>tattoos on the whole used to be for branding criminals
>criminals tend to have low impulse control/ lower IQ
>people are now getting shitty doodles all over their body willingly

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

>> No.15523792

tattoos have been something that has existed since before recorded history. Stop talking out your ass autist and have sex

>> No.15523803

Go get another shit tattoo to show your boyfriend, fag. What does your Dad’s face look like when you show him a tattoo of a tree on fire on your arm?

>> No.15523844

These Asian punk/metal tattoo girls are pretty hot.

>> No.15523868

He’s not wrong though. Tattoos have existed in cultures across the globe going back hundreds of thousands of years.

>> No.15523890

I'm fine if a girl has tattoos on her hands. But when they go full body mode. it's just so disgusting

>> No.15523898

More recently (last 200-300 years) they've been used to brand criminals. Getting a tattoo today has no relevance to what people did hundreds of thousands of years ago. Especially when the kind of tattoos people are getting these days has no relation to their roots (even then it's larping). Take this thread as an example or think about the kind of tattoos you see people with in real life. Butterflies or skulls or a noose on your neck. Utter shit that looks out of place with no meaning. That's where the poor impulse control comes in.

>> No.15524112

check out this halfwit

>no don't look at the overwhelming majority of human history showing humans getting tattooed for a wide variety of reasons

>look at this very unique cherry-picked example of period-specific use

really makes you wonder why he's so adamantly against tattoos. probably into tattooed girls but they're too cool for his incel basement-dwelling ass so now he's doing the tattoo-equivalent of persecuting gays from the closet.

>> No.15524547


>> No.15524569

weed tats r so fucking cringe
probably gonna end up getting geometrics tats like this sometime

>> No.15524712

We need a pejorative term for women who trend hop and appropriate male fashion to try to be edgy and cool. Do they really think that just because they're cute that they don't look TRYHARD? It's insulting to real masculinity.

>> No.15524794

BWC you mean. No blacks could get with these.
Based and BWC pilled.

>> No.15524805

>very unique cherry-picked example

It's not though is it? Western/ Eastern tattoos for the last 300 years have been a sign of criminality. You're not going to get a fucking tribal tattoo or a pagan tattoo in 2020 without looking like a complete doofus larper

>really makes you wonder why he's so adamantly against tattoos. probably into tattooed girls but they're too cool for his incel basement-dwelling ass so now he's doing the tattoo-equivalent of persecuting gays from the closet.

Yawn. Buzzword, buzzword. You can't tackle my argument that most tattoos look like shit, because most of them do and this thread and all the other tattoo threads on /fa/ are example to this.

>> No.15524903

Here's the thing with autism. It makes you think in absolutes. Yeah, maybe the last 200-300 years they were. Now they aren't. Just like they were in the times before. Nobody except retarded boomers think this anymore. Times change.

>> No.15524911

That’s nice. Still voting Trump. ;)

>> No.15524933

Seething basedcels who would never in their life be able to date any of these women. They are built for BWC chads. The truth in this is based on how you guys think they would have bland or shit personalities because of them and would be a red flag in regards to dating. A true chad would have a dominating(competent) enough personality that the woman would adapt to suit his needs and desires. For example if you think any of these chicks would be boring to talk to. Nah it's because you probably are just as bad and can't extract intimate and quality conversations out of them. Men lead.

>> No.15524938

Ah yes more buzzwords and lack of reading comprehension (sign of autism). My point was that criminality is linked with low impulse control, same for most people that get braindead tattoos

>> No.15524962
File: 3.60 MB, 1952x1280, miyavitattos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15524977

enjoy your antifa rally faggot

>> No.15525003

why are conservacucks so easily triggered? its just constant whining and incel tears kek

>> No.15525014

I am pro trump and pro asian.

>> No.15525336

Lol,why should she or anyone care about the opinion of some skinnyfat on 4chan of all places?

if you don’t do what you enjoy, and are slave to the judgements and opinions of others, then...lol

>> No.15525346

She seems like the kind of broad youd do mountains of blow with and then randomly during sex when you started to feel numb and lose your chub, you'd just start punching the fuck out of and then feel kinda bad about it but not really because it isnt the first time won't be the last. She just looks like she'd take a beating and just sadly retreat when safe to do so without too much drama

>> No.15525356
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1527401990722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I'm sure everyone gets tattooed solely for their own enjoyment. Get the fuck out of here talking about Instagram models not being slaves to anyone's opinions. >trying to talk personal philosophy on a board about fashion.
Imagine being this self unaware.

>> No.15525375

I want a neck tattoo so bad but idk what I would get desu. You really have to be artsy. I bet if the anons here talking shit had to get a tattoo it would be mega cringe

>> No.15525438

Anon..women like this are for loving, not hurting.

>> No.15525449

Do you ever wonder if you have been persuaded to believe the exact opposite of what is true?

>> No.15525465

thanks for this quality post : )

>> No.15525468

These are really nice, american traditional will always be the best style of tattoos

>> No.15525480

Im thinking about getting tattoos but i have soft boy baby face and twink body so ill look funny :(

>> No.15525488

Start moderate lifting and that is all you need to pull them off. Depends how much of a baby face though.

>> No.15525504
File: 77 KB, 605x768, 1589168548809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"who would never in their life be able to date any of these women."
>Implying I'd ever want to date a woman with school desk scribbles all over her body.

A true chad would never stoop so low as to spend his time/money on easy gutter trash such as the women depicted above. Any woman I knew who was covered in ink had one of, if not all of the following:
1.) Absent father
2.) Bad relationship with father
3.) Drug/alcohol abuse issues
4.) Zero personality other than her tattoos

Liking tattooed women is literal high school/affliction t-shirt wearing tier taste in women.

>> No.15525524

I look 15.

>> No.15525532

Dude let's be fucking honest none of us here are perfect. I bet women have red flags for men too and surfing on this board is for sure one of major red flags. It's a pit hole for broken people. I laugh every time i see some prude traditionalists here. On a website that has only degenerate content here. Do you have a personality? Fetishizing traditional lifestyle (that you are already no way living by being on this website) is not a personality do you know that?

>> No.15525534

i dunno, when i think of tattooing in recent western history i mostly think of sailors
i'm really liking this leaning into the calligraphic beauty of kanji

>> No.15525535

>surfing on this board is for sure one of major red flags
surfing on this website***

>> No.15525549
File: 53 KB, 655x745, 1394817637867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15525554 [DELETED] 

keep crying faggot I fucked all these girls with my black cock

>> No.15525555

post a pic of yourself with your best fit with a timestamp. I can guarantee youre fucking S O Y faced

>> No.15525584

okay okay s-sorry. You've asserted your dominance enough to make me back down. Can I have them after you are done?

>> No.15525586
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, 1563485750393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15525657


>> No.15525694

they arent appropriating male fashion, they are just getting tattoos now that it's widely accepted and their family (probably) doesn't disown them if they get one, go outside

>> No.15525696

you really like talking about black dicks my dude, what are you hiding from us?

>> No.15525703

then don't you think that if they have the ability to get a tattoo and regret it later it might teach them a lesson to think before they do something? its easier to have an impulse to get a tattoo rather than to commit a crime.

>> No.15525914

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.15526226
File: 113 KB, 480x720, fb3d7190e36b5b23ea3c80f025044481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want one, long, thin full body wrap around dragon tat, but I'm worried it'll take weeks of going back and forth, and then all the parlours will be shut for the Coronachan Christmas Special...

>> No.15526273

They definitely last the longest, then again some new shit hasnt been around long enough to see what it looks like in 30+ years

>> No.15526376

>it might teach them a lesson to think before they do something?
You're supposed to learn that when you're a child.

>> No.15526386

good bait

>> No.15526414

any ideas of a small tattoo that could cover a scar i have?
i can't post pics now but it's on my inner arm, raised and in the form of the letter S (it's from self-harm). the S is horizontal btw and it's about 3cm

>> No.15526430

for context
it's super small so i ignore it, only reason i wanna cover it is because it's too obvious that it's from self harm and i get questioned every time i wear short sleeves.
idc much about tattoos in general

>> No.15526585

your best bet is to consult with a local tattoo artist who will have experience with that sort of query. pretty much every tattoo artist these days has an instagram page so a bit of googling the local shops should help you narrow down those who have styles you like the look of.

>> No.15526659


>> No.15526702

We need a pejorative term for women who trend hop and appropriate male fashion to try to be edgy and cool. Do they really think that just because they're cute that they don't look TRYHARD? It's insulting to real masculinity.

>> No.15526708
File: 422 KB, 1080x1350, 118472638_1012953692467042_7560537384381678552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.15526715
File: 123 KB, 820x529, 241-2412151_laughing-reaction-image-4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian girl
>pinnacle of femininity

>> No.15526766


>> No.15526894
File: 292 KB, 1096x1234, p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zzem.zzem is this chick. Not OP pic. I already linked her.

>> No.15526915


>> No.15527629

super cute but these tattoos are a really ugly mess
the octopus on her throat makes me sick to my stomach desu

>> No.15527633

the only thing insulting masculinity is you whining like a bitch faggot

>> No.15527643

date? no
fuck? yes but I'd probably feel bad afterward

>> No.15527658

I wonder how these girls look without ig filters, must be a hideous sight

>> No.15527786

I love it. But I have strange tastes

>> No.15527848

>asian girl
>pinnacle of femininity
don't you have a school to shoot through

>> No.15527863

Tattos are cool but as a form of masculine expression they are gradually.becoming passee because of women getting them. I want to do rotual scarification thru swordfighting. Now that wpuld be cool. I jist need to find friends to do dueling with instead of doing it to myself like an autist

>> No.15527946
File: 246 KB, 514x379, f26e04b5-ef93-48a5-a5b0-086cbe3001b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is indeed

>> No.15527984

Lmao looks like the drug addict poster here. Apparently mug shots don't count as being real (lol wat) and only good lighting filtered selfies count as reality.

Women such as this are getting thousands of messages from simps online and it's based on a complete fucking lie. What do you then do when you see the reality? Tell her fake ass to get fucked? Women have started to believe they are the filtered selfies now and add an extra 5 points to their looks.

>> No.15527997

anti-tattoo people are neurotic, supserstitious idiots

aaaand you're exactly as retarded, obsessed with what other people do and projecting shit onto them

>> No.15528004

>anti-tattoo people are neurotic, supserstitious idiots

Back that up. Oh wait, you can't. Making up "arguments" are not arguments lol. Now on the case of people with tattoos having higher mental instability rates on average than those without, there are studies of this.

>> No.15528085

I don't really care about what people choose to ink on their skin, but honestly, none of them have a chance of getting a decent job. having a full blown tattoo is like signing yourself up for low income for the rest of your life.

>> No.15528130

Jesus, anon. Why do you care so much about other people's skin. Shut up.

>> No.15528762
File: 273 KB, 517x396, 1545172675614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessed with what other people do and projecting shit onto them
>he says while replying to 7 different posts is a 3 day old thread

>> No.15528801
File: 684 KB, 1944x1948, B88693B9-2F9E-4576-8DF9-10299BEF411A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my tattoos bruhs

>> No.15528845

What does your Dad think?

>> No.15528909

He left when i was a child

>> No.15529417
File: 33 KB, 536x325, 5757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna get this done in a few months

>> No.15529478

yeah its lame as fuck poser shit.

>> No.15529504

Is the cunt trying to convince anyone that she knows what Golgo 13 is? Thots are such posers...

>> No.15529536


>> No.15529544

i like them but they make you look really gay

>> No.15529619
File: 155 KB, 586x890, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kree Larson does not need a 45-year-old Narc to tell her what didn/t work for him about “A Fungus In Big Toe”∴ It wasn/t made for him∴

>Henry Rollins Versus Hipsters

>> No.15529888


>calls people neurotic and superstitious over simple preferences
I think we can see who is really projecting here.

>> No.15530148

I have tattoos; I just think they look like shit on women and are indicative of Cluster B personality disorders.

>> No.15530149
File: 173 KB, 800x900, 1586342164889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pop culture tattoo of a children's game

Peak onions.

>> No.15530648 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 548x534, 1518973485870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope little blackboi

>> No.15530917

pretty cool but don't hand tattoos wear out really fast?

>> No.15530955
File: 522 KB, 566x695, wololo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got three tattoos, want to make 2 more. This one is based on russian suprematism and the works of Camus.

About tattoos styles: I think standalone tattoos like one infinte symbol, that kind of stuff is just bland. Find your style and commit to it. For example: I have a friend with a lot of oldschool tats and it looks great on him, but that forces him to dress in a certain way to look good. If you're ok with that, go for it.

>> No.15530980

holy shit this never crossed my mind.
people with tattoos match their fits to them?
holy hell my brain is working extra minutes wrapping my head around this concept.

>> No.15530986

Excuse my angry little bb. She is grumpy this morning because I had a headache last night and never gave her some.

>> No.15530988

You can be as sarcastic as you want, but it doesn't take a lot of interpretation to see that I was talking that certain styles of tattoos force you into a certain style to pull it off. Mine doesn't, for example, since I'm a consultant and I mostly dress McKinsey-core (since I work here).

>> No.15530997

i wasnt being sarcastic dude. i just never thought about that. i thought toe nail polish was commitment to the colors ill be wearing for a few days. def didnt mean to be rude. its just crazy concept and amazing degree of devotion

>> No.15531001

>i wasnt being sarcastic dude

RIGHT... Sarcasm and being a liar.

>> No.15531038

bruh, this is /fa/, what kind of devotion did you expect?

>> No.15531046

not sure that i have expectations tbqh. but i applaud you all for your faith within yourself to be making such decisions in regard to you body

>> No.15531107
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>> No.15531111
File: 58 KB, 252x642, Screenshot_20200901-102807_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tattoo the word fuck onto my leg

>> No.15531130

That's so fucking haggard. Jesus fuck.

>> No.15531133

> covering your body in a load of random garbage, of varying qualities and designs, making you look like a kids scrap book.

Looks like shit

>> No.15531210

without nostalgia goggles, pokemon is not a very good video game or tv show, idk about card game

>> No.15531707
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>> No.15531710
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>> No.15531714
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>> No.15531730
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>> No.15531732
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>> No.15531737
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>> No.15531747
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tattoos look like shit if youre personality is DUDE look at my sick Zelda tattoo the series means sooooo much to me that means you dont have a personality

>> No.15531927
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>> No.15531932
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>> No.15531990
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>> No.15531995
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>> No.15532061

This is the type of inspo I'm looking for. Do you have more in this style or any other ideas around it? Looking to brainstorm some ideas for my next.

>> No.15532069
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>> No.15532073
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>> No.15532075
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>> No.15532080
File: 60 KB, 576x768, J4HBpdXB6Wjk-h8heAWcyiumU4zx89o8DgqAel4jr_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15532083
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>> No.15532090
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>> No.15532264


>> No.15532450
File: 68 KB, 1080x1080, kime shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking to brainstorm some ideas for my next
Go surf some IG tags, it's currently the best place to search for tattoo ideas. /fa/ has pretty limited taste in ink, all things considered.

>> No.15532477

based irezumi poster

>> No.15532484

dude wtffff i fucked this girl a year ago while i was in korea, met her at a bar in hongdae, ended in her apartment

>> No.15532969

Fuuuck. How was it bruh?

>> No.15532979

Love russian prison tattoos but the current trend is already overdone and cringe.

>> No.15533086

>Asian girl, the pinnacle of femininity and grac

cringe. juat dont teleport behind me with a katana soiboi.

>> No.15533089


no shit.

>> No.15533163

>biohazard symbol

>> No.15533508


>> No.15534001
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>> No.15534005
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>> No.15534007
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>> No.15534021
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>> No.15534028

Tattoos are indeed part of the consoomer culture, but everything that you put on your body is on the consumer spectrum. The different is that it's permanent.

Most of the tattoos in this thread are indeed bad, both in placement and in look. However, the most affected are probably the tatooed themselves, if they rushed into one without thinking (specially for the face ones...).

Obviously, a good portion of people who tattoo themselves heavily (again, specially on the face) are not emotionally stable or have rushed into something that is nothing more than a phase. But there are also the people that love their tattoos and put actually good looking tattoos on their body. I dated this girl that had some small, well done, cute tattoos on her body that were done by her friend tattooers and had a special meaning for her.

Ultimately, if you the type of person to not give a shit if you have something like that on your body, go for it. Just make sure you actually want it. I rushed into my first tattoo and got assaulted with some anxiety some time after. Fortunately, I still think it looks good and discovered that most of my anxiety was being afraid of being judged, not my own judging and taste of the tattoo.

>> No.15534032

just no.

>> No.15534043
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>> No.15534046
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>> No.15534080

imagine seething this hard

>> No.15534083

>go outside
>whining like a bitch faggot
guess what? Immediately resorting to personal attacks to make your point reveals that you have no original thoughts about the matter, feel threatened, and must defend your identity at all costs. Sad bros. Try not to be so reactive and weak when somebody says something you don't like, okay?

>> No.15534102

Damn, son. You triggerbombed the whole lot, good job!

>> No.15534104
File: 126 KB, 700x520, swastikasymbol11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first off ~ tattoos are not fashion. Personal philosophy is simply basic beliefs, attitudes and concepts that an individual has.

One could think the person who is implying that a person on a fashion board does not have any sort of sense of awareness, is narrow minded and shows lazy thinking on your part.

>> No.15534111

This looks familiar, where is this from?

>> No.15534116

Man, I'd say for you to look into the older stuff of @taiomvct, which is the guy who made this tattoo, and @yannblacktattoo, a guy who influenced him.

>> No.15534132
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>> No.15534135
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>> No.15534152

It's not about commitment- they just look bad. Also, you wouldn't put stickers on your Ferrari.

>> No.15534155
File: 539 KB, 1242x2208, 1518110618863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15534158

>tattoos are all afraid of commitment

good thing my tattoos have meaning so I'll never get tired of them (it's the date my gram gram died with a cross on my pec lol!) my pop pop is next and my other pee paw on my shoulder/back

>> No.15534159
File: 1.00 MB, 1060x1850, 1517019213074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15534163
File: 31 KB, 402x600, 1521995130761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15534173

do you have that picture without the border? I'm only getting pinetrest crap

>> No.15534304
File: 220 KB, 661x594, gigalaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15534471

>tfw no sexy tat'd yakuza princess gf

>> No.15534494

this level of heavy handed symbolism would be almost acceptable if it wasn't huge and didn't look like shit.

>> No.15534505

yeah i'm sure the tulip i let my highschool girlfriend stab into my ass with a sewing needle really lets the girls know i'm husbando material.

i have a good amount of tattoos and some of them i like, some of them are dumb shit my or my friends put on me, i like some of those too honestly, but pretending like they have any bearing on how committed a person i am in a relationship is str8 retarded m8

>> No.15534691
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>> No.15534696
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>> No.15534935
File: 15 KB, 400x346, charlieb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The second you purposely put markings on your person, you have endeavored to be fashionable. Tattoos are purely ornamental.

>> No.15534968

Damn might have to get this. Maybe just the camera

>> No.15535246
File: 674 KB, 742x584, 1555032625161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15535249
File: 138 KB, 1200x1600, 1556340396278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15535257

appreciate these a ton. Those two artists are awesome especially. Exactly what I'm looking for thank you

>> No.15535259

says the dude with pen scribbles on his forehead

>> No.15535260

I think it's called "Editing"

>> No.15535395
File: 1.78 MB, 760x1030, 1590560813460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15535599

>having a tattoo that you didn't get while in the military, a prison, or crime family/gang

>> No.15535624 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 952x1024, 1597774123056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535628

I hate this thread

>> No.15535721


>> No.15536293

lmao what is this from?

>> No.15536296
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, 1523254556827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15536301

She looks awful. Dont get tattoos femanons. Leave tats for the nu beta males

>> No.15536379
File: 419 KB, 2127x1600, Stalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently bought Criterion's 'Stalker' Blu-Ray, and I am digging this design from the cover. Is it tattoo material? Should I leave the 'STALKER' text?

>> No.15536612


Tattoos are only Effay if you are a soldier, criminal, sailor or musician.

>> No.15536617

what if you're an exotic animal veterinarian?

>> No.15536639

lmao that fucking photoshopped chin holy hell

>> No.15536640
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>> No.15536643
File: 106 KB, 564x861, 1495673327518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15536646

Is this bait or are you autistic unironically?

>> No.15536657
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>> No.15536662
File: 1.18 MB, 745x733, 1524955144845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15536668


>> No.15536679
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>> No.15536686
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>> No.15536689
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>> No.15536693
File: 58 KB, 640x640, Star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15536718

At the end of the day, we're all trying to prove ourselves to other faggots on this website
You're all niggers

>> No.15536727

i would

>> No.15536733


>> No.15536737

look up the title of the video and check the comments. an anon left an even funnier timestamp.. looks so photoshopped jfc

>> No.15536745

Implying you wouldn't fuck her if given the slightest chance
Kek you incels are all the same

>> No.15536771

these tattoos have got to go

>> No.15537297


You'll fucking believe anything, huh?

>> No.15537435

I'm not a Ferrari I'm a sick mud bogging yota that's been beat to shit and your gf will still hop in

>> No.15537650

Women with tattoos should be beaten.

>> No.15537681

What about men though, don't they look equally bad with tattoos?

>> No.15537689

It's more acceptable for a man to have tattoos, IMO.
Yes, some look trashy, but some men pull it off quite well. Women with tattoos are always shit.

>> No.15537707

Stop defending incels

>> No.15538223
File: 126 KB, 938x938, HannaElyse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trashy but intriguing

>> No.15538314
File: 237 KB, 560x350, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 11.58.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit quality but thinking of getting the design in the middle here tatted

>> No.15538435

Start making valid points instead of framing everyone who doesn't agree with you as an incel.

>> No.15538442

i like it

>> No.15538447

p sure hes alluding to the fact that tattoos make you look like an incel. idk i wasnt paying enough attention. but hes not wrong.
i know you want to look special with your "special" artwork on your body but jesus christ do you know how bad that will look when youre old and wrinkly? if unfortunately you like long enough to be old and wrinkly.
why deface your natural body. i agree some tats can look good on young qt bodies and living in the here and now is fun and dandy....but theres a reason why some people think tats are for prostitutes and criminals.
ive seen a grandma with a neck tattoo and while i was afraid of her, i certainly wouldnt aspire to give off that vibe.

>> No.15538995

cool larp incel

>> No.15539450
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>> No.15539451
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>> No.15539521

This is cool as an art piece but looks bad because it doesn't fit the "canvas" of the body. looks out of place. disruptive, even.

>> No.15539551

Ok gorge.

>> No.15539560

Sauce on artist?

>> No.15539572
File: 66 KB, 688x892, 1599158837128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15539608


>> No.15539713

I would walk up to her, laugh in her face, spit on her shoes, and tell her how retarded she looks, while she trembles in fear at the 6'4 ugly black orc that I am.

>> No.15539841

They look bad, but not equally bad.

>> No.15539902

Dudes...all that ink...this is like mental illness...:/

>> No.15539905

People with tattoos are commited to being short sighted.

>> No.15539914

Yuck. Ick. Eww. Gross. Barf.

>> No.15539940
File: 4 KB, 214x236, brainlet-skinny-neck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhduhhh, wiw u dwaw pwiddy pik-cho own mwy skin duhuhuhuhuh...

>> No.15539958

Is that a prank? Like she fell asleep and her friends drew all over her? Lol

>> No.15540504
File: 3.38 MB, 478x298, 1513910270994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her arm, even she dislikes her tattoos. Its like she's trying to do a redaction on herself.

>> No.15540782

Tattoos are not effay. Have fun looking like a trashy piece of shit.

>> No.15540798
File: 114 KB, 823x1024, EXyZwK2XsAIGmX0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes one thread wanting to talk about Fascist fashion
>Leftists come in droves seething and whining
Okay bro. Check your hypocrisy

>> No.15540804
File: 212 KB, 800x800, 607b76fc-db5f-4e22-9c62-979d3862469c-large1x1_Bookingphotosforthe71protestersarrestedinPortlandonSaturdaynightphotosfromPortlandPolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste of digits. How come almost every Antifa/Leftist fag that has been getting arrested at these protests look like onions faced beta males?

>> No.15540806

Holy shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.15541127

Based. I hope tattoo-fags get locked in their loveless marriages while clean chads can enjoy the benefits of hooking up with the all the hot clean ladies.

>> No.15541327
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>> No.15541778
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>> No.15542011

this is going to age like shit and will barely be visible or comprehensible in less than a year

these too. get thicker lines, I'm begging you

>> No.15542857

>Go surf some IG tags
>just copy shit from other people ... that will definitely make you look unique and very cool

>> No.15542901

this guy has the right idea. I got a tattoo with some thin ass lines and realized my mistake. I'll either tattoo over it or laser it off

>> No.15542926

>that armpit hair
please tell me that's a girl

>> No.15542952

ngl that looks pretty dope if you just get the white lining in black on you

>> No.15542972

late reply, but it's thomas bates

>> No.15543281

Her parents must be proud...

>> No.15543290

Getting a necromancer tattoo but im uncreative as fuck, whats some of anons ideas to make it more unique

>> No.15543296

Yeah, I guess so, she looks pretty cool. If it was my daughter I would be.

>> No.15543456

here's your (You), you fucking retard. I actually quite like tattoos, but your opinion is stupid, you fuck

>> No.15543703
File: 598 KB, 476x595, 57373753753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually super neat, not really a big fan of the frame its in tho that's pretty whack

Religious stuff has such a good aesthetic for tattoos, the simpler shapes and dark outlines. Shits dope

>> No.15543717

this is the worst tattoo I have seen on this board in a very long time. fuck you for putting this on my screen.

>> No.15543721

Bump, need ideas

>> No.15543775
File: 246 KB, 908x908, 6B160EC7-1955-493E-ADF9-5D42BDF49777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a weeb but i really love this one

>> No.15543793


>> No.15543820
File: 175 KB, 662x1000, C90FFCF0-AB11-4A17-A737-95ACF7CA11DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god those tattoos truly look disgusting on her. She looks disgusting overall. Shittt photoshop and ugly plastic surgeries.

>> No.15543821 [DELETED] 

at this point you could have her orgasm

>> No.15543831

third from the right, top row?
or fourth from the right, bottom row?
or both?

>> No.15543851
File: 197 KB, 1276x851, Ferrari with Stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15544201

Sorry anons I'm too scared of commitment to have tattoos :^)

>> No.15544205

No they just look like shit.

>> No.15544725


>> No.15544756

best one in this shitty thread

>> No.15544772

my mom once said to me 'don't buy that my little pony poster, you'll grow out of that'.

Same principal with tattoos. If you're going around just putting any bullshit thing that you think is important to you now, how's it gonna feel twenty years down the line when you look at it and you no longer give a single shit about that thing?

>> No.15544775

>my mommy told me
grow up

>> No.15544776

>tattoos a giant as fuck brand logo on your arm
what a fucking idiot.

>> No.15544781

>my mom once said to me 'don't buy that my little pony poster, you'll grow out of that'.
brutal. your mom is a bitch

>> No.15544786

but she was right.

>> No.15544791

you were a good child, you deserve a poster even if you only like it for a year, it's like $5

>> No.15545206

That looks like a scene from Serial Experiments Lain. Or is it supposed to be something else?

>> No.15545361

this looks cool as fuck but actually getting irl would be the cringiest tattoo of all time

>> No.15545397

That amount is disgusting even for a dude tho

>> No.15545532

Men will fuck anything that's not an accomplishment. She went from a 9 to a 4

>> No.15546124

very cool

>> No.15546412
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>> No.15546417
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>> No.15546436
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>> No.15546607
