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/fa/ - Fashion

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15516083 No.15516083[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stupid Idiot gets drunk and has sex with SJW Wife, she calls it rape than he cancels himself

Deletes all social media

Had quit his job for youtube career all patreon money gone. He was e-begger asking people to give him bux to move out of parents house and into expensive NY apartment he was earning 4k$+ a month for doing iphone and webcam videos

>> No.15516089
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LOL ironic

>> No.15516093

Wtf, I fuck my wife when blacked out all the time. How the fuck do you withdraw consent while getting violently pounded?

>> No.15516100

hahhahahah PATHETIC

>> No.15516112
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It gets better her mom is a trump supporter and she yelled at her while holding a child


>> No.15516123

who gives a fuck this isnt fashion related

>> No.15516125

most of the shit you post about isn’t fashion related yet you’re still here.

>> No.15516165

His videos were probably the most informative stuff on fashion I've ever seen and I even wanted to join the patreon bc the discord server seemed actually about fashion (not like here) but I don't know how to feel about all this drama

>> No.15516263

objectively false fuck off discord pedo tranny

>> No.15516289

he did OK but he's very blatantly wrong in a lot of videos (Notably the Rick Babel video, it's fucking horrific)

>> No.15516296


>> No.15516298

>she withdrew consent and the guy kept fucking her because he was too horny to stop
that's the textbook definition of rape how are people on this thread saying it wasn't that

>> No.15516316

>be fucking MARRIED
>drinking with the wife
>enjoying the night relaxing
>go to bed
>she has sex with you
>half way through
>i want you to stop

That's fucked up, like intentionally trying to set you up. Who the fuck but a nut job would do that? You're fucked up at this point, she has initiated sex and she is your wife ffs not a stranger who starts regretting things

HURR DURR IT'S RAPE!! He wasn't "too horny to stop" he was fucking blind drunk and was with his WIFE who he would never has reason to believe she would suddenly take away consent to sex at his most weakest moment.

In Islam you can legit rape your wife at any time and because she is your wife it's not possible but you little soi guzzlers would never call all Muslims rapists.

You're a troll or a retard. Eat shit and die.

>> No.15516342

please find one post of yours that is related to fashion and has value that you’ve posted in the last 24 hours.

>> No.15516351

>halfway through
>"i want you to stop"
then you stop you rape-apologist lmao

>le islam crap
if a dude rapes his wife then he's a rapist. simple as that.

>> No.15516363

You're an Islamophobic troll. Try not to be such a hateful bigot.

>> No.15516365

I've had enough of this shit so I finally turned on the Anonymize everyone option with 4chanX and /fa/ will become much better now, farewell shitheads tripscums. I recommend everyone else to do same

>> No.15516368


>> No.15516369
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I ha ent cringed this hard in ages

>> No.15516371

Surely she raped him if he was that drunk. Consent goes both ways. Checkmate feminazis.

>> No.15516391

Yes lol. He doesn't even remember anything. She is admitting she started sex with a blind drunk guy and then blamed him. She raped him if anything. But guys like him are so fucking pathetic they will accept the blame for anything rather than dare challenge a woman.

>> No.15516456

please find one post of mine that is not that isnt me commenting that a thread is off topic or responding to obsessed autists and not related to fashion ive posted multiple outfits in every waywt thread how about you

>> No.15516466
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>Checkmate feminazis.

>> No.15516472

You cant do that shit at all.

t. Muslim

>> No.15516484

you are cringe dude

>> No.15516507

>deflects because he can’t find a quality post
posting to the waywt doesn’t mean you can dress retard.
you also don’t have to respond to people that are obsessed with you. literally just go to a different thread or close your eyes.

>> No.15516945

I thought Bliss was a homosexual.

>> No.15516947

If I'm ever getting accused of rape or sexual harassment, I'm going to claim I'm gay and the vagina is a lying whore.

>> No.15516979

literally what youre doing right now that ive proven you point false
>doesn’t mean you know how to dress
So the goalposts have been moved from posting on topic about fashion to knowing how to dress I see have a nice day fag

>> No.15516984

>/fa/ is also a newfag e-celeb board to cry about SJWs on
does this website have any actual boards left?

>> No.15516991

> My wife withdrew consent because her boyfriend texted "you up?"

>> No.15517017

>still hasn't shown any posts that he has made in the past 24 hours that are on topic to fashion
i'll extend it to a week but i doubt you'll find anything

>> No.15517090

first reply that doesn't reek of someone that spends all day getting angry on the internet

>> No.15517358

pedophile rapist transgender leftist discord servers

>> No.15517446

Pretty much desu~

>> No.15517454

im dating an sjw and i literally have started beating on her and she hasnt left me
literally one night told her to call my job idgaf

>> No.15517460


>> No.15517462

im not larping at all. one night she got mad at me and started breaking my records. so i literally slapped the shit out of her and she cried and whine. but ended up having really good sex with me 2 hours and now i've been hitting least once a month.

>> No.15517467


>> No.15517469
File: 1.12 MB, 750x1334, 1DF5DE21-1A8F-487E-9D66-1D86C29E47A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers this

>> No.15517487

holy shit

>> No.15517516


American Gen Z fashion

>> No.15517527

cringe glow nigga

>> No.15517533
File: 2.40 MB, 2500x1707, DB05CB54-54D6-4997-80AE-342D2ADA7482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sho is good

>> No.15517575

Shut up homo

>> No.15518337
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>> No.15518787

Shut up homo fed

>> No.15518873

this. Cecil is based as always

>> No.15519175


>> No.15519690


>> No.15519695


>> No.15519716

Islamaphobic as fuck

>> No.15519824

Lindsay was an insufferable lefty pushing for an unnecessary amount of political correctness whenever she did a video with bliss. She would always interject with something PC. I'm not surprised something like this brewed in their relationship. Ah well these ideologies always end up eating themselves.

>> No.15519856

during the livestreams she always stuck her fucking head in and made some dumbass 'cultural appropriation' or 'no ethical consumption under capitalism' comment

honestly it seemed like bliss was walking on eggshells around her, women like that are a ticking time bomb of accusations and chaos

>> No.15520244

Bliss is the same basedfag as her though read the earlier posts in this thread

>> No.15520351
File: 256 KB, 1077x1072, 1597685879343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off topic dumb thread. You don't understand what /fa/ is do you.
Here, I will help you
>Rules - /fa/ - Fashion
>Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.

>> No.15520370

t. bliss

>> No.15520419

>t discord twink

>> No.15520797

oh yeah i have no respect for bliss on this one. he honestly thought going into relationship with her was a great idea. maybe he learns this time. i'm glad he's cancelled so he learns a harsh lesson about getting in with the wrong crowd.

>> No.15520941

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.15521176

maybe don't date 16 year old bpd girls you groomed on tumblr

>> No.15521227

the weak are culling themselves

>> No.15521228

>You cant do that shit at all, if she has four MALE witnesses who were at the scene of the crime

>> No.15521711

High fashion friends! New motherfucking BLISS FOSTER VIDEO!
On this episode we cover the Chinese Communist Party's 1984 fashion runway show. Don't mind the lack of a like/dislike bar or the comments, they're just trolls.

>> No.15521756

he has to realize that no statement / video / self flagellation will satisfy these demonic fucks and it is best to purge them through keep living his life

exact same thing happened to a gaming dude called nick robinson, accused of some wishy washy nonsense, he lost his job and he apologized and went dark for a while. even when he returned promising to be a better human, parts of his old audience still campaigned against him. fortunately he persevered and found success, much to the chagrin of some old insane fuck fans from polygon/resetera

>> No.15521848

Bliss is fucking stupid, he can't give consent while drunk, so if anyone got raped, it's him.

>> No.15522239

Yeah this reads as pretty retarded, I don't even like bliss that much but like his wife reeked of faggy SJW Tumblr, and they went to a private liberal arts college and she studies like 18th century clothing, she obviously comes from a well-off family. This is just white woman BPD nonsense.

If he was too incoherent to mutually consent or affirm consent, if that's a standard she hold a man too, she shouldn't have sex that inebriated.

>> No.15522747

Whats amazing is no one realizes whats actually happening here.

Bliss simply isn't liked by a sizable group of rather influential internet fashion people. That group is using bliss's transgressions to ruin any chance he has at having an alternative career to endless wageslaving, thats all this is,

Bliss is a fucking nerd and loser and is being punished for it, you can bet if connor did this shit he also would be dragged like this. and thats not a principled moral contention, it thats no one online in this circles is your friend and they will all dump you the second they can;t farm you for clout and it becomes expedient.

This happened with theodore and now is happening with bliss foster, internet fashion is full of utter faggots who are not your friend and should never ever be trusted, anything analysis on what bliss actually did is irrelevant to why whats happening to him is actually happening.

it's as simple as
bliss was disliked and did X transgression, so Y group of people are now dragging him + Z group of useful idiots who think they're doing something positive

>> No.15523202

literally who?

>> No.15523241

Theodore actually raped someone though, like rape rape. The fact he still has a job at Haven is disgusting.

>> No.15524142

Did he actually rape? Or did he not rape?

>> No.15524144


>> No.15524183

A mixed race dude thinks a coalburner will be loyal to him. Lmao.

>> No.15525101

why? is there no chance at rehabilitation or are you just being vindictive?

>> No.15525573

>knowingly derails threads
>false!!! obsessed retards!!!

>> No.15525577

Literally who

>> No.15526193

who are connor and theodor? im not a zoomer, sorry.

>> No.15526194


>> No.15526208

actually, prob reverse is true, lmao.

>> No.15526306

conor skoyles is one of the guys really championing the cancel bliss foster discourse

theodore is an old /fa/ trip who raped some people

people knew Theodore was a rapist but stayed friends with him because they were gaining followers and clout, only when it became inconvenient for them to stay friends with him did they dump him

>> No.15526319

I mean, Ive had sex countless times while drunk or high, unless she specifically says “stop” or “that hurts” then we just keep going. Bliss sounds like a fag.

>> No.15526323

Bliss is a cuck

>> No.15526324

Hiro please

>> No.15526667

Got more info on connor?

>> No.15526754

>like intentionally trying to set you up

That motive reasoning doesn't hold up under scrutiny. What is much, much more likely is that something began to hurt her (could have been anything: cramp, wrong angle, cervical bruising, muscles seizing up, vaginismus, have you ever gotten a painful charlie horse out of nowhere?) and she asked him to stop and he continued to hurt her. What a lot of guys never realize is that there's a million ways for sex to hurt a girl, that's why so many of them are so skittish about it. Sex doesn't really have that many ways of causing physical pain to a guy and we're lucky for that. For girls there are physical pains we can't easily imagine, that can quickly evolve into torture.

Imagine you trusted someone with that level of power over you and they still hurt you even though you begged them to stop. The trust would evaporate instantly, and the relationship is then doomed.

>> No.15526784

just an edgy CCP instagram zoomer

>> No.15526786

Not him, but Connor is friends with the guy behind the instagram page "meme saint laurent".
He's the classic pseudo intellectual because started wearing ccp a year ago.

>> No.15526820

Connor is just jealous how much clout Bliss has. Connor barely has 3k followers lmao.

>> No.15526826

>Was raped and hurt
>Doomed relationship
>Still stuck around for three years
>In the meantime bliss changed and sobered up
>"Oh you have a blooming career now and you've changed for me? Well it's me too season and this is the perfect time for me to end your whole existence"

Like nigga she should have ended it that night or at least a few months in not three years later lmaooo

Dumb femenist bitches I swear.

>> No.15526828

>lying about his faith

yep checks out, you're a mudslime

>> No.15526831

Can anyone imagine a twink like bliss overpowering anyone? He looks like he couldn't even overpower a jar of peanut butter let alone while drunk. She could have toppled the dude and left, not let him keep going.

>> No.15526835

fuck off old man Ill beat you bloody then stick you in a home somewhere

>> No.15526859


>> No.15526865

yeah blame the rape victim lmao incels i swear

>> No.15526867

i wouldn't be suprised

>> No.15526869

>Failing at reading comprehension

>> No.15526880

he was making at his peak 3k a month
thats not a career lmao

>> No.15526909

Blooming, not yet successful but promising. Again reading comprehension.

>> No.15526984

i would not that promising but, whatever man we can agree to disagree

i'm not the guy u were talking to before either fyi

>> No.15527269

based. "teehee, stacy, I TOOOOOTALLY blueballed my husband last night halfway into fucking, it was HILARIOUS!" apologists are all over this thread.

>> No.15527431

Ty for the explanation. Coincidentally a friend has actually shown me that kids insta. exemplar of clueless goofninja.

>> No.15527438

conor is mostly fine, he's just a dumb teenager

he's likely unaware of the intricacies of what he's doing anyways

>> No.15527445

>imagine calling cecil based

>> No.15527453

Bliss is a huge faggot WOW. So whats he gonna do now? Are his parents gonna kick him out?

Maybe he can become a wagie in a cagie

>> No.15527459

still making 2k+ a month via patreon + whatever youtube income he gets

>> No.15527474
File: 112 KB, 750x878, E5E3C014-E4FD-46B4-BE06-B23CC8E0BD84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes a brony faggot

>> No.15527475

How do you know this? Isnt his wife gonna clean house in divorce court?

>> No.15527480
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>> No.15527487
File: 87 KB, 738x857, 9BBD3476-FB4B-4A1B-BF2A-2E18CD1D13B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats this?

Why conor accusing everyone of rape?

>> No.15527493

holy shit why is conor so thirsty to bring down others? does he not know that getting rid of his competition won't make him any better and he will still be left behind because his content is really shallow and pretentious?

>> No.15527500

JC is a really nice guy, Conor seems like a massive faggot

>> No.15527504
File: 114 KB, 750x512, 2CB5DC7C-8EE7-43C3-90C8-463D63530134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the backstory? Looks like Archived was broken into

>> No.15527508

What content does conor do youtube too? Wtf is the obsession with fashion youtube for fuck sake

>> No.15527611

probably reparations for all the crimes white people have done. they have insurance anyways it can all be replaced.

>> No.15527621

Muslims are subhuman. Lmao

>> No.15527625

conor takes deep dives into brands and designers but it's all very surface level and makes a bunch of hand gestures to get his point across. it's really just a less charismatic abortion of what bliss is doing.

>> No.15527628

>fucked by guy who is blackout drunk

Dumb faggot. Lol. Take a nightwalk through Nicaragua or some shithole in the Middle East and then you'll see what rape really is.

>> No.15527655

i know this feeling...
when i found out my brother voted for hillary...
this is my moms favorite child and she has never ever been disappointed in him - you should've seen the look on her face :\

>> No.15527683

>feels ill
>dismisses them
>never seeks to understand why they voted trump and instead casts them aside

this is trump derangement syndrome. i can understand that trump isn't a great leader but i'm not going to automatically shit on people for voting for him. they obviously saw something else in them i didn't and maybe on some level we were after the same thing but saw different solutions. what if we did have more in common? i'm going to reach across and talk to them to see what's up and not get ill like this idiot.