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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 248 KB, 573x573, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15513554 No.15513554 [Reply] [Original]

Every thread I’m seeing some iteration of this freaks face posted. Where are all the Trips coming from. There’s even some twink faggot posting pics of himself looking like a man-dyke and sucking on a cigar. There’s also some haunted looking Jew wandering around his apartment all day taking selfies and posting screenshots of shit he never wears outside his building. I feel this place is a fucking asylum now. Even /TIP/ is contaminated with niggers!

> when exactly did this shit happen
> who are these cretins
> how do we stop it

>> No.15513564

/fa/ is tripfag central.
been like this for years
mods do nothing

>> No.15513574
File: 160 KB, 1200x675, MV5BMzVjNmQxMGMtODA4NS00NWJkLWI0OTQtMWE4Mjg0NGE3Y2Q1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTQ0NjQzNTE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some haunted looking Jew
I'm not haunted, I'm just a bit unhinged and wild, like Richie Aprile after a decade in prison and freshly free in society

>> No.15513580

Is what Cecil says true - that you hate goyim Christians?

>> No.15513582

Do Japanese hate white piggu?

>> No.15513603

Been here long before you faggot
the mods are on my side because I’m the most based poster on this board and also the hottest

>> No.15513608
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Post some pics besides the dyke one plz

>> No.15513620
File: 617 KB, 737x1586, 5CF42729-2FA4-43C6-B863-D1C5F6589146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have in literally half the threads on this board

>> No.15513625
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>> No.15513638
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>> No.15513640

and for the record I havent been posting that cigar pic around thats some autist whose obsessed with me

>> No.15513644
File: 204 KB, 712x539, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok I’m straight but now I’m going to post a snap of my face as I blew a MASSIVE fucking load to one of your pics. I imagined you slowly flicking your tongue around my frenulum till I just exploded.

>> No.15513767

That looks like poet
And he loved timber - who also had a buzz cut

>> No.15513808

HOLY SHIT. THIS IS EVEN WORSE! You are really a sad twink dyke faggot

>> No.15513823

cope, I mog your existence your parents wish they had me and you’re going to die alone

>> No.15513829

My parents would disown me if I ended up looking like an AIDS-riddled faggot like you.

>> No.15513832

No your parents would actually love you if you looked half as genetically perfect as me, sorry you will always be a disappointment

>> No.15513847

>your parents would actually love you if you looked half as genetically perfect as me
Kek. Funniest thing I’ve read all night.
I thought those pics were bait stolen from the genderfluid part of Instagram/Tumblr at first.

>> No.15513850

seething hambeast can’t accept I am better in every way

>> No.15513872

In what ways exactly? You’re literally a skinnyfat queer with a big forehead and nigger lips.

>> No.15513882

absolute cope
>big forehead
objectively false but I understand your need to reach
>nigger lips
and liplet detected no wonder you’re going to die alone ahahaha

>> No.15513889

>skinny fat
0 facial definition and you can’t see collarbones. quit shoving food down your gullet porky.
>big forehead
The U.S. military could land it’s entire aircraft fleet on there if it meant they could harvest all the oil.
>nigger lips
Literally DSLs lmao.

>> No.15513913

>coping this hard
sad anon continue living in your delusional little world I dont blame you I would too if i was as gross and pathetic as you

>> No.15513918


>> No.15513920


>> No.15513928

With what? Pugs yes I am

>> No.15513979

why does luc look like those creepy aids victim models from the early 00s?

>> No.15514105

>I-I’m not the one who is coping for being a skinnyfat faggot with nigger lips, you are!
>I have such a better life than you, that’s why I shaved slits into my eyebrows, gave my self a lesbian mohawk, and posted my selfies on a Laotian basketweaving forum for validation. You’re just jealous!
0 self awareness.

>> No.15514147

>cope the post

>> No.15514931
File: 768 KB, 1078x1835, SmartSelect_20200817-120247_Omnichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Luc when he fuckin da wiminz

>> No.15515011

More tripfag drama. Who is poet etc.
You're basically like an old lore master hag puppet in a jim henson fantasy puppet movie.

>> No.15515050
File: 546 KB, 720x688, 1588931182801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just filter all tripfags, like any sane person would. by replying to them you're giving them what they desperately crave, (you)s. the less you reply to them, the less likely they're going to bother with anything on this board.

eradication of tripfags from this board begins with (You).

>> No.15515070

Holy shit they're all coming out to piss on eachother.

what a display

>> No.15515095

No I actually just close my eyes and pretend its not happening
>thinks reddit tourists making safe spaces because they can’t handle getting btfo will stop me from posting

>> No.15515096

Tbh i find em amusing. Let them have at least one thread and if its popular leave it up.

>> No.15515189

Igor bought fake Aventus.

>> No.15515201
File: 20 KB, 680x237, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news lol. Igor paid $400 CAD for a 100ml from perfumeonline.ca

>> No.15515251

hi igor

>> No.15515269

You're in luck because Luc is literally a girl (a "non-binary")

>> No.15515581
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Thought he was asexual?

>> No.15515609

all that hormone replacement has compromised your cognitive functioning. kys faggot

>> No.15515612
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>> No.15515644
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>anonymous forum
>putting in the effort to not be anonymous
Why do they do this, anons?

>> No.15515659
File: 66 KB, 990x479, 46E5F55E-B70C-440C-9EDE-809302426B72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. tranny

>> No.15515664

>anonymous forum
>has a name option
>tranny projection
cope and dilate

>> No.15515678

What exactly am I coping with?
Project harder

>> No.15515681

You have a bulbous thick nose, and you look like you’ve been molested several times as a child.You will never be pretty or effeminate, Luc, you just come off as a faggot who looks like he needs to be spit on. You probably have some sort of humiliation fetish judging by how you’re going out of your way to get insulted.

>> No.15515689

I have to admit..
you are coping hard here

>> No.15515707

no I actually get off on knowing how hard you have to reach to try to insult my perfect appearance knowing full well you look like a failed abortion sewer troll

>> No.15515746
File: 592 KB, 929x1433, SmartSelect_20200731-174853_Omnichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luc does have a slight look of this guy desu

>> No.15515758
File: 10 KB, 240x196, 36BC164F-2002-4BA5-9C84-FEA8FCD83859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thick nosed faggot

>> No.15515777

>thick nose
you’re so desperate its genuinely sad

>> No.15515782


>> No.15515785
File: 1.22 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20200731_202202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insignia of troll steam delivery

>> No.15515786


>> No.15515792

Ok bulbous dick nose

>> No.15515798

>t. coping hooknose fatty
lol’ing at your life tubby

>> No.15515803

You guys realize seig, Cecil, me and Igor are all the same people right?

>> No.15515805

> Uses coping for every response as a way to cope
You have thick, porous skin on your nose. It must get very oily, do you have your blotting sheets faggot?

>> No.15515809

>coping this hard
take your meds tubby and accept the reality that Im perfect and will continue living superior to you in every way while you will die alone sorry friend

>> No.15515820

>every single luc response is a mix of telling the other person to cope, calling them ugly, and typing ahahaha like he won something
you got btfo by everyone in the thread lmaooooooo

>> No.15515832

You’re not fooling anyone dick nose , you will never be what you’re trying to be. We can all see you have 3 times the dermal thickness on your nose than the average person. Just be a normie, you’re too hideous to be /fa/

>> No.15515841

cope samefag, spouting your objective schizo delusion over my perfect nose won’t change the fact that you’re ugly and always will be sorry friend the sooner you accept the truth and get over your obsession with me the sooner you’ll maybe learn a way to live with being an ugly fatty

>> No.15515847
File: 467 KB, 1168x727, F24195E0-BD65-46D1-ABC8-5E46B28E62C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try faggot but you still got btfo skinnyfat aids-fag. keep coping though it’s funny to see someone throw a fit on here.

>> No.15515853

project harder samefag fatty ahahahahaha

>> No.15515857
File: 81 KB, 600x536, C6B73BAB-6345-4FA9-B967-E5847397286A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls me samefag and schizo in the same post
Hate to break it to you dick nose, but there just as many people who hate you ITT as there are layers of skin covering your nasal bone.

>> No.15515862

so much projection it’s like i’m in a movie theater lmaooo.

>> No.15515864
File: 47 KB, 454x283, Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 12.14.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's probably an easier way to do this but I just filter them out.

>> No.15515867

>so desperate to find a flaw in my perfect face he has to fabricate something in line with his nose fetish

>> No.15515869

Thank you

>> No.15515872

cope reddit tourist

>> No.15515878

he looks like that guy if that guy started taking estrogen at 11 and ended up craving bbc

>> No.15515880
File: 14 KB, 463x37, Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 12.20.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you are

>> No.15515884

>still opens my posts
>still obsessed
stupid reddit soi can’t even use his safe space properly i’ve already won uggo

>> No.15515891

>tripfag can’t stand the fact that people are filtering him
Sad and cope-pilled.

>> No.15515893
File: 15 KB, 486x42, Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 12.24.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you are

>> No.15515895

>still gives me (you)s
>still opens my posts
>still lets me live rent free
>continues to cope that his safe space isn’t working
ahahahahahahaha please keep going on tranny

>> No.15515899

Thanks for the (you) kind reddit tourist please sir may I have another :3

>> No.15515902

Again not the same guy retard.
Cope Seethe Dilate Repeat

>> No.15515905
File: 198 KB, 744x774, Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 12.28.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much seethe occuring that i will never read

>> No.15515917

thanks for more (you)s sorry Im still not going to send you those nudes but please continue I get off on living rent free :3333