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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 691 KB, 946x689, czz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15503248 No.15503248 [Reply] [Original]

does my jawline make the cut of having a "chad" jawline? I got the height, but hows the jawline? It'll only get better too once I cut BF%.

>> No.15503256

it kinda looks like you're holding water in your mouth

>> No.15503259

i got chubby cheekys

>> No.15503282

Maybe once your pubes grow in lad

>> No.15503288

why? because I can't grow facial hair? beards are a fucking cope for men with the facial structure of a child.

>> No.15503348

Now that's what you call cope.

Nothing special about your jaw

>> No.15503358
File: 340 KB, 505x379, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My jaw is better than average.

>> No.15503364

you look like a tripfag for some reason and i cant pinpoint why

>> No.15503368

not a trip fag here, I'm a /soc/ faggot though.

>> No.15503372

Kek i see it

>> No.15503375

Your demeanor makes you look like a school shooter, though. You don't look average but you dont look all that special either.

>> No.15503386

your face looks like you're pushing your bottom jaw forward to make it look more pronounced. If you're not doing it, your teeth are probably fucked up.

>> No.15503387

what makes you a chad is not the jawline but the eye region

>> No.15503394

>your face looks like you're pushing your bottom jaw forward to make it look more pronounced
Nah I'm not, wouldn't it be the other way around though? If I was doing it wouldn't that mean my teeth are fucked?

>> No.15503395

> If I was doing it wouldn't that mean my teeth are fucked?

No, it would mean you're doing this to make your jaw look more pronounced, nothing more.

>> No.15503399

Ah, I understand.

>> No.15503402

Now I'm curious how would your face look like if you actually pushed your lower jaw forward.

>> No.15503406
File: 720 KB, 629x730, 54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in this photo, have lost 10kg since this photo though, it's old. I don't see much of a difference? My jaw is just more defined now with weight loss ?

>> No.15503416

you covered your lips which is exactly the thing that makes pushing looks weird

>> No.15503417
File: 560 KB, 451x598, tss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15503424

Huh, interesting, I don't really see a difference between this and the first photo in this thread. Usually people look dumb when they push the lower jaw.

>> No.15503429

I've been comparing these two pictures, its kinda insane how much my jaw popped out just from 10-15kg,

>> No.15503438

How old are you?

>> No.15503439


>> No.15503440

you would look great with a stubble but it looks like facial hair is not in your genes

>> No.15503444

yeah, I think I would look really nice with that 5oclock shadow thing going on, but yeah, I can't grow shit.

>> No.15503448

Some horizontal growth on your lips would help you

>> No.15503452
File: 599 KB, 701x799, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the first picture you look like you're doing it on purpose or holding water in your mouth.

>> No.15503453

No, I'm not holding water in my mouth, I literally have 22% BF and chubby cheeks.

>> No.15503455

This is 22%? Holy shit, life is so unfair. I need like <5% BF for my jawline be accentuated and yet it's nowhere as good as yours.

>> No.15503460

I was lying, its actually 25% I'm insecure as fuck.

But I've lost so much weight and I'm losing it fast, I want to see my facial structure at something like 15%.. and yeah, life is way too unfair.

>> No.15503565

looks like you have a underbite that needs fixing desu

>> No.15503866
File: 148 KB, 735x1306, 2321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao I'm jealous my man
I'm at about 15% BF and would look like a balloon at >20%
you will lose chubby cheeks once you drop to a fit BF level
t. your buddy from /soc/

>> No.15503876

that guy who posts the same pic on soc every day

>> No.15504169

love you mate, stay safe x

>> No.15504178

I've been on a xanax and water fast the past week, I have no energy to do anything and I'm sleepy all the time. taking a new picture is the last thing I can be bothered to do.

>> No.15504183
File: 700 KB, 1160x1544, IMG_3255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15504185


>> No.15504193

nothing, I'm taking a lot of hydro/electrolytes and vitamins, Xanax makes the day go by fast, gives me no appetite and I sleep 10 hours a night doing so. It's great to abuse for weight loss.

>> No.15504199

have you considered taking up a hobby or exercising instead of abusing prescription medication for weightloss? the longest water fast I've done was 7 days, so I won't call into question that aspect, but I was also exercising 5 days a week outside of the fasts.

>> No.15504205

well, I keep some stashed for when I do have panic attacks, I also get them for my severe anxiety but since covid is a thing I don't really leave my house to encounter a nonrelated PTSD panic attack. I do have hobbies, but I will continue to do what I'm doing for a few more days.

>> No.15504217


not a bad jaw don't grow a faggot beard to hide it

>> No.15504219

mate, don't even stress, beards are for faggots with the facial structure of a child.

>> No.15504253


correct my friend

>> No.15504664

"better than average"
like the other anon said, get your underbite fixed
it looks dumb

>> No.15504730

man you look like fucking shit

>> No.15504733

consider buccal fat removal

>> No.15504748

you look like you give really satisfying head

>> No.15505022

You have a better than average jawline. Keep mewing tho.

>> No.15505283

You like a non nt autistic virgin with no friends who copes with his shitty jawline

>> No.15505397
File: 137 KB, 773x561, 4CA5AE22-90E1-4DD4-9CFE-0CBFDB315D4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15505405

I've got plenty of friends, am basically a virgin by choice because I'm a faggot and care more for the emotional side, have been offered before. My jawline isn't shit and I'm 6'6". it sounds like you are coping.
very nice

>> No.15505505

BF: -10%

>> No.15505545

tf is wrong with your skin and facial fat it’s jutting outwards
jaw is fine but everything else falios you

>> No.15505549
File: 240 KB, 518x536, 1596823108693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is tied with that lips thread for cringiest shit on /fa at the moment, and that's saying something

>> No.15505613

that's what you get for being a trashskin aussie.

>> No.15506245

Xanax to lose weight? That’s the craziest shit I’ve ever heard. Tired/days go by fast? No shit dude.....You ever heard of uppers?
Never mind the “fuck it” loss of inhibitions.
Xanax gives worse munchies than weed alcohol and anything else I can imagine. I used to black out on it and eat everything in sight.