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File: 984 KB, 1944x2592, 1593296535969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15496856 No.15496856 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit no way dude lmao

>> No.15496874


>> No.15496934

are you laughing at the jewish tat?

Igor how was it growing up in LT...I was only 9 but I constantly heard jew this jews that...why would your parents bring you there?
srsly curious

>> No.15496938 [DELETED] 

I was growing up in the Soviet Lithuania, it was a happy Soviet childhood. But then again, it might have been a happy childhood even growing up in Nigeria? I dunno, but it was a powerful nation.

>> No.15496948
File: 2.39 MB, 3456x2304, 157925-5c2e5-17608355-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was growing up in the Soviet Lithuania in a commieblock (picrel was my childhood home view, even though my dad and his dad were dentists and my grandparents lived in Klaipeda old town in a substantial antique building with huge long hall\way and tall ceiling and a lot of rooms), anyway, it was a happy Soviet childhood. But then again, it might have been a happy childhood even growing up in Nigeria? I dunno, but we was a powerful nation.

>> No.15496985

holy fuck this looks like my aunts back yard...then again all those soviet buildings look similar...this is near downtown/oldtown?
i have a bunch of family in Klaipeda i go there every couple of years.

>> No.15496988
File: 1.62 MB, 3456x2304, 157925-62c75-17608347-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, this was the view from my room (living room), our apt had windows on both sides of the building (identical to the building you see in front), but I hanged out with the kids on the other side. All the kids in the yard were Lithuanians. My school was Russian.

>> No.15497042

does taikos prospektas ring any bells?

>> No.15497055

bitch you want to fuck i'm horny eat your ass

>> No.15497058

sorry didn't mean to put that

>> No.15497073

I hope I'll look that good one day

>> No.15497107

Lmao @ the FBI releasing the Jewish plans that have become mostly true but were always deemed a "fake"


Igor, they're coming for you and with that marking on your arm there is no place to hide.

>> No.15497120
File: 131 KB, 1024x674, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know what you did, Igor.

>> No.15497133

Nice :)

>> No.15497146

Of course :) A few years ago hearing it would make me cry sentimental tears of nostalgia, but my heart is made of stone nowadays.

>> No.15497158 [DELETED] 

kek kohlchan /int/res/8445829.html

>> No.15497164
File: 441 KB, 680x504, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497168

>even though my dad and his dad were dentists and my grandparents lived in Klaipeda old town in a substantial antique building

I love how all this does is highlight that you were privileged Jews.

>> No.15497178 [DELETED] 

Well, yeah, we were privileged Jews indeed. My dad and his dad were connected and respected in the small town.

>> No.15497183

Well, yeah, we were privileged Jews indeed. My dad and his dad were connected and respected Jewish dentists in a small town. But also, my dad would drill my teeth without anesthetic because he could use it on VIP clients instead of his own child son.

>> No.15497194

Yeah my point is I am not surprised at all. You meet the exact stereotype of Jews.

The whole "we live in a commie block, but we're dentists and Jews, we shouldn't have to live like all the regular people" is a nice touch.

The regular people that work the land, provide food and fight for it with their blood.

Meanwhile your Grandparents relax in some Antique building not related to your people at all.

Then you guys create a hell there, after that you flee from your mess and now you peddle the same filth your ancestors peddled all those years ago.

It would be amazing if you actually woke up and said Jews did some shit things there and you;re happy Canada is taking care of you. Impossible I think...

>> No.15497196

>But also, my dad would drill my teeth without anesthetic because he could use it on VIP clients instead of his own child son.


1000% JEWISH!!

>> No.15497214

He looks like an alternate universe doug walker

>> No.15497226

That is pretty high brow for soviet standards. You must had been filthy rich for a neighborhood like that.

>> No.15497229

Did you read the thread??? THEY'RE JEWS.

>> No.15497234

What is Igor peddling lol

>> No.15497237

I would accept her as gf, I like her attitude, she would cheer me up

>> No.15497241

What did you think I was implying? How was the ethnic composition of rich people in Soviet Lithuania?

>> No.15497259

The same Marxist bullshit that they always peddle. He thinks Nationalists are retards meanwhile he pretty much displays Jewish ethnic nationalism by branding himself. He proves that no matter which country he lives in or which people he lives with, blood comes first and his Jewish tribe.

Because all you need to know is that he's Jewish. They were all filthy rich which is why they held power and subverted the countries to communism and slaughtered the actual ethnic European populations there.

What do you not understand with these people. It's the scorpion and the frog. It's in their nature.

>> No.15497265
File: 463 KB, 800x670, jeww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The same Marxist bullshit that they always peddle
b-but Jews = money = greed = profiteering

>> No.15497268

cant spell jew without ew

>> No.15497269


All that was predicated and told was happening is coming true.

>> No.15497272

What's their endgame?

>> No.15497282
File: 51 KB, 1243x490, jews vs whites, the reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the white man's endgame?

>> No.15497290

Epstein will go down as one of the biggest pedos in history. We know Jews run Hollywood. Only now is it coming out about the child sexual abuse that occurs. They run the music industry too.

people ask why singers such as Britney Spears had a mental breakdown, and it;s because she was raped by Jews running the industry when she was a teen. There has always been stories but they would cover it up with THAT'S CRAZY!! but slowly now more and more is leaking out.

You see how most white people admit things such as slavery were bad, but Jews, NEVER. No matter what they do and how evil they are you will always excuse them and support them. That's why Jews can never be trusted or live alongside whites or anyone in fact. Your tribal nature is too powerful even in the face of great evil.

>> No.15497300

Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion

The fbi just released a whole file with their investigations into it:


Stupidest image ever because Jews were in control. Things such as ww2 brother wars were because of Jews you fucking moron. Slavery, Colonialism, border divided in the Middle East etc. those are not white things. They are Jew things.

Rothschilds controlled the British Empire. They controlled the money. Your sneaky Jew tricks do not work.

>> No.15497306
File: 712 KB, 1300x1650, hitler nazi nationalist jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecil, are you, perchance, a Jew, brother?

>> No.15497308

me on the top btw

>> No.15497317

I feel like Cecil doesn't have a sense of humor, or is low IQ. Or maybe there's a human and an AI posting as cecil.

>> No.15497318

Jews were banned from England for hundreds of years by Edward I up until the English civil war, funded by Jews, to win the war, kill the King and allow entry of Jews back into England. The Empire started after this date.

Hurr durr if a European country did something bad it means whites didit because Jews can't possibly have as they had no country but they had many positions of power, wealth and influence but uhh whites did it!!

Hurr Hitler hates da Jews because he had a small dick LULZ

Nothing at all to do with the Jewish led socialist uprising to overthrow the country into a communist hellhole and murder the royals and German intuitions.


Oh just look at all those leaders... Nope.. no Jews here to be seen..

>> No.15497319

Bruh, I don't give a shit what my tribe did wrong. It's MY TRIBE. You do you.

>> No.15497324

Never and if I was I would talk about their evil deeds. Everything I post is fact and can be checked.

Hurr it's funny about what these people have done and the slaughter of millions lel u have no sense of humor

Neck yourself.

>> No.15497326

Hmmm this is what my mom said when I asked her why so many eastern euro people don’t like Jews - she said my gpas times they would make people dig giant holes (their own graves) and shoot them in a line one by one....which is what precipitated the Holocaust apparently....or the discrimination of people against each other. This was party why a lot of Lithuanians went off to Siberia or some shit) But most people don’t know this bc of their propaganda/influence. Is this true? Hell they own the Movies and media to this day.
I mean this shit I’m talking about was like 80+ years ago. Nobody hates Jews in europe anymore I don’t think, xept for the v old people probably.

>> No.15497333

That's what I said. You don't care. If they are raping and murdering babies you will still support them. That is why you are different from the white man who would hang fellow whites for such acts.

I'll do me when you take you and your sorry ass parasite tribe out of the Western world and back to some cave that you crawled out of the middle east.

I can't do me when the Jewish media is 24/7 causing division in the West and just begging for mass conflict.

>> No.15497334

what’s going on

>> No.15497341

It's absolutely true. The biggest lie about Jews is that they did nothing wrong and are totally innocent. They caused the greatest slaughter of eastern European people in all of history.

You have heard it from your own people, do you deny them? Do you believe them to be telling you lies? They are free from the current propaganda people face about Jews so they, if anything, speak the truth.

People don't have them because of all the brainwashing. The thing is, they don't change. Look at the USA. The racial divide and left/right is growing bigger and bigger. What happened in Eastern Europe will happen again only this time, there will be no place to go to for safety.

>> No.15497347

I enjoy hearing of my tribe talked as of the master puppeteers. I am from the most powerful tribe.
And remember, Jews thrive under persecution. You can't beat us.

>> No.15497350

The more you attack the Jews, the stronger we become.

>> No.15497351

I’m down for a war. Been picking out good fits. And other “accessories”.

>> No.15497353

Thrive under persecution?
Look idk much besides what I heard from a few people but haven’t you seen any holocaust pics? All those bodies? Apparently not as many as they claim but still didn’t look like they were thriving. Not until America came and saved their ass. I’m no Nazi. I’m just saying.

>> No.15497355

me too, being a poor Jew with no prospects

>> No.15497356
File: 167 KB, 885x885, 1597077471571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45 replies
>9 posters

>> No.15497362

See, these people do not even hide it. They never apologize, just claim superiority to the non-Jews all while shouting about white supremacy and how bad it is.

I know it's nice to "connect" with Igor thinking you are from the same area, similar memories and background but his people would not hesitate to get rid of you in a second along with all your family. He is not one of you.

You need a nice military tunic and leather boots.

>> No.15497363

Every decent nation thinks of themselves as special. Whose fault is it that Jews wrote your Bible and your laws?

>> No.15497366

They are weak, which is why they divide us. They get us to fight each other. They are "superior" in being sneaky with no morals, but that's not superior to me.

Invention, medicine, peace and things such as that are what make a people superior.

Jews are just the Kings of division and conflict.

Ah yes, the holocaust, one of the stories from that, the Americans met a bunch of Jews who were starving and gave them their high calorie meal rations, the Jews ate it all up and died as happens when you're starving and eat a huge meal. So they just blamed the Germans and said they were murdered by them lol.. 99% of the "holocaust" sorry the "shoah" is garbage.

>> No.15497372

he's kind of got a point. If anyone's god's people. probably the jews

He punishes them, but keeps em on the world stage

not that i'd ever want to be a damn jew tho

>> No.15497376

Special for morally good ways and installing peace. Like the British stopped all kinds of shit like killing women or stupid barbaric tribal practices.

I don't think you can call yourself special for hiding in nations, trying to control them and divide them and cause wars.

Most whites too say the things of the past were bad, Jews never do that. The fucking slave ship owners records are there in history!! But nah, you guys won't admit it. You bury it. Cry antisemitism!

>> No.15497383

How many of you are religious to say this? It's not like the Jews had Jesus killed... oh wait..

>> No.15497384

You'll be dead in the first ten minutes you delusional drunkard.

>> No.15497390

I'm not a typical Jew, for example. I would even say that I'm a bad, poor Jew. I'm poor, I'm reclusive, I am estranged from my own family, for example.

>> No.15497391

but whose fault is that

>> No.15497392

not my fault

>> No.15497395


Main commanders and leaders? Names everyone has heard.

Vladimir Lenin / Leon Trotsky. Both Jews. Oh shock.

The fact remains, without Jews, communism would never had happened. Royal families would not have been murdered and replaced, alongside traditions, people would not have suffered and wars would not have happened.

Now look at the youth of the West. The "Red army" is happening all over again, brainwashed youth who would kill and murder for ideology. History is repeating because of the same group.

>> No.15497397

Good. Fills me with pride for my ancestors.

>> No.15497398

We created the Soviet Union. Russians never were as powerful as during the Soviet era.

>> No.15497400

Then what is with the tattoo? What is with the "we're better than you" attitude?

When Jews do what Jews do, it won't work out good for you either. You'll end up starving and possibly dead.

Yes, Jews suffer too but they never call out their tribe creating it.

>> No.15497402

Yes and all the people and cultures you pretty much destroyed and enslaved them. You occupied their lands and just added it yours and ruled over it with an iron fist. Well done, I guess?

>> No.15497405

>Then what is with the tattoo?
Just signaling my cultural apartenance

>What is with the "we're better than you" attitude?
As I already said, every nation thinks themselves superior, see Japs

>> No.15497407

You have no idea the shit I’ve survived. Lol. You clearly underestimate my level of crazy/impulsive/ability to think and act quick. Lol Ive had a gun to my head and fucker grabbed my belongings. Not only did I get my shit back but made him feel like a pos in the process. Also I’m not scared of dying. So whatever.

>> No.15497408

So slavery, colonialism, and imperialism are all bad (because jews did it)? Good to know youre on our side comrade

>> No.15497410

You sound like you'd be pretty wild in bed, wanna fuck?

>> No.15497413

reminds me of that anime lmao the guy is being interviewed for a job and is sporting a boner

>> No.15497415

Can’t I live through something that makes my adrenaline rush and isn’t boring? And it’s ok you can call me cookoo :D
One thing I would say is when you go through insane ups and insane downs - normal life just isn’t the same.

>> No.15497422
File: 68 KB, 1370x620, 1918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really the beginning of ww2.

Which resulted in the Weimar Republic running Germany and ultimately the rise of Hitler.

The picture speaks for itself. It shows you who is responsible.

>> No.15497424

I'll call you cookoo if you call me daddy ;)

>> No.15497427

>what about them!

>Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. Whataboutism is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

>Whataboutism is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

Oh look, a Jew already doing Jew things. SHOCK.

My point is Jews not admitting a part they played and just blaming white people.

>> No.15497436

like literally every country? lol. nation-states destroy localized cultures to create an artificial homogenic nationality. There used to be like 20 independent cultures with their own languages in france, or in italy or in the british isles and they're all done for

>> No.15497441

Maybe you feel some of this way because of the world we live in influenced and created by Jews. This is why masses of people are now sad, angry, depressed, poor mental health etc.

It's not the paradise that they promised. The next step is to gain control when everyone is demoralized, promise them something better and when they have power, rule like they always did. If you speak up after they have power, you get taken away to be "educated"

>> No.15497452

Yes, a main group say in Paris of Europeans might have replaced the smaller cultures of "France" of fellow Europeans but Jews are a tiny outside group, that come in to cause conflict after gaining power just so they won't get found out and kicked out. They will destroy the whole world just for themselves meanwhile the French group try to "unite" the tribes, as the saxons of England did to create an overall peace upon the land. They remove division; Jews create it.

>> No.15497453

anyway, talk among yourselves, I'm off to bed

>> No.15497456

Sleep well, and don't wake up.

>> No.15497463 [DELETED] 

>different warring tribes
>let us unite them and be as one (we are the same people racially anyway)
>people upon the land

>let's bring every cultural, tribal, racial and religious group from across the world and put them together
>lol it's "diversit"y
>it makes you better
>you have more food choices or something lol
>conflict after conflict occurs

European countries did spend years of bloodshed uniting tribes who shared very little differences but now massive differences are supposed to be fine in some "diversity utopia"

And some of you buy into this shit.. really..

>> No.15497468

>different warring tribes
>let us unite them and be as one (we are the same people racially anyway)
>peace upon the land after

>let's bring every cultural, tribal, racial and religious group from across the world and put them together
>lol it's "diversit"y
>it makes you better
>you have more food choices or something lol
>conflict after conflict occurs

European countries did spend years of bloodshed uniting tribes who shared very little differences but now massive differences are supposed to be fine in some "diversity utopia"

And some of you buy into this shit.. really..

>> No.15497473

This is you going to sleep...

>i knew i was the victim here!

Just admit your wrongs bro and we can all be cool. You can be an honorary Aryan once you call out your tribe.

>> No.15497474

based as fuck

>> No.15497534

Lol that's one of the most jewish things I've ever read

>> No.15497546

Probably, before the lock down I didn't get enough medical to treat gun shot wounds.

All I know is TCCC and I was learning bad field hospital surgery alongside typical EMT schooling like needle decomps not enough hands on for field hospital proficiency.
I was about to earn rifleman before lockdown but they cancelled the shoot.

>> No.15497547

Hideous kike, fuck off to isreal you antihuman

>> No.15497557

Hey Igor, do you honestly live a fulfilling life?

You mentioned your apartment is paid for, ultilities covered, and your food is covered under some Canadian immigration welfare system.

But like.....what do you do all day? Do you ever feel a sense of pride or accomplishment?

>> No.15497604

And why exactly should we feel bad for Europeans, they fucked over everybody else, fuck em

>> No.15497606

Cecil you should make a podcast

>> No.15498200

Raping a woman is impossible, they all want it deep down. I hate kikes but ducking women in their prime is pretty based