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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.07 MB, 1831x2762, IDEALfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15478698 No.15478698 [Reply] [Original]

Ideals thread 200,000

>> No.15478703
File: 370 KB, 2560x3840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15479025
File: 988 KB, 1536x2304, D4172FFC-CFD1-4CE0-AA9D-7D47C814D3BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15479085
File: 2.82 MB, 2300x3448, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Hair, Style, Girl and Lifestyle, I pretty much love everything except the body is a little too feeble for me.

curious what country you're from

Reminds me a lot of one of my from childhood friends. the girl is sick, i feel like you'd have good driving\working music recs

>> No.15479332


>> No.15479467
File: 2.11 MB, 4000x6000, faideals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liking the hair, the style, the girl.

Hair is solid, body too. Style is okay. The girl all the way to the right is hot. Home is cool.

Everything seems great to me.

>> No.15480012

nice style and girl sections, not a fan of the body.
lifestyle is very based
based body, based hair. stlye and hair is not my taste and the house is alright.
i like lifestyle, style and body, the rest is not that much my shit.
great house and lifestyle. style, body, hair and girls is good

gonna share mine in a bit

>> No.15480479


>> No.15480506
File: 3.55 MB, 1447x2170, griddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15480507

i forgot to rpely to people i will do it tomorrow sorry I'm drunk

>> No.15481006

Wazza shit this is?

>> No.15481260
File: 3.93 MB, 4000x6000, Ideals 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrible body and home, great everything else. i used to have a body like that and it only looks good on very specific angles.
very good, there is nothing i dont like on this one
very good as well.
good. the style is very boring to me, but it does look good.
cool if you're young enough

>> No.15482047

I'm >>15480506 awake and sober
Gonna be honest, EVERYTHING in this one is fire I love this a lot
The homes look nice but also very depressing so I'd hope you really like them

All the other ones are good too but I don't really have anything to say about them as far as critique goes

>> No.15482293

I forgot to reply to this one yesterday lol
The file is too big so here's the link to the pic

Nice body, the rest isn't my thing

Nice hair, body, house and style. The girl/man section is not my thing and lifestyle is also a little boring.

>> No.15482465

he's a man of his word...sort of...he's still lazy

>> No.15482559
File: 3.43 MB, 2160x3265, revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good hair, good style, great home & lifestyle. Girls aren't my thing tho and your body goals are auschwitz-tier.
Great all around, and the sustainable lifestyle and qt3.14 /out/ gf are standouts.
Good youthful energy. Trainspotting as style inspo is based af.
Love it. Especially living spaces. My own is a bit deceptive in that I'd want the mattress in an empty room like your bottom left home picture, with the huge window looking out over a crumbling urban core/abandoned industrial park. Would make it convenient to an hero too if I ever decided to go that route.
Love everything about this. That top right home picture is beautiful.

>> No.15482580

Yeah I really shouldn't make promises oops

>> No.15482857
File: 864 KB, 2160x3265, scandinavian minimal po-mo zoomer core_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'd prob get along anon 7/10
prepper vibe 2/10
feel good 5/10
based bisexual minimalist 10/10

>> No.15482991
File: 1.54 MB, 1984x2807, ideals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? 2/10

>> No.15483186
File: 3.60 MB, 4000x6000, Ideal raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why twink Mode?
6/6 Very based
6/6, I like the detail in lifestyle
Have you seen scott adkins body/hair in Undisputed? It seems right up your alley (Skip 1 btw, its unimportant)
4/6. Lifestyle will be fun for a while, home has its own aesthetic that I appreciate
6/6. Based Mishima poster. Stay classy
6/6. Theres something oddly comforting about empty rooms.
6/6. Good taste in men (No Homo) and nice home

>> No.15483628


>> No.15484341

Kinda basic, but nice

>> No.15484948
File: 2.05 MB, 2060x3096, 5D145C58-A74B-4A0C-AAE8-E8B3EACF115F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will rate others in the morning but here’s mine (I know the hair one is kind of confusing, I’m sorry)

>> No.15484951
File: 87 KB, 1200x849, Gigalegends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripe for the gigachad cock

>> No.15485292
File: 3.88 MB, 2600x2600, oke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murder me in the library with the candle stick
train hard my bro <3
throw me down the stairs and make it look like an accident
mebbe eat some snack and have some hug
pre clean
comfy sweats
work hard, play hard
can I call you at night when I cant sleep so you can tell me a scary story?

>> No.15485731

Why would you want to live in such a tasteless house?

>> No.15485822

Mine: >>15484948
I like the hair, some pics are little too long but bonus points for Adam Driver.
Body’s too skinny for my tastes, but goes well with the buxomness of the girl.
I like the style, very 60s avant-garde artist who says he’s not a beatnik despite wearing beatnik clothes.
Girl is really nice, very comfy and (for me) friend shaped, possible mom friend vibes? Definitely gives good hugs and asks if you’ve eaten every day.
For a good minute I thought I mixed up the home and lifestyle ones on mine and got really embarrassed before realizing you just switched them. Home and lifestyle together are both very comfy, I like to imagine you’re a writer or artist of some kind who wants to disappear in a city ( preferably a Slavic one) and is essentially a homebody/hermit but you still go out on occasion to walk (or bike) and attend events. But I could be projecting because that’s the lifestyle I want if i wasn’t enamored with living in the forest, haha. Overall 9/10 just because I think we’d get along well.
I get recovering tradman vibes, or tradman with some taste.
Hair and body are both pretty standard, but standard is still good! I like that you specify that you want to be strong because I find that attractive in a man, haha. Additionally for the hair I like that you include facial hair, that’s rare these days (at least, in the styles you’re showing).
Style is kind of boring but I’m guessing that’s the intent, flashy clothes can be overrated, anyhow.
Girl is a bit scary but (I suppose this is the standard by which I’m rating all the girl sections in this thread) I would like to be friends. The type who screams at men for looking at you funny and recommends good music. I like headphone girl’s hair.
I like the humility of your lifestyle and home, it’s comfy but realistic. Don’t hurt yourself though (whether from martial arts or a bear or by stabbing yourself with a needle, I know that feel)
(Will continue)

>> No.15485879

Cont from>>15485822
Hair is good, I like the loose/natural curls look rather than the standard closely cut hairstyles (though I don’t know much about black hair)
Body is ok but unsustainable I think unless you work really hard (if so, good for you! I’m rooting for you!)
Style is nice! Comfy but still has a good vintage vibe that I really like. I especially like the pics of the two men in the doorway, the men on the bicycle, and the men in the chairs in the lower left corner.
Girl is a touch boring but I’m guessing you want a cool, well-read type. Not inspiring any friendship thoughts, possibly due to lack of cohesion and personality.
Lifestyle is nice, simple but fulfilling. But much to say aside from
>Woody Allen
I think I must be adverse to light because the specificity on the inclusion of windows made me cringe. Still nice though, a bit boring and interior-designer-y
I don’t think the long top and buzz cut sides with a mustache can work for many people but props if it does for you! Kinda scary though.
Body’s fine. Both sections could benefit from more images in my opinion but that’s just me.
Style is boring, I’m sorry.
Girl is also boring and non-specific aside from “pretty” which is fine, don’t get me wrong! Just nothing to latch onto for me.
Lifestyle’s ok. I like the inclusion of DnD.
House is unforgivably boring I’m sorry.
The hair is good if it works with your face, I especially like the top right.
Body is alright, maybe a bit too skinny.
Style is decent, though I’m getting the vibe that you are young, possibly still a minor. Bonus points for sweaters and layering.
Not much to say about girl/man, be safe.
Lifestyle is the best part of this grid by far, absolutely adore the vibes. Sometimes I wish I were born a man so I could feel safer about going out at night and doing stuff like urban exploring and stuff like here.

>> No.15486268

All our on the critiques,


>> No.15486327

All out

>> No.15486747

Thanks Brah, I'll get enough Mires for all of us. We're all gonna make it brah. Nice girls btw

>> No.15487263

continuing on computer, third post deleted itself when phone died and then I had life stuff, sorry : (
finishing >>15480506 :
Home is cool, kind of reminds me of something I've seen before but can't remember (maybe something to do with rock music?)
overall I'd say 6/10
personally not a fan of the e-boy, 90s curtain hair but bonus points for young Stalin.
Every time I see bodies like this (which a lot of the guys here post) I just think about how dehydrated and hungry those men must've been when the picture was taken, the aesthetic isn't always worth it anon! but still, it's ok.
Style is cool, not a fan of excessive piercings or tattoos but it seems to work moderately well with the overall look going on. I also especially like the top half of the square, comfy and cool.
Man/girl square is a bit too unfocused to have an overall opinion but I suppose that's inevitable when you swing both ways. Bonus points for Toshiro Mifune.
Lifestyle is too vague for me.
If you manage to somehow live in an abandoned church in the countryside (though, perhaps you want to join the clergy?) massive props to you, man. Seems kinda uncomfy though.
Overall too minimalist for me to say much but I greatly enjoy the devotion to the aesthetic with the mattress on the floor. Also good luck with your career path.
Hair is nice, unique. Looks like it can only really be pulled off by a young man/pretty boy type but based on the rest of your chart that's probably you anyway.
Body is WAY too skinny, please take care of yourself, anon : (
Style gives me older brother of middle-school aged film/tv show protagonist vibes. Would wear the sweaters and mittens, they're cute.
I thought man in upper right of man/girl square was Leyland Kirby for a good minute there. I'm guessing you like the alt musical person type, respectable.
Lifestyle is vague but I honestly love it. Francis Bacon is king.

>> No.15487311

cont. >>15487263
finishing >>15482857
Home reminds me of the backrooms copypasta in the best way. Unsettling but comfy.
I'm really sorry but I can't decide if this is a larp or not, I'll rate seriously regardless though
Hair is super basic and reminds me of girls who bullied me in school. I like the length, though.
I really like the body on the left (despite the obvious hitler photoshop), goals for me except I don't have very large breasts.
Style is cute, just on the edge of being basic but i like the center top image.
This man is the closest I've ever seen of the chad meme in real life, truly amazing.
Lifestyle is nice, I too greatly enjoy bubble baths and large bathtubs. Again, though, kind of basic. Which there isn't necessarily anything wrong with it's just boring I guess.
I'm comfortable with saying I despise the house.
Long hair like that is really hard to pull off but props if you can
I have the same complaints of the body as a lot of the previous ones but I like that you included legs and butt musculature.
Style is boring, is this that sexcore you guys are always talking about? My first thought was douche-core (no offence)
Props for wanting a muscular girl to go with your body, be the fit couple everyone is extremely jealous of, anon, I believe in you.
Lifestyle's pretty basic and boring but good for you if you actually become a rich CEO man. Also bonus points for doggies.
Home is boring but I life the loft and the rooftop garden.
Bonus points for use of classical sculpture.
I like that you have different ones for possibilities of the near and distant future for hair. Kinda boring though, aside from the facial hair of the right images (I wouldn't go with a buzz cut but that's just me)
Style is nice but a bit disjointed. I always like sweaters.
I'm guessing you want a busty alt/goth but trad girl, which is admirable, good luck. Pretty women with large breasts intimidate me.

>> No.15487318

also I forgot to give >>15479025
a rating: 7.5/10
>murder me in the library with the candle stick

>> No.15487442

/fa/ member of the month <3

>> No.15487559

>Lifestyle is the best part of this grid by far, absolutely adore the vibes. Sometimes I wish I were born a man so I could feel safer about going out at night and doing stuff like urban exploring and stuff like here.
I'm sure if you had a group of friends to go out with you would feel more comfortable
also you really went full effort with these critiques i appreciate it

>> No.15487671

Wanting to date a NIGGER is not effay

>> No.15488238

Anything that makes lames Mad is

>> No.15488271
File: 331 KB, 940x940, clensual.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which worthless piece of shit added the bottom two panels and why have you fags all got on board?

>>15478698 no
>>15479025 good especially white rabbit
>>15479085 proud black man
>>15479467 utter shit
>>15480506 bad
>>15481260 apart from ladies very bad
>>15482559 deep state?
>>15482857 mild
>>15482991 be cool if u actually looked like that
>>15483186 entrepreneurial
>>15484948 nice
>>15485292 very bad

>> No.15488584

Ty for the effort you put into your post anon, and ty for the well-wishes. I'm not nearly as deductive as yourself when it comes to these things, but I'll say I like 5/6 panels of your grid. The lifestyle seems a bit... Passive? Idk if thats the right word. I just feel like you need to build agency and interests to have a personality independent from your partner.
>deep state?
No, just a deeply disillusioned moralist hoping to do some good with my finite stint on this earth.

>> No.15488864

Not with all the trafficking goings on

>> No.15488904


>> No.15488964
File: 3.86 MB, 1280x1920, extended ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice girls, hair is all over the place but its cool to switch it up. based brutalistic home
the combo of hair/mustache and that body is immaculate
kekd at carl carlson, love the interiors.
Nice lifestyle, girls, hair. Any particular reason for that specific ring in style? or do you just mean rings in general
rate others fucker, based renan pacheco hair tho
young-stalin core, hope you live somewhere cold with that ideal style
what the fuck is that home, anon.
incredible how pedestrian that style-ideal is, but everything else is comfy. no idea what your ideal lifestyle conveys though.
incredible, love that style
giv short hair thigh mommy gf hnnnng, also kek @ 4chanposting CEO
I don't like anything but the home here and maybe the guys, but i respect it
watches one season of peaky blinders
based and scoobypilled

>> No.15489038

damn bro such a funny and unique meme chart ahaha! im glad you posted this

>> No.15489094

damn, i'm impressed by the effort you put in your posts lol, i don't usually do it since it feels kinda bad to do that and receive one line answers anyway.
my hair isn't very neatly parted like the eboy ones and it is usually shorter, but those were the closest i found. as for the style: those aren't tattoos, that shirt just has a color very similar to pale skin lol. i don't really like tattoos that much (at least not on myself). abandoned churches really don't seem that comfy, but they do look good. living on a normal cabin would probably be better lol.
i'm feeling kinda bad about just replying to your post with a one line reply, so i'll try to do a thoughtful answer as well: the bodies are very good. you did mention that the bodies i put on mine are usually from dehydratated men and yeah, i guess my lifestyle would be much better if mantaining a body like that. not a fan of the tattoos at all, but i guess you put that image just because it shows an ideal body shape?
as for the hair: not much of a fan of the curly one, but the other ones look very good (if you're young!). i remember being kind of in love with this hippie boy that had a kurt hairstyle back on highschool. looks cute
the style is also very cool, but very juvenile? you really cant pull it off past college age or earlier i think. i used to want to dress like that back on high school.
the lifestyle is very cool. again, very youthful energy.
love the home as well, might take some inspo. kind of too messy to me tho

>> No.15489137

>what the fuck is that home, anon.
A place to sleep. Idk why I need to fill it with shit.
Anyway, body (mirin bottom left bulge goddamn), hair, and lifestyle on yours are on point. Love the style as well. Loose tapered black trousers and a simple shirt is one of my go to dgaf looks, though I prefer silver jewelry to gold. Your girl strikes me as more sex appeal than relationship material, but that might just be because of the photos you used. Home section is nice. I love how the greenery and natural sunlight elevate otherwise simple spaces.

>> No.15489833

Wow, thats a serious review. I'm >>15483186
5/6, go with the right side hair, I think it'll match your style more. Lifestyle is perfect, where is it from?

No clue what the fuck sexcore is, I'm from /fit/ and I just like these ideal threads lol. Thanks anon, will try to get that fit tomboy gf, and give it a while and I'll be CEO. What are your thoughts on Aviator glasses? I got the generic solid black glasses right now, and I was thinking after my military service I would swap them for some clear aviators.
Watch me brah, I'm gonna make it. We're all gonna make it

>> No.15490194

I like the style of the ring. However, my style is meant to be boring, but then I'll liven it up with different accessories, though I have no idea how I'll do that other than rings, maybe some funky ties and handkerchiefs/pocket squares, and watch bands.

>> No.15490270

jules is precious

>> No.15490716

why date a non bi when you're bi

>> No.15490937

non bi as in non-binary i imagine

>> No.15491785

you want ur lifestyle to be like a francis bacon painting wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.15491810

why the hell would you want to live in some soviet cinder block that shit is depressing af

>> No.15492101

Modern man, modern home

>> No.15492937

thing is I don't really care I just want it to be comfy
not a larp, thank you, i just find edgy shit cringe :^)

>> No.15493686

I really like the style, is there any more pics of this/ a similar style?

>> No.15493714

get on my level

>> No.15493798

Bro, I think he got raped a ton.

>> No.15494582

I’m a girl and I’d fuck ya