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15471497 No.15471497 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all the shave threads keep getting deleted?
Can we get a good DE shave thread going?

>> No.15471512

Sure, what's your current setup?
For me:

Razor - Feather asd2

Blade - Feather

Soap - Highland springs green door

>> No.15471517

>what's your current setup?
I have the cheapest one on Amazon. It was six bucks delivered and came with 5 blades. It is a Qshave but I think the blades were rebranded personas .
I also have some super cheapo Treet brand blades .
About to order some Voskods because I heard they are good

>> No.15471603

Fatip piccolo with feather blades desu

Open comb razors are based imo

>> No.15471605

how often do you change blades?

>> No.15471607
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Unironically go to reddit. This board has decided (and reasonably so,) that wet shaving doesn't need to be posted often.
Find a razor you like
Find a brand of blade you like
You're done. Shave how often you want. There's nothing more to discuss.

I got a Rockwell and it works well, I'd say go for one that weighs a bit more because, like a hammer, you can let its weight work for you.
I'm not saying go to reddit as a joke or anything, they have boards about just shaving, and you'll find more info there, this is an image board, posting pictures of razors is boring.

>> No.15471623

Ive got with facial hair so I start cutting myself up after more than 2 shaved with one blade. Ymmv

>> No.15471635

Wiry hair fucking autocorrect

>> No.15471886
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Wet shaving is also a pretty cool hobby and is def /fa/ related.
The other thing is that people here dont understand about that wet shaving is way better for your skin than cartridge and you get a much better shave.
We really need to keep these threads going until everyone gets the message
Its even better for women to shave their snatches with it

>> No.15472062

Why would you spend 200$ on a razor? No seriously please explain to me this weird meme with shaving being some kind of fucking hobby.

>> No.15472089

Because it shaves way better than any others that I own, and is solid steel so I can give it to my son in the future.

>> No.15472095
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>so I can give it to my son
Are you assuming the gender of human who does not even exist yet?

>> No.15472213
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Thats not how a bell curve works nigga

>> No.15473768

please go to reddit

>> No.15474069

>qshave is the cheapest on amazon

I doubt that. I mean it depends where you live but I recently bought a WS Classic DE Razor which is all plastic and a metal core in the handle and it cost me 2.77 euros or something. so it was ridiculously cheap and had 5 blades that came with it.

>> No.15474073

Merkur Futur Clone by River Lake (or Qshave, same thing)

Bic Platinum Chrome blades

Palmolive Shaving Cream

>> No.15474078

Razor - Feather ad2
Blade - Astra Platinum (almost as sharp as feather and considerably less expensive)
Soap - The Noble Otter Barrbarr (their soap base is dummy thicc, and I'm soft for the Redwall-inspired marketing. Their scents can be a bit powdery, but not too bad)
Aftershave: Barrister and Mann Spice (smells like the Old Spice my dad wears, but more complex and interesting)

>> No.15474280


>> No.15474695
File: 471 KB, 596x597, razorock hawk v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever used an SE razor?

>> No.15474717

I haven't used an se but assume blades are much harder to come by or more expensive than de? Very nice photo too if you took it

>> No.15475655

What a faggot

>> No.15476100

Bump you fucking cocksuckers

>> No.15476103

how is the clone? are the tolerances tight?

>> No.15476150

it's honestly fine and works well. you can adjust it like the actual merkur futur but the weight is different and the balance point too. it's off-set and it's therefore more top heavy than the MF. I don't exactly like that though because one time I hit my chin with it and it was kinda like a hammer and then I was bleeding a bit. But I'm clumsy and you can still avoid that. it can be an advantage too if it's top-heavy since it helps you shave.


this video should help to understand it. he explains it all in detail and compares both razors and shaves with it.

>> No.15476161

I don't know the right balance, and it depends on the quality of the razor anyway.

I've been changing every 3 shaves, but I also don't buy the most expensive blades, i.e. feather

>> No.15476163

>Its even better for women to shave their snatches with it

I would never let a razor like that get anywhere near my balls

>> No.15476189


>> No.15476193


Did you guys actually stick to using a safety razor? Its okay but the routine takes so long I went back to using 4+ blade systems for a much quicker closer shave

>> No.15476196


Where is the evidence that single blade is betterfor the skin than multiple? most single blade shaves require two passes to even come close to cartridge finish.
I assume you don't have the evidence but what's the thinking behind cartridges being worse for skin?

>> No.15476202

Italians actually have the highest IQ in europe btw

>> No.15476239

>most single blade shaves require two passes to even come close to cartridge

This is completely false.
Those extra blades dont do shit besides irritate your skin

>> No.15476243

do you have a source on that?

>> No.15476247


>> No.15476259

source? cartridges do not irritate my skin at all. single blade was horrible on my neck.

Resurgence of single blade shaving is an influencer / reddit meme to sell all sorts of creams. post shave moisturisers and fancy handles. Its probably cheaper overall desu but cartridges dont break my bank, personally

>> No.15476332

I personally don't. I just keep a DE razor so I have something to use once I run out of cartridge blades and feel like being a cheapskate. You're right about system cartridge razors btw. it's much less hassle.

>Those extra blades dont do shit besides irritate your skin

that's not true because you got a lube strip and if you get a based cartridge razor like WS Hydro 5 then all the blades even have bladeguards on each individual blade. I never have any irritation with that one.

>> No.15476378
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>single blade was horrible on my neck.
This is the problem , there is a learning curve. Everyones beard needs a slightly different combination of aggressive razor and blade sharpness.
You cant just buy one off the internet and think its going to work for you without experimenting .
This is why so many have a bad first experience and go back to cartridge razors that are one size fits all and not great for anyone.

>> No.15476384

thanks! i have a cheap one right now but from the video it sounds like a quality razor makes a huge difference

>> No.15476410

yeah but I still personally wouldn't buy a MF which costs 80 bucks or something. I think that's ridiculously pricey. that's why I went for the qshave clone and the differences are bearable. In the end it's totally up to you though.

>> No.15476777
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Finally decided to give it a shot. I went with Astra blades and so far I’m satisfied.

>> No.15476986

>Kirby Allison
Are you a gay?

>> No.15477075

Well I am on /fa

>> No.15477115
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But that gay stuff makes the baby jesus cry anon.
Especially the butt stuff
Please try to not be so gay ok?
Its ok to have nice shoes and a clean shave, jesus likes that stuff , but please dont let other men penus you in the anis

>> No.15478300
File: 8 KB, 240x240, auch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so HOW THE FUCK am I supposed to shave my balls without bleeding out /fa/?

>> No.15478323

Your not.
Stop shaving your balls it's a gay act

>> No.15479035

you're being really silly. it's obvious you could only shave that with an electric trimmer but not with a safety razor or a cartridge razor. ballskin is really loose as it is so anything not electrical will draw blood immediately.

>> No.15479152

Even a beard trimmer with no guard sliceted my sac open real bad onced

>> No.15479512

fucking hot

>> No.15479686
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>> No.15479971
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bump you filthy cocksuckers

>> No.15480032
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Why is this thread so dead?
Anyways, new soaps I got recently, highly recommended all three.

>> No.15480251

>Made in Germany
>"It's a Cadillac"

this guys an idiot

>> No.15480751

how much is that costed?

>> No.15480756

Each one was around $20 Canadian and a tub usually lasts me for about 5 months

>> No.15481068

anon try williams mug if you get a chace

>> No.15481079

Just kinda gently squeeze them so the skin becomes taught and then shave the exposed part, move my hand to a new position, etc etc
Easiest in the shower

>> No.15481125

OH my god I just wanna slap you

>> No.15481420

So it's better for your skin? Just wrap it in with the skincare thread then

>> No.15481523

? I've never nicked myself

>> No.15482517

Don't be an idiot

>> No.15482876

I really don't think he is.
it was just a general analogy anyway.

>> No.15482923

>not TOBS Sandalwood soap
That said, I'm very interested in trying that Tobacco one.

>> No.15483204
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>I'm very interested in trying that Tobacco one.
Its like having a cowboy spit on your face

>> No.15483235

Can somebody explain the advantage to all of these soaps and creams? When I first started shaving I used a shaving cream, but at some point it got to be too much hassle. Now I use hot water and either a Harry's or Dorco cartridge. I never cut myself, and I've never had problems with my skin. I've tried using various creams, gels, or foams, including some fancy ones, and they don't work for me. They take too long, make a bunch of mess, have always made me cut myself, and make my skin feel weird.

What am I missing out on?

>> No.15483252

Pleasant & close shaves.

But if you manage with your setup, more power to ya, buddy.

>> No.15483303

>Can somebody explain the advantage to all of these soaps and creams?
Just get a cheap de razor and some blades.
Puck soap can actually be cheaper than canned foam.
Do not get into spending money on stupid shit

>> No.15483315

Have you ever tried artisan soap that needs to be lathered with a brush?
In my experience, those soaps have superior glide to anything else on the market.
Here's a couple good ones if you want to give them a try

>> No.15483348

That still doesn't do anything for the fact that all that ceremony takes forever and is annoying as fuck. I think I'll just stick with my current method. I shave every day, but at most it takes about a minute.

>> No.15483355

Takes me 5 minutes tops and feels nice as hell
I guess for the average wagecuck that's precious commute time

>> No.15483408

I guess I don't need to feel jizz all over my face in order to feel good. I work remotely, and always have, so I don't need the commute time. What's your point?

>> No.15483605

Got a Baili razor recently with a butterfly twist opener and it's been a bit better than the WS Classic DE razor. It doesn't cut or irritate me as much. I think it's the different bladeguard that helps.