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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 33 KB, 640x854, FE83E049-E143-4699-A7FF-5859C3097B18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15468296 No.15468296 [Reply] [Original]


Last >>15453115

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something (unless they ask for meanspo) - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15468302
File: 58 KB, 536x533, 1434634568975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weight 57 kg. My height is 175. My stomach is flat as shit when im standing. I don't know what body fat percentage i am. Do i belong here? Ill not take pictures of myself.

>> No.15468303

No you don't

>> No.15468307

time to go for my walk today, an hour on my feet is 400 kcal at my weight, apparently.

>> No.15468312
File: 59 KB, 640x623, 1582499113018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh.... okay... bye....

>> No.15468313

it's not

>> No.15468318
File: 743 KB, 1536x2248, 8160BE4B-8FFA-4E20-8609-8A677F6B3941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stomach after 18 hours of fasting (on accident, I just didn’t feel like eating)

>6’1, 120 lbs

>> No.15468333

>Do i belong here?
if you have to ask... just behave please, already have enough retards raiding this general

>> No.15468334
File: 150 KB, 974x1456, 4C09079B-8460-4016-870D-84CCF59D4D0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mega fattie checking in

so hard to lose the rest of that belly pooch even with 60x crunches, 60x planking reps, 40-100x squats, vegan OMAD, intermittent fasting, cardio daily

>> No.15468335

What’s with all the broads flooding these threads?
/thinspo/ is more fun when it’s just bros being bros

>> No.15468338

are you in the disc yes? I joined but I don't really use it
anyways I love your skin, I wish mine was as soft as yours

>> No.15468339

your body looks like something is trying to escape it
just take a normal pic you pig

>> No.15468348

man those bolt ons are so gnarly

>> No.15468380
File: 326 KB, 1393x1318, IMG_20200807_073652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

171cm/49kg/11% bf

skip lunch and skip rope. feel like i should develop pecs more what does /thinspo/ think
anyone can belong to thinspo as long as they are working to be skinnier. you've got quite a bit of work left to do
depends on how fast you walk and incline level.
why are you tensing your glutes? good work btw
that's not you
>crunches and planks
spot reduction doesn't work building muscle doesn't remove fat
>40-100 squats
either shitty form or you gotta start moving to more efficient exercises (pistol squats are great)

veganism, omad, you still gotta make sure you're at a deficit. overestimate consumed calories when in doubt.

>> No.15468389

>feel like i should develop pecs more
do some push-ups if you want, I don't think your chest looks bad at all
I'm the same height as you and 4 kilos heavier and I know that my chest will never be as flat as yours (because I fell for the /fit/ memes when I was younger)
honestly, I think a flat and defined chest looks better than pumped up pecs. gives a more young vibe for sure

>> No.15468402

im a tad overweight so that bumps up the usage apparently.

i tend to walk at a good pace. areas a little hilly but nothing you wouldnt expect from a country road in the UK. average speed 4 mph. current weight 162 lbs of skinnyfat twat trying to be less of one.

also good god youve got a nice stomach.

>> No.15468410

Absolutely stunning anon, I want to lick you all over

I so agree with this. I used to do a lot of pushups when i was a teen and now i can’t get rid of my pecs, even if I’m very low weight, I’d have to go into full anorexia i guess
Any advice?

>> No.15468420

muscle loss is an extremely slow process, you can just straight up exist on a couch for half a year and not lose muscle if you maintain calorie surplus. youll get weaker but thatll be for other reasons than actual loss of muscle tissue. if you want to get rid id round out your body for a while then go on a prolonged calorie surplus and refrain from all resistance training on that area.

>> No.15468463

what are some good exercises to tone but no too much?

>> No.15468489

Does semen have a lot of carbs?

>> No.15468605

i dunno, why do you ask?

>> No.15468733

Absolute beauty, anon.
This'll inspire me to lose those final few kilos.

>> No.15468736

>because I fell for the /fit/ memes when I was younger
I now have very wide trapz, ruining my thin aesthetic.

>> No.15468856

front view?

>> No.15468931

A cigarette and two liters of water today.
I can manage this alright.

>> No.15468935
File: 84 KB, 770x508, Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 10.34.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this gem on the TL this morning

>> No.15468979

its free. the paid version just adds some extra unnecessary features. if you dont like it use my fitness pal or something, never used anything other than cronometer for tracking though

>> No.15468986


>> No.15468995

Why are you straining so hard just put the camera up and do a timer

>> No.15468999

>now i can’t get rid of my pecs, even if I’m very low weight
hug me anon ):
I know you mean well but I don't think anyone here could stomach gaining weight to ultimately waste muscle

>> No.15469568

how many lbs should i go to at 5'11 to achieve this ? 135?

>> No.15469584

How much can you bench (srs)

>> No.15469588

I'm 5'11 and 145 and I look similar to pic but with more muscle. Since muscle weighs more, that should be a good weight to get that look

>> No.15469596

Pls help me too, 5'10 125 and i feel like a lard ass.

>> No.15469597

wtf? thats thin bro...

>> No.15469674
File: 1.14 MB, 1480x1973, 20200808_201830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinnyfat at best

>> No.15469688


>> No.15469696


Don't forget bloat can come from stuff like coffee, sugar and bread.

>> No.15469710

Ow that hurt

>> No.15469733

It's a thinspo thread, what did you expect?

>> No.15469822
File: 252 KB, 2048x2048, 724BF82D-529B-418B-AA49-4D162794E138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout you?
Also I have coffee w sweetener and a lil half and half once per day but I don’t count it cause I’m not insane and measuring tablespoons in the morning

>> No.15469846

>tfw can't track because it triggers my ocd and i go overboard then just end up in an endless cycle of b+p
ive lost 5lb in the last week and a half on guesstimating (rounding up high) (*:

>> No.15469856

I’m trying so hard not to b/p rn (I’m the anon you replied to) so I feel you

Every time I become aware I’m restricting or losing well, I self sabotage

And b/p makes me GAIN weight. Always. Fucking bullshit. And it sucks rn Bc there’s nothing else to fucking do

>> No.15469868

what app are you using skinny friend

>> No.15469879

That’s Cronometer

>> No.15470380

keto I'm guessing, post diet

>> No.15470434

Eh right now I’m just trying to keep carbs low. I relapsed into binging and purging I think out of self sabotage and depression (to fill the time in quarantine)

I just don’t eat overt carbs. I do eat cheese yogurt and eggs, but not meat. So I eat dairy, produce, and fake meat.

>> No.15470968

Is it true carbs make you fat or does it mostly come down to calories? I'm about to make 3 eggs over easy and enjoy them more with a slice of bread.

>> No.15470999

Carbs don’t make you fat they just make you retain more water because they are stored in glycogen in your muscles (which retains water)

This is a really good thing and it’s what gives you energy to move but also some people like a really depleted look instead

I don’t eat carbs because it trains your body while losing weight to lose more fat

>> No.15471132

Can someone explain this entire general to me? I read the faq but it wasnt in there. Is this kind of thing mostly for gay bottoms or something? Ive been a skeleton all my life and its not fun. Girls dont like you and people dont take you seriously at all. I know that male models are skinny or whatever and clothes are supposed to look good on skinny people but I just dont really agree. Inb4 bait

>> No.15471149

>Can someone explain this entire general to me?
we're all fat and mentally ill

>> No.15471179

>Can someone explain this entire general to me?

>> No.15471219

>Ive been a skeleton all my life and its not fun. Girls dont like you and people dont take you seriously
ask me how I know you're a fat pos and you've never been thin in your entire life
>girls don't like skinny boys

>> No.15471271

Maybe you just and insecure faggot and/or you don’t have the face for it
Either way this is not the thread for you

>> No.15471278

Christ on a bike I want to kiss that tummy

>> No.15471349
File: 1.31 MB, 2448x3264, 20200809_134913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

182 cm, 58.9 kg, 20yoa, ~9% bf
first time posting on thinspo, where should I be progressing in workouts to get a semibuff fem kinda look? I'd like to have my bottom half more profound yet also to not have an actual man ass. Abs and a bit more bicep are a must also.

>> No.15471352
File: 1.39 MB, 2448x3264, 20200809_135131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit better of a pic

>> No.15471358

you have the body I want, but I understand why you want to be buffer. Are you naturally that hairless? x

>> No.15471362
File: 44 KB, 422x750, 1592820638853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, im usually really hairy on the legs and armpits

pic rel not me, just wondering how to work to this kinda butt

>> No.15471366

>projecting this hard

We are people of many genders talking about losing weight to get aesthetically skinny on a forum where it’s anonymous so we don’t need to mince words

>> No.15471458
File: 92 KB, 249x322, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys, I've gotta step out for 5 minutes, do you mind looking after my cups of coffee?

>> No.15471469
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1365, UH OH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471489

>just wondering how to work to this kinda butt
that doesn't look overly worked, just thin and good genetics
exercises like squats and hip thrusts can definitely build you bottom but they will also make your legs bigger
how flat is your ass? you look good from the 2 pics you posted so maybe you're just being too harsh on yourself

>> No.15471501

Very nice anon, keep it up

Muh dick

>> No.15471542
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, 20200809_153347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also want the legs to be bigger anyways
I'm flat though from the side and have a squared out butt

>> No.15471549
File: 2.98 MB, 1441x1354, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 month has passed
>still 150 lb

What the fuck? I eat less than 1200 calories each day. Fuck my fucking body man.

>> No.15471550


>> No.15471557

>also want the legs to be bigger anyways
anon are just trying to find something wrong with your body? you look good

>> No.15471559

do 500 pussy

>> No.15471567

if it makes you feel any better anon, most of the twink butt you see online (like your linked pic) is for the most part good camera angles and straining to push it out. Maybe start doing squats? But again, don't worry too much about it.

>> No.15471609

1200 is waaay to much for a midget 5’6
I’d say stay in the 500-800 range

>> No.15471755

Youre prob right, but im gonna keep up squats and lunges and etc for the lower half while also building up some bicep and abs just to feel more defined and skinny in the right areas.

>> No.15471858

you're probably underestimating how much you actually eat but eating at 1200, depending on your level of activity, means you're gonna get results pretty slowly regardless

honestly you should find the things that make you think about food the most and cut those behaviors back or out entirely. like for instance switching to OMAD for me helped so much, because instead of however many small ass meals and constant planning/tracking, having a single decent sized one midway through the day meant getting it outta my system. like one and done, yknow. it really helped get rid of cravings too.

ymmv but the more i think about food > the less control i have over it. modify your control behaviors til you find what fits.

>> No.15471950

I totally agree (I’m second anon) I just don’t have a job anymore and can’t go do anything because of corona so I’m home all god damn day and night 7 days per week

>> No.15472010

Not anything above 80lbs

>> No.15472023

sometimes during a plateau it actually helps to eat a little more than you want to. Don't ask me why. Either that or do a day-long water fast to kick your metabolism into motion

>> No.15472028

you're not that fat I think you just took the picture at a bad angle

>> No.15472422
File: 2.33 MB, 4096x4096, 20200809_164744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably gonna get laughed off this thread but fuck it. I started out fat as fack at 217. Still fat as fuck at 203 2 months later but im making progress. My goal weight is 130 and im 5'7". And before you tell me I'm still fat i know...lol

>> No.15472480

are you working out? thats a big difference between the two pics for 14 lbs. good for you.

>> No.15472512

you've got a long way to go but you've certainly made good progress which is far better than the lazy skinnyfat lazy chucklefucks in this general. don't give up anon ygmi

>> No.15472513

Yeah lifting and im doing the couch to 5k program

>> No.15472535

Great progress anon. Keep it up!

>> No.15472546
File: 266 KB, 2048x2048, 19CBB3E7-C6E3-4ABB-9C90-8B8DD32814FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5’8” 128~ F

I fucked up today lads

>tfw youre never gonna be sub-120 again

>> No.15472547

I kinda just wanna eat all the food in my house and throw it up to punish myself. I know that’s ridiculous but

>> No.15472715

hit 159.6 yesterday, /fa/
feels good but ive no idea how im reasonably down 3 lbs in a week.

grats, been there myself and its rough initially. good on you for keeping it up tho.

>> No.15472728

don't self sabotage. if you want to punish yourself, do it via exercise or fasting. Find something you hate that pushes you towards your goal and see how long you can physically endure it.

if you can hold off on stuffing your face you are two months or less from being under 120.

>> No.15472731

>I'm 5'11 and 145

>> No.15472753
File: 255 KB, 672x1236, 103689914_1124835921228146_9000164616328477594_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

73 kg
1.98 m
currently doing push ups cuz i need it

>> No.15472781

you also could do with a nice hat, abe

>> No.15472844

you look really good honestly. it shouldn't work, but somehow does.. ? i like your face.

>> No.15472845
File: 197 KB, 1000x1334, l2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the progress is really impressive! keep it up!

>> No.15472848

I don't even know if 3kg per month is good progress at your size, honestly
I know loose skin becomes a problem when you drop weight too fast but still

>> No.15472914

well she doesn't have any stretch-marks, so chances are on her side that the doesn't end up with excessive lose skin.

>> No.15472944

Why coffe isn't good for /thinspo/
Do you need an account to use cronometer?

>> No.15472955

>well she doesn't have any stretch-marks
as I said I have no idea what it's like to lose weight in her range but 1kg every 10days doesn't seem nearly enough to get stretch marks
I'm losing the same amount and I'm <18 bmi

>> No.15473036

damn for 2 months that's a noticeable difference

>> No.15473481

I kek'd
thank you so much, but I trully want to have les shapes in my chest and make it more soft(?) i dont even know, just doing it cuz I saw a change lately

>> No.15473605

I do have some stretch marks already (from gaining) but theyre fading as the weight is dropping. I also do extended fasts (usually 72 hours) which causes autophagy. Autophagy means your body eats itself. So your body takes old cells that no longer serve a purpose and recruit them into the body during a fast. This begins after 24 hours (less if you work out a lot). And theres documented research that those that fast while losing weight end up with less loose skin than those that did not. Its pretty neat actually

>> No.15473610

thank you i also quit alcohol cold turkey so i lost a lot of water weight and bloat. Im training for a 5k as well after being sedentary for the last year

>> No.15473624

is this true? More info on this?

>> No.15473859

I guess I’m 129 now :( I gained 2 lbs this week. I’m hoping I’m just bloated with water and will lose it soon. I purged this week two times and I am about to get my period.

I ended up not binging and purging! But I did eat a bit more which was stupid of me. It was low carb (tomato sauce, veg ground beef, and spinach) but a few hundred more calories. It definitely was to self sabotage . But at least I didn’t b/p and fuck my shit up more. This water should come off in like 1-2 days.

Yes but it’s free

>> No.15473877
File: 65 KB, 760x528, 1596379624615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could happen to YOU! One cup is all it takes!

>> No.15473893

>want to be thin, but mom cooking is so good.

>> No.15473962
File: 72 KB, 1004x998, womens rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I purged
maybe eat some real food and stop shoveling shite down your gullet, woman. also walk more.

>> No.15474030

>red sauce


Project harder bb lol

>> No.15474065
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 20200707_051542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15474138

Post a proper mirror image, not a crotch shot of you sucking your stomach in

>> No.15474212


Very good work anon!

>> No.15474263


>> No.15474266


>> No.15474283

then the fuck did you purge it for? either way, sort it out.

>> No.15474294
File: 1.03 MB, 220x127, 1516418578456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 22 bmi for the first time in my life
just fuck me up senpai open the pools back up

>> No.15474303

is this official thinspo discord or some random shitty discord

>> No.15474336

oh come on anon, things could be so much worse. You can get down to 18-17 by christmas easy.

>> No.15474338
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, 1576318123093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15474348

I mean you're not wrong but it still sucks so bad, not used to having stomach fat. probably wouldn't wanna go lower than a high 18 though. I don't need to be full-on frail, twunk4twink is the platonic ideal

>> No.15474377

>those scars

>> No.15474389


>> No.15474394
File: 2.10 MB, 4520x2984, 2020201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better

>> No.15474422

Thanks mate. I got a long way to go. Im 50 hours into a 5 day fast rn

>> No.15474426
File: 95 KB, 727x1024, brad-pitt-young-poster-24-x-36_389_727x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion server

>> No.15474496


>> No.15474780

So how old is everyone here? I use to be active here around 2015-2017 but then I managed to get the self motivation to keep it up without coming here. I'm a guy and now I'm wondering if I should start getting bigger. Just feels weird everyone else in my friend circle is hitting the wall or getting fat.

>> No.15474782
File: 373 KB, 631x1027, 68CF3B52-749D-42AA-8399-162BD1B95851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15474792

I'm 25

>> No.15474806

34. ottermode is my achievable target these days.

>> No.15474827

whats tha average bf% needed for a david shawty type of clothing aesthetic? also can any of you retards fill me in with the whole yungster jack situation cuz i cba to go through twitter and shit

>> No.15474830


>> No.15474845

Ok I'm feeling better. They've always commented on how great and youthful I looked but recently they say things about eating more etc. I'm wondering if they just want to bring me down to their level. I'm 25 as well

>> No.15475037
File: 105 KB, 1080x1350, thinhalp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow some of you lot have super cute / hot bodies.
I just want some advice on how to dress.

I'm 186cm (6'), Average shoulder width, long legs and smaller torso
I don't have many pic's sorry.

>> No.15475055

Your shirt makes your torso look wider than your legs. Also stop wearing skinny jeans

>> No.15475063

Old photo but same body type

>> No.15475143

You guys got any lowcal recipes that will leave me satisfied? I wan to go through my day without almost passing out

>> No.15475236

Low fat popcorn, low calorie jello, low calorie pudding, homemade meringues, Korean egg soup, zucchini spirals, pickles and pickled olives. Add even more veggies, they usually have very little calories.

>> No.15475256

once i get to the weight i want can i just go straight to eating at TDEE? or should i eat at BMR? or something else? i’m scared i’ll gain weight if i suddenly start eating normally again and i just wanna be done with this so i can go back to eating a bunch of yummy food and not have to think about it too much

>> No.15475258
File: 91 KB, 617x710, pic.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat some low-calorie cold cuts, and ffs don't listen to this >>15475236.
Eating meringues and jello/pudding will make it so much worse hunger wise cause its all sugar and carbs. Carbs make you hungry faster (cause you know, its also converted into sugar).
I don't think you're eating enough protein, so start there. Either by snacking on something like ham or chicken; or by not snacking and modyfying what you're already eatining to include less carbs and more protein. Good luck.

>> No.15475260

fatties out

>> No.15475261

nobody tell him

>> No.15475263

you're a fat piece of shit and you need to die
you too, choke on a homemade meringue and disappear

>> No.15475265

i’m here forever aren’t i

>> No.15475276

Nobody loves you and you'll forever feel empty inside. What you are doing is seaking satisfaction in the form of (You)s, hope this made you feel better.

>> No.15475278

as opposed to SEAKING satisfaction from
>Low fat popcorn, low calorie jello, low calorie pudding, homemade meringues
fuck off and die fatty

>> No.15475299

Honestly I lost 10 lbs just from removing sugar in tea/coffee, etc.
It took 2 months.
Also the weight you lose fast will get it back fast, so slow and steady weight lose is better on the long term.
Try drinking a lot of water, before meal or when you're hungry.
And buy salad spice, these can make the salad much more satisfying to eat.

>> No.15475373

I am fat and I am trying to lose weight, I ain't the dude that was talking about the low fat shit. Just decided to reply to you because you honestly sound fucking sad to be honest, you need someone to talk to. You are probably just mad because of skipping all those meals and I do not judge you. People tend to lose weight in different ways, just be careful. I hope one day you get to be happy and accept who you really are instead of writing mean ass replies in an anime imageboard.

>> No.15475376

Chicks dig into thin boys? /fit/ lied to me, didn't they?

>> No.15475377

>I am fat
oh really no one saw this coming
fuck off from this general, you don't belong

>> No.15475383

Why don't you face the problem for once instead of hiding behind the facade of calories? There are things that are much more important.

>> No.15475386
File: 485 KB, 640x1105, C39E06CD-3A40-44E2-ADCB-2E5DC2315A51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ lied to me
nah bro get the lifting redpill bro chicks dig mussle bro
honestly nu/fit/ didn't lie to you, they probably believe what they say
it's just that it's a cesspool of insecure gymcels who think lifting will make up for their non existent personality and toughen up their character

>> No.15475388

what are you doing here fatty? take a (brisk) walk
might do you some good

>> No.15475392

You really think that calling me fat is affecting me in any way? You are fucking acting like a 10 year old. Let me ask one thing, do you think that achieving your weight goal will make you happy? Because believe me, it won't. Nothing will change, I've been skinny as shit and now I am fat. NOTHING fucking changes, my guy. You gotta fight from the inside, fat fuck or not, you'll still be depressed.

>> No.15475399

>hiding behind the facade of calories
>I've been skinny as shit and now I am fat. NOTHING fucking changes
>do you think that achieving your weight goal will make you happy? Because believe me, it won't
anything else, fatty?

>> No.15475406

Damn, man. You are so mad that you even forgot to quote me. Anyways, since this isn't going anywhere I won't reply to you again. You are a lost cause, wake up.

>> No.15475409

>u mad
high bmi low iq
get out

>> No.15475434

It is at times like this I remember how petty and miserable some of the people are here.
Thank god for based progress and tummyposters.

>> No.15475448

drinking half a bottle of port last night was a mistake

>> No.15475455

only if it wasn't a good bottle

>> No.15475462

it wasnt, and thats a lot of calories for shit wine.

>> No.15475471

cheaper than goon for getting drunk, but comes with three times the sugar and a much worse hangover.

its fine when you're 18 and skinny but after that its just trouble.

>> No.15475474

you'll lose, gain it back, lose, gain until you either just grow up and accept being fat or you kys at 35

>> No.15475482

can someone give me an answer pls

>> No.15475483
File: 35 KB, 950x719, pic.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you don't take the bait and binge after a "cheat", you'll be completely fine anon. The only real danger with cheat meals or alcohol binges is that they make you more likeley to lose momentum and binge for real (or if worst case, trigger a binge cycle). Brush it off and pretend it never happened. Good luck!

>> No.15475484

then it was a mistake
accept and move on, I'd drink some one glass of good wine with you if I could
>there are no skinny people over the age of 35

>> No.15475506

shits sweet as fuck idk how you do it

>> No.15475524

yeah i wont make the mistake again ill say that much. healthy eating tonight i think.

ime the best cure for a shit drink is a good, hearty fucking meal. nothing excessive, but a good bit of meat and a fuckton of greens.

alcoholic robinsons fruit juice goes down too easy. if tawny port is too sweet for you try cockburns 12 year. shits rich and fruity without being too sweet, more of a sipping wine than a swigging one.

>> No.15475536

I can't tell if this is ironic or not..

>> No.15475540

>tfw skelly tier thin without ever working out
will i make it? everyone seems to hate my physique

>> No.15475542

>these hairless stomachs
Do you shave or wax?
Should I fall for home laser removal?

>> No.15475543

There will always be people that don't like your physique.
The most important is to like yourself.

>> No.15475552

>home laser removal
how hairy are you

>> No.15475556
File: 159 KB, 720x1063, 1284077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pic related.

>> No.15475563

but it should be physically impossible to gain weight if i’m eating at my BMR right? i don’t have a huge appetite anyway so i should be fine

>> No.15475570

well thin, fat or ripped, i couldnt care less if i had a gf. how do i get that?

>> No.15475574

Disregards females, acquire currency.

>> No.15475589

how much?

>> No.15475601

>thin, fat or ripped, i couldnt care less if i had a gf

>> No.15475698

>Low Calorie Food & Drinks List
What the fuck is the point of this? There's nothing on it.

>> No.15475798

nair or pay for real laser if you have the budget

>> No.15475811
File: 86 KB, 640x640, pic.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think your will power is that strong, by all means try it.
All i'm saying is that its not usually how it works out long term. Thinking you can both be seriously skinny, have all the quote "yummy" food you want, and still remain eating disorder free. Whats much more likely to happen is the cycle of being underweight for a while, struggling to maintain it, gaining some back, hating yourself and starting all over again.

>> No.15475815

5 for a blowie, 10 for a ride

>> No.15475831

Normies claim laxatives won't help with long term weight loss, but they are highly effective.

>> No.15475841

i do intermittent fasting though so i don’t really have a problem with eating less then i technically should be. also there are plenty of thin people who eat as much as they want and have never counted a calorie in their lives, they either just eat satiating, high volume meals that fill them up for less calories or simply don’t have much of an appetite. i don’t think it requires willpower it just requires a little management initially. best of luck to you in achieving whatever body you desire in a healthy way

>> No.15475881

>Normies claim laxatives won't help
because they won't, at least for them
a lot of things don't work for normalniggers because they don't have a solid base, and this is valid in every field

>> No.15475910 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 638x1106, IMG_0060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny cheeeeeeeeeeeck

>> No.15475916

Literally no one asked to see your pecker

>> No.15475921


Be charitable, it's an innocuous accident of framing - every man lives in his body !

>> No.15476026

Is that a fucking TV-remote you're holding?
And why is everything so yellow?

>> No.15476029

tranny confirmed
How was the operation?

>> No.15476030

nice abs bro, nice dong too
you need better lighting tho, sunlight shining directly on skin does wonders for photos

well i didnt but im not exactly complaining about the view either

>> No.15476034

It is a flip phone in a holiday rental home, there are 2 reasons why everything is so yellow

>> No.15476042


without watches and rings we couldn't tell the time and women wouldn't tell that we were gay-and-so-sexy so really, what I'm saying, is you're being a bit silly.

>> No.15476048

are you retarded? fuck off from /thinspo/ you mongoloid

>> No.15476125

Does thinspo work at all if you have a humongous head?

>> No.15476154

post pic

>> No.15476156

lord help me lads its too warm to walk today. all fucking heat and no cool air, i feel like im baking

>> No.15476567

stand on a chair instead sir

>> No.15476603

got any spreadshit data from your weight loss? would love to see (from the beginning, we all know that before coming here u were a fatso.)

>> No.15476629

Just get some striped pajamas and you're all set

>> No.15476634

real bowel cancer hours

>> No.15476645

So I don’t really know where else to ask this but right now my stats are
I have been working out for the past month, mainly doing squats and deadlifts because I want to tone my legs a bit. Should I be worried about gaining fat, if I’m under eating? I eat about 1800 calories a day and on that I know I won’t gain weight normally, but now that I’m working out, I’m not sure. Also, can bring skinny make a manlet like myself look taller? I have such a small, skinny frame and it makes me feel and look taller than I actually am (or so I’ve been told). Afraid if I ever gain weight, that I will actually look 5’7 lmao

>> No.15476656

>there are plenty of thin people who eat as much as they want and have never counted a calorie in their lives
you aren't naturally thin like this though, you'll never be able to just "not think about it" and remain thin like people with high metabolisms. You will always have to keep it under control, and that takes willpower.

>> No.15476691

wtf u lose 15 el bees over 2 hunnit and it looks like u lost 50. Fuck you wtf if you lose 50 lbs ur gonna look like bonespo fuck you dum bich if I lose 15 I look exactly the fucking same

>> No.15476699
File: 88 KB, 568x548, 1583413886883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started the day at 120
>did yard work
>now 116
Fuck you water weight giving me false hope and shit you stupid faggot. I know all I need is a 300 cal dinner and I will be back at 120 or 121. Fuck I hate my life.

>> No.15476745

Holy fuck post pics

>> No.15476753

well nothing worth having is easy to attain! and by the way the idea of “fast” or “slow” metabolisms is largely exaggerated, you can just calculate your BMR and eat according to that and you’ll be fine. most naturally-skinnies simply don’t have as much of an appetite, so when they eat at normal levels they FEEL like they’re overeating and stuffing themselves, but they don’t gain weight of course, so they conclude that they have a “faster” metabolism.

>> No.15476834

update: went for evening walk. its muggy af but i feel better for the walk in the cool evening air than the baking hot sun.

>> No.15476923

>nipple that high up


>> No.15477207
File: 251 KB, 828x1472, B0853EF1-B2B9-4853-BD61-83CDE82323A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing lads?

>> No.15477230
File: 3 KB, 250x166, 1597100591422s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you get this thin? i don't like how thick my torso looks

>> No.15477233
File: 983 KB, 2304x1536, 1597100591422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wups thumbnail

>> No.15477494 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 1322x2226, C6BCE5B3-44B3-4DCB-9EF1-8513A7366143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do you make men’s clothes look good on you if you’re a guy? I’ve been wearing women’s clothes for the past year, But I got a job and they’re going to expect me to wear men’s clothes and like... it all looks like shit lol

>> No.15477500 [DELETED] 

I meant to say if you’re a *Very skinny* guy Lol

>> No.15477542


>> No.15477559
File: 39 KB, 636x651, 1556260568467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many cals should I eat per day? 5'10"/F/150. I did 1,200 for 6 weeks and only lost a few lbs because I sleep all day.

>> No.15477738

Back down to 128.2 this morning. Only incidental/grainless carbs today (I ate Greek yogurt, strawberries, cheese, broccoli, lettuce, avocado, salsa)

I’m expecting to be back down to 127 in 24-72 hours.

How did you all do today?

>> No.15477755

i did 1200 for a month to lose like 15 pounds as a relatively active 6'2 male (started at 150 lbs). You could easily go to 800-1k if you don't just eat junk

>> No.15477765

Your body is not that hot because of the excess fat but the pose is hot (srs)

>> No.15477825
File: 1.50 MB, 218x218, 1590778654567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking coomer i'm no counting calories until I reach 200 pounds

>> No.15477863

Please educate yourself and Google what meringues and jello are made out of. Hint: 0 carbs required.

>> No.15477867

Why are you so upset at my suggestions?

>> No.15477871

Lay on your back and suck your stomach in

>> No.15477878

damn remember that golf ball gif?

>> No.15477882
File: 886 KB, 2048x1923, 6BE337A3-FB2E-45D7-8774-7C1691A53ED1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody asked for pics from the front but I forgot until now

>> No.15477891


>> No.15477973
File: 66 KB, 960x488, big meat energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had half of this for dinner.
How do you calculate the calorie in this?
Goodbye thinspo.

>> No.15477975

pan lower pls

>> No.15477978

Why did you eat that ?

>> No.15478014

doesn’t even look good. don’t understand the appeal of fast food, there are like a dozen tastier and more fulfilling things you could eat for the same calories as that greasy shit

>> No.15478016

wow i didn't know there was a thread general dedicated to eating child protein

>> No.15478025

dont have to cook?

>> No.15478034

I don't know really.

>> No.15478048

>no carbs
they're made of sugar lol

>> No.15478163

is 5 foot 4 and 88 lbs approaching danger zone? i feel like i probably shouldn't lose anymore weight or ill start suffering health consequences

>> No.15478165

im a female btw

>> No.15478170

i mean, "dangerzone" is different for everyone. if you've been undereating for a while, you've probably already passed it. do what you're comfortable with.

>> No.15478172

ok, thanks! ill probably stay around this weight for now then

>> No.15478216

Yes is it. You damage your internal organs at this point inc. your heart and you can't reverse it.

You could cause yourself to require a heart transplant. PLS seek help, I beg of you.

Giving yourself a death sentence.

>> No.15478236

We were celebrating my recovery from the cough virus, and the family ordered this, because I "lost" weight.
Actually it was very very good.
I think since most of it is fat and meat I should be fine.
Probably I need do some workout.

>> No.15478348

>How do you calculate the calorie in this?
It really doesn't look much, maybe ~1800 as total, and you eat ~900.
And with that much fat, your body won't have much time to absorb all the calories.
And you should do Zigzag Calorie Cycling any way.

>> No.15478417

as little as you can without losing it

>> No.15478419

i'm fucking crying ???? the fuck you mean
TL sugar faggots

>> No.15478421

5-800. Try the 2468 diet, it's great.

>> No.15478424

2015 thinspo tumblr feels ;__;

>> No.15478430

wow Anon keep up the good work proud of u

>> No.15478431
File: 359 KB, 1080x1287, 84756531b1b79b91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question for u guys, my gf is very skinny and she often gets messages on ig telling her that her weight is extremely unhealthy, is being very skinny actually unhealthy or just fatties coping? she always says she feels healthy and she doesn't have bulimia or anything

her body is pretty closely identical to the left in this pic

>> No.15478449
File: 496 KB, 500x370, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those were the days

>> No.15478500

The reason being underweight is considered unhealthy is because people who are starved or eat alot of the same thing miss out on key nutrients. Over time this becomes a vitamin deficiency which can fuck you up really bad. Also its generally healthy to have at least a little bit of fat on your body.

However, there are people who are just naturally skinny and eat properly to fill their nutritional needs. People who purpously under-eat to become underweight could theoretically be healthy around the bmi 16.5- 18 mark but they’d need to have a good understanding of dietetics and have at least some bodyfat to go around.

The problem with eating disorders, anorexia especially is that you often fall into repetetive styles of eating and develop fears of some foods. This makes having varied nutrition hard, along with the fact that properly sick people won’t know when to stop.

If you’re worried the warning signs are pretty hard to hide. Fingernails will be dented and weird looking, hair will fall out really easily, dark bags under the eyes, bruising easily, thin layer of hair on arms etc.

>> No.15478515

Shouldn't taking vitamins supplement solve most of these issues?

>> No.15478724

>Zigzag Calorie Cycling
Does this actually work?

>> No.15478727

>Does this actually work?
>The belief is that if you can keep your body guessing, you can avoid homeostasis. By confusing your body, the hope is that your metabolism will shift into high gear burning calories more effectively.
no lol

>> No.15478777

I mean...
>Short-term diet cycling during a weight loss and exercise program may be an effective way to promote weight loss without associated reductions in REE [Resting Energy Expenditure]

>> No.15478793

that link also says that high protein and high carbs diets have similar effects lol
sorry but it sounds like a mix of /fit/ broscience and binger cope
>gotta confuse you metabolism to lose weight!
just don't eat, cut this bullshit

>> No.15478813

Not him, but that's ncbi

>> No.15478825

Don't listen to fatties, they're brainlets.


>that link also says that high protein and high carbs diets have similar effects lol
Literally where

>> No.15478833

and? just because a paper is formally correct it doesn't mean the fad diet behind it isn't shit
I don't see the reason to go from IF and multi-days fasts to this staggered deficit meme
it's advertised on retarded fitness sites for women and the control group for the study were a bunch of fat cows
I don't know what else to say, if anyone thinks it's good and wants to try it make sure to report back

>> No.15478834

Gelatin is fat, to add flavor to your jelly, you can add sugar free juice concentrate and jell-o brand also makes sugar-free options.
Merengues are made from whipped egg-whites and you replace the sugar with erythritol = 0 carbs.
Jesus Christ I can't believe I am actually responding to you brainlets/trolls

>> No.15478837
File: 185 KB, 640x728, 9F7B3A7E-815C-4325-9158-B574C0C3C051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally where
excuse the phoneposting

>> No.15478841

lmao get a load of this fat pig using ersatz sugar because he can't control his cravings
just kys already, make sure the rope is good one

>> No.15478868

I was just giving advice to someone else, but I understand if you're a lonely pathetic faggot who needs to reply with negativity every time, it's OK, I still love you *kisses you on the cheek*

>> No.15478877


>> No.15478879

i think its meringue anon lmao

>> No.15478887

i think MPA would be a better place for you

>> No.15478901

God why is every discord server from MPA either teenagers or trannies or super sensitive people who have trigger words and ask about your pronouns
I just wanted a buddy to do ABC with, fuck this

>> No.15478933

kill yourself and never post again cow
you're too far gone, you'll never make it

>> No.15478996

imagine eating chemical '''food''' for peasants because you have no control over your body

>> No.15479003
File: 167 KB, 667x1661, EC49E1C6-964F-48E0-943C-23A54453972B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5’8” 127-128 still but looking better

>> No.15479009


>> No.15479017


>> No.15479069

Still a ways to go for what I want but I think I’m leaning out rather than just getting smaller which is cool

I hate that this is the only place I can talk about wanting to be skinny without being burned at the stake

>> No.15479081

your parents love you don’t worry it’s ok

>> No.15479087
File: 152 KB, 640x956, A88316F0-AE35-478C-B080-5AF98410D00E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my month

>> No.15479088

yeah i mean as long as you aren’t unhealthy i don’t see anything wrong with consciously choosing to change your weight to fit a certain aesthetic. the human body is fascinating in that you can make it so many different shapes and sizes just through changing what you do and what you eat. i wish it was less taboo to try out being skinny just to see how it makes you feel, maybe in the future they’ll have flawless liposuction machines and people will treat gaining or losing weight like getting a haircut

>> No.15479107

I completely agree on all points I just know that it makes people feel bad and guilty about their own bodies to be trying to change yours and people are much more conscious of it now so I have to go to places like this to talk about it

Which is fine I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but it does suck a little bit because I kind of don’t want to be here to be honest

>> No.15479168

looking good, keep it up

>> No.15479177

Your bf is low you just got 0 muscle mass. Lift some and you'll see abs and look thinner. As it is your fat is just hanging off your skelly body. Lots of people who are thin af manage to still have a gut because they got no muscle to frame the little bit of far they do have.

>> No.15479472

I fast for 48-72 hours eat some salad and peanut butter and fruit, fast for another 48-72 hours. Repeat until at desired weight lol. Eat keto so you dont gain it back :) i cant wait to be boney and i honestly feel so much prettier when im hungry if that makes sense lol

>> No.15479474

who is this directed to?

>> No.15479479

Not really an insult when i already stated im fat? im down another five pounds since i posted here, it doesn't take long to lose weight when you go days without eating. Drink some water, you'll feel better

>> No.15479748

So do you any of you take vitamins or do you just eat enough nutritious food.

>> No.15479829
File: 598 KB, 3024x4032, 298340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i can get down to my lw and i'll still never have legs like urs

>> No.15479859

tell people you're getting fit and talk up the exercise component of it and you'll get much more positive reactions than if you say 'I'm starving myself thin'

also, keep up the body toning. you're making good progress so far.

>> No.15479889

based and truth pilled

>> No.15479938

Update: Did 700 today. Yesterday was 900 and the day before 1,000. It's not hard with caffeine. I just feel retarded sometimes.

>> No.15479957

aim to keep it in the 800-1000 range and try to get in some light exercise as well. going lower occasionally is fine but 600 a day is hard to maintain.

>> No.15479960

alright thanks anon

>> No.15479993

caffeine makes me all jittery and anxious and sweat. how do you drink it on empty stomach without the acidity fucking you up?

any other ways to suppress hunger ??
(I quit smoking and illegal drugs so that is not an option)

>> No.15479996

Caffeine used to do that to me before I got put on ssris for anxiety, now it doesn't bother me. I drink Monster & tea.

there are no other quick ways as far as i know. mostly just distractions.

>> No.15480083

Being quite honest, I thought this was going to be a thread for outfit inspiration for people who were already thin.

Best hopes to you all for having a goal and going for it, though.
(I am 5'7", 99lbs, by the way.)

>> No.15480139

Lmao why would you think that honey? Just drop ur flex and go

>> No.15480313
File: 247 KB, 1080x1080, 75AE597F-56C0-4F97-B0F9-5399396D0D02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else doing thinspo and also using Heroin every day ? male here

>> No.15480320

try getting aids its good for really fast weightloss

>> No.15480328

>oh no better purge my 200kcal chicken salad

>> No.15480396

Really? How should I go about getting a faggot to infect me with it then? Meet up with an HIV+ tranny and have them stick their cock up my big butt? What’s the average weight loss after one month of having the disease? Are there any statistical or empirical data points which support your notion that getting AIDS does in fact increase weight loss in a short time?

>> No.15480403

>red sauce

Imagine being stupid

>> No.15480422

Still chonky. 90kg rn lost 5 kg in the past month ish. Steadily heading downward. It was hard to i changed my attitude about food, get more activity, staying hydrated, alls well. I don't want to get very thin, maybe 80 kg, then get stronger and stay at the same weight. I don't have the frame for skinny skinny. But I'm learning to accept myself. Goal is soon 14% bodyfat. At 19 20 ish rn, not good at calculating it but not too a point where I really wanna know yet.

>> No.15480497

Kissy kissy

>> No.15480551
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 8d524ba1b16b6cd6e1dc81cb69033099b4a49c65_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what bmi is this

>> No.15480552

are you an outlaw?

>> No.15480590


>> No.15480652
File: 2.70 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200813_055008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only recent photos of me are nudes lmao

>> No.15480801

You look amazing. Mind sharing your measurements?

>> No.15481628


Not great. At my lowest I was 31.5-23-34

>> No.15481673
File: 235 KB, 420x417, img_6378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're on the right track man, you'll look alot better with less bf, but you should make an effort to keep your muscle. You're right to think you don't have the right frame to be skelly. In your case its more safe to loose slowly, than crash diet and be sure to keep an eye on your protein. Good luck anon!

>> No.15481681

just fasting, black tea and cigarettes anon

>> No.15481684

you look like you sell phet mate

>> No.15481701


>> No.15481905

i get being toned but like malnourishment is not for me

>> No.15481950
File: 469 KB, 598x461, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120lb vs 140lb

Which looks better?

>> No.15481980


>> No.15482010


>> No.15482291
File: 31 KB, 552x689, 16711594_1901556736742363_4298742636365428838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>29 x 27 jeans
one, something's got to give

>> No.15482575

as a chick, left desu

>> No.15482578

how do lose muscle

>> No.15482583

as a straight guy right

>> No.15482600

seriously. thats the goal now ~!

>> No.15482604

no.. not coffeeee :(

>> No.15482672

oh okay thanks

>> No.15482855

First time fasting, I have done two ~36hr fasts this week. I'm glad to know I can actually do it lol. It feels easier than heavy calorie restriction for meals. I gained some weight recently, trying to get back below 110lb at 5'4", then approach 100 and see how it looks. CW ~114

>> No.15482873
File: 115 KB, 735x2650, iu-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy for you anon, just be safe with it. Remember to keep an eye on your electrolytes

>> No.15483038





>> No.15483148

is getting stretch marks when losing weight a real thing? never had stretch marks on the middle of my stomach until i just lost like 20lbs from my highest weight. i think it might have to do with coming off of birth control. this is fucking gay though, i started rubbing bio oil on it when they started coming in i dont deserve this.

>> No.15483722

Thanks anon, nice chart