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File: 29 KB, 800x534, TylerTheCreator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15465350 No.15465350 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ think of Tyler the Creator.

>> No.15465358
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Cool dude, nice music, but im not effay

>> No.15465360


>> No.15465363

Normie core

>> No.15465364

Teddy fresh core. Hasn't made any good music for like 3 albums.

>> No.15465366


>> No.15465368

im happy for him. Not my style but he has pushed his weirdness onto the world and i admire that or whatever.

>> No.15465376

ok musician, cringe fanbase

>> No.15465393

I'd let him suck my dick.

>> No.15465420


>> No.15465425

does not make good music and i do not like his fits

>> No.15465888

Tf you are talking about, flower boy was his peak

>> No.15466075
File: 2.03 MB, 1668x2224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow niggers!

>> No.15466229

I like his music and I like his fits.
Flower boy and Igor are tens

>> No.15466311

You are white, a feminist, pseudo-skater-core, have a vinyl collection, Frank Ocean posters in your bedroom, your favorite tv show is Seinfeld, and should go back.

>> No.15466358
File: 48 KB, 500x584, K-q0SyMxHCnNlp6o-Xs-h2X1v0DNeGpmBN0V3B6FB9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>house nigger does white face
>no one cares
>white guy does blackface

I hope he gets gassed at some protest

>> No.15466366

I'm white and Seinfeld is sick, but the rest is wong. Sorry bro

>> No.15467759

He called Spike Lee a nigger you don't understand him.

>> No.15467765

i leik :D

>> No.15467783

Trash, dresses alright or at least used to but his music is garbage, his beats are good but his lyrics are just random sentences strung together haphazardly, utter lazy wordplay

>> No.15467784

Has made some dope beats and cool shirts

>> No.15467811

golf has gone downhill, but anything he designs I typically like. hugely influential in today's casual fashion, especially for zoomers,

it was only logical for him to lean into the fag shit but he's definitely on the cutting edge of music and fashion and has never been afraid to be different

>> No.15467812

>Hasn't made any good music for like 3 albums

teenager opinion

>> No.15467851

No, that's an adult opinion

>> No.15467936


He's a nigger

>> No.15468146

overrated music. old and new, its not good

>> No.15468197

No, that's an I-was-twelve-years-old-when-I-first-heard-Goblin opinion

>> No.15468806

Blacks always call each other niggers what's your point? Hes still a racist faggot, one hit wonder

>> No.15468895

which is why he has two grammy nominated albums and has dozens of artists copying his blueprint and style

>> No.15468911

grammys don’t mean shit and people are just trying to appeal to easily marketed to zoomers that consume anything that remotely is considered “counterculture”

>> No.15469022

assuming an entire life like fucking good will hunting from someones taste in music is proof you need to get out of here immediately you sad little boy

>> No.15469129

Billie eyelash has like 5 grammies her music is still shit, and also a one hit wonder

It just pisses me off this nigger is allowed to do whiteface on YouTube. Meanwhile if a white guy does black face he can literally get arrested

>> No.15469143

I went through a new soul phase so I do enjoy his music. I was a young teen in the early 2010s so odd future was cool to me back then. Style wise golf wang is meh, honestly think it didn't do that well as a brand. Not sure if he is going to go further with it considering his style has shifted away from 80s country club. He has good taste when it comes to music so I can really appreciate that. Would consider him Pharell level of fashion.

>> No.15469205

Awful taste, bro. Didn’t really listen to Flower Boy, but Igor was solid.

>> No.15469213

>Meanwhile if a white guy does black face he can literally get arrested
The seethe is palpable lmao
Do black face if you want to, you whiner. No one is getting arrested for it.

>> No.15469381


>> No.15469384


>> No.15469392

igor sounds like it was mixed by a 12 year old that chugged a 4loko. also a great portion of the songs on there just sound the same using the same retread motifs
his worst album out of his discography by far. you know an album is bad when playboi fucking carti carries a song he is featured in.

>> No.15469473

good music, have mad respect for his style, golf wang has some good designs, so i like him.

>> No.15469478

that was a literal 6 second scene in the music video of tamale, seeth more

>> No.15469534

Igor was garbage. Earthquake sounds like my kid brother made it.

>> No.15469720
File: 15 KB, 314x372, 1595468223580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one is getting arrested for it.
Pic related was arrested in June for painting his face black
He has a song where the thumbnail is white face

>> No.15469749

His music is targeted to zoomer wiggers so by admitting you like him you fall under his core audience

>> No.15469989

I admire the fact that he's always done his own thing and has got a lot of success out of it. Golfwang sucks but he's made bank on that, he still makes music, he's clearly a bit of a renaissance man (whether you like what he does or not).

>> No.15470148

IGOR was fucking trash. All his shit is SJW bait after cherry bomb.

>> No.15471756

who literally cares, this literally has the same energy as dumbasses saying all lives matter, yeah we get it's demeaning but that's the fucking point. Thats exactly how we feel when you guys do black face, that's the point, now go back to sucking your mom's tits kid.

>> No.15471761

>dumbasses saying all lives matter
It's dumb to say all lives matter? Lol end your life black boi

>> No.15471770

He's a guy named Tyler who apparently creates shit.

>> No.15471777

I feel like if he put more time into fashion he could deliver tons of great stuff. I always thought he would fit like a glove running a sub label of a preppy brand like TH or Ralph Lauren. Didn't he do a Lacoste collab?

>> No.15471825

sorry i'm not totally tone deaf. It's okay dude you'll get better.

>> No.15471988
File: 52 KB, 564x564, 4e1ee90a31935fb9210f7c4153e43ad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so youre asking a 30ish year old to go back to rapping about hating school and his dad? nice opinion, glad it mattered.

peak effay from tyler was off his last album and how he dressed in the fall/winter afterwards. (pic related)

>> No.15472051

Faggot that's gotten progressively faggier

>> No.15472066

Black lives clearly don't matter as much as white lives in this lil society of ours. Until they do, all lives do not matter, clearly.
It'd be cool if all lives did matter though I'm down with that let's do it defund the popoooo I got you maaaan!>>15471756

>> No.15472072
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>> No.15472477

>Black lives clearly don't matter as much as white lives
Who's fault is that? Blacks are too busy shooting themselves and abandoning their kids. Then they blame everyone else lol useless niggers

>> No.15472585


>> No.15472814

He seems very full of himself. Though I do appreciate that because of that, he's at least unique.

>> No.15472893

Flower boy is the best msucially, but for some reason I still prefer Wolf, also I don't get Igor

>> No.15473116

His igor fits isn't just gay, it's awful

>> No.15473134

Ugly ass nigga. Who tf is this nigga again? I saw you in the knajjd thread

>> No.15473326

Flower Boy was uneven but its highs are much higher than anything from his first 3 albums. Igor, which while not achieving as much highs as Flower Boy, is still well paced and shows ambition on his part. But nah, you want him rapping over basic beats about teenage edge

>> No.15473856

Worst take of all time

>> No.15473857


Found the nigger

>> No.15473889

why do you guys have to turn everything about race, stop being so fucking insecure god damn !
When can we stop saying white people and black people and just say, PEOPLE.
We're all human we ALL do dumb shit so why do you whites feel like you have some sort of superiority over blacks?
I could just as easily cherry pick many things you whites do just as bad as the blacks, and you would still feel like you have something to defend.
Stop thinking you're special, because you're not
we're not just blacks or whites. We're people, so literally just shut the fuck up and talk about fashion.

>> No.15473990

he monke

>> No.15474000

The big question is, do you care? No you don't, it has no cultural significance whatsoever.

>> No.15474468

Yes I do care retard. He should be canceledand banned from YouTube for blatant racism.

>> No.15474477

ALL lives matter

>> No.15475113

A literal faggot. You have to be brainwashed by zog to like anything by past the first album. Even then I called him being a fucking fag.

>> No.15475129

His last two albums are his only good albums lol.