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File: 22 KB, 345x470, 58B41C12-9A04-45BE-94FD-7766D226E5A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15455811 No.15455811 [Reply] [Original]

Hair General

Post your questions about products, styling and hair loss in here, cunts.

>> No.15455840

Best leave-in conditioner for naturally oily, thick hair?

>> No.15456744

>buy conditioner for my short hair
>instructions say "apply only to ends"

Did I fuck up?

>> No.15457276
File: 562 KB, 1536x2048, 0C01699D-5038-4A67-8E1C-B7BB649C2E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im tryna grow my hair out but it looks pretty shit like this, what could i do to improve it??

>> No.15457436


>> No.15457587

You never part down the middle unless you're a 1970s hockey player. Get that shit parted towards a side that looks besk with your natural hair growth pattern.

>> No.15458098

This might sound dumb, but should I cut my (long) hair before going to the barber to get a short haircut? I dunno if would be rude or not.

Also what's some good cuts for someone with widow's peak?

>> No.15458111


To be fair, hockey bros still go with that look. Since I can't see his face, it's really easy to impose one of the faces of the dudes I know on to him. Tbh, it doesn't look that bad as long as you ARE a hockey dude, and usually use a headband to push it back.

>> No.15458247
File: 1.12 MB, 1125x1216, 23871EE2-0D07-44D5-A413-45F962FCFA55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a matured hairline or early stage male pattern baldness?

>> No.15458291

no you autist fuck stop spamming your pics in hair threads. your hair looks fine.

>> No.15458292

Literally the 2nd time I’ve posted it

>> No.15458586

Two times too many lmao

>> No.15458601

If it's that concerning to you, take look into dutasteride.

>> No.15458629

Suck my fat cock, neckbeard

>> No.15459026

What do you use on your hair?

>> No.15459076

No. That instruction only applies to people who have long hair.

>> No.15459125
File: 766 KB, 2048x2048, 66085AD3-D0BB-47B3-A39B-4F63B72FDACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been growing it out, going for the slight mullet look mixing with a little bit of young Leo, recently chopped the sides with scissors

Input is welcomed

>> No.15459134
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 5F5E88EC-5197-4461-A3D7-5E91B5F9053F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side shot

>> No.15459258

TGIN shampoo, Boucleme Conditioner, TGIN leave-in conditioner and a deep conditioner and oil treatment that I can’t remember the name of.

>> No.15459345


Imagine having hair.

>> No.15459670
File: 629 KB, 2003x1852, BFD48106-98D3-4A1F-AF9E-B5C532753B06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always had a receding right temple, which is annoying but whatever. 99% sure I’m gonna go bald due to genetics. until then what style suits me best? buzz, fringe, long?

>> No.15459673
File: 374 KB, 969x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15459747

Looks best long or top right. You can maybe pull of a tache but shave the rest, definetly the neck.

I think you haave too much of a baby face for the tache in generaal but if you keep the fair about that length and shave the rest it migth work

>> No.15459792
File: 306 KB, 750x775, 3556DCC7-32CA-41EC-A3EA-69C7E4E1225D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty for the feedback anon, definitely need to shave. My gf likes the mustache otherwise I’d provably get rid of it. Old pic of me but do u think this style suits me better?

>> No.15459810

What should I be doing with long (but not super long) hair? Like it's long enough to cover my eyes but not quite long enough to stay behind my ears. What should I use to keep it out of my face (the gel I have right now makes it feel sticky and also isn't quite strong enough) and what should I be using for shampoo/conditioner?

>> No.15459818

big time

>> No.15459845

This looks a million times better than any of the other shots. Just keep doing this. The stache looks fucking terrible man. This is handsome.

>> No.15459851

i like it. just gotta handle the frizz with a conditioner or something

>> No.15459868

Please explain this more in depth I'm moderately retarded

>> No.15459903
File: 100 KB, 1349x818, jjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

young leos hair was more straight and laid a bit flatter

>> No.15459905

I'd push it back, you look like lord farquaad with it on the sides like that

>> No.15459922

I agree

>> No.15460930
File: 1.13 MB, 3088x2320, 7B91103A-7EF1-41B9-BC4E-5C76301E52D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is so frizzy, it's because I use shampoo every day, but I have to, my hair gets oily easily, so I have to wash it, and if I just rinse it with water it gets even oiler and gives me acne.

>> No.15460968

I've been growing my hair since. Since past month, everyday when I shower and wash my hair, I notice a lot of it ends up in my hands. I don't wake up to hairs on my pillow and I am not that alarmed since it seems to happen only when I run my fingers through my hair which happens only when I shower and comb.

Is it normal or do I have to go run to my dermatologist?

>> No.15461007
File: 146 KB, 1125x981, 596491EE-5123-46B2-8459-698D61296988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone use pic related? my hair is literally perfect to me except for bad frizz but my hair is curly, like literally wouldn’t change anything about it. not sure if oils are better than creams or something tho

>> No.15461020


Its normal. The average person loses a lot more hair than you'd think daily its just far less noticeable with short hair. However, roughly drying your hair, combing/ brushing while wet and tying it up too tight can add stress and cause more breakage than usual.

I got a higher quality scrunchie to tie my shit up when at home. Its by Chelsea King and was like $25 but it puts far less strain on my hair when tied up as opposed to normal hair ties. I'd suggest anyone with long hair get one as well as a satin sleep cap like black people have to prevent hair from being torn and rubbed on at night.

>> No.15461031

I went for an undercut manbun during quarantine. Now I thought that I could maybe bleach my hair. Is that a good idea or am I just going to fuck myself in the long run? Also would that make braiding my hair easier since it's extremly straight and hard to work with?

>> No.15461182

>2013 hairstyle as op
>no subject
>no resources nor links
good thread

>> No.15461230
File: 485 KB, 717x703, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you heff to be mad? are you completely bald angry anon?
same issue, I can't pull my hair back because it looks comical, currently, it's fine

>> No.15461447

What hair wax for long hair that doesn't go sticky and gluey once set? I want to be able to rearrange it / run fingers through it without pulling all my fucking hair out like Tigi Bedhead workable does...

I'm after a slight greasy unwashed look and added weight.

>> No.15462039
File: 20 KB, 400x353, https _prod.static9.net.au___media_Images_The-Fix_2011_05_11_03_37_Ewan-McGregor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to dye my hair, but I have no idea what color would suit me.
I have a ginger beard, but not so much ginger hair, more like dark blonde ish. Sort of like Ewan McGregor. I have a mullet with faded sides, and was maybe thinking of just dying the mullet part and leaving the faded part natural.

>> No.15462062
File: 33 KB, 800x800, 2099334[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently bought this for my super thick straight hair
hopefully it can make it more loose and not heavy?
anyone else use anything like this

>> No.15462069

>thick straight hair
what exactly is wrong with having that?

>> No.15462104

its just impossible to shower frequently with thick hair
it takes hours to dry and then its frizzy for the following days

>> No.15462848

Same here. I've had luck using an oil to make it easier to work with. I'll apply a cream if I want to bring out my texture more.

>> No.15462855

based sex

>> No.15462870

you think anyone here is going to give you advice after what you did to columbine? fuck off, dylan

>> No.15462905

The hard truth about growing your hair long is there will be awkward periods and you have to deal with them and be patient to get true length

>> No.15463525

platinum blonde

>> No.15463697

Ordered a sample of Yatagan, Xerjoff Fiero and montale Full Incense, what am i in for?

>> No.15463787

Mature hairline is MPB as well. It's a meme.

>> No.15464227
File: 412 KB, 1560x2362, IMG_20190112_201641~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I have straight fairly fine hair that I usually just slick back and to the side, classic bro cut. While I'm working I wear a wool uniform and sweat, typically my hair product starts losing hold after a few hours and then my hair is all over the place and I don't want to run my hands through it cause EMT and gross shit on my hands more often than not. Can you guys recommend a product that's matte and actually will hold for 12 hours despite heat/humidity/sweat? I've tried lots of ruzel and American crew products that are all high hold and matte, I don't want to have a wet look.

>> No.15464284

When I was about 5 years old I had long hair that curled at the ends and that was the longest my hair has ever been. Do you guys think if I grew my hair out now would it still curl?

>> No.15464290

use a shower cap

>> No.15464315

got an HT booked for december 1st, i'm so hype bros

>> No.15464623

My gf was born with thin hair (both sparse and each hair itself is thin). Can anything be done to make it thicker?

>> No.15464630
File: 1.56 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_20200806_153457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grown out CoronA cut. I used to have such beautiful hair but I did this to myself for some reason

Looks pretty good to me. Maybe a little greasy in that second shot.
I like the long, fringe looks good too though. Buzz makes you look kinda childish, grade 10 guy who's really into history vibes.

>> No.15464643


>> No.15464710

how 2 messy hair

>> No.15464737

Step 1: Be handsome

>> No.15464814

done, now how to messy hair

>> No.15464856

When I run my hand through my hair a bunch of them end up in my hand. And when I wash it, there's a shit load of hair as well. Though after washing it's seems okay, but will get worse again after a couple of days of not washing. There's no sign of thinning or anything and I've had this for a long time now. I wanna say it's because I didn't use conditioner and only head and shoulders for like a year, maybe that fucked my hair up. Though I've been using conditioner for like a month now and there's not really any difference in the amount of hair that falls out/breaks. Feels like all that hair that is suppose to fall out during the day, just accumulates on my head and then comes out all at once when I wash it.

Any ideas frens?

>> No.15464872
File: 48 KB, 800x450, father-john-misty-1463585654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I style my hair like this? I have a similar hairline and texture to him although my hair is a bit longer

>> No.15465022

How the fuck do i grow long hair and give it good volume and appearance and not gave it get too dry or too greasy?

>> No.15465039

bump, same thing happens to me idk whats going on

>> No.15465043

It's the same for me, when I wash my hair every time I look at my hands there is more hair on them, doesn't matter how many times I do it. If I stand over the sink and rub my hair then it will keep coming.

As far as I can tell I'm not balding yet though, and my hairline has never been straight so I can't tell any difference.

>> No.15465224

holy shit have you heard of shampoo?

>> No.15465386
File: 162 KB, 821x1024, Johnny-Depp-wavy-hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for mid-length haircuts like this one. I'm looking for a skater/surfer/e-boy haircut but I can't find it.

>> No.15465412

I love it. It doesn't look that good from the sides tho, maybe you should work on it. but from the front it's 10/10

>> No.15465781
File: 87 KB, 850x850, __kochou_shinobu_kimetsu_no_yaiba_drawn_by_deer07_14__sample-3c984775ff9eb18570f700973b457a90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you take care of your nape hair?
Since the toyota corona, I haven't gone to a barber, and actually like having long-ish hair.
But my nape is going wild now, how do I know the hair line in the back is there certain land mark?

>> No.15465827
File: 36 KB, 374x463, 86b8bb9a0896c68d7b24760a063a3e29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you is what give long hair on men bad reputation.
Slick it back and post a pic.
And use conditioner, or some oil.
Looks normal to me, don't worry.
If you're paranoid, start taking fina.
Looks nice.
Maybe try some facial hair?
Long, nice mustache as well.
Pic related.

>> No.15465843

How should I into actually having a hairstyle? My MO for years has been to get a 4, then get another 4 when my muttonchops start curling and getting in my ears. A 4 honestly just looks bad, and my hair looks bad by the time I get it cut as well.

>> No.15465853
File: 38 KB, 420x485, b1e19bc8ce8250ca777f6928c3399afc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to style /have hair like pic related?
Is is genetics or makeup-magic?

>> No.15465866

So thanks to Finasteride I am keeping my hair but the rest of my body is being ruined by chronic urticaria. I'm thinking based.

>> No.15465877

Lower the dosage?

>> No.15466448
File: 346 KB, 640x701, E314BE46-842F-44CB-951C-7396FAE216A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the objectively best male hair style for job interviews? Same with facial hair. I’m halfway done with my masters degree so I need to start thinking about it. Here’s what I look like now.

>> No.15466466

Your best bet for facial hair currently is to go clean shaven. You don't have enough density.

>> No.15466636
File: 264 KB, 1600x2057, Long-Messy-Curls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have decently long curly/wavy hair, a bit less curly than pic related, I would like to slick it back but I have a big forehead and I don't like the way it looks does anyone have a suggestion

>> No.15466646

>Here’s what I look like now.
have you been growing that from a buzzcut? some kind of swept back might suit you but that pic just looks horrendous
it that was done by a professional less than 2 months ago change your guy because he has no idea what he's doing
good advice, that beard is shit
guarantee you'd look way better clean shaven

>> No.15466716
File: 179 KB, 1092x1200, Twintail-Day-Celebration-Illustrations-2017-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this weird issue, after I wash my hair when it drys it becomes curly/ more wavy, and after 2-3 days it get back straight.
My hair is naturally fine and thin, and it annoy me since I can't shower in the morning because I'd have horrible hair for the rest of the day.
Any tips on how to deal with that?

>> No.15466958
File: 129 KB, 720x960, 1559139816091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommended hairstyle for men with long hair that still make me look like a man?

>> No.15466974

How do you get in to the hair modelling world? I have very thick hair and i'm growing it out again because of corona.

>> No.15466981

I like this sort of haircu. Is it a flow? Been growing mine in and want something similar but I need to get it shaped into something like this. I think this haircut is fine for interviews, but shave that patchy beard.

>> No.15467304
File: 67 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200802_192909_166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do u cute boys think?
ill r8 later at work

>> No.15467577
File: 425 KB, 555x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hairline is beyond recovery. gonna just buzz it all tomorrow. five years of hair growth gone, not really that torn up about it but it still sucks. any tips for moderately good hair while balding?
I've been considering just growing my beard out and keeping my head razored bald. is this a bad idea?
thanks for the help guys. not used to this board

>> No.15468155
File: 88 KB, 850x696, __original_drawn_by_yaoku__sample-95783c105a0b7c0119fdd81cda099c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do?
I've been growing my hair for the last 5 months now.
But the urge and peer pressure to cut it is growing more.
And I don't know how to style it to make it look good.
Any help?

>> No.15468663

I would get it trimmed up in a way your able to style it better. Maybe have it pushed back with only one side falling towards your face

>> No.15468677
File: 298 KB, 715x1000, __ai_chan_getsuyoubi_no_tawawa_drawn_by_himura_kiseki__3ad3fc8e76ffaef36f6e137ac8105102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try something like the women on the right.

>> No.15468752

I'm growing out my hair and I've read everywhere that you shouldn't wash your hair too often. Does that also mean rinsing hair with just water? I tried to do the no-poo meme for months but my hair gets really fucking greasy as it grows (it grows really fast) and if I run my fingers through my hair I get loads of hair on my fingers. But if I shower every morning and use a little bit of conditioner then my hair sheds way less and looks neat. My hair texture is really fucking good, it's thick and wavy and looks like a fucking mayne. Am I doing something wrong showering every morning and using conditioner daily?

>> No.15468761

If it looks good then what's the problem

>> No.15468887

Does women hair differ from men hair?
Or is it the long years of taking care of it?

>> No.15468907
File: 36 KB, 500x611, 82d42f2c8d925c5a6dfe644474a32db7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started growing my hair for the last few months.
I can gather the back of my hair into small tuft about 1 inch ponytail, but the rest of my hair is still to short to be in the ponytail.
How do I style it for this awkward stage?

>> No.15469123


>> No.15469256

texturizing paste or cream

>> No.15469288
File: 819 KB, 1472x1964, 20200808_165031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me brothers

>> No.15469304

I have the same defying gravity hair issue.
What do I do?

>> No.15469364
File: 62 KB, 810x1013, 1590389201883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy and I've been growing my hair since January.
It's been rather long lately, and I'm not sure what do I do.
I want to keep growing it, but I don't know how to style it.
I have big forehead with somewhat M shaped hairline/ receding temples?
I tried parting my hair in the middle to hide that but i looked horrible.
How do women make it work?
Do I need to have my hair longer or is there something else?

>> No.15469372

embrace it or shave it. stop being a pussy about it.
it wont change when longer, will most likely just look worse

>> No.15469374

>embrace it or shave it.
I'm not bald though.

>> No.15469521
File: 9 KB, 300x300, protestors-attend-the-antiwar-assembly-in-london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking into bleaching my hair and turning it white as snow. But it seems very difficult to do and maintain afterwards. And I feel like I'm just going to ruin my hair especially since my hair isn't the healthiest hair out there. I have brown hair. I wish bleach could take all the pigment out of hair, because I don't like that gross yellow color that bleach gives.

>> No.15469620
File: 1.77 MB, 3088x2316, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut my own hair for the first time the other day, thoughts?

>> No.15469629

if you tone it even with just purple shampoo you can get it less yellow without having to bleach it white - you can get it to be kind of grayish and just not yellow - i had brown hair and i only bleached it twice and now im pale blonde

>> No.15470029

look like some Englishman in an old painting

>> No.15470044

bobs burger's chin

>> No.15470085

I remember seeing someone post about using argan oil when going nopoo to get rid of grease in hair, how exactly does that work?

>> No.15470108

Im a dude and my hair is extremely puffy. It looks the best when i take a shower, dry it halfway, then sleep with a fleece beanie on. What should i do to replicate this without the 8 hours of wearing a hat?

>> No.15470119
File: 38 KB, 800x600, 23_12_2-pastel-purple-hair-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna dye my hair out of a "coming out of a deep, near suicidal" depression. I really like the platnom blonde look, but not sure if I should go all the way towards a purple.

my style is a mix of workwear, streetwear, tech wear, and prep (no good pictures to share)

thoughts /fa/?

>> No.15470122
File: 106 KB, 736x1099, tumblr_p798o9FlSh1x36ow0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate this look, but this is a good shade

>> No.15470125
File: 32 KB, 678x381, ZacEfron_-e1561852251637-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or do i go with the blond?

>> No.15470130

do a classic "gentalman's cut" and ~6-8months later you'll get it

>> No.15470134

just go with what's natural for your hair, that's how it'll look the best

>> No.15470585
File: 495 KB, 800x1200, __loki_marvel_drawn_by_kibiko_sato__b023756065628b32b30cfa4442339d1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I apply hair styling products?
The container just say apply to hair and style.
Specifically I'm using hair gel and want to get Loki look.
Do I apply to the roots? the whole hair? the tips?
Do I need to dilute it with water?
Does my hair need to be wet or dry?
And when I apply it some of the hair strands just seems to frizzle even more than before, stand horizontally, if that make any sense.

>> No.15470631
File: 184 KB, 1024x920, -AFoiUeomDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yike, just dye it full white you autist.

>> No.15470683

>natural for your hair
My hair line reaches my ass.

>> No.15470699

Tie it up

>> No.15470705

>Tie it up
In a ponytail?, I can only gather the hair in the back since my hair is not long enough.

>> No.15470831

Is there any infographs on hair style for men?

>> No.15470839

we used to have one then we simplified it a lot
basically, and this is valid for the next decade at least:
>buzzpill if balding
>grow it out if not balding
thanks for stopping by

>> No.15470854

Mullet and muttonchops.

>> No.15471422

It looks good you dorks.

>> No.15471537

For home/ gf hangout perhaps.
Not in work environment.

>> No.15471541

define work environment
it doesn't look inappropriate in the slightest

>> No.15471551
File: 57 KB, 368x406, 11656831-6880-4E96-B4C1-50E0A1AB1D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do an undercut like this. Where should I tell my hairdresser to cut on the sides/back? They’ve always left it longer in the back around the crown and I think it would look better like pic

>> No.15471581

>define work environment

>> No.15471747
File: 993 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-08-09-22-08-24-692_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this?

>> No.15471750
File: 909 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-08-09-22-09-33-858_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471758

I'm just a random dude so don't just take my advice as fact but I believe you need to cut a bit on the front to about eyebrow level and shave higher on the sides.

>> No.15471866

goo goo gaa gaa

>> No.15471899
File: 3.25 MB, 3880x5184, IMG_20200810_003151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ideas for a haircut that would suit me?

>> No.15471901
File: 3.92 MB, 3880x5184, IMG_20200810_003251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15472329
File: 130 KB, 866x462, short or long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short or longer?

>> No.15472350

....VGH......SO CVTE

>> No.15472357

Guys I can assure you Finasteride saved my hair, but it cost my pp

>> No.15472364
File: 246 KB, 1234x939, 20200810_053929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to grow my hair out a while back, not sure what to do now.. cut it all off? try to be a trap?

...also just now kind of started realizing my forehead is huge and i might go bald in the future, truly sad
is it worth it?

>> No.15472373
File: 50 KB, 300x265, 20200508_112838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanz de fuko clay or wax, probably clay ur hair looks quite thick
>12 hours
hair spray

hair is good, consider tying it back if it gets longer. idk about beard

embrace the curls

qt would date

>dilute with water
>wet or dry
not sure
idk if gel will get u the style u want

show them the picture retard. they can take constructive criticism. never understand why guys can't communicate with hairdresser s

u have rly nice skin

left for hipster, right for dresy/gopnik
i prefer right

I used to know a guy with hair like yours. he cut it all off and just keeps it short. if u want to try to save it try minoxidil with finasteride/dutasteride (ed is unlikely).
if u decide to go full bald u could always keep the facial hair and cosplay as lenin

>> No.15472432
File: 337 KB, 506x727, _okada_izou_and_nenemu_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_hm_hmtm0310_c82aa3aebe92385fe13ed4b18c64502b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this kind of hair tie called?

>> No.15472436

you look ridiculous doing that with your jaw

>> No.15472483

Bottom right looks best to me.

>> No.15472489
File: 1016 KB, 1728x2304, IMG_20200809_232551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted here before but this one's from a closer look. Grew it out due to lockdown and currently thinking of getting a maintenance cut. Gets in the way at work sometimes but the attention from women gives me second thoughts. Also posted it on /fit/ but the hair general's dead.

>> No.15472659

I use bobby pins. Most of the time the hair on the top and behind isn't the problem but the sides.

>> No.15472703

bro why would you use that as your pic. There has to be a better picture of your face.

>> No.15472832
File: 655 KB, 1922x2192, IMG_20200810_001453__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/'s not helping, be straight with me, is this early mpb? 21 years old, the big patch has been there since I was 19.

Would dermarolling help the giant crown bald spot? Also the camera is not picking it up but there is a very noticeable smaller bald patch on the back left, probably been there for at least 6 months.

Or should I just bite the bullet and get min/fin?

>> No.15472843

no it isn't, go back there now
you look underage
grow your hair a bit, see how it looks

>> No.15472853

You pull them all off well, the buzz with no facial hair makes you look like a mid 2000s high schooler lol but other than that, looks great

>> No.15473194
File: 2.68 MB, 2736x1824, resize-compressor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does my current hair style suit me? I started growing it out 3 years out with regular haircuts in between because I wanted to experiment, and I think it would suit me better and soften my face a bit. Any tips to style it? Thinking of layering the back and texturing the sides when I next go for a haircut and then style it going towards the back

>> No.15473196
File: 2.15 MB, 3088x2316, 7ABE8D5B-2604-4074-9D03-E320F250F48F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my hair as of 5 minutes ago - haven’t gotten a haircut since Christmas, so it’s longer than I’d like it to be. It won’t stay like this

>> No.15473198

And this is my hair a few months after I decided to grow it out. Which length suits me best? I personally prefer longer and I plan to keep it as I’d say it softens my features and helps make everything look proportional. Any tips for styling my hair in general? It’s fine and straight, but sometimes wavy depending on what I use

>> No.15473200

shag with parted bangs
or leave it like this and keep growing? you look good hombre

>> No.15473203

Dude, you totally rock the long hair, no homo.
I think that's normal hairline, but you can take finasteride if you're paranoid, honestly the side effects are 90% psychological.
You could try different hair style though.

>> No.15473204

oh ok
definitely keep the length, this is even better than the first pic

>> No.15473207

>decided to grow my hair out a while back
How long have you been growing it?
Any special care/products/haircut?
What do you do about your nape?

>> No.15473208
File: 424 KB, 1079x790, Screenshot_20200810-101005_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long hair bros, is it normal to lose a ton of hair every day? Pic related is this mornings bounty from the shower

>> No.15473212

>the attention from women gives me second thoughts
Positive attention?
Because I noticed women started talking to me much often.
Either that or the lockdown have lowered their standards.

>> No.15473218

Perfectly normal. You lost that amount of hair in the shower when it was shorter, you just never noticed it because it was short enough to go down the drain and you'd never see it.
Really? I had the opposite experience. Girls paid me no attention until I cut my long hair.

>> No.15473225

At the moment it looks bad and uneven due to not having had a haircut since December (away from usual barber and then COVID happened), as the back of my hair seems to grow faster than the rest which gives me a mullet kind of look.
I kind of like my hair now if it would be level and tidy. I'm not sure how longer hair would look as I'm worried it might look feminine or just odd, as currently my hair has no layers and just hangs straight down unless I push it to the side.

Yeah, that's normal - you never noticed it before you had short hair, but you shed at least 100 strands a day. Your hair is in a constant growth cycle, and in the last cycle your hair becomes old and doesn't grow anymore, then sheds and falls out. Assuming you're not going bald, it then gets replaced and starts to grow again in its place.
Basically, you've got nothing to worry about - but you may discover that your shower now gets clogged.

>> No.15473234

It depends on your hairline - that tends to go first. That just looks like a large crown, nothing to worry about - especially as it's off-centered.
>the big patch has been there since I was 19
Then you're fine. It would have progressed already if you were balding. Watch how it progresses - you probably have nothing to worry about.

>> No.15473236

Thanks bros

>> No.15473264

Thanks /fa/tties

>> No.15473270

Also what to do about the mini bald spot? It's not showing up in the pics but it's a random coin sized hairless patch on the back of my head, it's quite noticeable because I rock a ceasar cut and keep my sides and back short. Will it grow back?

>> No.15473332
File: 736 KB, 1533x1651, resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me, I don't know how to make it look presentable.
The hair from the front is fine, but it look like this from the sides and the back.
And I don't really know how to deal with it, it's as if it has a mind of its own.
Is this the awkward stage?
Or just poor sense of fashion.
And in the bottom right image is is balding or just normal hair parting?

>> No.15473630

It's all guys in here Christ ok
Do any of you dudes have any tips on managing big frizzy Irish hair cause if I don't put some kind of serum on my head I look like a strawberry blonde tornado.

>> No.15473637
File: 268 KB, 1200x1811, 1FF8E929-A671-4B99-B185-AF24C61AB1D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd look nice with a haircut like this I think

>> No.15473645

Is it naturally frizzy? Do you use a hairdryer or any heat treatment to your hair?

>> No.15473647

Get someone to trim the back and it'll look fine, about an inch and a half or two inches. Also RIP.

>> No.15473652

Nah I am extremely gentle to my hair, trying to get that VRIL length going on

>> No.15473656

And yes naturally

>> No.15473673

If it's natural then I don't know too much. Frizziness is normally caused by humidity and/or heat treatment, like a hairdryer. I know there's some shampoos that are formulated to help prevent frizziness so it may be worth trying that. If it's strong frizziness, then I don't know how much you can fight it without straightening

I'm also a guy so I may be talking out of my ass about women's hair

>> No.15473685

I've been doing that hair style since gradeschool.
That bad? should I do dermarolling?

>> No.15473690

It's fine I don't think sexual dimorphism applies to head hair very much, could be wrong though.

>> No.15473695

Also post your hair
I want to see that qt Irish hair

>> No.15473710
File: 217 KB, 854x1210, 396B5396-1023-458B-AE08-0DFF011D0554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was on a good day lmao
>inb4 "fat cow" yes I'm aware

>> No.15473714

Why do people censor their face on 4chan? Is it
>muh privacy
or are they just embarrassed of their face?

>> No.15473719


>> No.15473740
File: 777 KB, 767x1146, bowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to grow out hair that was very short, one of the sides was shaved. both sides only just reach the bottom of my ears, and i cut the back regularly to match. hopefully i'll have a bob in a couple months, but i'm currently donning a bowl cut to hide the inconsistencies of either side. someone help pls. pic related


>> No.15474055
File: 278 KB, 850x1206, __roronoa_zoro_tony_tony_chopper_and_brook_one_piece_drawn_by_niwatori_bosori__sample-726003d2ecb8acf6a1424070641ff284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go without washing your hair with shampoo?
I understand if you're spending your time at the house, but if you go outside won't your scalp get sweaty and hair collect dirt? or how do you wash off hair style products like wax, etc...
I tried washing with conditioner only, but there wasn't any foam so to speak, and my scalp still feels itchy.
Won't using shampoo for daily washing or shampoo for dry hair and applying conditioner after it would be better?
Or is it just be because I'm "shower after coming from outside" type?

>> No.15474056
File: 717 KB, 1013x672, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck do i do with this mop?

>> No.15474106
File: 128 KB, 850x1133, __kattappa_baahubali_drawn_by_hakuto_hotaru__sample-5f2feda7ffcad210c3e85dd9411c1693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my mother's brothers are cue ball balds, most had sever loss of hair when they were 25.
I do have fine hair, and "mature" hairline.
I'd grade it between Norwood 1 to norwood 2.
And my hairline didn't change since the last 5 years, does this mean I dodged the balding bullet?

>> No.15474202

Keep using serum then
If your hair is thicker, use a cream to define your hair as well

>> No.15474213

There are no suds because those are usually caused by sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate in shampoo. If you opt for a shampoo with gentle cleansers (those labeled sulfate-free) there may be some suds.
If you really don't want to use a shampoo because your hair gets frizzy or whatever, look into cleansing conditioners.

>> No.15474218

ur fucked

>> No.15474222

ur balding

>> No.15474224

depends. do you want to keep the same length or are you willing to cut it?

>> No.15474228

derma dont do shit.

IF u wanna save ur hair its fin, minox and nizoral and a good lifestyle.

Might be sideeffects and u have to do it for life.

ALSO fin can fuck up ur fetus if u wanna get a kid.

>> No.15474230

this isn't the place to ask, anon. you would have to see a derm so they can check with their tools.

>> No.15474233

I'm open to anything desu

>> No.15474251

I personally think your facial structure is great and you'd look great with a classic side part.

>> No.15474257

I think I'm experiencing hair loss due to extreme stress (I'm sort of living a secret double life) is this actually possible or am I just freaking out?

>> No.15474282

try EOD
i was doing 1.25mg ED but noticed a drop in libido so switched to EOD. now its fine

>> No.15474286

yes it's possible
im 3 weeks away from my thesis deadline and my hair loss is going crazy

>> No.15474884

What's fin?

>> No.15474896
File: 785 KB, 1847x2127, 6-10-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havent gotten hair cut in 18 months
ive never done this before, always usually just got it cut short. i like it being long but have no idea what i'd ask for at a barber. gimme advice /fa/

>> No.15474901

Are you one of ((them))?

>> No.15474908

I think he just has a defined jawline you upside down guitar pick faggot

>> No.15474910

yeah im a fuckin half jew on my father's side. not practicing and don't like jews tho

>> No.15474925

short sides and short/medium top

>> No.15474957

If you stress about it you will go bald either way

>> No.15474962

I think about posting my face here sometimes but then I think about the off chance of someone I know seeing me. That would be embarrassing enough itself imo.

>> No.15474963
File: 20 KB, 360x450, Flexo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who makes good beard oil? My face skin is flaky as fuck, as I never condition. who does /fa/ recommend for beard care?

>> No.15474977

>haha dude i saw you on 4chan you loser
>why were you on 4chan
>uh uh uh

>> No.15475104
File: 287 KB, 1120x1322, 20200810_055801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had the same worries but people have said its normal

you made me look up young lenin pics and now im even more anxious about probably going bald.... sad!
is it possible to just do finasteride alone, or is minoxidil necessary too? also the side effects that ive heard of is like 90% 'my pp no boner', but is there any others, oh idk, like diuretic or dizzyness or sleepyness?
like 2 years i think
no specials, just shower and shampoo once in a while. i recently got into air drying, it makes it so nice but it takes patience
i dont cut my hair, ive had its split ends cut a year ago or so tho

I think id look better with short hair if i managed to cover forehead like in pic, but i also like having long hair for some reason

>> No.15475365
File: 58 KB, 450x449, 837-03070256en_Masterfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know what kind of hair styling product is best for my hair?
Is there certain things I should look for?
I've tried hair wax and pomade, and both doesn't manage to hold my hair for very long, or stay in play after the first gust of wind, and for some reason when applied to my back hair it would make it even more frizzly/curly and would poke from the sides or curve upwards, while I want to style it like pick.
Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.15475370

what's that on your face? gross

>> No.15475432

Anyone can help me?
Should I switch to hair spray?

>> No.15475435

>It's all guys in here
Do you think women have better tips on handling longer hair?

>> No.15475437

>If you really don't want to use a shampoo because your hair gets frizzy or whatever, look into cleansing conditioners.
Well, I'd like my hair to be smooth.
But I like to be clean, I work outside and sweat a lot.
So I don't really know.

>> No.15475438

>fin, minox and nizoral
All three? or I can just use fina?
>good lifestyle
Like healthy diet and supplements?

>> No.15475440

I got the cough virus, and I thought I was going to die, that was a bout a month ago.
Now That I've recovered, my hair is shedding a lot, and I'm not sure if I'm getting bald, or it's just sickness shedding.
I'm taking finasteride, but stopped taking it while I was sick, so I'm not sure.

>> No.15475444

You look great anon.
Try manbun?
Also the beard is fabulous what do you do for it?
I'm beardlet that can't grow hair from the lower lip to the chin.

>> No.15475447

>Why do people censor their face on 4chan
For the slim chance that their might be people I know IRL is also browsing.
Also /g/ thinks three letters agencies lurk 4chan(nel), so there's that.

>> No.15475451

>B U N
Top bun?
The back hair isn't long enough to reach the top.
I have big head.

>> No.15475454

>is it possible to just do finasteride alone
Finesteride alone is more effective than minoxidil alone.
1mg per is enough, the effect would need 6-9 months to show though.
As for side effects, I didn't really notice anything that would effect muh pp.
I can still get erection, and I don't think my cum volume has changed.
Either that, or the finasteride I'm using is botched.

>> No.15475478
File: 53 KB, 800x480, MGMT4-800x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like many of you, I grew my hair out over lockdown and it looks like the dude on the right. I've been wearing headbands so I don't look like a complete fucking mushroom

Recommend any products for hair length of about 7 inches? I ran out of clay before lockdown IDk if it will be strong enough to do anything with it.

What products do guys use in longer hair anyway? its so hard to find info everyone has an undercut. I use coconut oil at the moment. It's okay but I have to wash my hair a lot otherwise it turns into a grease fest.

Any recommendations would be much appreciated

>> No.15475488

>What products do guys use in longer hair anyway?
styling products? none
wash once a week without using anything except shampoo and conditioner, let tour hair go back to its natural state and gauge how oily/dry/frizzy/whatever it is
then look for products

>> No.15475489

I know your struggle, I asked similar question few weeks ago on certain sites.
while the few men called a fag, the women hurt me more, by saying how it doesn't look good and I should cut it and how men shouldn't grow their hair, unless I'm MtF transgender.
It was as if like long hair is women privilege, and they won't share their long hair secrets with men.

>> No.15475501


Thanks for the ddirection. Yeah I tried that. its frizzy for the first day. Quite nice the second day. Then a bit all over the place, untame the third. Fourth its greasy and untame.I also workout a lot so I have been just washing it with water mostly.

I feel I need something to stop the sides from puffing out so much after I shower

Yeah im so fucking clueless but I quite like it long and want to see what I can do with it. Just trying to figure out where to start.

>> No.15475505

stop wetting your hair, just water shampoo and conditioner ONCE a week
I don't care if you smell and if you do just buzz it
do this for a bit then add products, as I said. first one will probably be a good dry shampoo to use between washes

>> No.15475508

>just washing it with water mostly.
Does this really clean it?
I tried it for few times, and I still felt it to be unclean, maybe I'm OCD.
>I feel I need something to stop the sides from puffing out so much after I shower
Same issue, I tired using the conditioner as a hair styling product and it helped me.
You could try that.
Also by watching +100 hours of hair styling videos, I think the secret comes from brushing and combing.
There are different brushes and combs that get your hair different results, and make sure to start brushing the sides first then the top.

>> No.15475525

Seems pretty radical. My hair gets wet from sweat in my workouts tho. I'll give it a try I guess.


Yeah it does to an extent. I shower with water only every other day to keep that sebum in place for my skin health

>> No.15475528
File: 57 KB, 516x563, nigganaenae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i made a thread without checking the catalog
anyhow, how to keep side bangs like pic related smooth and not frizzy? especially during the summer
My hair is longer and medium curly

>> No.15475533

>wet from sweat
that's different from wetting it in the shower
what you're doing now is stripping the skin oils with frequent shampoos or water and then putting coconut oil in your hair
do you even know if your head smells bad in its natural state? stop the coco for the time being and try weekly wash cycles, then after a month you'll know better

>> No.15475537

I've been doing that for few weeks, only wash with shampoo once every week, and wash with conditioner every 3 days.
I'm still getting frizzly hair on the back and oily hair on the top.
What do I do now?

>> No.15475539

>What do I do now?
what I've been saying for 3 posts in a row?

>> No.15475541

This is what my gf does the dirty slut. I'll give it a go. Ty

>> No.15475545

Get a hair product?
Which one?

>> No.15475547

you're fucking retarded
drink your coconut oil with a solid dose of antifreeze and fuck off

>> No.15475549

I always wanted to grow my hair, but I can't do the no-poo because of my job.

>> No.15475553

yea but which product should i buy tho?

>> No.15475558

Congrats, hope it goes well for you anon, and you get your desired result.

>> No.15475561

Jeez anon, you need to chill.
My conditioner already based on coconut oil, do I need coconut oil as it is?
Can i use olive oil?

>> No.15475566

Argan oil and firsthand supply clay pomade

>> No.15475568

>t. unpaid firsthand supply intern

>> No.15475572

Nah, I've bought from just about every salon and homebrew company on the market, and that was my favourite.
Another good option is shear revival crystal lake.

>> No.15475576

>clay pomade
I always see this get shilled here.
Is it really that good?
Does it add "weight" to hair?
My hair looks very good when it's wet because the water hold it down but after it drys it looks like I used hair curler to make exotic shapes.

>> No.15475578


His strategy is OK but it's only good for very long and very straight hair. With wavy / curly hair - which it sounds like you guys have, you're going to get frizz, grease, tangles, bed hair etc.

leave in conditioners work great as well as diffusion drying (air dry is best if you have nowhere to be). Finish washing your hair with a blast of cold water to retain some moisture. at about 50% dry hair, apply a leave in conditioner (or a normal conditioner desu) and diffuse dry. If you want to style your hair, a mousse gel is probably a good idea. A clay might work depending on how long your hair is. Good luck. Video below is a good example of how to do it.


>> No.15475581
File: 215 KB, 1626x779, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've tried every product and these 2 cheap pomades are the best, trust me guy
these 2 shitty pomades you're reccing are both '''reviewed''' by the same group of irrelevant youtubers
and they all look like shit lmao

>> No.15475586

Okay buddy, if they're shit, enlighten me on what's actually good. Grooming YouTubers are generally ugly, that's just how it is.

>> No.15475590

And by the way, I've also tried more expensive products like Morris motley, Kevin Murphy, and Patrick's and they were all terrible

>> No.15475595

>it's only good for very long and very straight hair
I have 22cm in legth at the front and ever so slightly wavy hair (almost straight, very dark and very dense)
>frizz, grease, tangles, bed hair
none of that
I just use a good shampoo, decent conditioner, anti-frizz spray every now and then (when air drying and sometimes just to refresh my head)
someone with 7inches hair who's growing it out needs to stop wetting his hair every time he steps into the shower first of all, wasting money on products shouldn't be his priority at all
>more expensive products
are we still talking about pomades or products in general?

>> No.15475598

>about 50% dry hair, apply a leave in conditioner (or a normal conditioner desu) and diffuse dry.
Huh? First time I've heard this.
Does this work?
Shouldn't conditioner be used after shampooing your hair, and be washed off?
at least that was what I thought.

>> No.15475599

>apply a leave in conditioner
>leave in conditioner
>Shouldn't conditioner be washed off

>> No.15475631
File: 245 KB, 1080x1430, Screenshot_20200811_144846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a possibility my hairline will grow back on finasteride and minoxidil? I have to wear bangs so I don't feel like shit when my giant forehead and bald temples show, are there any other alternative hairstyles to hide temples and hairline?
picrel is me

>> No.15475632

You should see this.

>> No.15475634

no you really shouldn't

>> No.15475638

>men called a fag
kek, why people think long hair means you want dick in your ass?
Most gay people I know shave their hair and go for the /fit/ aesthetic.
And transgendered just go for short hair or color it in aposematic way.

>> No.15475639

How bad is your hairline?
Also don't post ears.

>> No.15475640

Why? can't you do something about that?

>> No.15475641
File: 239 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_20200811_150216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how bad is your hairline
>don't post ears

>> No.15475642

ears are fingerprints of the face. It's only a matter of time until you can google someones ears and find out everything about them

>> No.15475644

lmao kid come back when you're nw3
it's quite likely just a maturing hairline, chill your shit

>> No.15475651
File: 186 KB, 1080x970, Screenshot_20200811_150725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this true

does this look like "mature hairline" to you bro?

>> No.15475659

I work in sewage disposal.
I don't feel clean, unless I wash everything two or three times.

>> No.15475665

no it's not true, that dude is a schizo
also, you don't have bald temples and your hairline is fine, 0 need for girly bangs

>> No.15475669

Doesn't really look bad.
Men have wider, bigger forehead, so it makes it look like hairline receding.
Do you have older pics? Family history of balding?
Each ear shape is unique, even better than fingerprints, but that's paranoia imo, since google/facebook already have it.
Avoid using those headpands, get bandana or spring.

>> No.15475670

Get ketokanazol shampoo, and sulfur soap.
>0 need for girly bangs
idk, he looks cute with bangs.

>> No.15475672

Few years ago it was impossible to reverse search an image
few years ago it was impossible to perform a deepfake
right now, the technology is currently being used against terrorists and criminals and its only a matter of time before every single human on earth can do it with their phones on google lmao. Pay attention to the world.

>> No.15475678

i didn't say girly bangs are bad, they can work on cute twinks
just from the context it seemed he felt forced to have them

alright cyberpunk chad
say in 5 years it's possible to google people based on their ears
do you really think this guy will get in some sort of trouble for posting a picture in a thread for hair advice?

>> No.15475683

>posting a picture in a thread for hair advice?
Not him, but if future employer found you were on super hacker site 4chan won't be good.
The company I worked with, actually asked me why they couldn't find me on FB, they thought this was very weird.
I had to make an account just to get a job.

>> No.15475693

That's right I guess.
Are you American? That place is a fucking dystopia lmao
I keep forgetting how privileged I am to be working in a meritocratic field

>> No.15475694


Like.. are you even paying attention to the reasons people get cancelled and have their lives ruined right now? Guilt by association is enough to end a persons life because of mob rule. If you think posting on 4chan will be an acceptable thing to do in five years then you're awfully optimistic. This place is already considered a far right serial killer zone by normal people

>> No.15475696

You might be right, luckily cancel culture hasn't really appeared where I live yet, being a leftie is actually counterculture here kek

>> No.15475697

>Are you American? That place is a fucking dystopia lmao
Used to live there, then moved to actual 3rd world country.

>> No.15475778

How are you supposed to do maintenance cuts when growing your hair out? Just trim behind the ears and take off the wispy parts on the nape below your main neckline?

>> No.15475788

gavent left home for 2 weeks + depressed, why bother
>>15475451 be patient and let it grow out, or wear a hat
>>15475454 i'll give it a shot once i decide to cut my hair thanks, very good info

>> No.15475792

let it grow until you can tuck it behind the ears. The side burn bit can benefit from a scissor trim

>> No.15475797

I guess the most unsightly thing about growing hair is the nape.
You need to get rid of that hair on the back of the neck.
Comb your hair in the back towards your top, and hold it in place with band, etc.
Take a trimmer and remove that hair, you could ask someone to help you with or do it yourself with the help of a second mirror and careful trimming, and using your hand as shield for the rest of your hear.
Even if you mess you, the longer hair will hide it.
As for sides I don't know, maybe some other anon can help?

>> No.15475809
File: 37 KB, 420x480, 77c996d5dc77cb266e460a614bf0924feec2b03b_s2_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tuck it behind the ears
Not him, but I tried doing that.
I ended up looking like pic related

>> No.15475826

My hair tends to curl outwards around the ear area (both on the sideburns and behind the ear). The fact that I wear glasses is probably a major cause for that happening. Do I just leave the hair behind the ear until it becomes really long and gravity makes it fall naturally or do I tidy that up?

I'll give that a try. Been meaning to do it for a while but always hesitate when I put the razor there. I may just ask someone else to do it.

>> No.15475832

>curl outwards
Same here, i don't know how to deal with it.
Some days it's fine, some days it's bad.
It's actually easier with razor, just go sideways instead of up and down.
Personally I'm thinking of epilating my nape.

>> No.15475833
File: 241 KB, 1122x2208, 54BC8A76-6584-4983-B1F4-5A24E5E6608E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for me? I usually go short sides long too but feeling different recently

>> No.15475840

lose the key pendant thing and the chain, and get black airpod.
Trim the mustache.
Maybe grow it a little longer?

>> No.15475842

>Any tips for me?
look for a barber far from schools so you don't breach your restraining order by mistake

>> No.15475845

I usually have a thick beard but the mask wearing has made me shave but I won’t shave the whole face

>> No.15475847

dont tilt your head in selifes it is very feminine. Unless that's what you want of course

>> No.15475849

I didn’t know what to do with it cause I’ve never really had a stache. This was something I threw on together but never left the house. I dress very minimal and this was me trying something . Love the honesty

>> No.15475851

What product do you use?

>> No.15475854

What is objectively the best hair clay product?

>> No.15475856

No offense intended anon.
this is /fa/ after all.

>> No.15475870
File: 193 KB, 1122x2208, 25BBC415-FB65-49C5-83AE-B846781354A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me pre - rona

>> No.15475884

Dude no one cares about pre-rona. That was a different era. This decade will be a decade of grown out sides. Undercuts and skin fades will be a thing of the last

>> No.15475887

I don't know why you're here but can you take me back to 2012 with you when you're done with your time travels?

>> No.15475890

>Undercuts and skin fades will be a thing of the last
Based chinese virus.

>> No.15475893

You really think the undercut style is over? I see mullets coming back but most men can’t do long hair on sides

>> No.15475894

Where do you think he belongs

>> No.15476128

What's a good pomade then?

>> No.15476192

what do you use if your hair is dry and you want to give it some moisture real quick like you would just put lotion on your skin?
I'm confused because there's hair oil, leave in conditioner, hair mask and I don't know what to get

>> No.15476509

you don't, just like you don't put lotion on your face without cleansing first

>> No.15476569

alright if I shower in the morning and shampoo and condition but when it's dried out and it looks dry what should I do? use a better conditioner or do I use some hair oil whatever stuff?

>> No.15476596

>most men can’t do long hair on sides
Can you elaborate? I'm trying to grow my hair out but I cant style the sides to the back yet. It looks kinda puffy.

>> No.15476627

>what should I do?
shampoo and condition and wash etc less
once a week

>> No.15476693
File: 321 KB, 1200x1200, 1596305021187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can look good

>> No.15476698

salt water spray