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/fa/ - Fashion

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15453054 No.15453054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’ve decided to give myself a facial scar. It’s symbolic of the issues I’ve battles and conquered as a result of being sexually abused by my Dad, as a child.

My girlfriend has volunteered to do it, using a sterilised scalpel.

My only preference is that it bisects an eyebrow. Where should we cut? Any tips or recommendations?

>> No.15453058

The best part will be when people say "cool scar, how did you get it?" And you'll say "my ex gave it to me because I asked her to and thought it would look cool" and they'll regret asking and give you a disgusted look and cringe hard at anything further you say.
Or you'll lie about how it happened and everyone will know the story is made up and think you're a faggot while nodding and smiling.
Sorry about the stuff with your dad.

>> No.15453060

If anyone asks, I’ll tell them it’s none of their business

>> No.15453066

On a spiritual level, everyone will know it didn't occur naturally or accidentally, and they will hate you for it

>> No.15453069

the fact you think this is a good idea is a bad enough scar across your god damned brain, idiot

>> No.15453072

Just say you did something stupid as a kid

>> No.15453087

The cool kids get leg amputees for birthday

>> No.15453095

It doesn't count if it's self inflicted. Get some sabers and have a duel to first blood with a friend, don't move and both of you slice at the face.

>> No.15453096
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>I’ve decided to give myself a facial scar

>> No.15453118

You've still got more issues to conquer if you are this much of a faggot.
Christ, did you even consider joining a fencing gym?
Or are you that much of a hollow man that you can do something this gay and look at yourself in the mirror and be fine with it?
You'll probably molest your own kids and say:
>this is fine. this is symbolic of me conquering the issues i had

>> No.15453120

>longa manus self harm scar

>> No.15453150

nah its cool anon but when people ask say you did it to yourself in your father's memory dont lie about it gotta own it.

>> No.15453189

He'd be geing the truth.

>> No.15453195

>using a sterilised scalpel

be sure to put onions milk on it later

>> No.15453202

this is hands down the funniest thing I've read in a long time. LARPing as a badass with a scar your girlfriend gave you with a 'sterilised scalpel'. 100% speak to a physiologist but if you go ahead with it please keep us updated.

>> No.15453203

If you're honestly contemplating having your girlfriend give you a facial scar you should just make life easier for everyone around you and jump from a bridge. Now if you actually want a scar that means something you could get into saber fencing with sharp weapons like that gentleman in your picture likely did.

>> No.15453228

Ignore everyone else ITT. They’re unironically jealous you’ll have a cool scar. They want one themselves but they’re massive pussies and would never willingly confront pain. Everything they say is cope. Every man has at one point fantasised about having a cool facial scar.

>> No.15453234

>My only preference is that it bisects an eyebrow. Where should we cut?
Have your imaginary gf cut your unibrow in half, straight down the middle

>> No.15453239

Aim for the jugular on the neck

>> No.15453245

this reminds me of Fight Club. there is no true masculinity left in society anymore so men try to appropriate the mere aesthetic of masculinity

>> No.15453248

Lmao imagine getting raped as a boy that's gay

>> No.15453474
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Listen here opie. I'll say this once. You're mentally ill. Join a gym. /thread

>> No.15453480

The scars on that man’s face are from Technical Fencing. Look it up, find some other masochist friends and have a party........if you do it right, you’ll get your wish.

>> No.15453482

>Fucks his dad

Lol fag

>> No.15453525
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I have pitted acne scars.

>> No.15453546

This can’t be real.
Can’t you just cut your thighs like the other self-harmers?
I mean I don’t suggest it period...but seriously you sound absolutely insane - you literally could be INvoluntarily submitted to a mental hospital bc you’re a threat to yourself.

Pls talk yo someone, who is not your gf (who is clearly also insane)

You need better support

>> No.15453772


"It’s symbolic of the issues I’ve battles and conquered as a result of being sexually abused by my Dad, as a child."

No, it isn't.

>> No.15453793

You should probably kill yourself faggot. If your dad loved you he’d still be raping you pussy, you couldn’t even do that right.

>> No.15453803

i got stitches 4 times on my face
twice on the eyebrows

>> No.15453805

i've seen a lot of faggots on this board. but you OP
you're something else
i shall remember this thread as the perfectly cut gem of infinite faggotry
thank you

also, i have a natural dog bite scare on my face
you will always be a fake

>> No.15454086

giving yourself a scar to look cool and not just doing cool shit that would result in natural scars is the cringest shit Ive seen on this board in a while so please do it anon

>> No.15454323


>> No.15454400

OP could tell he had once to gain satisfaction while a timetraveling trip back to 1836.

>> No.15454409

most /fa/ thread i've seen in a while

>> No.15454422


the german scars are literally on the same level as asking your friend to scar you. you cant say the german scars are cool but say op is dumb

>> No.15454425

Your dad clearly didn't bugger you enough if you're still this stupid

>> No.15454437

At least fat austrians and germans in the early 20th century got into fencing duels they knew they'd lose so they could pretend to have "battle scars" but you're some next-level ridiculousness.

>> No.15454469

>getting cut while fencing for money and the prestige of your fraternity

>getting cut by your girlfriend while laying down and squealing, because you want to look edgy

>> No.15454601
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this is what it takes pussy

>> No.15454606

we finally found it
the most insecure thread on /fa/
shut it down lads, we're not getting better than this

>> No.15454632

did i say they were cool??? NO
dont act like a face scar for aesthetic reasons or "get back at my dad" bs is not more crazy than some superficial nicks on parts of your body that nobody will ever see.

>> No.15454689

that sounds very gay OP but could you at least live stream it for lulz?

>> No.15454692

Imagine being this attention seeking

>> No.15454694

Do the cauliflower ears first.

>> No.15454749

i came from a similar background, except my aunt fiddled me everyday for 4 years. Gotta say cutting your face gives you a rush like no other body part; very addictive. No one really asks me about em. Those coupled with my face tat makes people never approach me, except security in shops.

>> No.15454756


have you done much research into that? they are literally just spoiled frat bros scarring eachother to look cool. that is the entire point. there is no honor or principal. there is no rhyme or reason to any of it. they make everything as safe as they possibly can while specifically going for things that scar the most. after the '''duel''' they will then try their absolute best to make sure the scar does not heal properly because they just want the scar.
its like workwear or some shit. its the rich masquerading as the poor that they romanticize yet again

>> No.15454809
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>my aunt fiddled me everyday for 4 years

>> No.15454813

seconding this

>> No.15454814

you are mentaly ill and i hope you die

>> No.15455098

the german scars aren't cool at all

>> No.15455143

Nah man don't do it

>> No.15455194

she also force fed me, didn't let me bathe on my own or wipe my own ass. Also beat me with a wooden coat hanger over the head til i bled. she also had dwarfism and i was a pretty big kid so she was shorter than me. enjoy anon

>> No.15455196

sounds like Пoд плинтycoм
but then I have a close relative whose mother was very much similar

>> No.15455198

>Пoд плинтycoм

>> No.15455217

maybe it's a slav thing. poland here, at least i had san andreas and church on sunday to distract me.

>> No.15455256

Protecting your eyes alone and letting your bros slash your face for scars is a lot more cool than just, having your girlfriend slash your face up. But, OP is doing this for a reason, and I respect that. He just needs to fucking own up to it and not like about it if questioned. Just as you would say "Yeah, I got these scars in a fencing duel." he needs to be able to say, "Yeah, I got these as physical representations of my personal struggles." or something. Lying is gay as fuck in this scenario.

>> No.15455378

still a movie about a man coming to terms with him being gay lol

>> No.15455382

There is a few mm between a severed nerve and your girlfriend's scalpel. There is also a small margin between a cut that bleeds all over the place and one that doesn't. There is the question of healing the wound in a way that allows scar tissue to form.

In general, though, scar tissues are usually formed on wounds that were pretty deep & broad to begin with, resulting in a very real elastic tear that cannot heal edge to edge, and that requires a certain (long) amount of time to form in certain conditions.

In other words you're going to get a bad scar job.

>> No.15455505

This. This is the only way to do it that isn't fake and gay.

>> No.15455523

>"Whoa dude those are some gnarly scars, how did you get them?"
>"W-well you see, when I was 8 my father came into my bedroom in the middle of the night and..."

>> No.15455524

holy shit thanks anon

>> No.15455531

my sides are in orbit
hospitals were a mistake

>> No.15455623

you should tell them that your father's girthy cock gave you a glasgow smile

>> No.15455728

Stormfaggots are actually dumb enough to think this will make people Nazis.