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/fa/ - Fashion

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15445200 No.15445200 [Reply] [Original]

what do I need to do to become chad and have white gf

>> No.15445268

Do the needful

>> No.15445298
File: 52 KB, 640x567, BIG SIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not be Indian, big sir.

>> No.15445352


Vitiligo, wax strips, speech therapy, lasic, deoderant, gym membership, maybe a nose job or something idk

tl;dr: Unobtainable.

>> No.15445378
File: 340 KB, 1600x971, блоод.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good deeds and Buddhism reincarnation to exist.

>> No.15445383


>> No.15445401

Go to the gym, have a good job. You will fuck infinite white women.

>> No.15445498

take a shower

>> No.15446190

Stick to your own dude

>> No.15446282

Have you tried telling a white girl you are attracted to her? I mean her in specific and Not just trying to make that creepy-weird 7/11 Indian small talk?

>> No.15446309

Beg them to see bobs and vagene. White women love that

>> No.15446319

Get ripped and get a mustache

>> No.15446322
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>> No.15446325

new frames or contacts, an actual haircut, and weight loss would help a lot

>> No.15446344
File: 209 KB, 1016x1170, 28991699-C96D-4CA6-8649-1DBF43DE6D71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be in a Marvel movie so they can pump you full of HGH and give you a personal trainer.

>> No.15446351

convert to islam whites will be under islamic rule soon we'll give you a slavic white gf

>> No.15446358

Also have hobbies that make you interesting.
Care about yourself aka hygiene, enough fashion sense not to be sperg, etc

Fit + confident + interesting + smell nice = ???

>> No.15446367

kek at this reddit tier advice, this board is reddit
2.0 bluepilled to the fifth degree

>> No.15446375

Indians are the most physically repulsive race on the planet. The only thing that will work is money.

>> No.15446378

he was on tren

>> No.15446410

Stop wasting time in white women. They’re trash
Go after true Indian queens

>> No.15446872

Nice bait you faggot. I know you found this on a lookism board.

Stop projecting you ugly little incel. Keep hating on a pajeet that can't get women. Whats your excuse, white boy?

>> No.15447342

white women r ugly lol

>> No.15447355
File: 87 KB, 1200x849, Gigalegends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plastic surgery, change your hairstyle, get a strong jawline, lower bodyfat, get muscular, become fashionable, change your style, have white and straight teeth, improve your posture, mew, make a lot of cash, get a great job, have social value, be nice to her parents, possible skin whitening procedures and a lot of shit.
start lifting too.
and get on a cycle if you want but be wary of the side effects

>> No.15447360

>kek at this reddit tier advice, this board is reddit
4chan and reddit has always had the same userbase, new fag. which is why /fa/ has always been shit since the beginning

>> No.15447395

all the gay boards are overwhelmingly reddit. Shit like /fa/ /mu/ /soc/ /v/ /cm/ etc etc. Gays are as basic as woman.

>> No.15447406


>> No.15447413

girls find curryniggers repulsive. Like niggers are scary and asians are pathetic but i've seen girls fucking run away from Indian guys in pure panic like it's contagious or something

>> No.15447948

Poo in the loo

>> No.15448145
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>> No.15448148
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To answer your question what do you think this guy has? Thats what you need to have a white gf