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File: 437 KB, 640x784, 79F7EBF3-79F8-4EBA-90B7-D32562A0BF3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15441358 No.15441358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Being black is just what happens when you’re close to the equator. What you hate is ghetto and tribal culture. Ghetto culture is the culture of systemic oppression. I hate it too and I’m black. Kill the culture, save the people.

Post non-ghetto black clothing

>> No.15441362
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>> No.15441369
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Frankly I’d rather be called equatorial

>> No.15441373
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>> No.15441384
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man even for an organised shilling effort this is bad kek. KYS

>> No.15441385

a round about way of being racist but ok :)

>> No.15441400

Nice try sweaty black men will still choose Latinas and white girls over you

>> No.15441401
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Calling people racist is very ghetto
To think things are about race is ghetto

That’s what ghetto is

>> No.15441409

"Noo niggers are taking my women!!!!!!"
This is the most likely scenario, stop being a faggot.

>> No.15441433

>close to equator

I think you're onto something with this whole tribal and location thing.

>> No.15441437

is there a place on earth where blacks aren’t ghetto?

>> No.15441443

Some african countries, blacks that take pride in education and hard work

>> No.15441451

Yeah dude like, culture totally appears out of thin air

>> No.15441456

name 3 and post a video example of middle class black africans. in my mind there’s two classes of blacks in africa, the exploiters and the exploited. is there normal, nice communities of middle class people?

>> No.15441458

How about you look it up yourself before some of the dumbassedness rubs off on me

>> No.15441482

i don’t think i will, and will continue being racist. thanks

>> No.15441523

It kinda does
Take religion for example a
Culture that’s a cult


>> No.15441541

holy fuck, she is extremely attractive

>> No.15441583


>> No.15441621

I wanna cuddle with her

>> No.15441623

most correct post itt by far

>> No.15441626

>Being black is just what happens when you’re close to the equator
Sub Sahara is not equatorial.

>> No.15441630
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Ghetto culture comes from low-class UK whites
Get learnt

>> No.15441638


Except Low Class UK white stole so much shit from jamaicans and Carribeans

Rave, Reggae, Ska, House, Slang. All they have is punk and racism, and punks dead now

>> No.15441641

Guarantees she dates white guys exclusively, we're in boys

>> No.15441642

Blacks are systematic assholes, and complain about getting caught for crimes.

>> No.15441688

She really isn't
Maybe if she bleached her skin

>> No.15441701

every effay black person posted always, ALWAYS, has predominantly white features aside from lips

>> No.15441711

dat lighting

>> No.15441714
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> black
> culture

>> No.15441841

That wasn't even the original point.

And who wouldn't complain about getting caught for petty crimes when the UK so full of Powerful Nonces.

>> No.15441844

>Being black is just what happens when you’re close to the equator
Oh I am laffin’...

>> No.15441846
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White features are arbitrary, in the end your probably just saying few extreme features.

Extreme white features are just as bad

>> No.15441852

>Ghetto culture is the culture of systemic oppression.

you can see this among poor people in the UK
or if you want something really sobering you can look at where the descendants of serfs are in russia and compare it to where the descendents of slaves are in the US –– the traits americans racialize are mostly a result of ancestral class differences

>> No.15441855
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Go 50s 60s Black

Also stop with the self hatred. White People have a scum culture, just look at this website porn sections.

>> No.15441864

Whenever someone brings up 'white features' you can be sure they don't have anything of value to say, they just want to stir things up and farm (You)s

>> No.15441873

How about stop with the hatred. Blacks aren't exempt from bad culture.

>> No.15441901


True, but "kill the culture" that's bullshit, i'd much rather have my own culture and have mature on its own rather the assimilate into white culture, no matter how much struggle that takes.

the whole header of this thread feels like a "I'm not like most girls", but for being black.

>> No.15441903

*have my own culture and have it mature on its own rather then assimilate

>> No.15441975

White people in America are not monolithic and have many different cultures. Do you feel black people are one single culture? Just take note of this, there is always a balance between assimilating into the majority and remaining true to your heritage.

>> No.15441985


>> No.15442010


I have taken note of that, that’s why I think “kill the culture” And hating “ghetto culture“ is misguided and doesn’t give any nuance to many aspects of black culture and black history, It’s reductive

>> No.15442054

Racist retards

>> No.15442101

The only thing worse than raging alt-right incels on this site are self-hating blacks, geez.

>> No.15442106


>> No.15442135

She looks rly out of place and the only reason i can find is that she is dark as fuck.

>> No.15442713 [DELETED] 

ofc there are. wtf kind of question is this? I hope you are in the U.S. because there are plenty of black Americans that aren't "ghetto" even if they live in "ghetto" neighborhoods. One of the most proper, fancy, and intimidating dinner parties I've ever been to was with a black family. Learned a lot about etiquette that day.

>> No.15442736

Your mind automatically associated those alpine landscapes with white people, if you saw some average white bread guy casually strolling through the Serengeti in his normal clothes, he'd look out of place

>> No.15442859 [DELETED] 

Funny how westerners automatically assume that attractive features are "white" features

>> No.15442868

She really is.

>> No.15442870

It's funny how attractive features are always white features from a western view

>> No.15442896

Post sapeur core

>> No.15442922


based. don't stick to some hood culture just because of skin color.

have some irish dancing mixed with black dance skills.


>> No.15442930

africans think african-american are ridiculous. guess they are racist.

>> No.15442939


>> No.15442944

the senegalese shop owners down the street.
any case i wouldn't expect some arrogant worm in brains american pig to comprehend that people in other countries think differently than whatever side of the incredibly myopic world view you people project onto the world.
death to america.

>> No.15442947
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yeah the blacks in africa are so nice lol

>> No.15442955
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God I love black girls so much. Literal angels.

>> No.15442956
File: 141 KB, 1528x1156, NYT_raceandclass_Mar_19_2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thomas sowell makes me feel sick. these kosher cons need to trot out a black guy to approve of what they think, relegating themselves to the position of second class citizen.
poor whites commit less crime than rich blacks

>> No.15442985


Wow great source

>> No.15442999

Isn't this supposed to convey racism that rich blacks are jailed at the same rate as poor whites? I feel it's missing out the part about rich blacks commit violent acts at the same rate as poor whites and the police are just responding.

It's the same shit as:

>police are 7 times or whatever more likely to shoot blacks than whites


But leaves out the part:

>blacks are 9 times more likely than whites to use violence against the police

So in actual fact, the force police are using towards blacks is far less than they actually should be and the force towards whites is far higher than it should be.

Jewish media trickery of statistics.

>> No.15443002
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>> No.15443005
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yeah the white in america are so nice lol

>> No.15443009

yes, to anyone in touch with reality this graph shows black people in a bad light
it is in the interest of anti-whites to suppress this information

>> No.15443014

according to a lawsuit it has a nickname of "rape factory" vs african guy who actually rapes a lot of women and talks about it like it's normal

>> No.15443023


You think they just have that name

The college had to give out a warning to not go to the frat because their was so many rapes

>> No.15443031
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What does this have to do with fashion?

>> No.15443037


I'm just saying if you're gonna use one child soldier as the voice for all of africa, any one can also just take the words of epstein as the voice for all white people.

>> No.15443038
File: 162 KB, 1080x1116, 8168b9b2e36608e666caa945b0dcd4558789071030fb06031f8942691ce4a477_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many?
allegedly, there were "so many rapes" vs african guy who actually rapes a lot of women and talks about it like it's normal

>> No.15443052

epstein didn't rape - he had sex with girls under 18 who were willing
epstein is ashkenazi jewish, so not a normal white guy
and most importantly epstein had to hide his practices from the public because it was illegal

vs african guy who openly admits that he rapes (forces women to have sex) and isn't even aware that what he is saying is morally wrong and isn't afraid of legal consequences because raping the women of your war opponents is acceptable in black africa

>> No.15443090


>> No.15443096

my original point: black people in africa are worse than black people in white countries like african americans

he doesn't look like a child to me, but whatever
they don't even have child soldiers in the USA!
but they do have people who use prostitutes under 18 in Africa
I'm right

>> No.15443115

>epstein as the voice for all white people

If Jews are white then the holocaust was a white genocide.

>> No.15443149

This is true.

>> No.15443154


I Mean it definitely is illegal there, but the country is at civil war, who do you expect to arrest him. He can say it openly because he is literally part of a rebel army. The country is undeveloped i don't know what you expect.

I'm not trying to say the kid is good, I'm just saying why pin his actions on all africans, especially when its pretty easy to see that many white Americans when given the chance will rape people, it happens a lot. we're lucky we have the laws we have but even then people in the right position skirt by them. I'm not pinning that on all white people though, humans are just fucked up.

>> No.15443283

right, imagine a white rhodesian during the civil war saying to a documentary film maker that he regularly goes around raping women, not even aware that it would be frowned upon, not afraid of consequences
it straight up would not happen.

he doesn't have to fear the repercussions after the war, because to may black africans it is acceptable to rape a woman during war

ie - my point that black africans are far worse than blacks in the USA is correct
and blacks in africa are some of the most evil people on the planet

>> No.15443284

>The country is undeveloped i don't know what you expect.
that's exactly my point, it's full of SAVAGES

>> No.15443378
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>he doesn't have to fear the repercussions after the war, because to may black africans it is acceptable to rape a woman during war

There's White People who barely have to face the repercussions of raping someone in college, let alone a a war.

>> No.15443390
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> blacks in africa are some of the most evil people on the planet


>> No.15443429

>accused of rape
>guy's body is burned
what did he do wrong? maybe he was a criminal and they killed him for doing something wrong

>> No.15443441

just based on what you told me, assuming that's a quote from the judge
judge isn't arguing for leniency of a convicted criminal
but the improbability of guilt from an accused defendant

>> No.15443445

How is "he has good grades and a nice family" reason to not take a discredit a case

>> No.15443462

speak english

>> No.15443490

have you ever seen a court case? they talk about the character of the people all the time
especially if it's to argue that the defendant has good moral character

>> No.15443600


>> No.15443602

you have a deep misunderstanding of the world

>> No.15443608

how's that

>> No.15443618
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>> No.15443630

USA, UK etc if a soldier was caught raping someone during WW2 they could be executed

>> No.15444052


>> No.15444281
File: 324 KB, 1400x872, Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 8.24.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea sure, Americans are the good guys

>> No.15444284
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>> No.15444294
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Here's the rest some more info on the case, do you still think he's a good boy and should get leniency

I don't care if it happens often in court, The court system is broken.

>> No.15444334

The court judges have a large representation of those of Jewish heritage so you're really just posting garbage antisemitism.

>back to pol

>> No.15444618

That's what makes me laugh. You have no idea about the reasons why those statistics are like. You're just making an assumption.

>> No.15444623

There's actually two people in here battling out over which race rapes more LOL. You guys need to grow up man holy fucking shit.

>> No.15444630

Are you fucking joking? it honestly stresses me out as a black person seeing the gymnastics people do just to preserve the perfect white image. Look I've got to say it. WHITE PEOPLE ARE JUST PEOPLE. You're not fucking special, you've achieved so much as a race but most of you are just as big a piece of shit as anyone else. You all act so accomplished as if you're doing the things that make white people great. Fuck off.

>> No.15444639

>You're just making an assumption.

No? I'm not assuming anything because I am not stupid. The reason why police use more force against blacks is because blacks are more violent towards police than whites. The cops simply react.

So stats like:

>cops use force at a higher rate to blacks than whites

Are total bullshit because they leave out they key facts that blacks are more likely to use force towards cops.

Once you take all the facts into account there is no racial bias, if anything, whites have a tougher time with cops.

>> No.15444648 [DELETED] 

An IQ around 80 is a predictor of crime and poor life outcome. That's the average figure in the prion systems of IQ.

So as blacks on average have an IQ of that figure and huge amount have a single parent family, those are predictors of crime and ending up in prison.

Nothing to do with white people or racism. Of course it isn't black peoples fault but I don't know how you can fix that. No help or money can change the IQ averages. It's why the problem never gets solved and is unsolvable because the reality is too much of a taboo subject.

>> No.15444654

An IQ around 80 is a predictor of crime and poor life outcome. That's the average figure in the prison systems of IQ.

So as blacks on average have an IQ of that figure and huge amounts have a single parent family, those are predictors of crime and ending up in prison.

Nothing to do with white people or racism. Of course it isn't black peoples fault but I don't know how you can fix that. No help or money can change the IQ averages. It's why the problem never gets solved and is unsolvable because the reality is too much of a taboo subject.

>> No.15444671

Reading this thread makes my head hurt.

My condolences to any black people you guys have to out up with worse shit everyday.

>> No.15444676

> It's not an assumption because I'm right

I know that's the case but that can't be the case for every single occurrence.

>> No.15444678

>muh support of blacks
>sorry to you all
>we must do better

You people are the worse kind of racists who treat blacks as a project and think you're some savior. Cringe.

>> No.15444689

Well no but as a whole, disproportional force by the police is not used towards blacks and that's a fact. The media simply uses one half of a statistic to paint a 100% misleading picture.

Are there individual cases of cops just being racist? Probably. There could also be the same for black cops arresting a white person.

But the majority black areas are policed by black officers too further making the false stats look like the leis they are.

In fact when "cops use more force against blacks so racism" is used in the media, it leaves out that the officers themselves are black.

>> No.15444691

This is such obvious trolling. You're not even the original person I've spoke to. I've expressed my anger towards how I feel about the arrogance of white people thinking they are better than black people and what you've done is post a statistic as to why you THINK that is, AND then mask that as, I don't even know... consolation? What are you trying to say to me? Are you trying to rationalise why white people are racist towards black people? Because we aren't as smart as a whole? What the fuck some of are lost...

>> No.15444704

I know I'm not the original person, I haven't taken much note of this thread. I am merely posting why a lot of blacks end up in the system or to crime.

I even said it's not the fault of blacks, but I do not know how you can really change the average IQ. Blaming white people isn't the answer and just further divides. Even you seem angry and racist towards whites, why? because of what some white person said itt? Your attitude will just make more whites hate you and your attitude is mainly formed on false statistics and outright lies.

>> No.15444710

You can't just say there are racist cops out there in same breath as saying there isn't disproportionate force used against black people lol, oh my god do you listen to yourself?

>> No.15444715

I said "probably" but all we can go by and the stats and facts and they show disproportionate force is NOT used towards blacks when you compare violence aimed towards cops. Their force is a reaction to the violent reaction they receive upon arresting.

And the fact that most of the arresting offers arresting black people are black themselves. Can you read?

>> No.15444717

I never mentioned crime, what the fuck are you talking about? I was talking about white people acting like and thinking they are BETTER than black people and here you are, questionably trolling me, stating the reasons of the plight of black people? You're so detached it's unreal. I'm trying to say that people are fucking people. We are intrinsically equal and you're talking all this shit? lmao wow

>> No.15444725

See what I mean about average IQ? You lack understanding and are aggressive.

>I'm trying to say that people are fucking people. We are intrinsically equal and you're talking all this shit? lmao wow

People are not simply people though, we're separated by 60,000 years of evolution or so.

IQ is what makes a society and culture.

Unless you think we're all 100% equal in every way then I'll assume you do not understand science, biology nor evolution.

>> No.15444729

So you're in the realms of 'probably' for what I say yet your stats are concrete. Ok man cool

>> No.15444730

Wrong on every count you dumb fahgot.

>> No.15444731

Wow okay, you lost me. Successful troll dude

>> No.15444741

The stats are government stats. I said probably to humor you.

This is the reason why you can't even explain things to those with a low IQ on average, words, stats, reality and logic no longer applies and only force. You have proved my very point, so well done.

Maybe white people think they're better on average because they see all the negative black things from the black community and instead of self reflecting at the actual problem, they just blame whites.

I mean it is whites fault to some extent though, blacks should never have been taken from Africa and placed on welfare in a white society and nor should aid, drugs against infections and diseases etc.given to Africans to let the natural course of evolution take place to raise the mean IQ which happened in Europe.

>> No.15444745

Racist and homophobic. Very cool!

>> No.15444752

>Ghetto culture is the culture of systemic oppression

There you go, nigger, blaming whitey for your problems.

Ghetto culture is the result of infantilized niggers, much like yourself, having no desire to improve themselves because it's easier than to blame the white man for all eternity as you sell drugs, shoot eachother, cum and dump in negresses, and commit so much violent crime that literally every other race on planet earth hates you. You could go to Serbia, Australia, China, Mongolia, you name it, they will hate and ridicule you niggers for your dishonest child like criminal ways.

Hey nigger, if you smell shit everywhere you go maybe it's time to check your own nikes

>> No.15444753

you didn't post it because it doesn't exist. Africa is a giant shithole; sub-saharan Africa doubly so. One race of people didn't invent the wheel, one race of people didn't build anything taller than 2 stories, one race of people routinely fails no matter which society it's placed in whether it's arab, asian, or white. This idea, that humans are all one species and all basically equal, is so irrevocably and blatantly false. Building society, predicting behavior on false facts only leads to disaster in the end.

>> No.15444758

>blacks built every white country
>can't build shit in africa


>Building society, predicting behavior on false facts only leads to disaster in the end.

This is why I am sure with certainty racial conflict on a mass scale will happen. It's inevitable at this point. As the white population falls and black/non-white grows the nations will get lower in quality and life style which will lead to yet more accusations towards whites and scapegoating.

>> No.15444759

Cecil you are so racist it's unreal. The air of superiority that you're giving off is exactly what I was complaining about, have I once denied the internal problems of my people? No, you've actually proved MY point by being so up your own arse with the addition of revealing that you rank people you interact with based on their intelligence and not their demeanour, actions, morals etc. You're LOST as a person bro, totally LOST.

>> No.15444761

>Hey nigger, if you smell shit everywhere you go maybe it's time to check your own nikes


>> No.15444770

blacks didn't build shit you retard. They picked cotton. They didn't build railways or design skyscrapers, or submarines, or bridges. They fact that you're using a majority white nation as a source proves just how dumb your argument is and how wrong you are.

>> No.15444775

I'm not racist at all. I'm racially realist yes. I understand black issues are not the fault of some deep rooted evil within blacks but it's a question of IQ, and sadly, IQ is the most important thing that there is.

>The air of superiority that you're giving off is exactly what I was complaining about

I have not said this at all though, you've just ranted about whites and got all shitty. I've explained why some whites might feel better than you. But East Asians tend to look down on blacks too. Are you mad at them?

>revealing that you rank people you interact with based on their intelligence

Not at all. There are some very smart blacks, but as an average the IQ is low. I tried to explain things but your constant rage and aggression told me that you unfortunately are on the average side so it's really hard to make sense to people like that.

>not their demeanour, actions, morals

IQ plays a large part of that though.

>You're LOST as a person bro, totally LOST.

I'm one person trying to shine light to try and solve things as best they can, rather than live in a lie because that helps black nor white.

>> No.15444779

Isn't that what i said?

>> No.15444787

Okay you are smarter than me. White people act like that because they are smarter than me.

>> No.15444799 [DELETED] 

>white people
>white people

Can't you see what you're doing? I don't judge blacks are stupid because the mean IQ is 80 but there are many higher than that and some lower and there are also whites with an IQ of 80 so I wouldn't judge all whites as smart by them simply being white.

The issue is black problems are linked to that average IQ and I don't know how to fix that. Sadly if that is the average then a society of blacks will never be so great. What I do know is that blaming whites will never ever fix it and only make things worse.

The media is doing that. Twisting facts. Why? To cause more racial divide. If we accept reality, we can work with that at least and try to help fix things and that would also lessen the racial divide.

>> No.15444804
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i am against racism, and yet i haven't got a black gf. what could explain this?

>> No.15444809

>white people
>white people

Can't you see what you're doing? I don't judge that all blacks are stupid because their mean IQ is 80 because there are many higher than that and some lower and there are also whites with an IQ of 80 so I wouldn't judge all whites as smart by them simply being white.

The issue is black problems are linked to that average IQ and I don't know how to fix that. Sadly if that is the average then a society of blacks will never be so great. What I do know is that blaming whites will never ever fix it and only make things worse.

The media is doing that. Twisting facts. Why? To cause more racial divide. If we accept reality, we can work with that at least and try to help fix things and that would also lessen the racial divide.

But on an individual basis any black person I meet I treat them as a person on an equal setting to me.

>> No.15444813

So because you are against racism it entitles you to a black girlfriend?

It's strange how these vocal "anti-racists" seem like they treat blacks differently. Very strange indeed.

How about be anti-racist and have a girlfriend you are attracted to and like? Or do you need your black trophy to signal to the world that you're anti-racist?

>> No.15444814

stop being a retard. my post is literally the "no gf" meme.

>> No.15444821

Fuck off being verbose doesn't mean you're not a fucking idiot.

>> No.15444844

>"equatorial" intellectuals

>> No.15444847

Not when you put "i am against racism" bro.

You're virtue signalling. Why not just put:

>tfw no black g.f

Uhh.. I am being as basic as I can. Low IQ.

>fuck off
>fucking idiot

Impossible to use anything but force with people such as this.

>> No.15444865

Ignore him, he's a master troll

>> No.15445201

You've just summed up every wh*te BLM supporter

>> No.15445216

yank cops can barely read retard

>> No.15445217

there's enough people around the equator who aren't black
go be a nigger somewhere else

>> No.15445225

Are you really high IQ then Cecil? Is that why you are a full time dishwasher who spends all his free time on the internet?

>> No.15445379


>Rather have my own culture

Your culture is already assimilated into US culture, purposefully separating yourself from white people because you think its their fault theres not enough of it rather than showing people your culture makes you racist.

>> No.15445391

Black people are no different from whites. Niggers are no different from white trash.

>> No.15445406

Nobody made you base your entire culture around rape, laziness, murder, drugs, materialism, high time preference, theft, and gangs. Your culture is like that because you made it, because you're not compatible with industrial civilization. Not one stone upon another, not even the wheel, starving to death in Gaia's own bosom, constantly selling your kin into slavery. That's black culture, that's black blood. The "system" oppressing you is the circulatory system carrying your stunted neolithic genes.

>> No.15445423

Lol, he's a clearly a total loser who needs to 'own people' on the internet to feel good about himself.

>> No.15445440

You're right it is self-inflicted but you're wrong about one thing. This is not black culture it's problems in various black communities. This is the problem I mentioned above, you say it with so much venom and organise us into a lower genus despite the fact that there has been countless examples of black people being pillars of society or being in important business roles
You try to mask your racism as scientific fact but the exceptions prove that it's not true. This narrative is proof that although there are so many internal problems with black people you cannot deny the systemic oppression we face when given a platform of anonymity this is what people are rattling off in different threads.

>> No.15445488


>> No.15445559
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>> No.15445619

i have to agree

>> No.15445633


I'm Separating Myself from white culture because i don't want to live in reference to white people, I want to be my own man.

I can't care about living up to white culture, because i'm not white

I can enjoy white culture, and i do, but the culture will never truly reflect my experience and histories except in reference to how its different than white culture, so at the end of the day i'm gonna put my own culture above it for my own sake.

I don't care if i'm racist, I'm not a liberal.

>> No.15445638

fwiw I'm white and I think black skin is beautiful

unless it's that weird indian black

>> No.15445644

i don't think so, that's the most white genetics i've seen on a black person, you can just skinswap it to cappuccino or white and she'd be a kardashian clone, that's what's unsettling about the image

>> No.15445736
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LMAO, no.
Now that I think about it, even if you were to be right, which of course you aren't, it wouldn't make me like Africans. There's something very off putting, disgusting and foreign about them, even more so than other races distant to my own. I would rather die in a fire than racemix.

>> No.15445789
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based af

>> No.15445796
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>> No.15445800
File: 248 KB, 1200x1200, 272C3CA2-3DBC-47FF-9AA1-B32D5DC98F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4Chan needs to issue automatic bans for using the n-word.

I mean really, it's only racists who use it. Just look at this fucking thread.

>> No.15445822 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1057x768, EXHAUST-REPA-jpg-Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4Chan needs to issue automatic bans for niggers & nigger lovers.

I mean really, it's only niggers who post like this. Just look at this fucking post.