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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 97 KB, 720x960, burhan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15432883 No.15432883 [Reply] [Original]

Also what's your weight?

>> No.15432890

194cm and 88 kg

>> No.15432912

Those pants are a crime. Please let that picture be bait

>> No.15432948

190cm and 66kg

>> No.15432954

183cm finding tshirts and jeans that fit is hard

>> No.15432992

5'11 220 buff fat, i actually need to buy a suit.

>> No.15433263

Why? L should fit you

>> No.15433276

150 lbs

>> No.15433280
File: 40 KB, 266x477, Over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Height doesn't matter.

>> No.15433282

>no idea

>> No.15433284

190cm, 120kg.

>> No.15433292

short people are better at skating because they have a lower center of gravity

>> No.15433296

Copes: 1

>> No.15433300

6'5'' 95kg

Taller than tall guys and shorter than guys who are too tall.

>> No.15433302

>I'll never be the little spoon

>> No.15433305

fuck you talm bout, it’s physics bitch and i say this as a lanky fuck

>> No.15433322

1.75m, 56kg

>> No.15434305

163cm 41kg

>> No.15434314

I don't know how much kilos, probably around 90, I need to lose some excess fat.

>> No.15434318

For you

>> No.15434375

6'5", around 200lbs

>> No.15434379

Or 197cm and 98kg or so for euros

>> No.15434383

1,75m 62kg

>> No.15434387

1.62m (5'3") / 55kg

>> No.15434390

they're also better at wrestling because longer limbs are more easily manipulated than short limbs. Taller people are better at striking, though, so, cope.

>> No.15434395

Tony Hawk is like 6'3

>> No.15434401

Same with Reynolds and it's very arguable
that he looks better on a board than any street skater ever

>> No.15434416

6'5 and 216 lbs, down from 304 lbs a year ago.

>> No.15434423

166cm (about 5'5)

I hate my body, I'm not saying that ironically I mean I seriously hate my body.

>> No.15434426

Spoiler: Both look like shit.

>> No.15434461

Good work anon!

>> No.15434502

179cm and 56kgs.

>> No.15434506


I'm gonna lower the weight to 77-78 probably.

>> No.15434652

6'5" 120 lbs / 195 cm 54 kg

>> No.15434692

175 cm
80 kg
How TF is everyone on here so tall?

>> No.15434711

186 and 90 kg
I really don't understand why people in the internet complain about height so much

>> No.15434722
File: 96 KB, 211x337, 1325615812473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is pain

>> No.15434733

Go to a 3rd world country, I would do that. Malaysia e.g.

>> No.15434746
File: 500 KB, 987x766, tmp_1075314659885779322113346989_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of based

>> No.15434763

King of manlets at 178 cm
75 kg or thereabouts
Live in a short country in Asia so I'm fine with or

>> No.15434767
File: 147 KB, 639x925, Screenshot_20200726-095019_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5'6", 151lbs., 24.4 BMI, size 8(US) feet.

>> No.15434790

that camera angle is messing with your proportions bruv. no way your torso is 1/4 the length of your legs right?

>> No.15434793

178cm 70kg

>> No.15434799

Extremely feminine ratios mama

>> No.15434802


Wh-what are you talking about?

>> No.15434817
File: 313 KB, 378x468, height.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 198 cm and 83.4 kgs
otherwise put im 6'6 and weigh 184 lbs

my height basically just gets in the way. im very insecure and everone can always see me. does not do wonders for my self confidence.

>> No.15434833

You got a goose ass

>> No.15434895

6'3, 150 lbs or something

lean machine

>> No.15434908

how come 90% of /fa/ is above 6" ?

>> No.15434910

5.8, 153, skinny fat with 8.5 shoe size.

Ain’t perfect, but I suppose it could be worse. Least I’m taller than most women.

>> No.15436154

Chris Cole is like 6'5"

>> No.15436203

6'5/196cm? 205 lbs

>> No.15436216

Because tall people are confident posting and short people are not. This is board is also mostly Western European/North American thus the average height is somewhere around 5'11

>> No.15436326
File: 53 KB, 344x510, HorizontalMog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<original pic

>> No.15436346

Why do short people always power stance? Are they always in a state of insecurity?

>> No.15436354

5'11" ~128-130lbs.

>> No.15436365
File: 283 KB, 249x386, 1545697587799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't know

>> No.15436366

I like those dimensions

>> No.15436376
File: 226 KB, 485x700, 1538937274640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15436494

6'2" / 188cm
159lb / 72kg
Consider myself lucky due to being Asian

>> No.15436926

200cm 185kg

>> No.15436958

Oh no

>> No.15436961


>> No.15436964

Nice ass

>> No.15437580

nice data mine. my answer is a fabrication, beware. 185cm 72kg

>> No.15437763 [DELETED] 

6'0 185lbs. lift too

>> No.15437879

1.9m 70ish kg

>> No.15437980

6'3 125 lbs white male

i am supreme god of the lanklets

>> No.15438164

My cousin is 5'3" or 5'4". I'm 5'9". Dude has all the confidence in the world. Played every sport in the in high school and knows how to fight. Dude got way more pussy than I ever did, and is currently married to
a woman taller than him by a few inches, noticeably taller.

He always had a bitch, so many to spare that he always tried to get my lame
sperg ass hooked up with one of them. Also from
what my sister said, his game is/was so tight he managed to convince most of those girls to get abortions and got off without any drama.

He also had a stint as a personal trainer.

The key is confidence and not being a fucking weirdo, and not having their personality of a fucking cinder-block.

Me and him would play video games when we hung out, but he wasn't a gamer and never into TV and all that shit. He spent most of his
time outside, playing sports and making connections. I would go outside and
hang out with him growing up and those were the best time. I still strive to be like
him, a dude 5 inches shorter than I am.

>> No.15438183

>just b urself
>just b confident bro

You don't strive to be 5 inches shorter, you simply strive to be more confident. The fact is if he was 6'3" he would have success 10 times over.

Height matters. PERIOD. Everything else is cope.

>> No.15438355

5'9, 140-150lbs or so. Idk how even i look so much skinner than the scale says. McDonalds is a great restaurant that has been the victim of many hoaxes, and sells delicious, nutritious food at a value price en masse. The public should thank McDonald's corp. for the services it provides this country, especially in low income areas.

>> No.15438388

height absolutely matters, but letting it be the end all be all and having a shit personality will make it a million times worse. Really, if you're a person others enjoy being around, people don't care what you look like. And if they do, hang out with other, less shitty people. But yeah personality will almost always outweigh looks when it comes to gaining friends and relationships that have substance.

>> No.15438545
File: 1.79 MB, 2481x6600, 1589900827887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.8 m
69 kg

>> No.15438642

Well you did a complete 180, you used to be a 'fuck what women think' type a few weeks ago

>> No.15439270

I'm 5'7" and 120, not insecure about my height, some things are harder some things are easier. It hasn't hurt me with girls very much, except for the extremely superficial ones that will never be satisfied anyway. I like short girls anyway, especially with flat chests and shapely butts and legs. I love a good set of legs on a girl. Especially thighs I can lay my head on... I don't hate my body, the only complaint I have is I would like to gain about 15-20 pounds to put on some larger muscle, but thats more for personal want than trying to impress anyone.

>> No.15439277

6'3" or 75 inches or 190.5 cm
Feels good to not be a disgusting subhuman manlet

>> No.15439464

got the gay for pay look

>> No.15439500

are you me?

>> No.15439552

190cm and 90kg, pretty muscular

>> No.15439569

175ish (fluctuates)
I'm worried for my back desu. Even though I work on posture consistently, it's still just difficult to maintain.

>> No.15439878


>> No.15439910



>> No.15439946

187cm 60kg

>> No.15439951


>> No.15439971

because anyone can write text and everyone is too insecure to post their actual height except for actual tallfags who don't even think twice about it

>> No.15440093

177 cm 80 kg.
Weird thing is that I'm not fat but weigh more then my friend who is built af. Wtf am i

>> No.15440105

188 cm and 61 kg

>> No.15441941

5’8 about 190lbs
most muscle but a bit extra weight around the midsection

>> No.15442111

Some combo of this and the fact that shorter people are likely to not even respond at all.

>> No.15442191

5 9" 170lb

>> No.15442296

5’8” 130 lbs. I have no complaints

>> No.15442327

5'2, 135 pounds

>> No.15442339


Worship me

>> No.15442344

5’7-5’8 128lbs

>> No.15442395

205cm (6'9'')
104kg (229lbs)

>> No.15443423

6'5, 163lbs

>> No.15443625

187 cm, 85 kg

>> No.15443644


>> No.15444228

6'5 & 300lbs of pure muscle

>> No.15444229


>> No.15444673


>> No.15444995

I would much rather date a cute guy with a nice personality who is of average height than a weirdo lanklet. Most men get married. Most of those men are of average height. Stop letting the internet put worms in your brain.

>> No.15445014

same I would much rather date a successful outgoing accomplished philanthropic average height guy than a tall piece of shit serial killer that lives in his moms basement. height isn't even that important, look at all the multi millionaire actors that are short... surprise, they get married to women!

>> No.15445122

6'1 wit sum shoes on me feets and i haven't been doing a lot of work that day

>> No.15445126

Im a retart an forgot my weight, like 200 bc coffee belly

>> No.15445883

188cm (6'2'') and 75kg (165 lb), also have a fuckton of excess skin, so my real weight might be lower.
Really wouldn't want to be taller than 190cm tho. I'd say 185-190 is the perfect range for a male imo.

>> No.15446143

He’s more of an “argue with anybody he can because he’s insecure” type person

>> No.15446284

5'9", 170lb (fit), 10.5 shoe US
I really cant complain, it could be much worse

>> No.15446813

168cm and 100kg
for the amerilards: 5'5 and 220 pounds

yeah I know I am fat I am trying to get it down to around 80kgs (176). Kind of insecure about my height, I am also balding right now. But married and haver a kid so no issues in that department.

On /fa/ to develop a sense for fashion but finding anything fitting for short stocky men is a nightmare. Joe Pesci and his movies are my main inspo but there aren't too many pics around. Also frequently visit prep threads, trying to fit in higher level corporate culture.