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File: 167 KB, 1400x1000, Supreme-Brick-Brick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15428201 No.15428201 [Reply] [Original]

What do people find so infuriating about others buying a brick from a skate clothing line? Spend your money however you want.

Find nicer job if consumerism sickens you. LOL

>> No.15428206

why do you get so mad when we call you a fag for it

>> No.15428210

Case in point. It's just a brick, man.

>> No.15428212

ok fag lol

>> No.15428231

kek fag

>> No.15428249

Most of the people that criticize others for buying shit like that are usually low income, uneducated (no college) and not too informed about brands.

You'll be called an idiot by high school dropouts , who work at Wendy's before Noam Chomsky calls you one.

Kinda something I learned in grad school

I think it's not from jealousy. It's that they don't understand there is a different way to life.

Hey that Lexus is pretty cheap

>Whaaaaat you idiot! $55,000 is expensive for a car!!!!

They assume since money is so scarce in their low wage low skill world that it must be that way for everyone.

They also say shit like you don't understand the "value of money".

Like we were discussing it and I was like yeah $100 is like 2 hours of labor

And I got

>You're an idiot $100 is like 20 hours of labor

>> No.15428252

Stfu rich kid
Sounds like you’ve never had to struggle for shit you uptight cunt.

>> No.15428268

College may not be for everyone, but you can always learn a trade... You'll have a little more spending power to cop /fa/ fits.

>> No.15428415

I'm not rich also

> Implying college wasn't work

>> No.15428444

its not that deep man you just dont have taste

>> No.15429439

obviously it's no one's business what someone buys, but if you actually spend your money on supreme bricks you are a massive fag

>> No.15429455

>Hey that Lexus is pretty cheap

you knew full well that 'cheap' was relative when you said that, so you look like a gigantic fool with zero self awareness in your example.

>> No.15429462

Go shop at Uniqlo, faggot

>> No.15429464

You must be underage and/or low IQ if you can't understand why some people think buying a product for 10 times the price of a similar quality product is stupid just because of a brand name. I think this is quite dumb too but will still sometimes do it for things such as sports clothes or polo shirts because that brand name does bring a certain amount of status. Obviously the brick is a meme making fun of the consumer but jesus try to learn to think from other viewpoints

>> No.15429471
File: 151 KB, 1036x584, 4B249142-4A82-414C-9995-94629EDEB86D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other people are braindead consoomer retards
>"find a nicer job if this sickens you"
fuck you

>> No.15429481

he's been struggling with his weight for a while now

>> No.15429486

Seething broke faggot, dont forget my extra sauce next time you waste of human life

>> No.15429489

I feel bad for you mushface

Getting on in years, larping on a fashion board, writing essays about the value of a brick, retaining mad water in the face and banging a fat smell of a chick

You could be going for a jog, yet you are here instead racking up an unholy post count pretending to have friends

I saw that exchange with Cecil
You're so /in/ aren't you
You'd disgust me if you had enough to you to evoke such a strong emotion

>> No.15429508

people can be infurated about what they want same as people can buy whatever they want.

>> No.15429510

>a skate clothing line
are we back in 2005?

>> No.15429515


>> No.15429717

I stopped paying attention to supreme ever since they started to check for citizenship for purchases in Japan.

>> No.15429759

Why you trippin', Deebo?

>> No.15429777
File: 11 KB, 255x254, 5cc1391d5c0d6962af881ffc2fdf4c431c246329160506648416b38afba40cb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consoom brick
>if you don't like brick, work more to consoom brick

>> No.15429833

LOL Don't buy it if you don't want to, man. It's just a stupid brick.

>> No.15429834

Who cares if retards throw their money away on stupid shit

>> No.15429876

Sure, but I can still call you a fucking retard

>> No.15430271

>be materialist brand whore
>get assmad whenever people make fun of your silly purchases

The absolute state. I don't find it infuriating that you're throwing your money away. It's fun to make fun of you. The vacuous consumer always resorts to the exact same argument too. If you were the richest man in the world it would still be very fucking funny that a brick with the word "Supreme" on it is one of your prized possessions.

>> No.15430458

I find infuriating that the brand is openly mocking its loyal customers. Anyone who buys this is an idiot.

>> No.15431103

t. $15/hr living with parents rent free

>> No.15431110
File: 6 KB, 223x226, 1593302885614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>trash opinion
color me suprised

>> No.15431134
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 85E228C1-F79B-4ACC-92C0-820FECE8FD90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never post on /lit/ again, psued

>> No.15431225

just ordered the brick LMAO

>> No.15431567

>just a stupid brick poorfag lmao

The brick isn't stupid you are
And you're also a fag because buying a fad brick is exactly the sort of thing a dumb woman would do.

>> No.15431573

>calls others uneducated
>is the kind of idiot who would buy a dumb ass brick

>not too informed about brands
What the fuck does that even mean lmao
>blah blah blah fag talk

>> No.15431726

poor people (almost all of whom have low IQs) tend to be obsessed with other people's money, mostly because they have no clue how to manage their own. They see others able to afford things that they personally don't want (such as a supreme brick), and decry it as a waste or a failure of the system because they would have used it for something noble like an oil change, starting a business, or a pacemaker for their dog. But they also just spent $12 on a family size bag of ruffles, and $100 on a parking ticket (their second this month), and $50 on a bucket of paint to touch up a spackled nail hole in the master bedroom of their dingy house. Then you just casually buy a supreme brick and it makes them very upset, because supposedly they work hard and yet somehow their basic needs are barely being met.

cases in point


>> No.15431863
File: 20 KB, 512x512, aiportraits_1563615921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no Rick Brick

>> No.15431902

Lol I'm middle class. I own a motorcycle, and all sorts of materialist shit. But If you own the supreme brick I'm going to mock of you. Imagine being such an npc brand whore you spend money on a company that's actively making fun of you with their products.

As you can see, this post has illustrated my earlier point. The vacuous consumer has only one response. Get some new material, bragging about being rich on the internet is pathetic.