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15412222 No.15412222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why were americans thinner and generally more attractive in the 1970s and 80s? i grew up in an american city and spent a good deal of time walking and biking and playing sports as a teenager, yet i was still doughy well into my early 20s. is it hormones in the food? bad diet? lack of access to healthy food? what has changed so drastically in the past few decades to make americans uglier, slower, fatter overall?

>> No.15412226

Tv, video games, and the internet are actually good now.

>> No.15412227

More Mexicans, and Blacks. I remember when America wasn't fat.

>> No.15412233

average week for 17 year old me: probably 3-4 hours of walking, 2 hours of strenuous exercise (more in the summers, basketball), approx. 15 hours a week spent on my feet at work...

and a diet that was low in fat, i also didnt eat any meat other than fish until i was 18.

my parents are healthy by american standards, yet i have never in my life effortlessly looked like the guy in the tank top. and his is a physique i see quite often in these old photos. i think there has to have been some change in food processing/availability of fresh food to explain it

>> No.15412236

the fittest guy in this photo is either lightskin or puerto rican. on average my black friends are way fitter than my white friends.

can't speak to mexicans, i honestly don't know any.

>> No.15412238

For sure, haven't you seen any of those food docs? Processed and fast food is way worse now than 30 years ago

>> No.15412247

i have, but what i've seen in those documentaries can explain middle america obesity. eating at mcdonalds and sonic every day will obviously kill you, but what i'm more confused by is the average physique of teenagers and young adults who live active lifestyles and whatnot. maybe it's partially that people eat more carbs and less fresh vegetables on average. i know my parents fallback when money was tight was always rice and beans and simple pasta dishes.

>> No.15412309

The Puerto Rican most likely hit the wall at 25 (PR food is too good to not eat), and your sample size is smaller than the national average for blacks, and Latinos.

>> No.15412318

Blacks have remained at 13% of the total population for like the last 100 years

>> No.15412328

true pr and dominican food is fucking incredible. pernil rice and beans. shit id get fat too.

>> No.15412360

processed food

>> No.15412479

fuck you and your /fit/ thread

>> No.15412485
File: 55 KB, 890x483, fa & fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does /fit/ keep stalking us?

>> No.15412525

the teaming up of indoor activities like TV, internet, games and the addition of large amounts of sugars into pretty much everything. sedintary lifestyles alone woudlnt have done as much to bodies and minds as the chemically concocted kids breakfast cereals and candy

>> No.15412530

being fat is literally cico
the amount of food you have to over eat and do with dedication is astounding

>> No.15412540


Comparatively smaller portions, more physical work/activity, and higher levels of smoking.

>> No.15412546

op here. did not make a thread on /fit/ tf

>> No.15412555

retard. anon is saying this thread should be on /fit/

>> No.15412573

Blacks and Hispanics are shorter and fatter on average in the US

Weird you go right to anecdotes

>> No.15412578

Yes but their obesity has risen and Hispanics have flooded the country

So our IQ height and general health has gone down

I guess you think it's just the worst whites and the highest quality shit skins here but no their countries and culture breeds this shit

>> No.15412745

When we started supsidizing corn In the 70's It became cheaper to sweeten low fat high calorie snack foods like Pop Tarts and McDonald Hamburger Buns with corn Syrup. Big Company's like PepsiCo market snack food as entertainment. And Companys like Nestle and Kelloggs stated marking candy as healthy because it was low in fat but it was also low in fiber and nutrition but high in suger and calories.

>> No.15412954

makes sense. pretty much any kid who goes to public school can't avoid these foods either.

>> No.15412961

>being fat is literally cico
Wrong. I'm sure if you think hard enough you can figure out yourself why that's not true.

>> No.15412978

Weak excuse. People who blame preservatives are of the same ilk who blame GMOs, etc. Why are people fatter now? Lack of self-control. That's it. It's not what's in the food, it's how much food.

>> No.15413021

You're not doing very much exercise and probably not very nutrition conscious. If you aren't living in a walkable city and don't work a physical job, you need to be far more attentive to what you're eating. Most American super markets only carry high-calorie/low-nutrient products that are full of high fructose corn syrup. Food that is high in calories and nutrition is now sold as a luxury goods. Either cook for yourself or shell out the extra money for better quality food. Stop eating cheap packaged food.

>> No.15413034

your body weight is going to be determined by how many calories you eat and expend there is no buts

>> No.15413071

The food has changed. I'm 33 and have seen it get worse in my lifetime. The real problem is people's ignorance to basic nutrition and exercise, less home cooking, and super market shelves full of cheap and convenient empty calories. It's not GMOs or preservatives though. Organic non gmo trash food will make you just as fat.

We literally have morbidly obese people who are malnourished, because the super market junk food provides no nourishment. Looking at the "added sugars" vs "protein" on the nutrition facts of basic products will clue you in to how much cheaper it is to sell calories over sustenance. Even fast food french fries have extra sugar pumped in, like they weren't bad enough. America is addicted to their sugar corn snacks and fizzy bug water and completely clueless as to what a healthy diet is.

>> No.15413082
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>Mega scale fast food
>insane increase in addicting products in foods
>more demand for greasy fat fuck cheap food
>endless hours of ads/commercials/subliminal marketing making you want to buy more fat fuck foods
>children's entertainment is 50% fast food ads 40% toy ads and 10% actual content
>people want to do less but get more so food needs to be done faster
>replace ingredients with "faster" alternatives
>happy meal size becomes smaller but more addicting so you buy more to satisfy your fat fuck cravings
Add to less and less people exercising and wanting "comfort" in everything they do (aka not even leave your couch so some poverty immigrant kid can bring your McDonald's from a block away and you still yell at him because he only gave you 19 of the 20 Standardized™ Ketchup® Alternative you wanted for your deep fried salt sticks you call French fries)

And the fact that "health food" stores bank on the fact that only middle-upper and upper class customers care about their health so they mark up what is considered peasant food in other countries by 200% and make it so that lower class people are completely ignored and are forced to rely on the cheap addictive fat fuck alternatives

>> No.15413102

raw legumes and grains are cheap as shit
people are just lazy and have no self control

>> No.15413121

People have no clue. It's not just laziness. My rule of thumb is that if you're walking into a grocery store that doesn't have a huge bulk section, you already fucked up.

>> No.15413124

>People have no clue
it's pretty common knowledge
people just don't care
i'm not gonna weep for the smokers, drinkers and fatties when they know exactly what they are doing to their bodies

>> No.15413133

Majority of people eating fast food are not gonna start dealing with legumes and cheap grains because it doesn't offer any of the meat and flavors that fast food offers for just around the same price
Sure there's all sorts of easy cooking recipes and YouTube channels but at that point you're already knowledgable in cooking and pantry setup to some degree.
Most of the fatties don't even have that in their kitchen

>> No.15413141

so it's okay to just keep taking zero responsibility for your own health and just do literally nothing at all
jesus fucking christ pre civilization the only thing we did all day was just that
if you're not willing to do even the slightest to change you deserve your fate
it's not hard at all

>> No.15413153

The question is not "why is this one guy fat," the question is "why is EVERYBODY fat?"
On an individual level a person can take responsibility, which is why I'm not fat. But I have to live around fatties every day. Why are they all there? Because of incredibly cheap processed food pumped full of sugar made of cheap subsidized corn. Every individual one of them COULD take responsibility for himself, and some do, but problems don't get this widespread without a cause on a higher level and the average person is never going to exercise the necessary self-control to fix this.

>> No.15413154

People have a general idea of what's "bad" food, but are completely lost when they have to figure out what a healthy diet actually looks like. Ask the average American how much protein or fiber they should eat in a day. There's also a lot of food choices that have been sold as healthy to the public but are still pretty bad.

If you grew up with the Food Pyramid, you've got a lot of misinformation about food. Granted, seeking out more accurate info involves some level of motivation.

>> No.15413161

macro and micro nutrients don't lead to obesity
overeating for years on end does
everyone is fat because they are lazy gluttons
no shit fast food and processed bagged food is terrible for you and preys on your desires
you're still doing it knowingly and willingly, and you're overeating too

>> No.15413162

>if you're not willing to do even the slightest to change you deserve your fate
Except that we advanced far enough in medicine that we can keep these people alive as long as possible
Instead of submitting obese people to rehab centers and teaching them about health we can more easily just surgically remove fat and hook them on subscription meds that force their heart to pump even though all it wants to do is give up underneath the mountain of fat

>> No.15413169


We keep extending the lives of people without asking if we should and to what effect of society

>> No.15413173

japs have the same kind of foods lining their convenience stores(rice is the easiest shit to overeat)
but they actually show restraint and don't eat like fucking pigs

>> No.15413182

>everyone is fat because they are lazy gluttons
Okay. Where did all the lazy gluttons come from? It's not genetic, because a century ago nobody was this fat.
You aren't thinking about systemic causes, you're thinking about individuals. Any individual person can stop being fat at any time, but shortsightedness like yours is why we can't fix the actual root of the problem and get MOST people to stop being fat.

>> No.15413188

>everyone is fat because they are lazy gluttons
a century ago people moved their bodies and yes this food wasn't widely available no shit
people wan't to take the easiest route available
and that means not caring and over eating
doesn't help that it's becoming more socially acceptable too
it's an individual psyche that's become normalized
blame everyone but the individual though

>> No.15413192

Japan used to be considered fatter than the US during the 90's. They even tried trying to reclassify Japanese fat as not fat until the US dominated the world in fat bodies.

>> No.15413195

I'll be honest when I visited Japan I was surprised at how much carbs they eat. There's rice and/or noodles in almost every meal, and much of the rest is either meat/fish, beans/onions or some seaweed. Most of the days I ended up buying those salad bags from 7-11 just to have some vegetables in my diet.
It might be related to how ads are not as deeply ingrained in jap culture but I have no idea. Either they were able to control the intensity of ads more closely or that rice and noodles are filling enough, and seaweed and fish are nutrient dense enough so that they're not hungry most of the day.

>> No.15413200

S o y

>> No.15413206

if your voraciously hungry it's because you made an active choice to over eat till the point of gluttony for fucking years
being fat is a self discipline issue keep blaming muh society marxist freak

>> No.15413210

Japan stated the same while the US changed. Some people blame soda, poor diets, less excersize, and others blame immigration as in the us let the flood gates open during the 90's along a huge influx of illegals, and that fucked up the overal statistics consistently until we are where we are today. My opinion is that it's all of it.

>> No.15413387

>macro and micro nutrients don't lead to obesity
>overeating for years on end does
They're not unrelated. Eating more nutritious food provides you with a stronger sensation of fullness. Not understanding macros can easily lead to over or undereating. It means you can reach your ideal calorie consumption without meeting your body's needs.

>> No.15413402

I live in a white state, and it's pretty damn fat, but ya, poor people are fat. None of my rich white friends are fat. Literally not one.

>> No.15413408

tell your poorfag friends to stop being gluttons

>> No.15413845

I forgot that grains, peanut butter, milk, eggs, and nuts are luxury goods.

>> No.15413859

It's the hormones and toxins in food these days

>> No.15413936

convenience culture, avg people dont educate themselves on nutrition or fitness, easy food and low activity makes you fat

>> No.15413946

everyone should be growing their own food

>> No.15414475

My brother is skinny-ripped (like parkour body) but he eats a good amount of fast food. He just works out + cardio a ton. I've never been fat either. I work a desk job, typically skip lunch. I generally cook my own food. My breakfast is 99% porridge with berries, while my dinner varies from pan chicken pizza, roast potatos, salad (light homemade dressings of primarily oil/vinegar) /frozen veg, frozen gyoza, occasional deenz/steak. Often if I feel I've been eating a lot, I take a break and fast for a day. Some people can't even skip a meal. I remember one particularly obese girl would always get sweet baked goods before class.

>> No.15414531


>> No.15415051

first gen African immigrants i've met are all intelligent, kind, funny, hard working, devout and chill. Total bros, all of them

Then again I haven't crossed paths with any minnesota somalis.

the rest of da blacks are cringe.

Mexicans work hard and play sports but in America they eat garbage and drink soda so they get fat. its a shame

>> No.15415057

Basically if you cannot afford fish and meat in america you are fucked

every man should work to afford this comfortably and the state should subsidize meat instead of fuckin basedbean oil and grain

>> No.15415071

But meat is cheap as fuck here

>> No.15415153

I have a few Somali friends from the northeast, not from Minnesota. They’re all wonderful.

In fact, I live in a city with a lot of African immigrants and they contribute so much culturally and economically to this city. I love when the racists here accuse them of committing crime because you can just point to the stats that it’s white trash locals who are responsible for all the violent crime.

>> No.15415176

Because /fit/ and /fa/ are the gayest boards, even gayer than the literal gay board. They may be a little tsundere for each other but everyone else can see how much you two love each other.

>> No.15415179

Poor people don't have this issue actually. Right now many families are getting 500+ a month in food stamps over corona, before that mine was getting just under 300 a month. This is plenty for meat for your family, it is just that most families on ebt are buying junk food because they like the way it tastes and how little effort it takes to prepare. The middle class unironically has a harder time affording healthy food, more than the poor. Poor people are just making poor choices no surprise.

>> No.15415198

every other answer is wrong

>> No.15415215

>The middle class unironically has a harder time affording ________, more than the poor.
you're a fucking retard

>> No.15415220

Yes, when it comes to food at least. Poor people are given a lot for food, and its on something that can only be used on food. The middleclass has to budget food expenses more than the poor does because the poor has that subsidized for them. And thats just from food stamps. Do you have any idea at all how much a food a food bank will give to a poor family on top of their ebt? Why the fuck do you think the lower class is also the fattest?

>> No.15415241

>doesn't know about the American spicnig cycle
The lower class in America has so much fucking food. They get hundreds of dollars month to buy just about anything they want from the grocery store. What do they buy? Junk food, soda, candy, a shopping cart filled to the brim with junkfood. These people get so much in food stamps they unironically could afford steak every single night. And thats just food stamps, there are many more programs designed to stuff the poor with as much food as possible. While the poor are struggling to keep their money, they certainly aren't struggling to get fat as the numbers clearly show.

>> No.15415248

anybody middle class can afford a food budget way above ebt/wic levels
literally everyone can go to the food bank, they don't check your fucking w-2
>Why the fuck do you think the lower class is also the fattest?
being healthy is too expensive

>> No.15415263
File: 132 KB, 966x714, Food Deserts 1_0918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never heard of food deserts, most poor people's grocery stores are convenience stores

>> No.15415268

>being healthy is too expensive
From what I understand the way you don't get fat is to eat less. How is eating less food expensive?

>> No.15415272

you're fat, you have no idea how to be thin

>> No.15415274

>anybody middle class can afford a food budget way above ebt/wic levels
Show me a single middle class family of three that has a monthly food budget of over $500 a month plus the other hundreds of dollars worth of food a food bank gives away.

>> No.15415276

I am not fat, and the only way to be thin is not eating too much food. it's not rocket science bro.

>> No.15415285

Thats not true at all, places like Walmart practically lives off of welfare so clearly the poor are able to make their way to real grocery stores just fine, especially if you live in a city.

>> No.15415290

my family is 4, but yeah

>> No.15415299

But no. The average middle class monthly grocery budget is... $800 on groceries and dining out (which includes the supermarket tab, toiletries and supplies for three cats). Now keep in mind, this budget is also for things food stamps can not buy. You can easily get $700+ dollars worth of free food as a lower class american. In food alone, not including non edible expenses and the much more expensive option of eating out.

>> No.15415315
File: 92 KB, 612x640, 82f4e3329bb282d6db529cf736214b80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d Walmart makes $14.7 billion a year in profit and $482 billion a year in total revenue. I really don't think they "Live off Welfare" that just seems like anecdotal evidence.

Either way the food deserts are proven real, I don't want to wave it around as "The main reason poor people are unhealthy" but i definitely think it has an effect and is worth mentioning.

>> No.15415323

Here is what you are not considering, the middle class family can cut into their food budget to move that money to other expenses. You can not take money from your giBT to put into other expenses. The money is there to spend on food and can not be used to buy anything but food. So while a middle class family may cut back on their $500 a month grocery budget to help them with another financial burden, meaning they purchase less food to eat the lowerclass family, no matter their hardships, will ALWAYS have the same budget for food every month no matter what and you can bet your ass they drain it down to pennies every single month because there is no reason for them not to. They are encouraged to eat and eat and eat as a result. Rest assured, the reason poor people are fatter is because they have absolutely no reason NOT to be.

>> No.15415328

i would say definitely american food products have gotten generally more unhealthy because its cheaper. Also unhealthy food that is "cheap" is put at the forefront. i.e wendy's 4 for 4 or some shit (i want to argue that cooking for urself is always cheaper but i digress). People used to smoke way more too and now that its known that smoking is bad people just eat when they are bored rather than smoke (little theory of mine) obviously those things are not the sole reason. I'd say to an extent modernity has also made us more sedentary in general. list goes on and on

>> No.15415332

Walmart gets about $13 billion yearly from customers using SNAP alone, practically living off of it may have been an exaggeration for sure but that is a huge hunk. That is their almost equal to their yearly profit. Without it they would not be making much profit.

>> No.15415339

based statement, public school meals are just making kids fatter, because they are so calorie dense for their portion sizes. When I was in HS i stopped eating school lunch and actually put effort into somewhat more healthy balanced lunches and noticed changes immediately.

>> No.15415341

law of thermo dynamics can not be broken by ur body therefor cico stands

>> No.15415344

>Without it they would not be making much profit.
Its more than you realize. What you just said basically means if SNAP were to get thanos snapped Walmart would start to sink, hard. They would have to cut costs by a lot to make up for it. They would still make it, but it would be a great wound, one that may cripple them permanently. They would lose so much leverage as a company.

>> No.15415345

if you cant afford food you're poor, not middle class

>> No.15415348

Middle class is defined by how much you make yearly, not how you budget what you made yearly.

>> No.15415362

I was a lunch lady and I can confirm this is a major issue. I worked elementary middle and high schools, the portions were the same everywhere. The food too with some exceptions. It actually gets worse after elementary because you can eat burgers and pizza every day. Not that mainline ever served anything nutritional.

>> No.15415374

Whats funny is when people think it would totally be a good idea to get rid of welfare when doing that would send the entire country into chaos and ruin instantly because many of these businesses can not live without it. It would be an economic bloob bath. But I guess some people think that would be a good thing.

>> No.15415495

I don't think pretending this country can survive much longer that way is even harder cope

The white tax base is shrinking and no other race that is tax positive (Asians) is picking up the slack you hear the call and celebration of whites becoming a minority in the country but so goes the source of funding for these social programs.....I think the newest estimates is in the next 50 years.

This is basic facts and any denial is a again cope

>> No.15415501

Is anything but even harder cope*

>> No.15415511

Where are all these hard working Mexicans

I keep hearing about them but I think everyone confuses the for cheap labor since they left a shitty country with horrible infrastructure to come here and as you say drink soda get fat and become a bill for us.

Everyone must think subconsciously whites are super human if that earns you a stereotype of working hard.

>> No.15415535

the middle class is what is tax positive and dying, not white people. poor people don't have anything and the rich are heavily subsidized

>> No.15415563

One word: Fructose.

>> No.15415598

TV and video games were unironically better in the 80s and the internet is a double edged sword. It's done a lot of good, but it's arguably done more bad for the human race.

>> No.15415602

blacks aren't middle class

>> No.15415608

No bud the white race and Asians as a whole are the only tax positive demographics in the US do you know what that means ? as well the middle class shrinking co insides withe white decline almost exactly.

You simply are ignoring the facts

Why is there no minority white or Asian country taking in enough tax base to compete and why are living standards in all counties with a shrinking white demographic going down with them?

>> No.15415609
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That's your problem, looking at average doesn't prove anything.
In fact it could just mean that there are a bunch of anorexics as well as fatasses which make the average lower even though overall attractiveness is down the gutter.

>> No.15415614


No non white MAJORTY country provides this level of welfare and social safety nets....is it just cultural lmfao

>> No.15415619

This is your mind on anti science

So it's more accurate to just trust anecdotes?

Is that your argument or is it the only logical non biased answer to not make any assumptions ever again about anyone....you pick and hold up your end

>> No.15415625

Seethe fatty

>> No.15415628

I doubt you live anywhere near blacks or Mexicans boomer yet you still complain

>> No.15415632

fuck you asking /fa/ for, half these anons have potbelly and/or chub fetishes

>> No.15415633

Who makes up the bulk of the middle class?

>> No.15415640

race is not an economic demographic and it's not even a good proxy. if you refuse to consider the reality of a class based society you should at-least consider geography or religion, rural folks and catholics are tremendously expensive in a modern context

>> No.15415648

You absolute nigger minded brainlet.

I am not doubting your statement that blacks and hispanics are shorter and fatter on average. I'm saying that average doesn't say anything about underweight anorexics or overall average bodyfat percentage or bone structure or a host of other factors that could make you look good or bad so to use these numbers to make a judgement on the attractiveness of race doesn't make any sense.

It's not accurate to trust anecdotes either so it leads me to believe that this sort of argument is useless and there can be no winner.

>> No.15415657

the children of middle class parents. the whitest class is wealthy social parasites that are destroying the country and planet

>> No.15415662

Its very simple, one race is a higher class on average. The lower races are stuck in poverty for a number of reasons on average and unable to climb up the ladder. The white race is dying out, as well as the middle class along with it because white people made up the bulk of that class. Once they are gone the lowerclass will not suddenly become middle class, they will remain lower class. You will simply have a wider gap between the poor and the rich with a middle class that is practically non-existent. When whites of America are gone so too is the middle class of this country.

>> No.15415670
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20200718_013041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not fat and hate fat people where did you get anything else from my post?

>> No.15415676

the middle class isn't dying out or being overrun, we're being impoverished by the wealthy. I don't give a fuck about welfare, I care that I do twice the work someone with my job did 40 years ago thanks to automation and computers and I get paid less.

>> No.15415679

Again that would have to take into your feeling on the fact no one even said anything about attraction I mentioned literal biological objective metrics

If you think obese people can be good looking if you think short people can be and so forth is up to you I am simply pointing out OP and his assumption of how we use to be thinner

Among other things minorites have pushed out average obesity rates height and iq down this is objective based on averages

You seem to of got triggered somewhere and I never suggesting some people think big Is beautiful

>> No.15415681

I can care about both since they hold us hostage politcally financially to them and allow the race based politics of those groups to dominate the discussion

>> No.15415682

to move back towards /fa/, I'd like to change the topic to will you please shave that mess

>> No.15415685

Cool it with the anti-antisemitism.

>we aren't dying out
>they are just impoverishing us out of the middle class life style!

>> No.15415687

Don't think big is beautiful*

>> No.15415690

The middle class is dying out. Every year it shrinks. What else is shrinking with it? Oh right. The white race that made up the bulk of that class lel

>> No.15415692

The extreme majority of the MIDDLE CLASS is white people....

>> No.15415693

this is bullshit, and i say this as someone who grew up on food stamps and had food stamps as a young adult. i grew up in baltimore and portland, maine and then had food stamps myself when i was living in brooklyn. maine is by far the best place in terms of your money going far but when my family was at its poorest we regularly ate rice and beans several nights a week to stretch the ebt money as far as it could go.

in brooklyn i got 154/month as a single person and it was far from adequate to feed myself. luckily farmers markets in new york give you 2x the value if you purchase with food stamps so i got most of my produce at a market.

can't speak to baltimore, i'm not sure my parents had ebt while we lived there actually. but i have a friend in detroit who says that groceries there are insanely overpriced.

basically the $ amount might seem excessive but the cost of living in these large cities is completely fucked so most working poor people don't actually get what they need in ebt money. it definitely helps, however.

>> No.15415694

I will it's all quarantine mess

I have no problem with your observation tho

>> No.15415697

are you claiming 700/month in ebt money? because if so that is completely false. unless you're factoring in food from the food bank as well?

>> No.15415698

>this is bullshit, and i say this as someone who grew up on food stamps and had food stamps as a young adult.
And I say this as someone currently on it and can clearly see there is way too much being given away. Not just what they give to my family, but others. Have you ever been to a food bank? Let me tell you the people that go there look like they need to go food bankrupt.

>> No.15415699


Notice how OWS was imediatly shuttled and called our as being too white and the worst turn of race politics since the 60s followed and dominate the national discussion

If any of you are old enough to remember

>> No.15415705

>are you claiming 700/month in ebt money?
>>worth of free food
Obviously not just including EBT because we SHOULDN'T just include EBT when factoring in how much $$$ worth of food the poor family can receive very easily.

For the reccord my family of three gets about $500(corona bonus) and I stopped going to food banks because they literally give you too much food to even store. But let me tell you, when you are working this system for everything you can get out of it you get a LOT.

>> No.15415706

This would not be a problem if people of color were not prevented from ascending to the middle and upper middle class.

>> No.15415707

How are they prevented?

>> No.15415713

They aren't if you can prove a instance of it my Jewish lawyer will give us both a finders fee

Let's do this

>> No.15415714

>The middle class is dying out. Every year it shrinks. What else is shrinking with it? Oh right. Wages

>> No.15415715

do you live outside of a large city? we were certainly not food-rich when i was a kid and in new york my food stamps never covered my entire grocery bill for the month...

i have never been to a food bank, however. i believe that there is a ton of food given away there.

>> No.15415718

>i didn't eat any meat until i was 18
>i have never effortlessly looked like the guy in the tank top
i wonder why

>> No.15415724

I like this cope that still ends in the welfare state collapsing but you just really really don't want to see it as racial

Either way my point is this shit is going to crash indefinitely and you have offered no insight or actual tangible strategy and the ones in power are pointing at race just not the at anyone else but whites to fix this......

>> No.15415729

I live right outside of austin, round rock area. I wouldn't say its large, but maybe dense with people. And that was when you were a kid, remember, so much changes in such a short amount of time anon. The poor eat better than ever these days.

Oh and food banks. Let me tell you these are the one of the easiest things to work in our system. You can hit up multiple banks in a day and get an emergency basket from each one, no questions asked.

>> No.15415737

>the rich and powerful aren't important or influential, it's the poorest minorities who are really running the show

>> No.15415739

>i have never been to a food bank, however. i believe that there is a ton of food given away there.
I have worked at and used foodbanks. Its absolutely ridiculous. Stores have so much waste to donate they have no real choice but to give as much as they can away.

>> No.15415749

mostly sugar

>> No.15415753



Black middle class communities have regularly been burnt down or written out of existence by racist city planners. Tulsa Black Wall Street, Central Park was formerly a black middle class neighborhood, as was black bottom in Detroit (not lafayette park townhouses)

Black families were prevented from purchasing homes during the red lining era. Homes owned by black families in their own neighborhoods were then subjected to over policing and the drug war, meaning that they did not appreciate in value at the same rate as homes in white neighborhoods.

Racist charters of small towns and suburbs prevented black people from owning homes outside of the city, so black people never got the chance as a group to own homes in the suburbs and avoid paying city property taxes.

Black families were never allowed to create multi generational wealth - a white kid is far more likely to be able to borrow money from a grandparent than a black kid, who most likely will need to rely on high interest credit card debt in order to pay for things like college, a car, down payment, emergency rent, etc.

Black people were largely kept out of the most aggressive social programs of the 20th century, such as the New Deal, which is heralded as lifting many out of poverty and into the new middle class.

The GI bill benefits were largely distributed within white communities as well.

There's so much more, but those are some examples of how black people have been held back from building wealth in this country

>> No.15415757

>The rich and powerful don't import thousands of tax liabilities and tell us it's better for us.

You keep ignoring why the national news is about a poor powerless minorites politics and not the powerful rich elite who you agree are the issue

Instead it's wall to wall reporting these corporations and their CEOs and politicans of all levels support them and this is what needs national attention......

>> No.15415759

Yes and many more blacks and memebers of non white races then even existed in the US bakc then since have moved into the middle class.....

>> No.15415763

>took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921
You got any post civil rights examples?

>> No.15415764

lolwut. you can eat a high protein diet without eating meat.


> so much changes in such a short amount of time anon. The poor eat better than ever these days.

good point. although trump was bragging about kicking people off food stamps a while back, but you cant trust anything he says really. As for food banks I'll probably hit them up next time I need to. I am really riding high off this rona unemployment tho.

>> No.15415769

>in food bank getting gibs
>they have a limit on how much of what kind of item you can bag(still a lot)
>cheez-its listed as a bread and I can use the entire bread budget on cheez-its
Lol, murica

>> No.15415771

Poor people come into the country and within less than a generation become middle class

again you are pointing to shit that has since been eliminated and other with less knowledge of our culture and worst conditions have come and out preformed these families

>> No.15415781

>trump was bragging about kicking people off food stamps a while back, but you cant trust anything he says really.
Some people honestly deserve it, but trump would never hurt giBT because too many of his richfuck friends companies benefits from it

>> No.15415786

the national news isn't politics, it's news. Politics is politics. Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump are more important to my food budget than black lives, let alone black lives matter, and they're rich whites.

>> No.15415793
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I guess I got to drop a hard red pill here

This combined with the unique level of self hate we see in leftist whites that NO other group even their allies of color report

As well as the fact only a minority of whites vote Democrat is cope proof evidence any leftist white you meet is most likely mentally ill

All cope will be from white savior complex and imply everyone else is weird and not Just WHITE LIBERALS

It will be in be cope that everyone else does not seek mental health or lies about it and are less tolerant they will ignore they are implying EVERY OTHER demographic is doing something wrong

>> No.15415794

What's your point exactly? I'm not arguing that the black middle class doesn't exist, I'm arguing that it is difficult for black families to build wealth at the same rate as white families.

Sure, I do, but black middle class neighborhoods that were torn down throughout the first half of the 20th century are important to keep in mind because cities today are so deeply segregated -- and it wasn't an accident or a case of people preferring to stick to their own kind.


Here's an example of a post civil rights case of the sort of housing discrimination that was so prevalent in America and how a racist city council can prevent black people from accessing the conditions that might allow them to build wealth.

But also, why does it matter? The fact of the matter is that many black families are too debt burdened to ever exit the working class at this point. Intergenerational wealth and intergenerational debt behave quite similarly - it grows and grows and grows and casts a lasting shadow beyond the individual's life.

>> No.15415795
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>> No.15415797

It's not harder then anyone at all since in the same time others in worse conditions do and beat whites see Asians who have only been here less then a generation

Your making excuses

>> No.15415800

Again your really disingenuous but then ask yourself why Nancy the Dem party and as a result Trump's major discussion all have to be framed by race

Literally no talk ever about the actual issue you see at the top instead we are forced to discuss the racial break down of covid or micro agressions and implicit bias In a country where on of the best selling books is called white fragility.....

You really aren't saying anything

>> No.15415804
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>> No.15415807

But how do you expect families who were prevented from ever building wealth to begin with to suddenly overcome the debt they are burdened with, family ties that keep them in expensive areas, and persistent racism in higher education/hiring to somehow become middle class?

Of course there are black people who become middle class or wealthy. I'm just saying that the wealth gap exists because of discrimination in access to housing/credit/etc two generations ago or less. It's not that it will never change, but there has to be some historical cause for a very real wealth gap, right??

This is true although I would argue that there are intergenerational causes for a failure to accumulate wealth that exist as well. No one's starting from 0 as much as this country claims to have evolved beyond a euro-style class system.

Also it cannot be a coincidence that African and Caribbean immigrants aren't doing as well in this country as their asian and european counterparts?

>> No.15415808
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>everyone else is weird but WHITE leftist.

>> No.15415814

>Literally no talk ever about the actual issue you see at the top instead we are forced to discuss
discuss whatever you fucking want, the news you see on TV is not the policies and actions of our government. Nobody says shit about race at my union meetings, because we all have the same job so why the fuck would we

>> No.15415815


I think you're spiralling on this idea of a "Mental Health Condition" meaning you're incapable of thought, when in reality they probably just got diagnosed with anxiety.

I mean this chart doesn't really take into account that, at least speaking for most black people that we are way less likely to seek the help of a mental health doctor, so it makes sense our numbers would be low.

If anything this chart just says who feels comfortable going to a therapist or not.

>> No.15415817

Actually African immigrants are doing better then some white immigrants and some Asians but averages again show a difference but we can't have a real discussion why because you would never accept people have different averaging ability over race.

Many indians for instance although Asian can be easily seen as just as undesirable to a racist person as a African and to the uneducated assumes to be related but they told out perform whites

>> No.15415826

Asians have been subjected to discrimination in the history of this country but I still believe that red lining has a lot to do with why black families were never allowed the chance to keep up with white families. Poverty was widespread in this country after WWII and white people were granted benefits through the GI bill, new deal, and jobs programs like the civilian conservation corps. Black people were overwhelmingly left out of these and allowed to remain in the poverty that white families were lifted out of.

On top of that red lining prevented families from owning homes in neighborhoods where they were likely to appreciate in value, and they were kept out of the suburbs entirely.

Honestly I'm very curious to see what happens with all the major cities gentrifying. If there is post coronavirus white flight it might be a repeat of the 70s and 80s.

>> No.15415829

No you are failing to see the connection of the second chart and the in out group biases

Again EVERY OTHER DEMOGRAPHIC even black leftist do not think like white LEFTIST

And you are here implying everyone else is lying not seeking help or doing something wrong

These are their personal feelings that make them a anomaly not just the diagnoses you are focusing on that

Why does everyone think differently then a white leftist and how is that not wired without implying others doing something wrong?

>> No.15415830

Black people can get a scholarship with a lower GPA, blacks can get loans with bad credit, blacks get subsidized food housing utilities even phones. Yet you still think the issue is we aren't giving them enough? Bullshit. The issue with the black community is the black community itself. Being smart, respectful, etc is considered "acting white" and they are bullied accordingly. You are kept down by other black people more than anything. You wouldn't know anything about the toxic behaviors the black community harbors because you are not a part of it. You really think we, as a community, hold no responsibility for the way things are?? Do you think us black people are so fucking helpless and stupid we can't be held responsible for when we commit a crime, drop out of school, and all that? Fuck you. People like you playing into this victim complex that is ruining the minds and motivation of my people are one of the enemies to my people.

>> No.15415831
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>> No.15415834
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>> No.15415841

I would be interested in reading more about African immigrants outperforming white and asian immigrants in areas like accumulating wealth and building equity. It might be that the statistics I've reviewed are based on raw demographic data, but please do point me to somewhere I could learn about the economics of African immigrants .

For the record I don't think people are entirely a product of their luck of the draw in terms of their demographic category. And there are also factors that are more important than race. For example Appalachian whites are among the poorest people in this country, and have been kept down for generations by agricultural, foresting, and oil companies. Although no one would claim this is because they are white.

So it has more to do with how wealth functions over a series of many generations than with what type of person you happen to be... And the fact that many black americans live in expensive cities and do not own property (and likely never will, at least where they are from) has a lot to do with why they are unable to build wealth over time.

>> No.15415855

In the 1950s and 1960s black people in key american metropolises were prevented from owning property. In 2020 the echos are these racist policies is still palpable in American cities.

Affirmative action was not instated until 1998. So let's give it a few more years and see if it truly makes a difference in terms of lifting black people out of inter generational poverty.

For what it's worth I believe that every group of people in America who has been allowed class mobility has been given help either because of a generous government program like the new deal, or because of the labor movement.

>> No.15415857

All meat is insanely subsidized in America. No one, except the richest among us, would be able to buy meat otherwise.

>> No.15415858

Cool it's not white fault and brining in more tax negative demographics is not going to fix that and the national discussion is so obsessed with race and removed from this issue that the issue won't be fixed and the tax base will collapse and the welfare state die as the literal point that started this discussion...

Educate yourself you just talked into a circle

>> No.15415861

You can't buy a lot of junk food on food stamps. You can't buy any with WIC bucks.

>> No.15415863


>> No.15415867

I can't speak for Chicago, but there are no Walmarts in LA. There are no supermarkets period in some areas. That's what a food desert is.

>> No.15415880

That is plenty of time to see change, and there has been change thanks to it many blacks escaped the ghetto thanks to it, however the issue you are failing to understand is what black culture actually is, what black culture has become. No amount of free rides will make blacks rise up and beyond if the black community stick to their terribly toxic, victim complex culture. You grow up being told by everyone you are down because of racist, you are never getting out because of racist, guess what? They don't even try. They give up without a fight because their entire lives they are fed this bullshit about how hopeless and hard it is.

>> No.15415882

Yeah, I purposely opt out of WIC so I get more in foodstamps.

>> No.15415893

>the internet is a double edged sword. It's done a lot of good, but it's arguably done more bad for the human race.
Social Media for sure is worse. It has only negatively affected peoples outlook on life more than positive. It has made people more depressed about their lives, body, wealth, whatever more than it has inspired people to make changes. Thats my opinion. The internet does go hand in hand with social media but i guess if we get more specific.

>> No.15415896

Family of three is getting 500+ in gibs from SNAP right now. That is a lot of junk food.

>> No.15415905

there are walmarts in la

>> No.15415906

Not him

I think most would say the whites who stay in those condition are doing so either due to low intelligence naturally and or don't mind it as much as they protest infact that is the common liberal argument that these people have social mobility and therefore are not actually as at risk as minorities therefore you don't here about them much when it comes time for gibs.

It's funny how that works huh it's like they subconsciously think whites have more agency.

>> No.15415912
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Nobody wants to Live like White People, Because white people have awful lives

>> No.15415914

this shit is damning.

>> No.15415927

>therefore are not actually as at risk as minorities therefore you don't here about them much when it comes time for gibs.
yeah, I'm sure the reason you "here" less about white people on welfare is that nobody cares about white people, not that you're being race baited into tolerating the destruction of our society

>> No.15415928

I wasn't aware being polite and a good functioning member of society was strictly a white thing but many people seem to think it is. I like to think of as a "being a decent person" thing rather than a race thing.

>> No.15415933

Right. The reality is too complex for most people to understand. black/white people are not monoliths

>> No.15415935

A few exist in the city limits, with a few more in neighboring cities. It's LA though, so it's hard to tell what is and isn't in the city.

>> No.15415938


Why would I want to be a "good functioning member" of a society that is broken in so many ways. Kinda just sounds like being a pushover

>> No.15415940

>polite, well functioning, and decent
>white people
Okay, Karen.

>> No.15415952
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Online liberals are funny when they get into all this mental gymnastics to excuse minorities but then we just watched and are watching nationally the media and politicans on the left hype up and support some of the most high risk behavior using the most disingenuous reasoning to the point they had medical professionals in on it that blacks have ever faced and then like kikes use the result to back handily cry for more help in their communities that funnels back their already failing Dem state governments

Keep gathering right keep protesting but the bad white people won't wear a mask

>> No.15415954

The ZOG. All problems that are unique to America or more profound in America is because of the ZOG. Indirectly they cause all the problems.

>> No.15415956
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>> No.15415960
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>> No.15415969
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Tell us more about how allowing leftist to lecture us on the state of minorities and their responsibility should ever be tolerated again

Mass death and infection self caused likethis negates all excuses and or responsibility whites have to help them.

>> No.15415971

Came here to say this.

>> No.15415978
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>> No.15415981


So Essentially all you want to say is "White Leftist are Weird".

I mean no shit

>> No.15415994


White People are Constantly Breaking the Law too and their not just all around congenial and nice, theres so many white assholes, just look at all the videos of white people flipping shit n the subway. If you're in the wrong state it's pretty easy to get a white guy to grab his gun.

Stop Projecting these stereotypes, because it just bullshit, yes black people aren't beacons of goodness, but white people are just as fucked up, they just get arrested less.

If white youth got pulled over as much as black youth and actually got searched for drugs and illegals, trust me, there'd be way more white people in prison

>> No.15415995

Can confirm black community is a crabs in the bucket fucking nightmare to grow up in. A lot of people don't understand the most hostile thing to us blacks is, well, us blacks lol black lives matter ONLY to white people it seems. God forbid if you are a york peppermint patty of the ghetto.

>> No.15416010

See there it is again, ignoring the biggest issue among black people, that black people are hostile to each other on another level compared to other races. You white boys have absolutely no idea what it is like being black in the ghetto. Y'all have no idea how bad things really are and you will never truly understand unless you grow up black in the ghetto like I did. My boy is going to a middle class school with mostly whites, never has he ever been called a racial slurred or even bullied. But me growing up? Very different much more hostile environment. All because life in yhe ghetto is a very different environment.

>> No.15416021

>the real problem is that I was bullied as a child
grow up, you fucking baby

>> No.15416023

I blame snacks availability and dietary / lifestyle before the age of 20.
This is noticeable even here in Italy, the generation that grow up towards the end of the war and in the immediate aftermath were very lean and masculine, while the boomers had lost that already.
In the early 90s, the post soviet east european youth was like that again, they looked like 50s italians.

>> No.15416027

Nigga, if you don't think the sheer amount of bullying blacks do to other blacks growing up isn't a problem you are very damn ignorant. And it isn't just the amount of bullying, its the level of bullying.

>> No.15416039

get a load of this guy
fuck tourist in his own house

>> No.15416040


In general, it seems that for hormonal/chemical reasons it was just easier being skinnier adjusting for diet. That, along with how much sugar is in modern foods (even things that one wouldn't expect), the availability of sweeteners and meat through subsidies, and there's a recipe for disaster.

>> No.15416043

Yes and it should be looked into further

How much does I ring true for the average leftist you meet much less the prominent celebrities ones who claim what ever snow flake mental illness one day and turn around and want to tell you how to live your life the next...

Again the demographic with the most obession with change and gatekeeping Information and censorship and the power to do so are the most far from how everyone else thinks...

>> No.15416049

He doesn't get it and he never will cuz. The bullying in the black community is so extreme it's just pumping out unempathetic sociopaths constantly, thats the real reason its so fucked. You are relentlessly bullied until you die or you break and stop being human. That's what growing up black in the ghetto is like and they can't connect the fucking dots.

>> No.15416053


Let's get back to /fa/

>> No.15416057

are you unfashionable or poor or hungry because of bullying?

>> No.15416074

Does being bullied constantly growing up affect a persons mental being? Do you think that being beat every day on a regular basis is going to do anyone any good, or is it more likely to do them harm? And most importantly, I am not talking about some wedgie tier bullying. I am talking about being beat stabbed shot stalked etc

>> No.15416082

When you think of "bullying", what comes to your mind, oh innocent cracka?

>> No.15416088

This Jesus Christ This

We are watching the black community and their democratic allies inflict self harm onto their own communities at levels nothing white flight red lining etc. Have done to them in over 50 years.

The debate is over the script has been flipped and the news want to talk about trump supporters and white people not wearing masks in Costco.

>> No.15416097

Statisticaly no

Again your using anecdotes because you have a chip on your shoulder to suggest parity or even more criminality in whites but looking at Asians for instance you would have to imply they are the best at hiding there criminality or that only them but got for bid whites have a natrual inclination for civility.....

>> No.15416101


>> No.15416114

In the ghetto you are one of two people;
The ones doing the bullying.
The ones getting bullied.
Those who bully bully to a sociopathic extent. For them to be able to do this to another man is because they lack empathy. They are practically not even human anymore, just a violent beast. Those who get bully come out one of three ways,
1)they develop sociopathic tendencies themselves because they grow jaded that no one showed them empathy, so they won't show any themselves. They become a sociopathic bully. They become a new predator in the negrosystem
2)they fight tooth and nail against every odd, despite the harshness of their peers and get out
3)you die

>> No.15416130

You don't need to hide if nobody actively seeks you.

>> No.15416138

Do you have any actual proof whites are just as violent per capita as blacks or do you want to die on this rock with no supporting evidence?

>> No.15416141

Except they do the police go where the crime is where calls are made of they got to choose where the patrol they would go to college campuses full of young white women

They also like money revenue and numbers of they could reliably get more revenue from policing whites kids they would

You are literally trying to say the multi racial police dept is more racist then capitalist

For reference I been to real jail three times in my life and it happens Everytime I go to court. I am the white guy who posted his Lilly white face and live in Baltimore

>> No.15416147

Did you know that cops proportionately shoot a larger percentage of the Whites they encounter than the negroes they encounter?
The reason you guys get shot so often is that even with a police force that looks for a means of defusing the situation on pain of getting fired or possibly jailed, the only viable response to the majority of non-compliant niggershines is a bullet.

>> No.15416148

healthy foods kill cravings once u build the habit of eating healthy and keep you full longer. junk food makes you hungrier and creates cravings because its manufactured to be delicious and cheap

>> No.15416159

I believe blacks are more violent per capita because of a litany of reasons, but none of them are genetics, or culture.

>> No.15416163

Here are three things that likely contributed:

Car culture. People who live in areas that they can easily walk around (New York City, for example) tend not to be as fat. Lots of areas that used to have public transit no longer have those options, requiring people to buy cars, which changes the infrastructure of cities to accommodate said cars and results in much less physical activity on the daily.

Americans also progressively engineered their wheat crops to yield more every harvest, which consequently created a strain of wheat more complex in its carbohydrates, which in turn is more difficult for the body to break down and is consequently stored as fat. Not to mention it makes you drowsier than eating bread made with European flour. This combined with the industrial slog of processing all other foods blah blah blah.

Also, cultures which heavily monetize most facets of life tend to have more overweight people. So that probably contributes.

>> No.15416168


>> No.15416177

Thats debatable and we can have that but your ending in the same mind state it's not anyone else fault either they are actually commiting these crimes and need to fix themselves.

Every thing else is weird as fuck cope

The one major issue is poverty or income being a cause since white people are the gross MAJORTY in poverty therefore no matter what unless the rule does not apply we should commite the gross MAJORTY of violent crime but are beat by a smaller minority not per capita gross crime committed

>> No.15416179

Violent crime committed*

>> No.15416183

As someone who is from that culture, yes. It is our fucking culture you ignorant ass whitey. Look at what we glorify in our culture for fucks sake. Being a criminal is glorified as being some rebel hero.

>> No.15416191

You think a higher percentage of whites are poor than blacks?

>> No.15416196

Any meat-and-potatoes study will tell you this.
Though more blacks are killed by police than Whites, more Whites are killed (per capita) after beginning to resist arrest. Police officers will exhibit more restraint while taking down black suspects because of the pro-black onus placed on them by recent social developments.

>> No.15416215
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>You think a higher percentage of whites are poor than blacks?
That is actually a fact.

>> No.15416224

Not even my point there is a higher amount then blacks as in gross number

So they should commite the gross MAJORTY

I am using these words for a reason and literally said not per capita

>> No.15416234

Damn even I did not know this


Black apologist are pathetic

>> No.15416243

that's not percentage retard

>> No.15416253

Whites are statistically 3-4 times more suicidal than blacks.

>> No.15416254


I also never heard a good reason for the disproportionate rape in the community as a socioeconomic factor.

>> No.15416257


>> No.15416264



>> No.15416266


>Keep gathering keep protesting
these are the Democrats who are telling you how the black community got where they are...

>> No.15416269
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>> No.15416273


>> No.15416274

Cool why is the gross number getting beat by the minority?

>> No.15416278
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The left and blacks themselves have harmed their communities with a impact that will span generations and absolve whites of any responsibility for their place in society after this

>> No.15416282
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Here is my state

But the medical professionals support the protests....

>> No.15416285

When you pool together those in poverty and break it down to race, whites are the majority of people in poverty. Thus, whites are a higher percentage of among those in poverty than blacks.

>> No.15416289
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But why won't white guys wear masks.....

>> No.15416296
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I wonder who will be blamed for the socioeconomic impact of this in ten years.

All those whites going into black homes and forcing them to gather and literally telling them racism is more of a public health issue is surely the cause

>> No.15416297

Because white people eat like shit and have shitty genes

>> No.15416301

But blacks and hispanics have a larger per capita of obesity bro.

>> No.15416315

This is the pavlovian response of watching his entire anti white narrative get btfo.

>> No.15416323

kek, so true
>whyte peepol be like no spices n sheeiiiit. and m-MAYO. boiled chicken and salt. brb I'm finna slide to ZAXBYS

>> No.15416336
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Oh shit are we dumping graphs? Rate mine bros.

>> No.15416349

Yes. 15.7 millions whites are in poverty, 8.9 million blacks in poverty, 10 million Hispanics in poverty, 2 million asians in poverty. The majority of people in poverty are white, followed by hispanics. Whites are the higher percentage of poverty among all races. Now if your brainlet brain used the words RATES and PER CAPITA rather than percentage, you would have a point. Blacks do have higher RATES of poverty, but white people are a higher percentage of those in poverty.

>> No.15416351
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Saved take a mint

>> No.15416367

Dayum, black women are going to collectively create enough mass to affect our earths orbit

>> No.15416374

We'll put.

We all know who will be blamed and with zero shame.

>> No.15416390
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Ted knew a out liberals whites obsession with self hate and the graphs posted earlier are fucking damning

He was a prophet

>> No.15416429

Having higher rates of poverty is enough explanation as it is. Do you think that a 15% increase in poverty should only mean a 15% increase in violent crime? Because thats autistic. Being a minority means 90% of them have to live in heterogeneous areas, and the fact that their particular race is impoverished makes for a powder keg of violent crime factors. Closing the poverty gap really is the first step. And that doesn't mean you handing over your wallet as reparations, like you probably imagine it to be.

>> No.15416502

Why did you literally gloss over the fact whites are the gross MAJORTY by millions at that in poverty more physical people then blacks living in black communities there is no excuse why we would not then commit the gross MAJORTY of violent crime

It's like you purposely circled back to your original btfo point.

>> No.15416506

Almost all to do with food. Cheap trash food is available and Americans over indulge in fast-food. Most Americans don’t use an oven only a microwave. Really not much has to do with «working out» back then few people went to the gym like, while now a days it’s an industry for everyone. Don’t you find it ridiculous that every gym has a snack bar or a smoothie bar and everyone feels like they have to get a smoothie after a workout.

>> No.15416507


>> No.15416549

>Being a minority means 90% of them have to live in heterogeneous areas
Whites simply don't have that risk factor, because they are the majority.

>> No.15416555

That's not a factor since the overwhelming violent crimes they commit are on other blacks.....

>> No.15416558

Says who? Heterogeneity is one of the biggest factors in violent crime rates across the entire planet, regardless of the races involved.

>> No.15416586

Says who? Any data collected on this. The majority of crime committed on blacks is by other blacks. Its an undisputed fact.

>> No.15416590

How would that be quantifiable if they are killing their own community the most?

The more diverse a population the more suicidal or anti self they are?

I dont think you are actually logically thinking about this and are just repeating it

>> No.15416611

Did you know that in 1977 more blacks killed other blacks than the entire 9 years of the Vietnamese war killed our soldiers? Just thought that was interesting.

>> No.15416619

Quick google comes up with multiple studies, but they seem to require accounts. This is a book, less legit, but not blocked at least. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7758/rsf.2017.3.2.06#metadata_info_tab_contents

They basically suggest that 'community' is less important than 'city'. And the fact that no real city of blacks exists, while plenty of cities of whites exist, would explain the violent crime difference.

>> No.15416629

Racist dog whistle to the "good old days" with less diversity and trans inclusiveness. Back to pol, you.

>> No.15416641

So they are killing each other so much... because?

>> No.15416644

None of that make sense since they kill themselves

Are you retarded?

Why would more diversity make you kill your own community more and what implication does that set for the push for more diverse communities?

>> No.15416652

>If we all don't have a (insert race city) and maintain them we will start killing memebers of our own race at disproportionate rates.


>> No.15416653

Omg all this nazi shit. POC die at a higher rate because of white racism. End of discussion.

>> No.15416659

No, as i said, its a factor, and it just ignites the powder keg thats already there. So remove some other factors, like the poverty divide, and ensure it stops exploding.

>> No.15416664
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>> No.15416673

>give us gibs or else we gon explode and kill ourselves in even greater numbers than ever white boi

>> No.15416676

It's not a factor and if not a objectively provable much less causal connection because the end result is them killing a small demographic of their diverse community disproportionately...themselves

If you can't in plain English explain how the are connected and how more diversity results in more killing of your own people I am going to assume you are being disingenuous

>> No.15416697

Thinking that being poor means you only attack the rich is strange. Don't you think it would make you also more likely to do something violent to your neighbor in order to profit?

>> No.15416714

Then why are poor Hispanics not nearly as violent to each other as blacks are to each other?

>> No.15416728

Because they're less segregated, at least in the most violent US cities. Not by law, of course, but by institutional factors, like the rare odd racist in a powerful position, or even just a real estate agent with strong opinions that they keep to themselves.

>> No.15416741

This is your last free btfo

You are either a kid or a stupid nigger

You just said they live in heterogeneous communities as in diverse as in diversity is linked to violent crime now you circled back to their neighbors who are all black or must all be black if it is a simple crime of opertunity

This also ignore the Gross majority of poor are again white and are not commiting the gross MAJORITY of violent crime on their neighbors

Get your shit straight because it's all gay and retarded

>> No.15416744

That's just how they are, as races. Compare South America to Africa.

>> No.15416745

I thought they love in heterogeneous communities?

>> No.15416746

But there are more Hispanics in segregated poor communities than blacks. There are more poor Hispanics than poor blacks. There are no Hispanic own cities, only communities. Why aren't they just as violent among each other as the blacks are to other blacks? Perhaps there is another factor you refuse to address? Perhaps black people lack empathy more than the other races?

>> No.15416748


>> No.15416762

This Fact is So often posted and its bullshit

It doesn't take into account that white are still the majority population, Especially when compared to black people. its 60% to 13%.

>> No.15416768
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I Grew Up around white People doing Crime my Whole Life, This city i grew up in is 90% white and has always been a huge hot bed for white collar and drug crime, I can only bring up so many statistics because the reality is these people get away with it the majority of the time.

>> No.15416770

And your response is such bullshit. You should compare numbers of CRIMINALS, not numbers of that race in the entire nation. Now, what race commits the majority of violent crimes?

>> No.15416778

>the reality is these people get away with it the majority of the time
Prove it

>> No.15416793

South America is 100x better off than Africa

>> No.15416803

I grew up around whites as well and went to jail the first three times I ever went to court.

I went to Towson jail in Baltimore MD for a total of a year between them.

Anecdotes are fun

Police go where crime is there is no unanswered 911 calls all over suburbia

>> No.15416806

The fact a extremely large percentage of every race will never interact with the police as a criminal means you can't use that number and have to look at the percentage that is.

I know math is hard but some of the best mathematicians are non white so you should be able to get this

>> No.15416809
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I mean I feel you must be oblivious if you don't realize how much crime goes unsolved

I'll try and look up some statistics if you want i guess

>> No.15416821

As yes because a crime needs to be solved to be reported

>> No.15416827

you went to court 3 times and still are out walking, I mean what you're bringing up is also anecdotal, but i feel like if anything it shows you got off easy.

>> No.15416830

pfft I've been to court over a half dozen times, maybe a dozen times?
in the end i got my record expunged or pardoned not sure

>> No.15416833

i think i intentionally forget shit, cant be bothered, too lazy to deal

>> No.15416834

or it might be alzheimer shit

>> No.15416844


Either way nobody's getting charged or called out for the Billions of dollars of white collar crimes that go on

>> No.15416850

Weren't you supposed to be collecting evidence or do you just want to babble on without any weight to what you say?

>> No.15416852

but black people have a higher chance of being born into poverty than white people which is the point of adjusting this per capita...

>> No.15416853

Cool and that unquantifiable numbers includes all races....in a country where other races out earn white males...

We are talking about violent crime.....

>> No.15416855

So did the black guy who was out in bail for gun charges and had prior assault charges....

Again you send to agree we need to crack down rite?

>> No.15416856

History. And you're wrong about hispanic cities, there are many cities in america that have a mostly hispanic population, not just communities.

>> No.15416859

Seem to agree*

>> No.15416862

But that is a different argument entirely to what I am replying to. The anon said
>You think a higher percentage of whites are poor than blacks?
Which yes, the hard numbers show the majority of people in poverty are whites. Now what you want to argue is per capita, rates.

>> No.15416867
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People used to be much more frugal even as recently as the 90s. A pair of Diesel jeans were enviable af. $200 Versace or D&G jeans were exuberant. People didn't eat nearly as much junk food, sweets, chips?

>> No.15416872

The following is a list of United States cities, towns and unincorporated areas (Census Designated Places) in which a majority (over 50%) of the population is African American or Black,

>> No.15416874

wtf i'm literally posting a picture of the new york city subway not a corn field with sexy fit shirtless nazis.

>> No.15416883


>> No.15416890
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>30-40 years ago the fattest state was probably skinnier than the skinniest state today

>> No.15416892
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Did you just text me?

>> No.15416899

of course the majority of the people in poverty are white. but i feel like what anon was trying to say is that being born white in american gives you the best chances of not being born into poverty.

coupled with the fact that most urban poverty is intergenerational and comes with a higher rates of debt, lack of access to food, overpriced housing, higher taxes, etc.

just looking at the stats it's pretty apparent that those born black have a greater chance of being born poor. and isn't that what matters to the discussion anyway??

>> No.15416907

See this is that act like a idiot shit I hate

The discussion was poverty being a major cause of black violent crime when if that was a objective link the white race of is the GROSS MAJORITY of impoverished citizens would commit the GROSS MAJORITY of violent crime instead we are beat by a minority not PER CAPITA but literal GROSS AMOUNT

That should not be happening

Jesus Christ

>> No.15416913

Of which*

>> No.15416931

this was about food and obesity in contrast with the time periods and yet you fucks are all going on race rants
ffs y’all are fat and don’t exercise because you’re weak and complacent
i can’t wait for mutated covid-19 to start culling the fat and the weak
it’s the only way to hurt the big corporations since everybody can’t be helped to take care of their own fucking health

>> No.15416936

Dont worry that's happening it just happened to be the most weak and unhealthy are blacks and Hispanics

>> No.15416942

listen i've just been monitoring this thread because it's entertaining. i thought it was worth clearing up that the anon youre arguing with was clearly making a misunderstanding.

as for the violent crime bit i would just argue that overpolicing and black boys being treated like grown men from a much younger age than white boys has something to do with it. and yes, the fact that a generation of black families were shattered by the drug war has something to do with it. the fact that poor black people live in neighborhoods where they make up the overwhelming majority likely has something to do with it. the differences between urban and rural poverty does as well.

and yes, culture likely plays into it as well. culture has something to do with everything after all.

i just think a more important question is what cities ought to do to repair themselves, and for me it begins and ends at allowing black families to build wealth that they are able to pass onto their families. if there was a federal stimulus to encourage black home ownership i think neighborhoods would improve drastically.

in fact, the bed stuy restoration corp lifted many black families out of poverty in the 60s by sponsoring people purchasing and improving dilapidated brownstones. a lot of black people were able to cash in on bed stuy gentrification as a result. not a perfect solution but if more black people weren't kept out of owning property to begin with things would be in better shape, no?

>> No.15416943

Now check those numbers for the other races.

>> No.15416946

lmao don’t act like whites are excluded in this
middle america deserves to be RKO’d into hellfire by big rona

>> No.15416953

No nigger everything you just tried to cope with has been covered it's not poverty it's not communities it's objectively by law easier for niggers to get into schools and jobs and the police kill whites more even when controlled for encounters.

The way they have handled covid and the support they got from the media for it has caused more damage to their communities for more time to come then any policy in 50 years they lost all claim to anyone else helping them.

Again in 10 years when niggers are still at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder will their mass culling during covid while being cheered on by the media be to blame or more white guilt and tax money will be required

>> No.15416955

you sound like a fucking child lol

>> No.15416960

Statistically not as much but yes if we were going that route and being objective yes but we should then end with country of only high quality whites and Asians or you tough guy approach is really half hearted

>> No.15416963

No the guy who hears white collar crime the associates and uses it as somehow suggesting whites are the majority with no evidence in a country where minorities out earn white men is something from the mind of a spitful child

>> No.15416965

They plenty of means to do better, just not the motivation or intelligence. Simple as.

>> No.15416966

But at the top level the figure is 10 fold over in African nations with some of the most corrupt countries in the world and nobody gets charged for it.

>> No.15416972

You are being racist. PERIOD. It's 2020 learn to embrace progression and diversity. It's our future. No time for a racist POS like you. You should be locked up. So much hate and anger in you. VILE!!

>> No.15416973


>> No.15416981

Who gives a fuck how well the others are doing, why can't they have one fucking city where they are the majority that isn't a shit hole?

>> No.15416987

IQ can be a good predictor of crime and success in life. Prison populations will float around the 80 to 85 IQ figure. Being that the average black IQ is roughly around that figure, the answer is obvious.

In a way, white people have caused this. Africa, left on its own, only the strongest and smartest would survive, so over many generations, it's possible the average IQ would have climbed higher.

But because of white meddling, medicine, technology, and aid have made many Africans survive that would not have if left to nature and evolution hence the population explosion. Then factor in the West takes millions of them, provides them with welfare, pays for their children etc. there is no chance for IQ to rise and here we are.

There is no escape from IQ. No matter what you do, what help, what education. Of course nobody will dare to admit such things so the issue will never be solved, what's worse, it will grow and grow and blame will be forever pointed at whites and the divide and hatred will also grow leading to a grim future.

>> No.15416993

A majority black city will have a majority mean IQ of 80. This is why it's impossible for a majority black city to be of high quality.

Meanwhile a minority black city with a white majority always has a higher standard of life as the mean IQ will be around 100.

The answers are so simple but unspeakable.

>> No.15417000
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simple as

>> No.15417001

niggers will rule the world. mathematical facts. unless we come up with a virus

>> No.15417003


>> No.15417009

*ruin the world


>> No.15417015

The roaches will inherit the earth has always been the major school of thought so I guess it's all down stream if you can catch my drift

Truly entropy has taught us a system left alone with degrade into its most chaotic state so as ours break down the chaos actors become more and more prevalent and obvious to see.

>> No.15417064

>Truly entropy has taught us a system left alone with degrade into its most chaotic state so as ours break down the chaos actors become more and more prevalent and obvious to see.


>> No.15417081

You sound like a dumbass. Liberals have no foundation to stand on their claims. They are btfo in free and open debate every time. No amount of cope they come up with will ever justify the sheer fucked upness of black communities, and that these communities have no one to blame but themselves and the liberals enabling and excusing their self destructive culture.

>> No.15417131

>0 walmarts on the west side
Based rich white folx

>> No.15417143

Louder for the people in the back

>> No.15417169

ITT: liberals being education

>> No.15417175
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>> No.15417200


>> No.15417213


>> No.15417215

Slow.down if it was easy as dropping straight red pills we would not do all that foreplay

>> No.15417293


>> No.15417343

Loving every laugh

>> No.15417636


>> No.15417712

Yes there are you liar. And Walmart isn't the only grocery store there that take ebt anyways

>> No.15417738

How is this thread not deleted and am I stupid or is this thread at bump limit but still being bumped?

>> No.15418157

That's a lot of red pills.

>> No.15418167

Why don't you just leave, and go live in bungaville, and live in that perfct society?
There's really no point in stating in a broken society especially when you have the option to leave.

>> No.15418179

>They even tried trying to reclassify Japanese fat as not fat
I vaguely remember this during the 90's early 2000's. Something about Japanese people have more natural fat, or evolved fat like Tibetan's "brown fat" to handle the cold. Japanese always try to make them selves genetically different, and claim that they are actually some kind of superhero.

>> No.15418253

Kinda just sounds like you're looking for any excuse you can to justify acting like a nigger. People like you are whats wrong with society. "Waah waah! The world is broke so I finna to break it more waah!" You are just childish and selfish. You have no desire for anything but being as selfish as possible. You have no desire for the good you will not live to see thrive.

>> No.15418383

>300+ replies in thread
>nobody mentions gut flora

The reason everyone is FAT now is due to massive changes in the gut microbiome of your average American. The changes are mostly due to the increase of plastics in our environment, as well as the increased consumption of processed food. Now, our gut bacteria is unable to break down and process food as efficiently as people who came into adulthood in the 1970s.

Look this up, be informed.
